View Full Version : Does Anyone know about dreams?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Topic started by Denise (@ on Thu Mar 7 20:36:18 .
I have this dream every night for the past few months.I am walking outside,it is warm and the birds are singing.There are flowers every where,Daffadils mostly.I'm very happy and content.When I wake up I feel threatened and wish I could go back to my dream.What do you think?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
I think there was another thread on dreams. I will see if I can find that.
A common belief in Tamilnadu, India is that early morning dreams will come true. It could just be a myth based on some legend. I personally have had a lot of bad dreams in the early morning hours. Therefore I dont want to believe that it will come true.
Otherwise in my opinion (from experience) one kind of dreams are in which what you wish for and long for come true. And who wouldn't wish birds singing, daffodils blooming and being happy and content. And there may be a reason behind your dream. May be you have been and are going through too many things in life for a while now and have been longing for some time to relax. Or, you could have been in some unhappy situation for quite some time and had been wishing that you could change it.
Another kind of dreams I have are usually based on my fears. Could be like snakes attacking me or dangerous-looking strangers trying to rob me or kill me or kill others. Sometimes living people I know have died in my dreams. Sometimes I have died in my dreams and then I take part in my funeral too. Could be based on fears from childhood or fears from living through bad times. I would qualify these kinds of dreams as nightmares. These nightmares are the ones that can have so many unconnected events happening in them and it is very hard to remember the entire dream as it happened.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Hi, Denise,
Not all dreams happens, there is a theory which says, "we dream to satisfy
our inner urges which cannot be satisfied in the physical wrold" Probably
dreaming to be the President of USA, ETC can be categorised as such.
But again, its is also said, dreams are just mental projections of ur soul.
What ur soul wants, is, or plans to be.
What ever it may be, not all dreams come true, It depends, upon the relevance
of the dream, time of the dream, how important it is to ur physical life,
and how much u work towards achieving the dream. There fore, A LOT DEPENDS
ON HOW MUCH U WORK UR DREAM COME TRUE. Dream can however warn u, or give u
a sign or clue regarding ur future
Flowers:-fresh yellow, pink, green , white flowers indicates happiness or growth
of business.
Birds:- In open field indicates challenges in business.
Sun or Sunshine:- Indicates achievements, comforts and happiness
I assume (is it possible?) that u are undertaking, or in an idea of undertaking
any business? If so, its a good omen.
Some tips on how to have good dreams or dreamless sleep.
* Improve ur habbits
* Pray before going to sleep or recite some mantra
* Bath before sleep
* Never use rubber foam, bed should be preferrably hard enough
* Do not use dark colours for curtains or bedsheets in the room
* Before going to sleep never think of unpleasant thigns
* Keep ur mind and body relaxed.
There fore, If its a good dream work towards it and try to achieve it.
If its a bad one, forget it, and it wont happen!
bye and take care
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Hi, Denise-
I have read a lot about dreams, too. Yours seems to have lots of symbols of spring which means a new beginning, growth, etc. I have read that dreams are messages from our subconscious, that our minds are so active and bombarded during the day that the subconscious uses the time when we are asleep to communicate with us. The only problem is that we all have our own symbols so you have to figure out what each element of the dream means to you. My favorite example is the spider, I am terrifed of spiders but I dream about them all the time and any dream book will tell you that a spider is a good symbol. Nor for me!!! To me a spider means being trapped or stuck, spiders are also predators and even though they can be very small they can be very poisonous and dangerous. Maybe there is something you want to happen but you are afraid that it won't or you won't be able to achieve it, that is why you have the feeling of threatened. Maybe there is something you want to do, something that will make you very happy but you are afraid to take the first step.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
To nanda,
Aani a malaylam film star who was a catholic christian converted to hinduism a few years back. She became member of the arya samaj which endorses the equality of all in hindu religion.
There are lots of other foriegners who may not officially convert to Hinduism but accept and follow the philosophies of hinduism under eminent gurus like sankaracharyas and others.
Sonia Gandhi willingly admitted to being a hindu by praying in temples and participating in hindu religious ceremonies.
Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda, Matha Amrithanada Mayi, Sai Baba ,the sankaracharyas and scores of other hindu gurus have thousands of converts who help them in spiritual and social work and stress on the equality of all people in hinduism.
One of the most controversial was the closest disciple of Matha Amrithanadnamayi who was a devout muslim and who changed his renegade religion after having a spiritual reawakening. Muslims in Kerala had targeted to kill this guy as he had converted from islam and apostasy in islam means punishment by death. But he was saved on all occasions by the grace of god.
So there are thousands of conversions but they are all spiritual in nature and not like political gimmicks played by muslims and christains by getting money from the middle east or america.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Gods slave,
Could you please post only opinion relevant to the topic. If you keep posting unrelated posts, other posters will not take you seriously and will start skipping over your posts. Thank you for understanding.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
I once dreamt that my Late father had come back from the dead, In my dream I was back in childhood but very aware that he was dead, He kept walking towards me with his arms out but I kept running away afraid knowing all the time that he had died. In my dream he had walked out of a house in my old neighbourhood, In reality the house belonged to a really nice family, there was a coin nailed onto a tree and friends used to tell horror stories of the coin being related to witchcraft. My folks said not to believe such things, The fact that it appeared in my dream worries me that on some subconscious level I am scared of witchcraft
can anyone interpret.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
dreams are echoes of what we see in the day time. if you analyze the sequences, persons or impressions, they will surely have a cause in what happened during the day. it could be something very subtle like a thought about a person or a photo etc.. though you would have dismissed the thought or might have shifted your concentration to another thing, the impression stays in the mind. when the time is appropriate it rises to the consious level as dreams..
falling -> fear of failure
someone chasing -> afraid of consequences
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
spiders i'm dreaming of spiders. i'm like really really scared of spiders. its like 330 in the morning i have to be up at five, i can't go back to sleep because of the damn spiders. latly i have had four dreams of spiders, one being of a trancula. they were never really climbing up walls or on telephones, but they are allways really close to me and when i wake up i'm really creeped out. i just want to know why i am dreaming about these scary-ass spiders and how i can make them stop. thanx
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
spiders i'm dreaming of spiders. i'm like really really scared of spiders. its like 330 in the morning i have to be up at five, i can't go back to sleep because of the damn spiders. latly i have had four dreams of spiders, one being of a trancula. they were never really climbing up walls or on telephones, but they are allways really close to me and when i wake up i'm really creeped out. i just want to know why i am dreaming about these scary-ass spiders and how i can make them stop. thanx
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
I'm guessing but have you ever, either in childhood or very recently, strongly felt constricted in a 'web' of some particular individual's making?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
You are frequenting the world wide "web" too much!
That is why the "spiders".
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
I keep having this recurring dream where I'm lying in my bed and these two huge spiders spin a web over my bed trapping me there and then I wake up, anyone have any idea what this means?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Stop watching movies like 'Eight Legged Freaks', 'Arachnophobia' and you'll be ok!
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
In islam spiders mean that you are going to be wealthy, or will get some money somehow. Thats what i read and most of the dreams ive had have come true according to an islamic dream book i got from a bookstore.
I dunno if it'll be tru for you though!. Oh and teeth falling out or loose teeth mean that u will be ill, and that has really come true (100%)!!.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
my granson keeps dreaming of spiders he is 4 years old
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
i jus have some opinion / ideas, whatever way u call it as.
1. If one gets a dream like having a sight of shit, it is believed that he would get wealth.
2. If one gets to see a dead relative calling, it seems his/her end is nearing.
3. Same is the case when one gets to dream of being chased by a bull.
4. If one has a sight of food (inparticular rice) in their dream, they are expected to get chickenpox.
and so on.
what i am trying to tell is that, if not all, many dreams carry some meaning in it.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
I dream my mother (she is dead) was dresses in black she called me I went to her house the same street we used to live different house behind the house was the beach and the water came to the steps of the house. What is the meanning of this.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
i had a dream of a white indian bull/ cow[the once you find in bangalore]chasing me throught the roads and through a temple as well.
i also dream of going to a law exam and having the examiners giving me math papers and me freaking out. does that mean anything?
and the reason why many english have dreams about spiders is coz in the UK there is a cycle of people scaring their kids from childhood about spiders.See no asians are scared of spiders!
