View Full Version : What do u do for instant mood elevation?

2nd March 2006, 08:47 AM
Yea, sometimes I get too demotivated- help!

2nd March 2006, 10:07 AM
Yea, sometimes I get too demotivated- help!

:idea: I Start drawing cartoons and caricatures.It really helps. :cry: :arrow: :D

2nd March 2006, 10:22 AM
I hum (or tha-na-na/la la la my way through :D ) or sing if no poor soul is around to hear :P ...seriously a little song beautifully playing in my mind is enough to pick me up... :D

RP we have some great artists in our family...of course that means i can't draw worth anything...you should be proud you can draw :) ...i usually just doodle...i'm really bad..i'm not even being modest...for school when doing title pages I had to put labels beside my pictures :oops: :P

2nd March 2006, 10:30 AM
lol Querida- it takes guts to confess you arebad at something- I like your honesty.

2nd March 2006, 11:48 AM
hmm m.. ALAN...i come online (www.mayyam.com or my friends hub -


.... ..OR .write in my diary ..( against the person whu irritated my mood ....using the worst of worst language ..) ...

2nd March 2006, 01:42 PM
I come online too! :wink:

2nd March 2006, 05:48 PM

you need to do WHAT U LOVE DOING....

(for mood elevation)

its a relative concept and varies with person.

I write (poetries at times),
read (good fictions, it transports me to a diff world)
listen to music, (sad music at times),
cry (it lightens me),
sing (any kinda songs),
talk to ONLINE FRIENDS...(really changes my mood),
go for a walk (it relaxes me),
muse in solitude,
chat out with real friends (funny things,
talk to krishna (god)
Think postive about future (go to dream world... :oops: )
come to FORUM :wink:

2nd March 2006, 08:04 PM
Yea, even I hum my fav. old songs.....:)
And (no need to mention I think!) think of my fav. old vehicles, altho not applicable in everyone's case! :lol:
Or I sumtimes read sum books on spirituality,
Or look at old pics. from our photo albums......ther is one I often think of during such times, even wen I'm not looking at it....taken around 1980 or '81, jus b4 I was born & couple of yrs after our house at Hyd. was built.....its a photo (colour) of our ex-house (wich was the only one in our street then!) taken from a distance......my parents & sis (who look so tiny!) standing in one of the balconies of the rooms above, & a blue Lambretta scooter parked just outside the house (wich I initially thot belongd to my dad but later was told tat it was the photographer's & tat my dad never knew scooter driving!).......altho this photo also makes me badly wish I too was present w/ my family wen it was taken & also miss our ex-house, it also sumhow makes me feel a certain calm & happiness from an otherwise frustrating feeling I get from my present day-to-day life!
Neways, the reason I talk abt this is bcos altho many ppl. say the past shud be forgotten, the present/future is more exciting etc.....I feel u cud get sum feeling of happiness by looking at ne memories (esp. photos) from the past tat r capable of bringing a smile on ur face automatically & elevating ur mood.....! :)

2nd March 2006, 08:12 PM
RP we have some great artists in our family...of course that means i can't draw worth anything...you should be proud you can draw :) ...i usually just doodle...i'm really bad..i'm not even being modest...for school when doing title pages I had to put labels beside my pictures :oops: :P
Even I used to be very good at drawing cartoons.....not sure if I still am! :)
At one point sum ppl. even encouraged me to meet up w/ famous cartoonists like RK Laxman & maybe try takin this up as a 'serious' career....but my parents said it isn't a job tat fetches much, unless u get into more 'diversified' ways like using multimedia etc......
I used to enjoy jus drawing by hand! :)

2nd March 2006, 08:16 PM
I dont specifically do anything..I just ride out the bad mood :(.Its not a method of combating the dark feeling but its the only way I can fight it off coz when Im feeling down I dont feel like doing anything.Not watching movie,listening to music,cooking..etc etc.Ofcourse it helps having someone(in my case my hubby) who can listen to you whine and help you get over it.Luckily for me(my hubby too) I dont get into a snit that often :wink:.

2nd March 2006, 08:28 PM

you need to do WHAT U LOVE DOING....

(for mood elevation)

its a relative concept and varies with person.

I write (poetries at times),
read (good fictions, it transports me to a diff world)
listen to music, (sad music at times),
cry (it lightens me),
sing (any kinda songs),
talk to ONLINE FRIENDS...(really changes my mood),
go for a walk (it relaxes me),
muse in solitude,
chat out with real friends (funny things,
talk to krishna (god)
Think postive about future (go to dream world... :oops: )
come to FORUM :wink:

:D Thanks SP Mam!

4th March 2006, 04:20 PM
Yea, sometimes I get too demotivated- help!

Cooking is a great mood elevator ..........provided the dish u cook up tastes good!!!!!! :lol:

4th March 2006, 04:56 PM
Yes, I've herd that cooking is one of the best therapies to ward off depression & a stress buster- but cooking for me is a routine job unless its a very elaborate recipe.

5th March 2006, 09:43 AM
Yes, I've herd that cooking is one of the best therapies to ward off depression & a stress buster- but cooking for me is a routine job unless its a very elaborate recipe.

Well try Cooking for a friend...........

5th March 2006, 01:25 PM
Take out the "why" from whatever you do! Society teaches us the "why" behind every thing we do! There lies the mistake. Do things just for doing it, not for any reason. It is the "why" which makes you motivated and de-motivated. Actually motivation is not necessary for doing anything!!!

5th March 2006, 02:22 PM
Take out the "why" from whatever you do! Society teaches us the "why" behind every thing we do! There lies the mistake. Do things just for doing it, not for any reason. It is the "why" which makes you motivated and de-motivated. Actually motivation is not necessary for doing anything!!!

Well Said Braandan........if I may add a few quotes:
Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.

Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up's.

5th March 2006, 03:10 PM
very good post @ braandan :clap:

6th March 2006, 03:40 AM
I only cook for enemies :twisted: :lol: