View Full Version : are written words stronger than spoken ones?

6th April 2006, 10:48 PM
do you think written words convey more feeling than is meant?

or are stronger words used when writing rather than speaking?

is this coz one does not think abt the other's reaction while writing and coz the reaction is not immediately received (as the other person has to reply, etc) and therefore one tends to be less careful of one's written words?

or is this coz one has less hesitation to write something rather than to say the same thing?

pavalamani pragasam
7th April 2006, 07:54 AM
Officially it is more effective if given in black and white!!! But written information can be incriminating!!! A powerful evidence!!!

13th April 2006, 10:23 PM
yah u can't make out the expression in letters so it may lead to confusion.

as of my knowledge it pains a lot.

13th April 2006, 11:16 PM
I don't know Fire it depends on the situation
when people are yelling it's one thing to hear their hurtful words...and just feel your hurt crumble...but written I don't know if emotional words are enough to evoke the same sensation in others

words can be dangerous because they can be strewed to many different meanings...in speech you can retract or re-explain at the very moment...in words you can only write in another way or explain to them face-to-face.

13th April 2006, 11:27 PM
yeah, i agree.

14th April 2006, 11:08 PM
Written words are powerful and efficient cause,

it can be mild yet stern
it can convery what it wants without beating around the bush

it can be less hurting
it can be more official
it can be more personal

written words mend its ways and are very flexible, VERBAL WORDS are just shows of emotions.

nowonder they said.......... PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN SWORD.

14th April 2006, 11:28 PM
Written words are powerful and efficient cause,

it can be mild yet stern
it can convery what it wants without beating around the bush

it can be less hurting
it can be more official
it can be more personal

written words mend its ways and are very flexible, VERBAL WORDS are just shows of emotions.

nowonder they said.......... PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN SWORD.

less hurting? it could be taken to mean more than it actually does and therefore be more hurting as well.

more personal? not sure actually.

verbal words are not just shows of emotion! isn't that too much of a generalisation?

14th April 2006, 11:35 PM

WORDS can be coiled beautifully, to CONVEY WHAT I WANT, with sweetness. A sugar coated pill.

That is why it draws more crowd. PPl love to read than to listen to lectures.

If i go talk outside about family values nobody would dare to listen, if i write a book, they would spend money, buy and spend time to read.

Wrods written can be coiled with more patiennce..... we have time to think. Words spoken JUST FALL OUT HASTILY.

Words written can make u very emotional. FAMILY dramas or story or poetry can reduce u to tears...... than seeing a real life drama. That is why they are more emotional.

Any good novel or story, is more reachable than a movie or picture. Mind creates maya and magic to fit what it wants....... when it has just words to play with.
Mind is more powerful than EARS. So it can imagine rozy or harsh things depending on HOW THE written communication is done.

Verbal words are shows of temporary emotions which may fade away. WRITTEN WORDS STAY.

14th April 2006, 11:43 PM
yeah, i agree tt written words give more room for imagination to work on them and hence they have a stronger effect

15th April 2006, 10:13 AM
What is blunt when spoken can be smoothed out while writing. And when one wants to express positive emotions the written is as good as the spoken word.

15th April 2006, 10:07 PM
What is blunt when spoken can be smoothed out while writing. And when one wants to express positive emotions the written is as good as the spoken word.

with careful phrasing, yeah. but both written and spoken words can be misinterpreted, and esp written words as you don't know the tone, so could be taken to mean more than they are meant to.