View Full Version : Lessons from Past ... INDIA
6th November 2005, 01:00 AM
Shall we discuss on the Historical facts.... imparting ..
.. the duly Valuable Lessons for guiding the FUTURE INDIA.?
6th November 2005, 01:07 AM
.. INAUGURAL DAYS of Independant India.
One of the main reasons why India was so easily VULNERABLE for repeated foreign Invasions was, because of the then existed Religious cultures .. over-emphasising Destiny.
Some Religions of India, even preach ... that Kings are not Gods and so are not authorised to punish the Culprit ... even after finding him guilty... but to leave it to HIS FATE.
... which also preached against maintaining a Military-force to combat the Possible-Enemy or for Self- Defence against Invasion by a Foreigner
So the Kings were DEFENCELESS... While the people were NON- RETALIATORY to enemy's Invasions... despite Human Valour available within.
... but accomodative enough by blaming on their ILL-FATES...
Even after India's Independance... We all know... how one of such a country was grabbed by a Big-power because of the Non- availability of even a small Defencive Force in the possession of the Non-Violent Ruler.
r_kk wrote:
Are these (except Tibet occupation by communist China) are based on any historical evidences? Do you know who invited foreign invaders to India? Please read Indian history. Do you know how much portion of India we lost to China in the last war? Even the powerful army of India couldn’t stop China, how do you expect poor small country like Tibet might have stopped China’s invasion?
Dear Mr. rkk,
I have to detail the True Historical events in this context... during the then Prime-Minister Nehru's Era.
In continuation of Gandhiji's Formula of Ahimsa to redeem Independance by wining over the Oppressor-foreigner... Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime- Minister of India wanted to establish Non- Violence policy in his International conduct also. Indeed it is a LOFTY- IDEAL ... But to NURTURE the same spirit in other nations minds how soon and how far practiaable was the practical Question... UNTHOUGHT OF. by the Idian Strategy framers... mainly the then Prime-Ministyer.
So he founded the PANCH-SHEEL THEORY of Peaceful-Co-Existence of all the International countries
... resulting in the overall demands for the least of Military power in each country backed by mutual understanding all over the world.
Thus he propogated the Ideology of mutual trust and understanding to ensure Non-aggreesion on another country over any other Nation, irrespective of any sort of might of its own.
One of the World Prime-Ministers who appreciated Nehru on this Ideal and came forward to bring into action by means of mutual meets and discussions followed by lofty-worded agreement etc.... was Mr. Chow-en- Lai, the then Prime-Minister of China..
Nehru trusted him, since the other PM was so impressively exhibitive.
Prior to Independance days, British Government had set up and maintaining a Regional Defence- Military- force at Lhasa the capital of Tibet... which Battalion was at the command of the Indian-Viceroy at New-Delhi.. but at the cost of Tibet.
Chow-en-lai insisted Nehru saying.. " After all the Britishers were the Foreign oppressors who enslaved all of us and so thgey needed military forces all over the different Regiions... Why you and I need them... nor the country Tibet.?
Tibet and China are of similar culture of Budhism-concept. which Religion is the Dictum of Non-Violence. So I intend having a mutual Agreement with Tibet also... so that bth of or neighbours will live in peace and thrive together to advance.
So you must withdraw your military force immediately from Tibet."
Nehru believed Chow and accordingly sent a 30 day notice to Dalai- Lama the then Ruler of Tibet... that the Tibet's military protection no more rests with India,. and so will be withdrawn.
Immediately Lama rushed his Emissary to Nehru seeking the continuation of Defence-military, since he fears foreign aggression on his soil. and that he would bear the cost of India's military force deputed for the purpose based on a fresh agreement with Nehru. But this proposal was rejected by Nehru ... and the Batalion from Lhasa was withdsrawn... leaving Tibet unprotected.
Then Chow sent a Letter to Lama stating that Tibet is part of China and he must hand it over to them forthwith. Alarmed on it, Lama sent an emissary to China inviting Chow for negotiations at Tibet capital Lhasa..
But as per the International News of the days... that Lama's Emissary to China, was somehow made to sign in favour of China consenting for the accession.with it.
Lama's vociferous objection went unheaded and Tibet was captured by Chinese forces. .. within no time.
Consequently Lama the then Ruler of the Nation, had no other go than to stealthily escape... seeking Asylum in India.
Ah.! I see the God's miraculous Hands in helping Dalai Lama by causing a Dusty wind which functioned as a Curtain for the Budhist's Monk's Convoy to elope towards India,
... in the dark midnight from his palace on the Hills... thickly surrounded by the Chinese military forces.
as vividly narrated by Readers Digest then... even now brings tears in my Eyes.
Thus a National Ruler cum Religious Leader deemed as Demi-God by His Disciples, Tibetian people, became a pitiable victim of Betrayal ..
And the Innocent Non-Aggressive spirit of NON-VIOLENCE backed by the Emphatic Religious concept
Then how it became the Spring-board for Chinas Invasion on India... is another miserable Episode.
.. To continue.
Dear Mr. r_kk,
I am waiting for your comments, before I proceed further....Have you any Comment on the above?
Dear Mr. Sudhama,
I agree to the reasons (behind the defeat in war) that you had mentioned (Nehru's overconfidence, India's unpreparedness etc). But my main question is whether Buddhist's nonvoilence concept is the reason for Tibet's defeat. I feel they might not have done anything against China'a aggression, even if they had well developed Army.
Any way this is one of the good historical subject, Indians have to know. Please throw some lights on what happened before and during the war.
6th November 2005, 01:23 AM
Miserable days of Jawaharlal Nehru, First Prime Minister of India
No doubt, Mr Jawaharlal Nehru was a Model Statesman.. an impeccable Gentleman of high calibre with Good intentions towards Advancemet of India ... of Ideal democracy.. ..
But he was severely criticised during his rule as well as later too by the Political Experts...that.. he erred mostly . Rather.. Blundered... How?
// I agree to the reasons (behind the defeat in war) that you had mentioned (Nehru's overconfidence, India's unpreparedness etc). //
Not only Over-Confidence of Nehru and India’s Unpreparedness for War ... but also ..
.. his personal lack of Positive- Farsightedness based on Ground- realities and Fore- warnings,
.. Utter Neglect of Lessons from Past History..
.. Total Disregard of admonitions from the Indian Political-Experts
.. and Uncare of Opposition parties’ repeated cautioning notes of worth.
In brief .. because of his Autocracy emboldened by Brutal Majority in the Parliament, who were the blind Hero-worshippers and yes- masters to whatever Nehru says or gestures.
.. and also due to his Fanatic- obstinacy on the Inernal policy of Gandhian- Formulae of Non-Violence, and Handicrafts .. ignoring the mosaic culture and Heavy Population demands of Modern India .. expeditiously.
.. OVER-HASTE in attempt for epanding the NON-VIOLENCE Policy to International arena too .. at the cost of Suicidal Self- Defence- slackness,
.. which sort of Innocence and Ignorance was exploited by the extraneous Wicked forces In and Out .. How?
//.. my main question is whether Buddhist's non-voilence concept is the reason for Tibet's defeat. I feel they might not have done anything against China's aggression, even if they had well developed
Yes.. the Non-Violence concept of Budhist-Monk ruled Tibet in conjunction with India’s raw hand of Independence Far-lacking in self-defence, as well as Non-combatant Attitude of Indolence or Non-Retaliative spirit .. Contrary to its vital-demand for a Nation ..
.. if not for every citizen Individual.
These brittle-potentialities of Sluggishness of a rich Nation tempted and attracted the Opponent wicked forces to cunningly plan to advance step by step and finally capture.Thus Violence has Won over Non-Violence ..
Action has won over Inaction.
Farsightedness has won over Non-Far-sightedness..
irrespective of Benefic or Malefic intentions behind the two Opponents.
// Any way this is one of the good historical subject, Indians have to know.//
Yes... India’s present day Youth ... MUST REMEMBER... towards their SUCCESSFUL FUTURE.
//Please throw some lights on what happened before and during the war.//
Yes .. To be Continued
7th November 2005, 07:12 AM
Please refrain from any kinds of bashing. The author is requested to edit his own post.
7th November 2005, 07:29 AM
Dear Mr.Nov,
//Please refrain from any kinds of bashing. The author is requested to edit his own post//
The way it was worded in the Public Newspapers and Magazines then and now too... in a DEMOCRATIC way...I have put forth the facts here.
However I have EDITED and made it a polished one now. Is it now OK?
7th November 2005, 09:58 AM
I see the God's miraculous Hands in helping Dalai Lama by causing a Dusty wind which functioned as a Curtain for the Budhist's Monk's Convoy to elope towards India,
And the Innocent Non-Aggressive spirit of NON-VIOLENCE backed by the Emphatic Religious concept
As usual Mr. Sudhamma, you are bringing the concept of God and your belief system to all discussions. Here you had mentioned the protection of a Buddhist monk, who rejects the concept of God, was also by God!
Then what do you want to say? Do you consider that the concept of violence and war are better than non-violence? Do you know that few modern European countries have “just name sake” army without any fighting power?
I hope you know the fact that the major ruthless participant of Second World War was Japan, which is Buddhist country. Do you know the Suppression of Tamil rights in Sri lank was/is lead by Buddhist monks? These don’t mean the Buddhism as organized religion or Buddhist monks like violence or suppression. But it shows that just Buddhism doesn’t bring “buddhahood” (enlightened compassion) to its mere followers.
Non-violence is the universal concept for matured human beings. Some times it may not be an acceptable solution for the protection of nation since the concept of nation itself based on manmade political division, for the sake of protecting interests of particular group of people.
7th November 2005, 02:18 PM
Sudhaama wrote:
Shall we discuss on the Historical facts.... imparting ..
.. the duly Valuable Lessons for guiding the FUTURE INDIA.?
Very interesting topic. I have been trying to understand these topics but without a good knowledge of history and economics, it seems quite difficult to find such solutions. Here are some tentative comments. Recently, I have come across three books which may have some relevance:
David S. Landes: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Others So Poor?"
Jared Diamond:" Guns, Germs, and Steel",
John Kay: "Wealth and Prosperity, Why some nations are rich but most remain poor".
The last one was published in Europe under the title "The truth about markets". The first two, which I have not read, were reviewed by Brad DeLong inhis website His reviews are follwed by comments of economists and historians. Apparently, the first book (by Landes) studies the theme why India and China which were quite competetive with the west started lagging behind after 18th century. Francis Bacon seems to have said that the three important tools for the modern developments were compass, printing and gun poder all of which came from China. From the discussion in DeLong's site, there does not seem to be any concensus even among the experts.
It seems that there are a number of factors and it is not clear which were the dominating factors and a crucial factor may be as inoccuous as the existence of suitable financial institutions at a suitable time. Most seem to give importance to the Industrial Revolution for the start of this dominance, first by England and then by other European countries. My friend Bimol Chatterjee says that this earlier start for England was made possible by Newton. According to Bimol, science before Newton was deductive and after Newton it became deductive. something like Steam Engine, one of the main stimulants of Industrial revolution, would not have been possible without deductive science according to Bimol. The above sort of ideas may have some truth in them. It is not clear to me why there are no tropical countries which are dominant.
It is also not clear to me whether religion, superstition etc have any role. All countries, through out history seemed to have a fair share of these. During the rise of Protestants, lot of discussions took place in Europe ( where as such took place in China and India much earlier) whether the consequent development of independent thinking among certain groups might have some influence. What role Euclid's Elements or Magnacarta had in this development must have been studied by some scholars.
There is another book which I read recently which seems more useful for studying the current problems. In "The Prize, the epic quest for Oil, Money and Power"", Daniel Yergin studies oil's role in shaping twentieth century history. Capitalism, mixed economies of various hues, communism etc seem to hold sway in partcular regions for a while but somehow nothing seems to work for a long time. Again as my friend bimol says capitalism seems to be natural but how to control it seems to be a problem. May be, we can just study how things worked in twentieth century for some guidelines. May be some of the participants like Aravindhan may have some insights. I too would like to know what would help India and the world get ahead without too much poverty and pain.
7th November 2005, 11:56 PM
17th March 2006, 11:24 AM
[tscii:6904522720]Hi there,
First of all Sivamala, I think ‘your’ ‘Well said’ were for Sudhaama’s words. Never on Earth would I dream of saying anything irresponsible like that without strong evidence.
And secondly why ever should we not make references to unpalatable history. It is a part of our PAARAMPARIYAM and I cannot understand why we should look at only the positive sides. We should learn from our history. I don’t want to divert anything from the topic in discussion. But exemplary is a very strong word and strong points are required to prove that.
It’s that our culture has some good and some not so good elements in it. If we are prepared to look at only the positive sides, then who are we fooling (ourselves I guess)?
We had to accept that things like sati existed and we should also be proud of the fact that we were able to route that out. I just hope we could do the same with the caste system. I think we had made progress like no one (in my knowledge) practices untouchability as it was practiced ages ago. But we still have a long way to go before showing the caste system the final door.
I am not denying that we had some great elements in our culture. But look at the whole picture, u never know what you see.
‘Only the positive side’ – Hmm, if we want to sing praises of anything, we can go on and on……….
I think only when we acknowledge the not-so-good elements in our history and accept it and work towards making things better and still be proud to be part of the culture can we call ourselves good.
Again and again I would reiterate the point that before Independence we were never one culture, different cultures…………………..
I will reply analytically soon.
17th March 2006, 07:28 PM
[tscii:821df6aa3c]Over the centuries our civilization is classified broadly as Bronze Age, Iron Age……etc.
We are currently living in the Oil Age. May be Science and Technology as it has in the past may discover something else and we may proceed to an X- Age.
The geographical area which had a lead in S&T in that particular age triumphs over the rest. For example the Romans ruled the British and the British were fighting against Roman invasion. In that period the Roman S&T was much more advanced than the British. The Egyptians S&T almost came to a standstill when the Romans were in the height of power. If the Egyptians could have developed their technology to match the Romans then they wouldn’t have fallen so meekly. But the days of the Romans also came to an end (due to multiple reasons).
Did the British fighting against an invading power some 4000 years ago ever thought that their decedents would rule half the world one day. The truth is they did and their time also came to an end.
Personally I think it’s just a cycle………. The Next-Age could be dominated by anyone.
12th April 2007, 03:12 AM
.Why POOR FATE for Past India under Foreign Invadors?
.. A Historical Question.?
What makes a billionaire?
Is it destiny or human effort?
"Who becomes a billionaire and is it destiny or human effort? The recent issue of Forbes magazine has listed the billionaires of the world by continent. According to the list America has the most billionaires at 415; Europe and Asia carry the following statistics: 242 and 160, respectively. Of all billionaires in the world it is said that 60% of them made it from scratch by themselves. I was reading this magazine while coming to San Diego. I am glad I picked it up. It triggered in me certain thought processes that would be useful for my readers. Let me try to answer this question whether destiny or human efforts make you a billionaire. By looking at the celebrity billionaire Oprah Winfrey whose assets according to the magazine are $1.3 billions. Everyone knows that Oprah rose from very humble beginnings. She only wanted to make money according to her age. She is currently 53 and that means that she would be making only $53,000. However she is a billionaire now, making several hundred million dollars annually.
Everyone knows that Oprah is an optimist and a very positive person. She always says that I have made it and you can also make it. No doubt she did make it. But the question still remains, is it Oprahs effort that made it, or her stars that made her a billionaire? Let me try to answer this question just from a rationalistic point of view. There are many people who have better skill sets and social and ethnic advantage than Oprah, but they did not become successful. They have not even seen a million dollars in their life. Empirical analysis would likely conclude that it is simply ones own skills that makes one financially successful. If it were so, then everybody who is good in their job would have succeeded. I just recall a famous line from Thomas Grey in his elegy written for the villagers who died without recognition or fame: many a flower is born; it wastes its fragrance in the desert air. There are genius persons, may they be scientists, political philosophers, or economists, who still cannot get their ideas even to the print media. They die completely frustrated and in poverty.
According to the siddhas and yogis, ones fortune or misfortune is the result of his karma. If Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates became successful, it is already in their stars. Their skills do matter but only minimally so. Ones karma is everything. Karma is the law of spiritual causality. It is the spiritual law of motion that says that there is an equal and opposite reaction to your thoughts and actions. Look at Oprah Winfrey. She only wanted to make modest money consciously. But then her unconscious had a different agenda. Your karma is mostly the unconscious and what matters is the unconscious rather than the conscious. Your unconscious is your karma and is controlled by the planets. The Vedic seers developed this science of astrology to great details.
