View Full Version : Origin of Tamil
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
Topic started by Ananth ( (@ on Sun Apr 4 09:25:44 EDT 2004.
Is Tamil language originated first or Sanskrit?
and What is the proof? Please reply me soon, it will be very kind of you..
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:562859f961]Dear Mr Ananth, before I give you 'proofs', please let if you a literate in Tamil. And do you know a little Sanskrit? That will make it easier to understand the 'proofs'![/tscii:562859f961]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:b3f37697bb]sanskrit branched out of her mother Tamil by exploiting
and interpolating on the ayutha ezhuththu.Creating two intermediary
order of consonents.
If one can intelligently remove some of these order from sanskrit
and replace them with tamil consonents we are looking at the mother
of sanskrit that is Tamil.
in tamil it can be fit as :
ni might be referral to godly attribute sacredity,and Aga-fire
(horrific).We can try to interprete sanskrit sentences by applying
this method to prove it is an offshoot of tamil.
With 12 vowels and one neuter which is called as "ayutha
> ezhuththu"and 18 consonents it is by far the first attempt to
> systematise a language into the structured format.
> vowels A long and short vowels.
> All the 18 consonents are in the first order.
> The neutar or the ayutha ezhuththu was at the predevelopmental
> of a structured language but it was clearly defined.
> consonenets could change its order to second by merely placing it
> appropriate placve in the word.
> At the start of the word the consonent is in thefirst order
> Eg:tha-nneer-cold water.
> Any where inbetween it acquires second order.
> Eg:pawna-ga-m-sweet water.
> At the end of the word it is in the second order.
> Eg:paw-gu-paw-du=discrminate.
> va-gu=(divide=split).
> The second orderof the consonent occuring in the middle and the end
> of the word can be reduced to first order by adding 1/2 sound of
> the same consonent before the consonent .
> Era-th-th-am-blood.
> pawr-pp-owm=let us see.
> paw-kk-u=beetel nut.
> Now we will see how the ayutha ezhuththu was exploited to produce
> sounds in sanskrit.
> ka-first order.
> kha-second order.
> ga=third order.
> gha-fourth order.
> The ha is not a consonent but a neuter or catalyst to produce
> intermediate orders.
> ayutha ezhuthu discovered by tamil helped later development of "ha"
> concept which sanskrit exploited .
> I personally feel Tamil was structured first in the world by the
> godlymen and is wholesome and complete dev bhasha and later
> developed so many languages as sanskrit.
the examples presented are put in tamil characters as follows:
´¼õ-flow,-pronounced as "odam"µð¼õ-run,flow again,but read
as "ottam"
In the first case the consonent '¼' is read as "da" since the same
occurs in the middle of the word so in the second order there can be
only two order of the consonents evn modern english exemplifies this
h=is ha in sanskrit and ayutha ezhuththu in tamil.
most of others are combination consonents like f=p+h,
q=ku=k+u .
À¡¸õ=part.Ka tranforms to Ga in the middle.
À¡ìÌ=beetle Gu gets reduced to 'ikku'
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:5c8f254c43]While it is getting systematically proved that the indian
civilization is the civilization of the dravidians (Blacks)and is in
continuation of World civilization of egypt, mesapatomia,china,india
and south america and that the earlier studies were Biased by aryan
concept and domination . The level of such bias is still felt with
some aryalogist in india even today trying to rewrite history in
thier favour contrary to the references in vedas,historical
evidences and are trying to establish white homogenity in india and
their superiority over blacks.
For the sake of primary information Following is put forth:
Aryan or Arya is derived from the root word AR/ARi Which in Tamil
MEans Light,knowledge,strange This WOrd refers to anything that is
strange scarce in that sense might have refered to by the dravidians
while they met white aryans.This also referred to a stock of
dravidian rulers as Arakkan=Rakhshas=arasan=raja=aiyan=aiya etc.
The term veda Comes from the root word vi-light,revelation,expose,
also mean king/lion.
RG ved is nothing but corruption of these two words:
Arya vid=Rya ved
Rg=ved=Strange Knowledge Or the Knowledge of the Brahman.For Brahman
Come From the root word Pira(alien)=viya(exclamatory)=piravi(birth).
Brahman is also represented Viyappu!!
