View Full Version : Cous Cous

27th April 2006, 02:06 AM
Hi everyone,
Any recipe ideas with cous cous please.
I am bored of making the cous cous - chickpea salad. Any ideas welcome.
Thanks in advance.

27th April 2006, 02:25 AM
try recipies from FoodTV.com.IVe seen Rachel Ray do a lot of cous cous dishes.

27th April 2006, 01:45 PM
what is couscous?

anou come to help please. I think u once told bout the cous cous upma :roll:

27th April 2006, 01:51 PM
small grains/pellets of wheat are called cous cous....it is much similar to semolina
it is the staple food of most mid east countries

27th April 2006, 01:52 PM
Couscous was traditionally made from the hard part of the hard wheat . The name is also used for prepared dishes made from other grains, such as barley, millet, sorghum, rice, or maize.

27th April 2006, 02:21 PM
Thanks sanjinika for the link. But most of it is the same old 'mix couscous with olive oil and lemon juice and serve it with lamb or vegetables' kind.
Some Indian variations would be very nice for a change.

SP couscous is just what Ayesha said it is, the grains are bigger than semolina and are niceish yellow colour. Its more like a grainy pasta and it tastes good. I love it.............

28th April 2006, 03:06 AM
I dont know any Indian dishes using cous cous dsath :(.But just a thought..
Do you think it will be good to substitute cous cous in dishes which use rava?

28th April 2006, 04:44 AM
I make a sort of gravy (which ressembles a lot to our Kuzhambu) with vegetables which can eaten with cous couc grains

3 cups of couscous grains
2 tablespons of butter
3 and a half cups of salted water

Boil water and when the boiling temperature reaches pour on the couscous grain spread evenly on a big bowl and close tightly the grains will absorb water and be cooked after about 20 minutes add the butter to the grains yet hot mix and keep aside.

for gravy
2 onions
2 tomatoes
3 capsicums
2 carrots
1 raddish
3 Zucchinis
1 cup of chick peas soaked and cooked
1 bringal
2 table spoon sof cumin powder (or paste)
1 table sppon of Paprika

Saute the onion cut into small slices until translucent add tomato cut into small pieces fry well add some water let gravy form and then add the cumin and paprika powders fery well (add water if needed ) add first the vegetable which takes time to be cooked (carrot raddish - cut into long pieces)and at last the bringal, zucchini, chick peas and capsicum (cut into long pieces) simmer cook and serve hot with cous cous.

If your non-veg add chicken to the gravy

28th April 2006, 02:39 PM
Thanks solona for your recipe idea, do you use the gravy to just coat the cous cous as in pasta or do u have it as a side dish as in chutney or sambhar as in Pongal.

Yes sanjinika i have tried something similar to our upma, but the results were not great. May be i did not do it properly.

28th April 2006, 07:12 PM
Vanthuten Shakthi :)

dsath: Why don't you make upma out of cous cous?

You can also stuff capsicum, tomato, aubergine with cous cous + veggies like onion, olives, sundried tomatoes, etc, top it up with cheese and stick it in the oven :) they are yum!!!

Also similar to cous cous upma, cook cous cous and leave it aside, stir fry any veg that you want, add curry powder/paste and to this add cous cous and mix, you get a lovely spicy and healthy cous cous dish!

29th April 2006, 04:24 AM
I did make upma more than once with couscous, but didn't turn out all that good. Thanks Anoushka for the ideas, the last one sounded really nice. Will try it out and let you know.

29th April 2006, 11:02 AM
how do u ask for couscous here? (in india?)

do we get it in food world places?

2nd May 2006, 10:10 AM
Thanks solona for your recipe idea, do you use the gravy to just coat the cous cous as in pasta or do u have it as a side dish as in chutney or sambhar as in Pongal.

Yes sanjinika i have tried something similar to our upma, but the results were not great. May be i did not do it properly.

Hi Dsath,

Yes this can be eaten with cous cous as kuzhambhu with rice


2nd May 2006, 03:52 PM
may be in india u can get cous cous by the name "dalia"

2nd May 2006, 04:00 PM
Thanks solona, will try that.

2nd May 2006, 04:01 PM
Hi Ayesha,
How are your kids now? Hope they are well.

2nd May 2006, 06:08 PM
dear dsath
my kids are doing fine...thanks to Almighty!! :)
thnx a lot for the concern and prayers.

2nd May 2006, 06:32 PM
I came across a recipe yesterday which had cous cous as a side dish for fish.Will try that out today and let you know how it is.IF its good,I will post the recipe

2nd May 2006, 07:07 PM
Shakthi: Cous Cous is something that I hadn't seen in India, but that doesn't mean anything as I had not gone grocery shopping at all before leaving India :lol:

2nd May 2006, 09:41 PM
Good to know that your kids are well. Keep up your good work going.