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Can someone interpret my dreams?
I go crazy whenever it happens.
every year in june and july I have the same dream twice: it goes like this
I am in a forest, there is a creature (you know like in the predator movie)
I suddenly discover that I can jump some 100 ft in on sprint of low energy.
I keep on jumping till I reach a city and then suddenly I leave Earth to find myself moving at
unbelievable speed in space?
Now the dream has recurred much earlier than these last 10 years.
(I think I need a headshrink or atleast a witch doctor)
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Dear Readers,
I have a doubt. Do we use languages while dreaming. if so, which one. At the same time, does an animal dreams and if so, during dreaming and thinking what language do they use.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
My mother tongue is Tamil and I speak Tamil and English in my dreams. Sometimes I'm even aware of the fact that I'm dreaming but cannot take control over any of the incidents in my dream. Everything goes out of control and whatever I see are mostly illogical.
I've also read somewhere that we cannot do arithmetic or logical calculations in our dreams. personally I've solved general problems but have'nt tried answering any math riddles.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Denise, it sounds to me like you are very content and at peace while you are sleeping, but that your life while you are awake is not as pleasant. I feel this is why you feel threatened when you awaken. It's like once you wake up, your real life and all the things that you do not like about it is staring you in the face, and you'd rather escape the pain, by just going back to sleep. Please tell me if I am on to something.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Hello! I have this dream where i feel like im falling down(like someone threw me off a building) and when i wake up i struggle because i thought a fell! I have had this dream since i was a child! What akes me have this dream?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Hello! I have this dream where i feel like im falling down(like someone threw me off a building) and when i wake up i struggle because i thought a fell! I have had this dream since i was a child! What makes me have this dream?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Hello! I have this dream where i feel like im falling down(like someone threw me off a building) and when i wake up i struggle because i thought a fell! I have had this dream since i was a child! What makes me have this dream?
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
allyson if the dream is recurring plz ask some psychiatrist.
U probably have it cause, u fell down when u were small and the impact is pretty strong and still not left u.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Astronauts living in the space station have a similar kind of dream like yours. Try changing your sleeping position and see if it helps. I experiance sleep paralysis once in 4 months. Initially it was scary, but now I really started enjoying. It is fun! Take it sportive :)
If you are still scared, take Shakthi's advice.
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
i have a recurring dream that i am lookin out my bedroom window(which allows you to see empty fields for miles) and in the distance there is a 40 foot tall monkey comming towards me.
Also there is a dream where im in the desert and a large eight ball is chasing me from behind?
Please responed asap, as these dreams are becomming more and more occuring
30th October 2004, 02:43 PM
Hi all,
Dont take dreams an an illusion.They are nothing but signals from your brain which gets invoked when you are in Theta Phase of your sleep.
They definitely has got some meaning.It depends how it arouses your subconsious mind and tells you about the Past/Present/Future.It takes time to interpret the meaning of your dreams and it is dependent of the time when it comes.
I have been researching this for a long time and got substantial proof also.
Take care and enjoy your vivid dreams!!
<a name="last"></a>
2nd November 2004, 03:06 PM
hi dreams can be sorted to 7 groups:
Studies show that we all have the tendency to daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day. Day dreaming is classified as a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. It occurs during our waking hours when we let our imagination carry us away. As our minds begin to wander and our level of awareness decreases, we lose ourselves in our imagined scenario and fantasy.
2nd November 2004, 03:07 PM
Lucid Dream
Lucid dreams occurs when you realize you are dreaming in the middle of your dream. "Wait a second. This is only a dream!" Most dreamers wake themselves up once they realize that they are only dreaming. Other dreamers have cultivated the skill to remain in the lucid state of dreaming. They become an active participant in their dream, make decisions in their dreams and influence the dream's outcome without awakening.
