View Full Version : Srimadh Bhagawath Geetha
23rd April 2006, 10:52 PM
This is certainly a Great treasure for every Human. This is understood to be a very good way to understand the Supreme Being or Paramathma.
Why don't we discuss and learn various points of this Great treasure. To strat with, a small quote from Bhagawath Geetha.....which is acceptable to all...
Yepyanya devata bhakta yajanthe sraddhyanvitah: |
tepi mam eva kaounteya yajanthya Vidhi poorvakam ||
Translation: If anyone who follows his way of life in a sincere and truthful manner and pray God, in any form he wants, but sincreley, attains me at last, as he is praying me indirectly...
Bhagawath Geetha 9th Chapter 23rd Sloka
24th April 2006, 08:52 PM
This is certainly a Great treasure for every Human. This is understood to be a very good way to understand the Supreme Being or Paramathma.
Why don't we discuss and learn various points of this Great treasure. To strat with, a small quote from Bhagawath Geetha.....which is acceptable to all...
Yepyanya devata bhakta yajanthe sraddhyanvitah: |
tepi mam eva kaounteya yajanthya Vidhi poorvakam ||
Translation: If anyone who follows his way of life in a sincere and truthful manner and pray God, in any form he wants, but sincreley, attains me at last, as he is praying me indirectly...
Bhagawath Geetha 9th Chapter 23rd Sloka
Well... Splendid idea.... towards the Welfare of Mankind.
Many are of the WRONG-NOTION... that the Bhagawad-Geetha pertains to the so called Hindus only... No. It is common for Humanty... similar to Thirukkuralh.
..especially an Ever-applicable Treasure of Indian-Heritage ...
If one goes through its text, can understand how a broad outlook of Wise-counsel it imparts towards Self and Others...
...alongside LARGE-HEARTEDNESS in applying the Life-codes towards the Society on the whole..
... ensuring UNITY UNDER put forth quite legibly and categorically.
The above Sloka is an Exemplary one towards such a Healthy Spirit highly worthy for any and every person.
God is one... but the approaches are many... like the several Rivers ...Ultimately reaching One Destination... OCEAN...says Geetha.
27th April 2006, 12:50 AM
Sudhamaa Sir, I request you to kindly share your knowledge of Bhagawath Geethai, by which others like me can learn it....
28th April 2006, 09:42 PM
Sudhamaa Sir, I request you to kindly share your knowledge of Bhagawath Geethai, by which others like me can learn it....
Thanks... Yes, I will... but along with initiate their thoughts on different aspects of Geetha, ...
...the Remarkable Gospel quoted by International Scholars...
...irrespective of Sect, Religion, Nationality or any such vivi-section of Mankind...
... on its Unique and Unparallel Sense of Human-values..
... applicable for anybody on DAY TO DAY LIFE.
With Best wishes,
9th July 2006, 12:54 AM
Sudhamaa Sir, I request you to kindly share your knowledge of Bhagawath Geethai, by which others like me can learn it....
Thanks... Yes, I will... but along with initiate their thoughts on different aspects of Geetha, ...
...the Remarkable Gospel quoted by International Scholars...
...irrespective of Sect, Religion, Nationality or any such vivi-section of Mankind...
... on its Unique and Unparallel Sense of Human-values..
... applicable for anybody on DAY TO DAY LIFE.
With Best wishes,
Sudhama Sir, since no one has come forward , here is my question on Gita.
Why was Arjuna given an answer like "Vishwaroopa" when all he was wanting was answers as words ? Perhaps if he was convinced with words, and if they were duly noted down and passed-on to us, we could have understood it ourselves. We see the vishwaroopa ourselves every day in our lives.
What we do not know yet are the convincing answers to the his moral questions.
12th July 2006, 04:54 AM
24th July 2006, 01:35 AM
can someone pls tell me what hapnd to lord krishna after the war ?
and same for lord raamaa ? did he actually rule for
eleven thousand years ? after raamayan war?
24th July 2006, 06:19 AM
According to the Ramayana, Rama did rule for a total of 11,000 years. Whether he actually ruled or not is subject to whether you believe the account given in the Valimiki Ramayana or not.
Krishna, on the other hand, did not continue for that long after the MB war. This we can ascertain by a little mathematical calculation.
Parikshit was still in Uttara's womb when the war was over. Thereafter, he was crowned king when he was hardly 13 years old. And Krishna has already concluded his Avataric role before that. So we can guess after the MB war, Krishna and the Pandavas continued to live for only about 14 years max.
24th July 2006, 07:54 AM
According to the Ramayana, Rama did rule for a total of 11,000 years. Whether he actually ruled or not is subject to whether you believe the account given in the Valimiki Ramayana or not.
Krishna, on the other hand, did not continue for that long after the MB war. This we can ascertain by a little mathematical calculation.
Parikshit was still in Uttara's womb when the war was over. Thereafter, he was crowned king when he was hardly 13 years old. And Krishna has already concluded his Avataric role before that. So we can guess after the MB war, Krishna and the Pandavas continued to live for only about 14 years max.
Badri, were the "years" same as what we understand as years today ? I mean does it mean 11,000 ratations of earth around itself ?
24th July 2006, 08:00 AM
Translation: If anyone who follows his way of life in a sincere and truthful manner and pray God, in any form he wants, but sincreley, attains me at last, as he is praying me indirectly...
How can we be sure if we are sincere and truthful ? I mean right thing for one person can be completely wrong for other other, in a small world of limited resources and inherent conflicts and without a universal code of conduct ?