Pleasem visit: (
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:7f27823ebb]Ariya=Scarce, Arinthavan=with knowledge,Arivu=Knowledge
thirumozhi=thiramozhi=thramizh=thamizh=tamil(today s slang)
Since white skin people where first contacted by the people they
might have coined this term arya/aiyaw(todays slang)
Arinthavan has nothing to do with the term arya neither it is noble
as posed in the context of arya.
In, "vraghavan26"
> While it is getting systematically proved that the indian
> civilization is the civilization of the dravidians (Blacks)and is
> continuation of World civilization of egypt,
> and south america and that the earlier studies were Biased by aryan
> concept and domination . The level of such bias is still felt with
> some aryalogist in india even today trying to rewrite history in
> thier favour contrary to the references in vedas,historical
> evidences and are trying to establish white homogenity in india and
> their superiority over blacks.
> For the sake of primary information Following is put forth:
> Aryan or Arya is derived from the root word AR/ARi Which in Tamil
> MEans Light,knowledge,strange This WOrd refers to anything that is
> strange scarce in that sense might have refered to by the
> while they met white aryans.This also referred to a stock of
> dravidian rulers as Arakkan=Rakhshas=arasan=raja=aiyan=aiya etc.
> The term veda Comes from the root word vi-light,revelation,expose,
> exclamatory.etc.vid/viyappu/vilangu/velichham,vengai(lion/king)ari
> also mean king/lion.
> RG ved is nothing but corruption of these two words:
> Arya vid=Rya ved
> Rg=ved=Strange Knowledge Or the Knowledge of the Brahman.For
> Come From the root word Pira(alien)=viya(exclamatory)=piravi
> Brahman is also represented Viyappu!!
> Pleasem visit: (
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:bab003365b]Tamilis born out of Telugu[/tscii:bab003365b]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:d23f42599f]I would welcome that statement if you could substantiate it.Presently i can say that if you remove sanskrit words introduced by arya brahmins in andra from telugu vocabulary it is Tamil / Proto- tamil/Sumerian by whatever name you like to call it.
As i had posted above:
Ariya=Scarce, Arinthavan=with knowledge,Arivu=Knowledge
thirumozhi=thiramozhi=thramizh=thamizh=tamil(today s slang)
Since white skin people where first contacted by the people they
might have coined this term arya/aiyaw(todays slang)
Arinthavan has nothing to do with the term arya neither it is noble
as posed in the context of arya.
Drop your hatred towards Tamils I have requested this to Tamils as well we Lack Unity and that is why the power is not with us.
Facts are all Favourable to Dravidians.Any person who is a resident in the four southern states should be proud to be a dravidian see rahul dravid he is the only pure dravidian.color should not matter.[/tscii:d23f42599f]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:3c6d3bee60] people ..some of you have good knowledge but stop your bogus thing toward Dravidan came from Thituvidan! or calling Thamizhan as one of Dravidan or Thamizh as Tamil!
Dravidan came as described below:
After aryans encountered Thamizh civilization in now day so called South Asia. They asked the people who were who they are? The Thamizhars said: We are Thamizhar..but aryans who must have spoke prakrit or some form of language wasn't able to pronounce 'zha' which is only found in Thamizh language and it's only unique to they called Thamizhan --> as Dramilan ---> which became as Dravidan.
Thamizhan --> Dramilan --> Dravidan.
Your foolish quote on saying Rahul Dravid is True Dravidan is wrong! Rahul from what I read is a half Thamizh and half Maharashtrian. Nevertheless it also look down from Thamizhan being Thamizhan as you bring the term Dravidan which was used by European and others to commonly call Thamizhars and their descends as 'Dravidan' which shouldn't have been done..I don't see why you can't call Thamizhar and their Descends as of the origin of Thamizhar or Senthamizhar! Perhaps even Thamizhan are proud to be so called corrupted term 'Dravidan' than being Thamizhan!
Oh and your Sanskirit evolution or exploited from Thamizh might be lot of evidences points out that most of Sanskirit words are of Thamizh origin about 40% but from what some of you could be in fact that almost all words used in Sanskirit could be of Thamizh origin! Good job on that.
nanRi, vaNnaKkam ____/____ Thamizhare...[/tscii:3c6d3bee60]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:ebe028d875]Both languages grew up together and mixed frequently. As people left India, entered, or moved in and out, words and linguistic ideas mixed. There is no such thing as "aryan" or "dravidian".
All of us share an ancient tradition extending to the day's when Kanya Kumari was the center of civilization. In fact recent archaeology has proven that the lost "atlantis" was centered around Cape Comorin, and Sri Lanka is the remanent of a continent bridging Madagascar, Australia, South East Asia, and Tamil Nadu. When it was destroyed many people spread apart, but the "dravidians" remained closests to their mother civilizations. As "aryans" arrived back, they encountered a culture that was much like their origional civilization, and moved back to settled life from the nomadic exile they had held for so long.[/tscii:ebe028d875]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
does it matter?
its a fu##ing language..........
yeah but why aren't you guys making any claims like SANSKRIT can?
according to the NEASDEN temple they quote that SANSKRIT has 70 words for water which then amalgamate into 280 different words when added with a pre-fix..........
these 70 words have not been derived from anyother language........
so then how can TAMIL have HAD ANY influence over SANSKRIT and the north?
you have to remember that the BORDERS of ARYA-VARTHA reached up to SIBERIA and across most of INDO-CHINA.........
the old lands not the recent ones like ANGOR WAT etc......MOHENJO DARO and the INDUS are all new sites.....
the SARASWATI site shows a continous momentum of life from 5000 bc all the way back to 2 million years ago.....
which coincides with the time KRSNA was called RAANCHOD when he left the battlefield to warn his people of the civilisation due to melting ice caps and the flooding off the rivers........
and even that site isn't part of the old land so you can imgaine how big ARYA VARTHA really was...
can TAMIL make any claims like that?
if so please enlighten the world, if not be humbled by the power of SANSKRIT and stop fighting it and go with the flow.............
i am sure TaMIL is just as beautifully refined...
SANSKRIT has 70 words for water and 65 words for Earth.
when added with a prefix these words for water then amalgamate to 280 words !!!!
no language in the world has such qualities!!!!
jai hind
om chanted through tonoscope produces Sri Yantra!!!
the seven chakras alligned together give the same pattern as the spark that ignites life into a computer......................
see articles on OM through tonoscope listed below.....
now do you guys understand why the NAZIS and the west want to keep Aryanism downtrodden and hidden away as theirs?
it is the coolest and most laid back religion, and way of life there is available amalgamating as many realms as possible as one............
green comes from blue and yellow
yellow and pink make orange......
welcome to the Geometric hallucination......
eat this and swallow your pride..............
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:1bfc3bba5c]who remembers the GANESH miracle?
why hasn't it happened again if it was caused by either mass hysteria or capillary action....?
can anyone confirm what they saw? [/tscii:1bfc3bba5c]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:2d191a0272]//Both languages grew up together and mixed frequently. As people left India, entered, or moved in and out, words and linguistic ideas mixed. There is no such thing as "aryan" or "dravidian".
All of us share an ancient tradition extending to the day's when Kanya Kumari was the center of civilization. In fact recent archaeology has proven that the lost "atlantis" was centered around Cape Comorin, and Sri Lanka is the remanent of a continent bridging Madagascar, Australia, South East Asia, and Tamil Nadu. When it was destroyed many people spread apart, but the "dravidians" remained closests to their mother civilizations. As "aryans" arrived back, they encountered a culture that was much like their origional civilization, and moved back to settled life from the nomadic exile they had held for so long.//
Probably true but expect that bother cultures and languages grew up the same! Heck No! Well beside the fact that Europeans think Atlantis Excist in the Atlantic Ocea, I think like some philosophers of past and professors have said,
"Thamizhan thaan ulakin muthal mAnthan
Thamizhan pirantha idam kumarikandam"
Kumarikandam must have existed for a long time and perhaps even 4,000 years ago there must have been a massive land south of Thamizheezham and Sri Lanka (Eezham) as IlangkO indicates in 'SilapathikAtam' that land south of that day TN was submerged under the Ocean and the fact from the way he actually proves that there was a Continent in now day so called 'Indian Ocean'[as geogologists believe that now day land was once water body and now day Oceans were once land] and that perhaps thousand [1000] years ago or so before Ilangko or even less than that time..TN must have been connected to Eezham (Thamizheezham and Sri Lanka) and the land must have been connected from Kanniya kumari, TN to puttalam, Thamizheezham[/tscii:2d191a0272]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:9149370cee]I love Tamil , it is my mother tongue. One good way to spread Tamil is by putting subtitles to the movies screened abroad which will interest others to watch the movies , that is how Hindi is getting popular .[/tscii:9149370cee]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:51ef0ae498]I love Tamil , it is my mother tongue. One good way to spread Tamil is by putting subtitles to the movies screened abroad which will interest others to watch the movies , that is how Hindi is getting popular .[/tscii:51ef0ae498]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:1e5154f35f]NO Mary because Thamizh Cinema has 50% English..I'm sure the English people will be able to understand it! If you want to create a Cinema and make money as Bolly wood and Thamizh Cinema either put subtitles or speak 50% English in your cinema! I wish I could meet these great directors and these fools who act and create the Thamizh cinema and make it in a corrupted way! All these directors and producers and Actors and Actresses claim is that youths want this and youth want that so we are doing it!
Let me ask you this.
If you smoke Cigaratte does that make you stronger? (no as WHO points out that smoking people will have 8-10% more chance of getting lung cancer compare to normal person with 1% chance and you should know other disseases caused by smoking)...and if Smoking make you stronger..why that I don't see none of the true Thamizh Brave soldiers smoking?! The same thing apply to Drinking!
Next is speaking English! If it's Thamizh Cinema then it should be pure Thamizh! Is an English Cinema going to have Thamizh in it? No! Why? (although Thamizh is one of the 7 seven Oldest language in the World accepted)...well the reason is that they don't respect our langauge and how can we blame them when we don't! Speaking Thamizh seem so cheap to these morons who live off by looting Thamizh in the name of Thamizh Cinema! The Government of TN doesn't care about it and not many Thamizhans talk of this issue..and so this stays in an advantage to non-Thamizh people as the Thamizh Cinema which could atleast help..although TN can't support the Thamizhans world-wide with Thamizh Education to keep the Thamizh generations speak Thamizh..unlike a Chinese can do..or a Jew or even an English men..Portuguese..even Urudhu and Hindi...but Thamizhans are left with no Identity..atleast these foolish Thamizhans in Thamizh Cinema could do something about it! What's so up with LOVE MOVIES? Is Love or girl loving a boy or a boy loving a girl or the subject Love is new to Thamizhan? Is there such need to free Thamizhans to 'loving' and to make Thamizhans understand what Love is?!! Even if so it's not the most IMPORTANT TOPIC TO TALK ABOUT! What about our rights and freedom? What about poverty and thirsty? What about History the past and the present and atleast a prediction of the Thamizhans future?! You can film
Sivaka a Film
You could talk about TN three kingdoms and their struggle to save Thamizhans..perhaps by doing it make the Cherars who have became as 'Malayalese' understand their roots! Or the Kolar Thanga Vayal history! Perhaps kauvery water crisis! Maybe how Chozha Empire spreaded! Perhaps a history about important sites in TN or in Thamizheezham! Perhaps about Thamizheezha history and the Thamizhans struggle there! There are lot and lot of things to be written..even about AIDS awareness! Education related movies! Thamizhan Poverty and the daily days of Thamizhans! Perhaps about local heroes and national heroes like PerunchithAthanar, periyar, perhaps even about Arijar. Anna. Maybe about Kumarikandam or the enslavement of Thamizhans world-wide, Thamizh Kings of the Past....and so on.
But these subjects don't rise ..the movie I seen Kauvery crisis was in the movie 'Thenral' which depicted some truths..why can't we have more movies like that to make Thamizhans realize a thing or two! Should the Thamizh Cinema also should make Thamizhans slave?
If a Director want to make money by putting English Sub title..I hope he goes to Holly Wood or Bolly Wood and does that there for the sake of himself and for the good of Thamizh Community! I also advice that these people stop using English texts in Thamizh Cinema (Show me an English Cinema with Thamizh Editing texts!) Also teach the foreign actress and actors about Thamizh and so on and have them a Thamizh Name..and what the heck is super star? What the heck is a name 'Vijay?' 'Rajini?' what the heck is 'Thirisa?' 'Ramba?' 'Simran?' are these names Thamizh? We don't have Thamizh womens in TN? Wow..where does these Thamizh Directors and producers come from? non-Thamizh background? All of them? They don't think their skin is good? They don't think their community womens shouldn't be in the Cinema? Then why the heck these fools are in THAMIZH Cinema? FOOLS![/tscii:1e5154f35f]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:5c3461e4d7]I strongly agree with Mr.Nedunchezhian..
I too have similiar views about our own Tamil film industry..The guys who have the Thamizh unarvu does not to be seen in this good industry.
it is a shame on our Tamil film industry..