It is my goal in this lifetime to prove that Vedic astrology is a higher science. Everyone should study astrology in order to know what is going to happen to him or her in the present as well as in the future. For the past few years I have been asking my students to pay attention to happenings in their life. I am delighted to know that there are people who follow the planetary changes on an hourly basis. You should realize that if your karma is bad, it is not going to be uniformly bad throughout ones life. There are ups and downs, meaning good and bad, happenings. Even within one day the nine planets have their own slots of time to bring good or bad things for you. The hora astrology enables everyone to understand good and bad times for everyone on a daily basis
Very Well Said... Each and Every word is HIGHLY MEANINFUL AND PRETTY LAUDABLE. !!!
Backed by my Rich knowledge (mostly by WORST SUFFERINGS, INEXPLICABLE) gained by my Vast and intensive experience of varied hues, nations, regions with mosaic people...
..more than the other avenues of Knowledge from books and others...
...I can answer to the Valid Questions, Perplexive theories, Unravelled mysteries, Unending doubts, Incongruence of Truth with Reality, and Rudimentary concept of Life... raised here...
But... prior to my reply... I am anxious to hear from my other friends here.
My dear Learned Friends,
.. please speak out your rich knowledge on Life.
Dear Sudhaama,
I am glad to read your post with anxious eagerness to share your thoughts. Thank you.
Well, let me begin by asking you a couple of very simple but important questions and request you to share your views on the following factual reality, which speaks for itself; and therefore, there is nothing much for me to elaborate on the lives of Indian people during those times, irrespective of who they were.
Here are the questions:
Q1: In your view, exactly what factors made the entire India to become the horrific victim of waves after waves of foreign invasions; first by a handful of Moguls and then by a handful of Europeans (mainly British) making the entire Indian population slaves, rendering hundreds of millions of Indians dismally destitute (poor and impoverished) for over a thousand years?
Q2: Also, to what extent your understanding on the above mentioned historic events correlate to your following appreciative words for the article, as quoted below?
Very Well Said... Each and Every word is HIGHLY MEANINFUL AND PRETTY LAUDABLE. !!!
:D :)
Good Question... but pertains to INDIAN HISTORY...out of relevance to this Thread..
So I will answer in the relevant Thread... on HISTORY.
I had already raised to several Learned Scholars of various Knowledge-background... such as Psychologists, Spiritualists, Philosophers, Successful senior Professionals, Lawyers etc. personally at my young age itself...
.. and had even vehemently argued with them... countering their positive views...
... which FETCHED ME the RIGHT ANSWER for the Benefit of Future India...
In brief... my Answer to this valid and meaningful Question is...
Past days Indian Rulers... made their OWN ILL-FATE .. also caused misery to their innocent people...
... who also are in one another way responsible... for the Poor Fate for themselves as also to the posterity.
Before I speak out in detail on those valuable knowledge.. supported by the long past several decades of my own parallel Life-experience...
... I am anxious to hear from my dear Friends of various Age-groups.
28th October 2007, 09:05 PM
Nehru's FAULTY POLICIES caused Kashmir-Problem. !!
Yes. Yes. Yes.. Not only FAULTY...
... one amongst SEVERAL Himalayan Blunders caused these unnecessary problems...
...PERENNIAL... UNENDING Knots for the Posterity.
Kashmir problem was only caused by Nehru unnecessarily and autocratically.
Tibet- policy led to Chinese Invasion.
Pakistan plebiscite policy... made millions of Non-muslims leave their native places losing all properties and earnings...
...becoming Refugees unduly... A HEAVY BURDEN to India unnecessarily.
Irresponsible one-sided Industrial Policy...
...currently killing Indian Entreprenaurs in advancement and World competitiion... UNSURMOUNTABLE.
If Vallabhai Patel, Deputy PrimeMinister's words would have heeded by Nehru...
...India would have become GREATER & RICHER THAN USA.. by now.
7th March 2008, 04:35 PM
absolutely to the point. With Sardar Vallabhai Patel at the helm, India would have become
a strong and forceful country and a superpower long back. Other countries would have envied us.
7th March 2008, 05:48 PM
Agricultural India.?... Or... INDUSTRIAL?..
...Which direction is PREFERABLE. for India?
Vallabhai Patel and Rajaji vehemently argued... India was and is currently an Agriculturally Rich Nation.. No Doubt...
...Let us preserve and develop upto the PROPORTIONATE extent... like a Milk Cow....
..and Stop with it.. Not Banking entirely for the Basic Livelihood and Advancement of Millions of Poor Indians...
We will never be able to feed upto the full demands of Future Indian people... AGRICULTURAL INDIA...alone..
...amongst the Scientifically advanced Nations by World trend..
India is an Unique Nation of heavy population of high intensity...
..for which the Right pursuits will be....
(!) To convert India into an INDUSTRIAL Nation... by encouraging Private enterprises too parallelly alongside the Government ventures.
(2) To open up abundant Schools all over India... nook and corner...
.. which can eradicate illiteracy within 10 years...
And also Educate the mass of HIGHLY BRAINY INDIANS... in Advanced studies especially Science, Engineering, Technology, Medical and Industrial subjects... means of opening up abundant Universities widely spread over.
..which can lead to their own SELF-ADVANCEMENT... without further Government support.
By this healthy approach the colour of the past India as a poor Nation will dramatically change into a HIGHLY RICH INDIA...
...within a short period...
..mainly because of our RICH HUMAN RESOURCES."
Whereas Jawaharlal Nehru was radically Communist-minded and he counter argued...
(1) If the major parts of the parching lands are fed with adequate Water-flow.... that alone will make India RICHEST...
..but NOT INDUSTRIAL Approach.
No doubt...Industries can cater to the demands of Unemployment...
So we will start Large-scale Industries...WHOLLY AND SOLELY owned and RUN by the Government.
Since Nehru was politically the most powerful at that time... his ONE-SIDED words of Wrong direction.. only prevailed.
...Now we see its Result...
Nehru was BEGGING the world... calling India a POOR NATION...
..which statement was categorically opposed by Patel and Rajaji...
"No No. India is a HIGHLY RICH Nation... Ever and Ever... Then and Now too. means of Not only Natural Resources...
..but also the HIGHLY BRAINY Human Resources... Unparallelly in the World.
So we have to develop those innate advantages of the Nation... make India.. totally Independant for its needs... within 20 years... by means of
(1) Encouraging Parallel Privatisation... WITHOUT MONOPOLY... Nor Hegemony.. in the areas of Industries and World Trade.
(2) Rapid Industrialisation of Large-scale, Medium and Small-scale
(3) Build up abundant Educational opportunities by opening up anew...
...Schools in every Village.... Colleges in every Town... Universities in every City of India."
...said Patel and Rajaji.
But those healthy words reached the DEAF EARS... of the then mightiest Decision makers.
Now after Nehru's era... what is making India... Rich now...
..Contrary to Jawaharlal Nehru's picturisation in the World arena... as...
...POOR INDIA.???. !!!
14th July 2008, 07:31 AM
Sudama, was India poor country then ? Yes or no ? Is it a poor country now ? Yes or no ? What is the HDI measure for India ? Whats its rank ? I dont think it even within Top 100 to this day. What is wrong in asking for aid when we need it ? Is it not a responsible leader's duty ? Or should we make people perish in famine while we deny poverty and mal nutrition ?
What about China vs India now ? Do you think we can withstand today under any leader or any party of your choice in power ? What do you think the result will be if we clash against the Communist power today ?
The only way to become a super nation is to first recognise our Liabilities along with the assets. Each of the masses without food to eat is our liability. Make them an asset. Everyone of them. Just like Chinese are attempting to do. Thats the way to go. We cannot rest with complacent mood until then.
With respect to Nehru Vs Patel .. Patel never had the charm that Nehru had. Nor was Patel a leader recognised in the South like Gandhi or Nehru.
16th July 2008, 07:00 AM
Sudama, was India poor country then ? Yes or no ? Is it a poor country now ? Yes or no ? What is the HDI measure for India ? Whats its rank ? I dont think it even within Top 100 to this day. What is wrong in asking for aid when we need it ? Is it not a responsible leader's duty ? Or should we make people perish in famine while we deny poverty and mal nutrition ?
What about China vs India now ? Do you think we can withstand today under any leader or any party of your choice in power ? What do you think the result will be if we clash against the Communist power today ?
The only way to become a super nation is to first recognise our Liabilities along with the assets. Each of the masses without food to eat is our liability. Make them an asset. Everyone of them. Just like Chinese are attempting to do. Thats the way to go. We cannot rest with complacent mood until then.
With respect to Nehru Vs Patel .. Patel never had the charm that Nehru had. Nor was Patel a leader recognised in the South like Gandhi or Nehru.
Dear "pizzalot",
If you have really gone through my above posting... duly, deeply and caught the real-sense it conveys... would not have side-tracked the matter.
Please go through my posting once again... and then Oppose, or Criticise.. as you may feel like.
The present day Indian younger generation have to learn a lot from the past Histories, Views and Counter-views...
...alongside their Outcome.
The old bandicoots like me... who have personally witnessed those initial days vs the present day...
...of subjecting the innocent contemporary Indians... under the cruel clutches of the unnecessary negative consequences...
...due to AUTOCRATIC AND SELF-CENTRED Policies... of One Strong popular leader in power those days,...
.. leading to Suicidal Future- planning.!
So we are anxious to see our Indian brethren
to learn from the past as the Unparallel Practical Lessons...
..towards shaping the Future India... a PROSPEROUS AND SUCCESSFUL Nation...
...since India possesses Very many Riches ever since the Global Human Civilisation came to shape...
...especially the remarkable HUMAN-RESOURCES of INDIAN high brains.
...amongst the World-Nations... by the New India of Nehru's era.
In brief.. please note the Title Question raised in my posting....
. Agricultural India.?... Or... INDUSTRIAL?..
...Which direction is PREFERABLE. for India?
...on which I invite the views from one and all of you.
2nd August 2008, 07:19 PM
.Making RICHER.!.. Either the People or the Government.?
..which sort of Economic-Policy better for India.?
Not only by the Past experience of India...
..but also of other World-Nations as well.!!!...
- Peep into Foreign Nations
3rd August 2008, 09:00 PM
. Best Economic-Policy for India.? Why.?
..Not only by India's own Past-Experiences...
...but also other leading World-Nations as well..!!
- Peep into Forein Nations.
In brief, it will be better if the India Government, frame their Economic Policy...and pay their attention more to...
(1) Minimise the Personal Taxes...
(2)Encourage People's Investments...
(3) Concentrate on every individual citizens Social-uplift and advancement ECONOMICALLY and Skill plus Knowledge by Education and Professional Training.
(4) Encouraging People's direct participation and Ventures... by substituting the Governments direct involvements in National Trade and Industries.
(5) Improve and Increase the Buying power of the People...
...on every individual by creating maximum opportunities for SELF-DEPENDANCY and ADVANCEMENTS... is done in USA, Japan and Switzerland.
27th September 2008, 10:50 PM
. "My HIMALYAN BLUNDER.!"... Said Gandhiji.!. ?
.Non-violence.!... Best policy.?.. No.!.. Yes.?
India's First Prime-Minister Jawaharlaal Nehru & Dy.PM, Vallabh Bhai Patel... in Logger-heads.!
Here is an interesting analysis... on the True Events followed by...
... the suicidal Outcome of FATAL Result...
...caused due to the impracticable One-sided sense...
...coupled with the Crude-application of Non-Violence policy in India...
...on the "Self-made" concept of the Father of the Nation... Mahatma Gandhi... How.?
India's Constituition is strongly founded on the Non-Violence policy.
..Well.! COMMENDABLE.!!!... Emulative for all other Nations.!...
The Whole world appreciated such an exemplary Foreign- policy...
...of India as a Model-Nation for the World...
What happened in Reality... when such a Policy was adopted by India... in practice.?
Amongst the then Congress Leaders... there was a Conspicuous split... the perception and the concept Non-Violence... itself... applicable for any Ruler or Government.
The Non-Violence Concept of Mahatma Gandhiji...
(1) Friendly relations with all the World-Nations.
(2) Non-Alignment with any Nation.. Internationally... unlike all other Nations now.
(3) No Aggression by India on other countries...
...Not even subsequent Counter-attacks on any Nation...
...even if invaded by others...
...but we must only take up such cases of Offence... with U.N.O for rendering Justice... ensuring INTERNATIONAL- INVOLVEMENT and Global-Peace...
...conforming to the Goal and Commitments of U.N.O
(4) So conpicuous Military forces are NOT needed... since a WASTEFUL-EXPENDITURE...for the National Exchequer...
...and so just a Name's -sake Military-forces to protect the National Borders for Defence... is enough.
(5) Non-participation in any Military-blocs in the Global arena... like NATO.
Such a Novel- Policy... framed and mooted by Mahatma Gandhi ...
...unheard before... nor adopted by any other country, till then... was highly appreciated by Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad and Rajaji... followed by several others.
..But was laughed at as the Wrong- Interpretation and MISCONSTRUITION...
...of a highly meaningful concept of Non-Violence.
...and so vehemently opposed by One and the Only Sane and Solitary Voice...
...justifying his stand by stating...
..."Gandhiji's proposal is "Just Theoretical... and Not worth applicable in practice...
...especially for any Government of a Nation...
... and more specifically under the present Global situation of War-minded Nations
...and DUBIOUS atmosphere of erie Peace....
...due to continued Cold-War behind the Screens...
... rather a persistant and Concealed Threat for India... left as a poor Nation by the British Occupants...
...although India is endowed with rich Resources by several aspects... even now.
Indeed Non-Violence must be our Firm-Policy...
But the Concept and Perception are far different by real sense"
Whose was that Sole Opponent Voice.?
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel... the Ever-mighty and UNPARALLEL Leader ever seen by India...
...who was proposed for the first Prime-Ministers post of Independant India... by several National Leaders...
... but was not approved by Gandhiji.
The Concept of Non-Violence according to Vallabh Bai Patel... is different thus.
(1) Friendly relations with all the World-Nations. - OK.
(2) Non-Alignment with any Nation.. Internationally... unlike all other Nations presently.
OK for the present.. Subject to Review time to time... by future Governments...
...suiting to the pracitical situations prevailing then.
(3) No Aggression by India or Counter-attacks on any Nation... even if invaded by others...
...but We must take up such cases of Offence... with U.N.O for rendering Justice...
...ensuring INTERNATIONAL- INVOLVEMENT towards Mutual understanding and Global-Peace...
...conforming to the Goal and Commitments of U.N.O.
No Invasion by India as an Offender... is OK.
But we must MATCHINGLY possess a mighty Military force for Defence... we see now... even by small countries.
If any other Nation invades on us... we should Counter- attack... and regain our Mother-land...
...but return the others parts of temporarily occupied foreigners land as per status quo ante... after such Defensive wars.
And in such cases of disputes of Agressions... we the Victims... should never approach the UNO...
...but let the Invader initially report to UNO.. and raise his claim from us......
..on which we can be strong enough to defeat the Invaders false justifications.
Such a Moral-approach... conforming to our Vedic Principles...
...already successfully adopted by our Great past Indian Royal Leaders... Shivaji and Krishna-deva raya... are the invaluable lessons for us.
(4) Conpicuous Military forces are Not needed... since a WASTEFUL-EXPENDITURE...on our National Exchequer...
...and so just a Name's -sake Military-forces to protect the National Borders... is enough.
No... We cannot afford to be VULNERABLE under the Eyes of others...
...conveying the SUICIDAL SIGNAL plus an undue INVITATION for the Enemies... also a conspicuous TEMPTATION for the Mighty Nations.
So we must possess a Strong Military Force as a DETERRANT. Why.?
Even our Vedic Gods, our Protectors... NEVER THE OFFENDERS... are the Deterrants too.!...
..Lord Vishnu constantly exhibiting WEAPONS with Him like Chakra, Bow & Arrow, Sword etc... Why.?
...Lord Siva holding Fire, Third-Eye, Garland of Skulls.. What for.?
Any and all the Vedic Gods... openly exhibit to the Viewers... their Graceful signs combined with Weaponry DETERRANTS also parallelly.
Even the Cow... which we name as the most Non-Violent and immensely Peace-loving Animal... is endowed with Two Horns. Why.?
Although we should NEVER BE AN OFFENDER on others... we should be strong enough in defence...
...conforming to the current International Military concept...