2nd November 2004, 03:07 PM
A nightmare is a disturbing dream that causes the dreamer to wake up feeling anxious and frightened. Nightmares may be a response to real life trauma and situations. These type of nightmares fall under a special category called Post-traumatic stress nightmare (PSN). Nightmares may also occur because we have ignored or refused to accept a particular life situation. Research shows that most people who have regular nightmares have had a family history of psychiatric problems, bad drug experiences, people who have contemplated suicide, and/or rocky relationships. Nightmares are an indication of a fear that needs to be acknowledged and confronted. It is a way for our subconscious to make up take notice. "Pay attention!"
2nd November 2004, 03:07 PM
Sometimes they are scary..sometimes they are tempting...
Sometimes u get irritated if anyone wakes u up..sometimes u wish if anyone else too woke up and be with you for the rest of the night...
I found a site somedays back with a dictionary of dreams..locate from the A-Z links what u dreamt of...or type and click search...but guys..take all these things for fun....dont be taken away by them...
following is the link:
2nd November 2004, 03:07 PM
Recurring Dreams
Recurring dreams repeat themselves with little variation in story or theme. These dreams may be positive, but most often they are nightmares. Dreams may recur because a conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved and ignored. Once you have found a resolution to the problem, your recurring dreams may cease.
2nd November 2004, 03:08 PM
Healing Dreams
Healing dreams serve as messages for the dreamer in regards to their health. Dreams of this nature may be telling the dreamer that he/she needs to go to the dentist or doctor.
2nd November 2004, 03:08 PM
Prophetic Dreams
Prophetic dreams, also referred to as precognitive dreams, are dreams that seemingly foretell the future. One rational theory to explain this phenomenon is that our dreaming mind is able to piece together bits of information and observation that we normally overlook or that we do not seriously consider. In other words, our unconscious mind knows what is coming before we consciously piece together the same information.
2nd November 2004, 03:09 PM
Epic Dreams
Epic dreams are so huge, so compelling, and so vivid that you cannot ignore them. The details of such dreams remain with you for years, as if your dreamt it last night. These dreams possess much beauty and contain many archetypal symbology.
2nd November 2004, 03:09 PM
hey SS...u too here..when i began typing..none were here...and after many from u...
ha ha ha
4th November 2004, 02:36 AM
This thread seems cool!! 8)
thanx for all those great info on dreams..
hmmm!! lots of sigmund freuds grace the forum huh!
fascinating thread! :)
4th November 2004, 05:44 AM
Nice topic, I have always wondered about dreams.
15th November 2004, 08:27 AM
I had a dream, that I was chased for miles by a dog. Anybody get dreams like that? :(
Dr. Veena
15th November 2004, 11:46 AM
I have read all your posts and there are some very interesting personal posts here.
Long long ago, when I was studying the 3rd std, I had read a book of Cannibal jokes and the following week, I had a nightmare of a cannibal chasing my friends and I. And we escaped thru a rope hung doen from the window of our locked room ( a la Rapunzel!!!) How scared I was then!
Dreams are a very interesting mental phenomenon, no doubt.
Dr. Veena
15th November 2004, 12:33 PM
Hey, I have read a reply by DR. Kate, an eminent Psychiatrist in UK that nightmares often symbolise creativity. The dreamer could be a budding writer/painter etc.
Did you know that great writers like Charles Dickens and Samuel Taylor Coleridge used to have "visions" from which they used to write?
Coleridge used to suffer from Rheumatism and used to take a daily dose of Opium ( it was unknown that Opium is drug in those days) and he used to drowse off. The "pictures" he saw during his nap formed the content of his poem later on. The Most Striking example being his famous poem , " Kubla Khan"
Interesting, isn't it?
15th November 2004, 01:06 PM
Did you know that great writers like Charles Dickens and Samuel Taylor Coleridge used to have "visions" from which they used to write?
Very interesting. Ang Lee, director of 'Croching tiger hidden dragon', also mentioned that he created the famous 'fight on the tree branches' scene inspired by a dream he had.