The worst thing was,they always blame on our Audience for that..[/tscii:5c3461e4d7]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:32ad5a4088]i am in vey big confusion that..
which is older tamil or hindi..]
please send me a mail clearly that...which came first....[/tscii:32ad5a4088]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:75affe998a]you didn't leave your e-mail mister.[/tscii:75affe998a]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
Kindly let me know the Origin of Thamizh Language and Thamizh letters. Is there a common dravidian language in before the Thiruvalluvar days?
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:1d1134600e]I think that Tamizh came first even before Hindi or Sanskrit.The simple reason is the lesser number of alphabets in Tamil.In Tamil we have only one KA.But in sanskrit , Hindi there are 4 alphabets in ka series like KA,KHA,GA,GHA.Same is the case in all the letters.Since Tamizh came first with lesser number of letters , these sanskrit people added extra alphabets and derived sanskrit out of tamizh.[/tscii:1d1134600e]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:08c0c428df]I agree with Mara, it might be true. It can be true, It is true![/tscii:08c0c428df]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:874e726eed]Thamizh existed before and during and after Thiruvalluvar and it exists even now and it will in the future.[/tscii:874e726eed]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
Mr. Nedunchezhiyan. You're clearly knowledgeable about Tamizh History but mostly come off sounding like a Tamil fundamentalist.
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:be77dfd323]How do you mean I'm a fundamentalist? I approach opposite views with anger? Something like that? You think I belong to a Thamizh militant group or something? I believe I tried to post the view that I have. Infact Thiru AP MASILMANI in this forum have said again and again about the antiquity of Thamizh and how the origin of Thamizh exceed that of Sanskirit or any other World languages. There are enough proof to say Thamizh is 'better' than Sanskirit or any other languages. Although you could jump up with emotional feelings and say 'all languages' are same. Yes but what is a language? When you look deeply into it then you finally clarify things and arrange it in order and then you look at the structure of the language which contains the origin of the words in the language, literature, literacy laws, history etc. I believe we Thamizhans don't have a good organization that protects our language. In fact the foreigners and our enemies don't want such thing to happen. As matter of fact that's why they play games with Thamizhar Issues.
nanri, vannakkam ___/___[/tscii:be77dfd323]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:177814cb02]i feel like laughing at your stupidity mara. your findings through deep research that the language that has lesser alphabets should have been the oldest makes you seem like a bafoon. if your theory is proved to be right, then it English that should the oldest of all languages. Tamil is undoubtedly one of the oldest languages of the world and the richest also. but what is the oldest literature in tamil? Tolkappiyam. it is estimated to be only 3000 years old. but certain literature upanishads etc. date back to 5000 years and more. and remember it is not the age that determines the richness of a language. it is the literary contribution and other contributions that make a language great. in that point of view both tamil and sanscrit are in the same level[/tscii:177814cb02]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:68c2c02ed6]Kill an ayer and get two points[/tscii:68c2c02ed6]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:f40234ca10]Thamizh and Sanskirit aren't at the same level. Sanskirit originated from Thamizh and NOT the other way around! Sanskirit formed from the Indo-European roots and the Prakrits and the 40% or so roots from Thamizh language. Prakrit was the aboriginal language that was spoken in now day so called North India long ago which had Thamizh origin. So intially Sanskirit has many Thamizh words with a manipulated way of alienation from Thamizh. Hence Thamizh is older than Sanskirit![/tscii:f40234ca10]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:8cc21d30a3]very nice elaboration[/tscii:8cc21d30a3]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:c86fa4dd5b]Nanri __/__[/tscii:c86fa4dd5b]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:f24dd317e2]tamil idhu language alla ithu orru vaazkhai murai.ithan thodakkam manithan rain veelai seyya aarambithaudan..amma ithu manithanin mudhal kural..ithu tamiz thaan...[/tscii:f24dd317e2]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:816261345a]tamil idhu language alla ithu orru vaazkhai murai.ithan thodakkam manithan rain veelai seyya aarambithaudan..amma ithu manithanin mudhal kural..ithu tamiz thaan...[/tscii:816261345a]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:2685013f60]try to be reasonable fellas. ofcourse we love our mother tongue. but that love should never blind fold us from seeing the truth. ok, which is the oldest text in tamizh? what is its period? PrAkrit was spoken by pallavAs also. the root of Sanskrit goes much deeper than you imagine. what is wrong in accepting facts about the age of a language. if you think the richness and divinity of our beloved Tamizh would be in damage on accepting a language to be older than Tamizh, again you are underestimating the values of our beloved Tamizh and insulting it by doing so. it is not the age that matters. it is the usage and population of speakers that really means. in this area Tamil is much more superior than any other existing languages.[/tscii:2685013f60]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:0d83a5c04c]Sanskrit has practically vanished. Its no body's mother tounge today.[/tscii:0d83a5c04c]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:ae66645275]// PrAkrit was spoken by pallavAs also. the root of Sanskrit goes much deeper than you imagine.//
We only have some works from the Late Sangam, the work from the two previous sangams are almost all wiped out by floods and other things. The 'available' oldest Thamizh text is 'Tholkaapiyam' from 2,500 years or so. Nevertheless the antiquity of Thamizh can be understood from its roots and it's linguistic richness. If you should know the amount of people speaking 'Hindi' has increased after the Independance of so called Indian Union. Should I explain why and how?! Does that make Hindi superior to Thamizh according to your quote...
//it is not the age that matters. it is the usage and population of speakers that really means.//
Of course not! Sanskirit is nothing compare to Thamizh and Hindi is nothing too! The English Empire has spreaded English..does that make English superior interm of linguistic level? Of course not. Like the Thirkkural,
"oliththakAl ennAam uvati elipakai
naagam uyirpak kedum!" - Thiruvalluvar
The kural means even if you have a sea of rats, they will run away the very moment the snake start to breathe!
Similarly you could have tons of people speaking Sanskirit or hindi or w/e but it doesn't make Sanskirit or hindi or any other languages superior than THAMIZH!!![/tscii:ae66645275]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:13558c06e0]Yeh Long live thamizh! Even when other languages die out hope to god that songs will be sang in tamizh. THE ONLY INDIAN LANGUAGE[/tscii:13558c06e0]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:54b53970a0]Hi, I have a small doubt,
Whether Tamil is originated from malayalam, or Malayalam is originated from tamil?
kindly clear my doubt.
Thanx & Regards[/tscii:54b53970a0]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:5680422890]Hi, I have a small doubt,
Whether Tamil is originated from malayalam, or Malayalam is originated from tamil?
kindly clear my doubt.
Thanx & Regards[/tscii:5680422890]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:d14fec66c8]Dear Mr. Manonmani.G
TAMIL the Offshoot Language of MALAYALAM?
Tamil is the one and the only Language FIRST SPOKEN by any Human ... not only in India ... but also the entire Globe ... while the Mankind in the rest of the World were only SAVAGES... as authentically established by several International Linguistic Scholars... especially Mr. SUNEETHI KUMAR CHATTERJI and MR. CALDWELL.
Malayalam is the Language nicely carved by Sri Ezhuthachan, the Great Linguistic Scholar both in Tamil and Sanskrit. It is the MOST RECENT as well as the LATEST ADDITION to the List of Indian Languages, just 300 years back.
The whole Kerala where Malayalam is the present Regional Language, was the so called CHERA- NAADU, where Tamil alone was the Language prevalent until 300 years back. One of the past Rulers of such Chera- Nadu was the King turned Kulasekara- Azhwar.
From Tamil... Manipravalam emerged.
From Manipravalam... Malayalam emerged.
MALAYALAM ...a Beautiful BLEND...
... of COLLOQUAL TAMIL and RICH SANSKRIT. [/tscii:d14fec66c8]
12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:0892414fba]BUY TAMIL BOOKS ONLINE
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1st January 2005, 01:46 AM
I want to share with my RARE Knowledge on this Topic :
...I learnt from an UPAASAKAR so called SPIRITUALIST, whom I met about 50 years back near Nagpur. He is a "Medium" through whom Spirits from the Super-world used to convey the replies to our Questions, while he used to be under the state of Meditation.
I cannot doubt him even to the least but trust him totally because he was an exemplary PIOUS Maharashtrian- Brahmin DEVOTED much towards the well-being of one and all without any sort of discrimination .... Rather a SIMPLE GENTLEMAN of high calibre with HELPING-NATURE to one and all whoever approach him for help.
And also I am unable to doubt on his Spiritual-statements too because it used to CORROBORATE unfailingly PERFECT AND EXACT... by Time and Substance, so to say I believe his Prophecies too radically.
I give importance, because I find his sayings tally well with History, Vaedic-Relgion and Science.
Here I present his Spiritual-Statements rendered IN PERSON TO ME....
(1) The earliest and the FIRST MANKIND appeared on the Banks of SARASWATHI in North-India, which River is Non-existent Now. They spread over to different parts of the world subsequently.