...because we have to retaliate in the same MILITARY- Language of our Enemies ...
...true to the sense of a proud and bold Nation.
(5) Non-participation in any Military-blocs in the Global arena... like NATO.
OK for the present... but subject to future Review...
... suiting to the time to time developments and Global situations.
Gandhiji did not agree...And he or others could neither defeat the opposition views...
...nor could defend his own misconstrued concept and perverted perception of Non-Violence.
Thus in spite of strong justifications by Patel...
...he was forcibly SILENCED by Nehruji and Rajaji...
...whom Patel reluctantly named as THEORETICIANS... on this matter.
...although equally patriotic and sincere to the purpose.
Consequently... Not only the Indian-people... but also the whole world has seen the PITIABLE OUTCOME...
...the miserable Result... leading to IRREVOCABLE LOSS to the Indian people en masse...
... alongside the Nation in the long run too...
Rather Non-Violence was a Gross Failure in some cases in the past.... How.?
(1) Forceful CREATION of Pakistan... by grabbing Indian lands of the erstwhile parts or whole of the provinces named Sind, N.W. Frontier province, Rajasthan, Punjab, East Bengal, Kashmir etc.
(2) Unending Kashmir Problem... seriously affecting all the four parties involved.
(3) Persistent Enmity with Neighbors... as a Cold-war... although outwardly friends.
(4) Invasion by China resulting in the loss of a part of Indian border land.
(5) Cumulative Heavy Financial expenditure... for all concerned, affecting the respective people as well as the Posterity.
(6) Some sections of all concerned... as well as the WELL-WISHER commoners... now feel...
...that the Two separated countries Pakistan and Bangla-desh could have been happier and better prosperous...
...without the suicidal VIVI-SECTIONS amongst one Great mass of UNDIVIDED Indian-people...
...backed by the enviably rich and glorious background of several centuries.
If Vallabh Bhai Patel's words would have been heeded.. there would not have been such a heavy massacre...
...amongst One Ancient Indian Nationals ...
...nor the new Countries named Pakistan and Bangla-desh.. could have been nefariously created by outsiders.
...nor the persistent Enmity amongst the Brethrens.!!!
Oh.! God.!!!.. the Great PROTECTOR of Humanity.!!!...
....Let UNIVERSAL-LOVE prevail everywhere.!!!
All the above-mentioned sufferings were unnecessary and unduly caused...
...because of Gandhiji's own self-made concept and peculiar perception of a GOOD POLICY of Non-Violence...
No doubt Gandhiji realised it later and CONFESSED on his WRONG-PERCEPTION of a Best Policy...
He named it as his own HIMALAYAN BLUNDER... a New Word... added to Dictionary...
...but it was too late to recover from the heavy damages and inexplicable woes due to severe Onslaughts on the INNOCENTS....
...suddenly caught unaware.
During the later part of his regime as the first Prime Minister... Nehru too realised his blunder in opposing Vallabh Bhai Patel's right reasoning...
...So corrected himself later... and implemented the Patel's right approach of Non-Violence...
...although PARTLY... and too late.!
Thus BURNING THE FINGERS... towards the FATAL OUTCOME of Pitiable consequence...
...especially UNHEALING WOUNDS...
...the Indian History has PROVED TO THE WORLD what is the Real-sense and...
...the TRUE CONCEPT of Non-Violence.
28th September 2008, 09:35 AM
As far as I know the world "Himalayan Blunder" were used by Gandhi when withdrawing the non-cooperation movement after Chauri Chaura. He was referring to the adoption of Satyagraha as a tactic when - as Chauri Chaura revealed - his followers were not morally prepared for it.
He did NOT refer to Satyagraha itself as a blunder. I hope his words will not be taken out of context.
The withdrawal after Chauri-Chara is what makes Gandhi peerless as a moral revolutionary. In the preceding year even when passing a resolution condemning Jallianwalla Bagh massacre, Gandhi insisted that the resolution also condemn the acts of vandalism of the locals that followed the massacre.
Now with CHauri-Chaura he upset many politicians because he was 'retreating' when the movement had reached a fever across the nation. One would never know if it would be possible to reach such a pan-national state of cohesion ever again. Most people - even the wisest of his counsels - felt Chauri-Chaura was a minor disturbance. It should not be the reason for calling the movement off.
Yet Gandhi did. Angering his peers and surprising his opponents. All this on moral grounds. The self-discipline and dedication required of Satyagraha was indeed demanding. For the next ten years Gandhi stayed away from orchestrating any pan-Indian campaign till the Civil Disoberdience Movement in 1930. That was a phenomenal success - paralyzing the machinery across the nation - without a single show of violence from the side of the protesters.
28th September 2008, 10:32 PM
. What is the Concept of NON-VIOLENCE.? Why.?
As far as I know the world "Himalayan Blunder" were used by Gandhi when withdrawing the non-cooperation movement after Chauri Chaura. He was referring to the adoption of Satyagraha as a tactic when - as Chauri Chaura revealed - his followers were not morally prepared for it.
Welcome my dear Prabhuram... Thanks for your participation with comments.... which helps to throw more light...
...on a very very important Concept towards Peace within India...
...especially most relevant under the present context...
...since the Nation and the innocent People are struggling in confronting Violence internally and externally.
I still reiterate what I have posted last... is correct and True.
He did NOT refer to Satyagraha itself as a blunder. I hope his words will not be taken out of context....
....Yet Gandhi did. Angering his peers and surprising his opponents. All this on moral grounds. The self-discipline and dedication required of Satyagraha was indeed demanding. For the next ten years Gandhi stayed away from orchestrating any pan-Indian campaign till the Civil Disoberdience Movement in 1930. That was a phenomenal success - paralyzing the machinery across the nation - without a single show of violence from the side of the protesters.