24th July 2006, 08:25 AM
Translation: If anyone who follows his way of life in a sincere and truthful manner and pray God, in any form he wants, but sincreley, attains me at last, as he is praying me indirectly...
How can we be sure if we are sincere and truthful ? I mean right thing for one person can be completely wrong for other other, in a small world of limited resources and inherent conflicts and without a universal code of conduct ?
But the beauty is sincerity and truthfulness are independent of right and wrong!
You may sincerely believe that worshipping Krishna by offering tulsi leaves is your way of life and devotion and do it, while another might sincerely believe that worshipping Jehovah by observing the commandments and by being dedicated to the torah is his way of life and devotion.
While the "Gods" are different, while their way of life is different, while the observances are different, the sincerity is the same!
There is no need to look for the Universal Code, coz there is no Univsersal Code. It is what you make of your life that matters and that is the teaching of the Gita
27th July 2006, 02:26 AM
According to the Ramayana, Rama did rule for a total of 11,000 years. Whether he actually ruled or not is subject to whether you believe the account given in the Valimiki Ramayana or not.
Krishna, on the other hand, did not continue for that long after the MB war. This we can ascertain by a little mathematical calculation.
Parikshit was still in Uttara's womb when the war was over. Thereafter, he was crowned king when he was hardly 13 years old. And Krishna has already concluded his Avataric role before that. So we can guess after the MB war, Krishna and the Pandavas continued to live for only about 14 years max.
Badri, were the "years" same as what we understand as years today ? I mean does it mean 11,000 ratations of earth around itself ?
It is just a POETIC-EXAGGERATION... to mean...
... "Each year's glory is worth of Thousand Years Accomplishments or Achievements."
According to Valmiki .. the Emperor Dasaratha is said to have ruled for 60,000 years... and...that...
...He possessed 60,000 wives.!.. How both can be possible? Incredible.!
So all these mean.... that...
(1) Dasaratha ruled for 60 years and had 60 wives.
(2) Rama ruled for just 11 years.
(3) Krishna lived 14 years after war.
27th July 2006, 05:33 AM
I clicked on the topic "Why Vishwarupa for Arjuna?", nobody seems to discuss the answer to that question.
Vishwa Roopa is easy to see for those who want to see. (It is the easiest to see!).
27th July 2006, 06:56 PM
I clicked on the topic "Why Vishwarupa for Arjuna?", nobody seems to discuss the answer to that question.
Vishwa Roopa is easy to see for those who want to see. (It is the easiest to see!).
How true, indeed.
It seems too easy and natural that people see right through it.
Love and Light.
30th July 2006, 04:05 AM
when God as Rama king ruled it was so perfect justice , freedom, peace and prosperity... absltly no natural / man made disasters, diseases, ailments or ill-fortune of any nature for any living being. futhermore ' no 'sins committed 'in the world by any of his people. life like a staraight path to ' moksha the ultimate goal !Lord king Rama is worshipped and hailed by all like best example of perfect character and almost everything so perfect as moksha .
if that is true !
why we are born ?
how did we escape our origins?
why conflictive karma punishment ?
31st July 2006, 08:19 AM
[tscii:99e9a918ca]why we are born ?
how did we escape our origins?
why conflictive karma punishment ?
All these questions arise because of the presumption that there is something called ‘We’ or simply ‘I’ (We being just the plural of I).
Sometime somewhere down the line of human evolution, the ‘I’ concept got wired into the human psyche. The mind is nothing but an extended projection of this I.
Society (collections of ‘I’s) carried on the continuity of ‘I’. Now it seems that humans cannot exist without the sense of I. Actually there is no I. The human body is just as part of nature as the amoeba or virus is and as part of the universe as an inter-stellar particle. The human body is born in a form and loses its form and gets recycled (nothing is lost, law of conservation of energy and matter). All karma and punishment is the minds way of looking at things favourable or unfavourable to it. There is no karma and punishment without the ‘I’.
1st August 2006, 01:32 AM
thanks sir ! :D
my question is if our origins were ruled by Lord Rama why we are born ? dint they reach moksha ?
1st August 2006, 07:00 AM
thanks sir ! :D
my question is if our origins were ruled by Lord Rama why we are born ? dint they reach moksha ?
Instead of this Question, you could have asked a PRIMARY QUESTION...
...After Rama granted Moksha to all... who were the subjects to be ruled over by... Lava and Kusa ...his Heir-Kings?
The answer is simple.... Indeed Lord Rama granted Moksha ...
... Not only to one and all the people.... but also to every Living-beings including the insects... says Valmiki.
But... ONLY OF AYODHYA region... under his Empire.!
So the people of adjacent regions as well as those from His erstwhile Sub-ordinate Kingdoms... occupied Ayodhya... who were subsequently ruled by Lava & Kusa.
Our Ancestry... of the present Human-generation.. including you and me... need not be Human-beings...
... but may be of some lower-cadre Living-beings too!... including some Insects.!!
We are born as Humans in this birth... only because we might have done some Punhyas too... in our previous births.... as to deserve this Supreme-birth as Mankind in the current birth.!.
13th August 2006, 01:36 AM
Throughout the whole world we are chanting Hare Krishna. Is not that magic? Foreign countries, foreign religion, and they are accepting Krishna and chanting Hare Krishna. Is not that magic?
please see more on :
19th February 2011, 09:51 PM
I clicked on the topic "Why Vishwarupa for Arjuna?", nobody seems to discuss the answer to that question.
Vishwa Roopa is easy to see for those who want to see. (It is the easiest to see!).
Really? Is it the easiest to see? Then why did Arjuna shrink from it, and ask Krishna to show him the two-handed form, who was always smiling?
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