(2) Later Human-beings appeared at different parts of the Tropical Regions especially in Africa, South-America, Middle-East and Turkey-Regions. But they were all Savages without exception... and some even turned as Cannibals.
(3) The FOOD of the First-created such Mankind on the Banks of River Saraswathi was ONLY FISH, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.
(4) The LANGUAGE they spoke was the FIRST and FOREMOST LANGUAGE of the ENTIRE HUMANITY. He named it as SARASWATHI's LANGUAGE. Such people spread over more towards South-India upto the tip of Kanya-kumari.
(5) Saraswathi created that First Language of Humanity which SHE further spread over the world by taking Awathaarams thrice in South-India (This tallies with Avvaiyaar)
17th February 2005, 09:26 PM
In order to popularise tamil films it is necessary to have it substitled. this will allow non tamil speaking people to understand the movie/ THAT IS WHY HINDI FILMS HAVE BECOME POPULAR.
F.S.Gandhi vandayar
11th April 2005, 04:06 PM
Dear Old posts,
I complement to your passage with some root words.
ayutha elutthu=ah=root is aei= means cut. = milagai aeithal= chilly cutting= head cutting instrument = Ayutham.
Akkini=akni=agni= agnidevan=indran= indu=hindu
Akkini= Akku+e- Akku means a base = ex.akkul,aakkai,akki.
Fire was the base of cooking when men left their forest live. That is why akkini for fire.= akku veru aani veru= Base separate/built separate.
Aryan=ariyavan= a rare person=an outstanding person.=Uyarntha,thanithuvamana. The root 'ari' means separate.
Compare aryapadai,manapadai,podupadai and pampappadai in earlier chola kingdom. Aryapadai means outstanding padai, suicidal squad, leading padai.
manapadai means the next to and adapt/follow up for aryapadai like bride goes after bridegroom in marriage(thiruMANAM).
Podupadai=a general body of padai.
Pamppappadai= Like snake attacking force till death.
Vedham=root vei=means hide. = koorai veithal= hut to hide.
equivalent word is marai which means hide. The villagetown 'maraikadu' changed into 'vedaaranyam'=vedha+aranyam(kadu)
'thirayar mozhi'=thirakadal odi thiraviam thedu=thirai-kadal(sea)
thirayarmozhi=thiramoli=thermili=themili=tamili=ta mizh=tamil
The above name for tamil prevails in egyptian,mesopatomian and north indian languages.
The above is the correct interpretation of root words. When you find out root words we have to see the colloquial expression prevailing among people and then its literary version. Then only it will give correct interpretation. Because language gets shrink in dialects only. Not in literature.
21st April 2005, 05:48 PM
ANSWER FOR THE PRO-SANSKRIT Post subject: kal-k (@ 82-4*) on: Tue May 4 07:56:58 EDT 2004
//yeah but why aren't you guys making any claims like SANSKRIT can?
according to the NEASDEN temple they quote that SANSKRIT has 70 words for water which then amalgamate into 280 different words when added with a pre-fix.......... SANSKRIT has 70 words for water and 65 words for Earth.
when added with a prefix these words for water then amalgamate to 280 words !!!!
no language in the world has such qualities!!!!
these 70 words have not been derived from anyother language........ //
AS YOU SAY, EVEN THE ESKIMOS HAVE 51 WORDS FOR THE WORD "WHITE ";so,as you say can it be that eskimos' language is more superior and older than other languages?
aryans hadso many words for" water" because they had plenty of water , perennial river-of ganga, from snow clad himalayas;
even then could you be sure they didnot include general names of water bodies/collections(eg,.river,lake,pond,pool,ice,vapour,ra in,sea,ocean,lagoon,backwater,well,waves,snowfall, etc) or special character names likeadjectives for each of these names(eg., hotwater,coldwater,muddywater,saltywater,etc.)
THE LOGICAL REASON and reality is any language will have more meanings, special words for few particular things, which they deal most, which they have in plenty around them, which they see every second of their life,
THAMIZH ALSO HAS numerous words for
"ship"-37 words(atleast),"river"-21"words,"tiger"-15,"elephant"-33 words(atleast),"sea"-27 words,"sun"-15,"EARTH"-35 and so on for many things they dealt every day every second over tens of thousand years.
//you have to remember that the BORDERS of ARYA-VARTHA reached up to SIBERIA and across most of INDO-CHINA..........//
yes, yes, I had recently heard Aryans had ruled even the NORTH POLE, INFACT "ARYANS WERE THE FIRST TO REACH NORTH POLE!!