I once had a dream that was actually like a movie (yeah, I had an overdose of movies that month) which had a nice storyline with unpredictable twists and a great climax. When I woke up and realised it's just a dream, I was wondering if I'm really capable of thinking some of the good twists. If I were, then why did I feel thrilled about them? :)
16th November 2004, 01:08 AM
One phychic was saying that in dream we dont speak with our mouth(i.e no verbal conversations) instead thoughts are transfered (brain to brain). I couldnt find if in my dreams I was using my mouth.
16th November 2004, 01:17 AM
One day out of no where I dreamed my father (late) and i was happy to have seen him after a long time. Two days later my mother told me that she also had a dream about him and that it was his death aniverssary the day before. Since I was not at home and my brother was busy we couldnt do the necessary things.
My mother knew his death aniverssary and so it was only natural for her to have seen him. But how me, who didnt remember the date. :?
You can guess how bad i felt of not doing the necessary
16th November 2004, 07:36 AM
///My mother knew his death aniverssary and so it was only natural for her to have seen him. But how me, who didnt remember the date.///
One of the many things that can't be explained by Science.
16th November 2004, 10:38 AM
///My mother knew his death aniverssary and so it was only natural for her to have seen him. But how me, who didnt remember the date.///
One of the many things that can't be explained by Science.
no ur wrong. we have ton of explanations for these in science.
if not i can explain why
16th November 2004, 11:18 AM
///My mother knew his death aniverssary and so it was only natural for her to have seen him. But how me, who didnt remember the date.///
One of the many things that can't be explained by Science.
no ur wrong. we have ton of explanations for these in science.
if not i can explain why
Really? Wow, ok go ahead! 8)
18th November 2004, 03:31 PM
How do you explain dreams that continue exactly from where they left off?? And some come back after several years?? Some are eerie coz' they give you a feeling of 'deja vu'............
18th November 2004, 10:48 PM
How do you explain dreams that continue exactly from where they left off?? And some come back after several years?? Some are eerie coz' they give you a feeling of 'deja vu'............
Mega Serial dream :lol: :lol:
19th November 2004, 06:34 AM
That's a GOOOD ONE!!!!!
Hva great weekend!
24th November 2004, 12:21 AM
our mind constantly thinks about past things.
Have u ever thought how we are able to remember important appointment times to wake up while sleeping???
so our mind constantly analyses information even when we sleep.
dreams are nothing but the process of thinking about incidences during sleep. Sometimes we think too much, leading to fantastic experiences (horror or joy) :idea:
do u people know that we can also learn while we sleep?
24th November 2004, 02:14 AM
Thats a good answer.
Our Subconcious mind remembers pratically everything we do, or hear. Of course you don't remember everything your subconcious mind does. So davie provided a good explanation. :)
One of the things that can't be explained by Psychology, are things like ESP.
Another popular one is, when twins feel the same emotions, even if they are on opposite coasts, for no reason. for ex. Excessivly happy, depressed, etc. etc.
Science might be able to explain it, but Psuchology isn't classified as a Science, because there are a lot of things that can't be proven in Psychology.
24th November 2004, 02:25 AM
What do you mean, many thigs can't be proven in Psychology?
24th November 2004, 02:30 AM
Like ESP. ESP can't really be explained. I mean, an chemical proof for Depression would be, the lack of Dopomine, getting transmitted through Neurotransmitters. I don't know if you understand that or not, but that means tht a chemical called Dopomine, isn't getting transmitted enough through Neurotransmitters. Thats a Chemical proof for Depression. We KNOW that's true. But with ESP, we don't really know what exactly it is that makes people see things, or Hear things that can't really be heard by normal Humans. :)
24th November 2004, 02:34 AM
So ESP has no real explanation? :?
24th November 2004, 02:38 AM
There are many theories, but none that seem Credible to many Doctors. I mean, there are many theories, that state religious reasons, etc. Which I find myself to believe, but other doctors, can't really find that credible. But one thing is for sure, we can't pinpoint the reason for ESP according to the rules of science. :(
24th November 2004, 02:44 AM
//we can't pinpoint the reason for ESP according to the rules of science.//
Hope that's correct ... but i got an explanation.. a long back... which was a mix of science... i had took a note of that in my diary... i will go through and let you know the explanation for ESP - hope the expantion is (Extra Sensory Perception) is it?..
24th November 2004, 02:46 AM
Yes. :)
24th November 2004, 03:01 AM
Our Subconcious mind remembers pratically everything we do, or hear. Of course you don't remember everything your subconcious mind does. So davie provided a good explanation.
One of the things that can't be explained by Psychology, are things like ESP.
Another popular one is, when twins feel the same emotions, even if they are on opposite coasts, for no reason. for ex. Excessivly happy, depressed, etc. etc.
Science might be able to explain it, but Psuchology isn't classified as a Science, because there are a lot of things that can't be proven in Psychology.
Like ESP. ESP can't really be explained. I mean, an chemical proof for Depression would be, the lack of Dopomine, getting transmitted through Neurotransmitters. I don't know if you understand that or not, but that means tht a chemical called Dopomine, isn't getting transmitted enough through Neurotransmitters. Thats a Chemical proof for Depression. We KNOW that's true. But with ESP, we don't really know what exactly it is that makes people see things, or Hear things that can't really be heard by normal Humans.
There are many theories, but none that seem Credible to many Doctors. I mean, there are many theories, that state religious reasons, etc. Which I find myself to believe, but other doctors, can't really find that credible. But one thing is for sure, we can't pinpoint the reason for ESP according to the rules of science.
Everything I"ve said above, are just theories, or atleast, most of the things I've said. Most of the things that can't be explained, are because they can't be found out, by the ways that are used to measure Brain Activity. :(
When will Psychology get a big break? Hopefully during my lifetime. :)
26th November 2004, 01:46 AM
well it's impressive the array of dreams that have been experienced we all have had many of these same dreams through our is just the matter of how much impact they had to be remembered....I also share this curiosity with dreams...such as the mega-serial dreams :P i have two distinct ones that repeat and then continue...they seem so clear and real...and the feeling of recognition within a dream is truly a curious feeling...deja-vus are my fav....had so many of them i cannot recall each one...just remember feeling a bit faint when i do realize that i have seen this all before...most of the time i have them in the very early morning...and of the oddest things...there have been psychological explainations for these...i have many examples of dreams i would like to share...the sense of floating or flying is quite exhilarating, as well as the chase dream, the one where you are in a very familiar place that would right before your eyes, there are those where you are the only one who seems to be acting or feeling while members of family or friends just seem to be standing by...even if you are in distress...and you know i will :D the one kind of dream that really fascinates me is the lucid dream in which you realize you are dreaming and can manipulate events to your usually happens in nightmares...Nightmares are another kind of dream that are quite fascinating....I am well aware of the scientific examples for these dreams but i rather keep some of my innocent wonder :wink:
thanx for the invite Surya...sorry that i didn't exactly cover the psychological aspects of things though...
26th November 2004, 10:04 AM
Dear Querida.....
Guess we're the only ones with mega serial dreams!!! Have you had experience of 'dream come true'?? I have - that's scary.....especially after I dream of something very bad, I always have the fear of it coming, I try to think of what I watched on TV the previous night or soemthign that ws troubling me, in order for me to analsyee the dream and come out with a reason for dreaming it.......But, sometimes, it is FUN to have the mega serial dream..........hah's just like watching a TV!!!
Anyone else with this kind of dream??
Hv a great weekend, folks! :roll: :wink: :lol: :D :D
26th November 2004, 10:46 PM
Dear Querida.....
Guess we're the only ones with mega serial dreams!!! Have you had experience of 'dream come true'?? I have - that's scary.....especially after I dream of something very bad, I always have the fear of it coming, I try to think of what I watched on TV the previous night or soemthign that ws troubling me, in order for me to analsyee the dream and come out with a reason for dreaming it.......But, sometimes, it is FUN to have the mega serial dream..........hah's just like watching a TV!!!
Anyone else with this kind of dream??
Hv a great weekend, folks! :roll: :wink: :lol: :D :D
Dear NM,
do you mean deja vu? Yes it is quite a weird experience....and yes i too find myself worrying when i have just woken up from an awful but plausible future situation...i usually just find solace in appreciating what the day brings day by day
27th November 2004, 11:44 AM
good posts guys,
But I must say, Deja-vu's are sometimes a bit creepy.
30th November 2004, 12:45 AM
For the Shrinks of the hub. (Quierda, and Sathya) :wink:
When I told my friend about this thread, he told me about a wierd dream he had a few days ago. I must warn you, its violent, and a bit scary. :( Here's how it goes.....
Him, lets call him BOB, and his partner, lets call him TIM, are in New York. It's kind of futuristic I guess. There are going through these underground tunnels that the govt has provided as homeless shelters. The tunnels are sooo narrow, that only one person could go through. They extend for about 10 miles. (If it doesn't make sense, don't ask me) :lol: So BOB and TIM are just strolling through the tunnel, and BOB turns around and looks to a tunnel intersection. To his right, he sees a guy pissing on the wall and laughing to himself. To his left, there is nothing but darkness. So they both continue walking forward. Remember, on person has to walk behind the other, since the tunnels are so narrow. After a few minitues of walking, BOB sees a guy, who looks to be like he's Native American, wearing a black trench coat, dark glasses, Long hair, you're typical vampire killer kind of person. BOB looks back @ TIM and says "What the hell does he think he's doing?" And looks forward again. The lights start flickering. Suddenly the Native American pulls out a knife and tries to stab BOB. BOB moves out of the way, and pins the NA to the wall, the knife falls out of his hand. BOB now pulls out his own knife, and is shocked, because its a butter knife, (The kind in restaurant tables) since that's all he has, he shoves it into the Solar Plexus of the NA. Its too blunt, so he puts all his weight into it, and jams it in. :(
As my friend discribes it, "He could feel the warm blood flowing out, into his right hand." :( :( :shock: :( :(
The NA Screams out loud, in a low, scary tone, (Imagine this part with the flickering lights going on and off :( ) and falls to the ground, and dies. BOB drops the knife, and wipes his hand, with a towel, that came out of nowhere. And turns to look at TIM, (His partner who didn't help him all this time.) And TIM is on the ground, laughing. Laughing his butt off!
:? :? :? :? :?
Anybody get anything on the dream?
30th November 2004, 02:28 AM
this is a classic case of either too much movie plots/video games/computer games....subsumed into one crazy dream.....i dont know Surya...usually i dont rely on symbols to get me anywhere in dreams...sometimes we just have a good imagination...he may have been fustrated and letting out it this way...or he is going thru a brief period of feeling closed in....or else his sheets were tucked in too tightly... :P
im saying this cause brothers and guy cousins have recounted similar dreams and not necessarily right after playing or watching such media....
30th November 2004, 02:31 AM
///this is a classic case of either too much movie plots....subsumed into one crazy dream.///
He does write a few wierd short stories. :)
///or else his sheets were tucked in too tightly... ///
:lol: :lol:
30th November 2004, 04:49 AM
Who has dreams like that? What does he do for a living? Is he a cop? because sometimes cops get scary dreams.
30th November 2004, 09:09 AM
This is my analysis:
TIM perhaps is a good buddy to BOB but at times is a pain.
Good enough to walk with TIM in such a freaky place...
He (TIM) does not acknowledge BOB's problems and or might just shrugs off BOB's thoughts and insecurities as nothing.
AND this might be boggling TIM subconsciously.
Thus, resulting in a far fetched scenario which inadvertantly displays the msg...
Though BOB had to single handedly counter the NA, TIM was on the ground laughing his butt off rather than helping his mate!
The flickering of lights is nothing than a mere special effect...
Dreams are not about future alone, but also past and present.
1st December 2004, 05:51 AM
:shock: Nice analysis ratchachi. :)
Thanks. :)
2nd December 2004, 08:36 AM
Who has dreams like that? What does he do for a living? Is he a cop? because sometimes cops get scary dreams.
Not a cop. A teacher. :)
3rd December 2004, 09:33 AM
There's a way of analyzing your personality through your dreams.
Its called 'Free Association' invented by Freud.
You take the key points in a dream, for ex, in the dream I posted, they would be Tunnel, Partner, Knife, Hobo, The NA, etc. After you note down all these things, you ask the person who had the dream to say the first thing that pops in their mind, after you state the terms. But you keep continueing.
For ex,
Tunnel, I think of Darkness. Darkness---->Unsafe---->Unsafe------->Insecured and on on until you've either exhausted your options or you start repeating words. Then you go on to the next term and do the same. After finished, you look at the words, and analyze them using that.
For ex, Food would mean comfort usually,
Swimming would mean Threading water.Etc.
The thing is, you don't even need a dream for that, but it usually helps. :) Try it, its cool.
3rd December 2004, 10:28 PM
yeah Surya i had a class on can also keep a note pad by your when you wake up from a dream..just jot down the keywords about what is still vivid in your mind from your dream....cause dreams even the remembered ones...fade from memory and more significance can be seen if you make it a task to remember the details..after writing down the keywords...leave it alone and come back to it when you have will be surprised how much of the dream you will remember from those might even see a pattern developing in your dreams :D
3rd December 2004, 10:46 PM
Yeah, I read that too, It's great to analyze your own dreams. :D Although its funner to analyze others. :lol:
4th December 2004, 05:28 AM
Didn't Dr. Jung come up with another kind, I forgot the name, I'll have to look it up.
4th December 2004, 09:33 AM
all i can think of his archetypal dreams that are said to be present in the collective conscious we all share....hence all dreams can be reduced to the same elements...
4th December 2004, 11:29 AM
Yeah, but thats not what I'm talking about. ..........Man! can't remember. I'll tell you later, I'm taking that course after work, three days a week now. I have that class on tuesday, I'll tell you then. :)
But its always fun to analyze other's dreams, because you can scare them. :lol:
4th December 2004, 11:42 AM
go to this site Surya and it you will probably find what you are looking for:
4th December 2004, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the link Q. :D
5th December 2004, 01:05 AM
///Every night while sitting or lying in my bed I clear my mind completely and place my hands out in front of me. I concentrate on my hands and repeat the affirmation “Later, when I am dreaming, I will look at my hands and realise that I am dreaming.” I continue to do this until I become bored or tired. Then, I lower my hands, close my eyes and attempt to sleep while continuing to repeat the intention to look for my hands and notice that I am dreaming. This ‘routine’ is repeated each night and also every time I wake up during the night. Eventually, when I see my hands in a dream I should suddenly realise that I am dreaming and become lucid.///
Q! Have you ever tried that? I'm going to start today.
6th December 2004, 01:03 AM
[quote="Querida"]the one kind of dream that really fascinates me is the lucid dream in which you realize you are dreaming and can manipulate events to your usually happens in nightmares...quote]
yes i know of lucid dreaming...i usually find it happening to me in nightmares where i become aware i am dreaming...and then make decisions how to get out of the dream...usually when see an image of myself and see it is not really me i know it is a dream...usually i end up falling off a place and waking up...or else the dream ends me waking up after whatever is scary is way way way too close for comfort..usually in nightmares i find something/someone coming to get me for what i have no clue! But whatever i do to stop them seems useless...
6th December 2004, 10:57 AM
[quote=Querida]the one kind of dream that really fascinates me is the lucid dream in which you realize you are dreaming and can manipulate events to your usually happens in nightmares...quote]
yes i know of lucid dreaming...i usually find it happening to me in nightmares where i become aware i am dreaming...and then make decisions how to get out of the dream...usually when see an image of myself and see it is not really me i know it is a dream...usually i end up falling off a place and waking up...or else the dream ends me waking up after whatever is scary is way way way too close for comfort..usually in nightmares i find something/someone coming to get me for what i have no clue! But whatever i do to stop them seems useless...
Lucid dreaming is cool. I don't remeber it ever happening to me.
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