//the SARASWATI site shows a continous momentum of life from 5000 bc all the way back to 2 million years ago.....//
Life flourishes forever since the first aquatic animals evolved on all river banks and plains,
so it is nothing new SARASWATI river valley had life momentum all the way back to 2 million years even SAHARA OR SIBERIA will show fossils dating back to millions of years.
If you really mean SARASWATI valley was atleast 5000 B.C.E. long, I AM SORRY , all these 500 B.C.E. claims of the ASI have not yet been confirmed by any qualified International archaeologists , geologists, anthropologists, calligraphists,or any cryptologists;
(!)3100-2600 B.C.E.-earliest INDUS valley settlements known till date (There had been no certified, documented excavations that date prior to 3100 B.C.E.)
(2)1800-1700B.C.E.-disintegration and collapse of IVC, due to geological reasonshift of rivers,floods,etc
(3)1700-1500 B.C.E.-arrival of a large group of Indo-european nomadic population at the INDUS VALLEY, afterthe fag end of IVC ,
//if so please enlighten the world, if not be humbled by the power of SANSKRIT and stop fighting it and go with the flow............. //
I think it is the reverse,
it is out of the fear of being humbled by the power of THAMIZH, that the North Indian Scholars, Aryan ASI and the Brahmin Aryan-oriented head of Tamil Nadu Government,anti-THAMIZH government and SINGALESE scholars of Srilanka,
does nothing useful archaeologically and linguistically in the South Indian sites.
THESE governments are so anti-THAMIZH in attitude that they had stopped interests in LITERACY AND POPULATION EDUCATION PROGRAMMES (LITERACY RATE DOWN FROM 65.4% IN 2001 TO 61.5% IN 2005- TAMIL NADU;Even before reduced from 63.5 % in 1991 to 59.5% in 1995)
Ofcourse they need tamizh nadu population to be as illiterate as ever for them to remain on power indefinitely,all their votes come usually from illiterate and backward villages and dominant castes in their respective villages(to uphold their caste and regional supremacy));
//i am sure TaMIL is just as beautifully refined... //
atleast this you understood correctly!
"OM" CAME FROM THAMIZH SAMAYAM(RELIGION not time! ) ; Only when aryans came at 1500 B.C.E. to IVC (that time their Gods were Gods of fire, water,air and Indra and a 33 crore demigods) and found a supreme civilization and RELIGION than Vedhas AND TOOK LORD SIVA THE ONLY GOD OF THAMIZH CHCHAMAYAM AS their ALMIGHTY GOD, they become aware of "OM" and studied the Godly magical word .]
F.S.Gandhi vandayar
23rd April 2005, 03:36 PM
Thank you sethilkumaras for your lucid information.
We have to note one thing here about north indians. I am sorry to specify the truth based on caste but this is apparent truth to specify.
When Europeans said aryans thrushed out dravidians from north these north indians/elite group particularly brahmins in north india claimed they are aryans and sanskrit is their language.
Sanskritised tamil caste system adopted, most of the south indian brahmins also joined with north indian to consolidate their supremacy/to sustain their supremacy in this.
When Europeans said Aryans came from out to india it induced dravidian movements which made aryans are alienated to indian culture, suddenly they talked and claimed they are also original inhabitants of india.
When Aryans invasion theory proved wrong they strongly hold the about point and started spreading about saraswathi culture which according to their claim earlier than south indian tamil culture.
Again and again they try to form out this hypothesis making india rely on sanskrit/its culture with their supremacy laid on that.
The so called indran, the god of agni praised in vedhas was tamil god in prehistoric period.
In their thurst to make sanskrit supremacy/their supremacy also they compel everybody in india without any evidences.
We are ready to accept their theory after all tamil is the basis for this saraswathi culture provided those from non-brahmin is allowed to study vedhas and if completed the all customs laid down in that will they /hindian hindu/ allow them to do poojas in the 'karpagraga' of any temple?
Then tamils need not worry about their supremacy. We can prove that tamil version hindu is there in vedhas/saraswathi culture.
The partial thinking in finding out the truth in history must be wiped out at any cost.
There is no dravidian/aryan race in india. To specify tamil people vedhas speaks dravid. Aryans in vedhas are specified as 'Hothas'-othuvars and vedhas are belonging to everybody in hindu religion.
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