Yes. Exactly.
Gandhiji is a Role-Model Leader ETERNALLY... for all the World Nations...
...on the new Introduction of a Novel Revolutionary Concept of People's Non-Violent movement named Satyagraha...
...which was imitated successfully by Mr. Nelson Mandela in South Africa... who proudly quotes Gandhiji accordingly.
Here we have to note the difference between the Non-Violence Concept of Sathyagraha.. INTERNAL AFFAIR... of NATIONAL move by the PEOPLE... raising their objection through their united gesture...
...and another Non-Violence Concept of Protecting the Nation from foreign Invasion... also in the matter of Dividing the Country... based on Plebiscite. EXTERNAL AFFAIR of INTERNATIONAL move by the GOVERNMENT alongwith the governing Political party.
Non-Violence in all aspects...NATIONALLY and INTERNATIONALLY was the Rudimentary Aim and Purposeful means of Gandhiji...
...No doubt highly appreciablle...
...and was whole-heartedly supported by one and all without exception... including Mr. Vallabh Bhai Patel.
But What is the SENSE AND PERCEPTION of the CONCEPT of Non-Violence.?
There Only... Gandhiji and Vallabh Bhai Patel differed... as already described in my previous post.
Gandhiji uttered these Introspective Words of CONFESSION for the first time....
..."I have committed a HIMALAYAN BLUNDER"...
...when his hopes was totally belied on the Plebiscite... since its result turned against India...
...but in favour of Creation of Pakistan.
Rather Non-Violence principle was beaten down and defeated by Violence...
...which caused the REVERSAL of Truth... in the Plebiscite. Why.?
Because of the MISCONSTRUITION of the Sense and Concept of Non-Violence...
...while DEALING WITH FOREIGNERS.... External-Affair... Contrary to Satyagraha an Internal affair.
And also the same Concept of Gandhiji adopted by Jawaharlal Nehru in dealing with China... has presented a NEGATIVE-SIGNAL...
....of SUICIDAL- INVITATION for Invasion... feared and fore-warned in general by Patel
Please go through my previous posting now.... I am sure, You will agree with the Truth.
The present Foreign Policy of India Government is almost on the lines of the True sense and Concept of Mr. Vallabh Bhai Patel...
...the UNPARALLEL Indian Leader of sharp Foresight.!!!
So India is able to STAND ABREAST... in facing the controversies in Foreign affairs.
But the GRAVE INJURIES and the Handicap caused by the MISCONCEPTION by Gandhiji... opposing Patel...
...has miserably made India persistently struggle...
...even after 61 years of Independance.
Yes. India is yet UNABLE TO RECOVER... nor be peaceful.
In brief... What is the PRESENT INDIA.?
A LIMPING KING... with One Leg given by Gandhiji... the Great Father of the Nation.!...
...alongside the everlasting CRUTCHES.!!.. given by Vallabh Bhai Patel.!!!...
29th September 2008, 10:59 AM
Here we have to note the difference between the Non-Violence Concept of Sathyagraha.. INTERNAL AFFAIR... of NATIONAL move by the PEOPLE... raising their objection through their united gesture...
...and another Non-Violence Concept of Protecting the Nation from foreign Invasion...
Gandhi did support the British in WW I.
He offered moral support for the fight against Nazism is WW II.
It is not as if he did not understand the difference.
As early as 1920 in the brilliant article "Doctrine of the sword"
I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. much for Gandhi allegedly having admitted his method to be a blunder of any sort.
The above quote is the kind of line that gets trigger happy nationalists swayed - so much so that they may ignore the gem that follows..
But I believe that nonviolence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment, forgiveness adorns a soldier. But abstinence is forgiveness only when there is the power to punish, it is meaningless when it pretends to proceed from a helpless creature. A mouse hardly forgives cat when it allows itself to be torn to pieces by her......
But I do not believe myself to be a helpless creature.
Just dwell on it for a moment. Are these the words of someone who was unclear. To attribute Indian foreign policy failures to the following of Gandhian ideals is incorrect, to say the least.
The way Patel put together this nation from minor Kings, the accession of Hyderbad (not to mention Kashmir), the despicable way India got hold of Goa are all progressive steps away and away. To call any of them in line with a shred of Gandhian thought is risible.Particularly the parallel drawn to today's problems. India's approach in home and foreign policies has been anything but Gandhian.I do not wish to elaborate on that statement as it is likely to take us goes beyond the scope of this Hub.
PS: Gandhi's exact words on Himalayan blunder are
I made a Himalayan blunder. I thought my people were ready; I thought they were disciplined for this task
The only reference I could get was this one ( As quoted by Martin Luther King in one of this books.
So I reiterate the "blunder" was not the method, but rushing to assume that people were prepared.
29th September 2008, 10:45 PM
Yes, It is after Mahathmas visit to areas of disturbance.
To quote his own words in this context
“ I was addressing a public meeting. My confession brought down upon me no small amount of ridicule. But I have never regretted having made that confession. For I have always held that it is only when one sees one’s own mistakes with a convex lens, and does just the reverse in the case of others, that one is able to arrive at a just relative estimate of the two. I further believe that a scrupulous and conscientious observance of this rule is necessary for one who wants to be a Satyagrahi. “
A Satyagrahi obeyes the laws of the Society intelligently and of his own free will because he considers it to be his sacred duty to do so. It is only when a person has thus obeyed the laws of Society scrupulously that he is in a position to judge as to which particular rules are good and just and which unjust and iniquitous. Only then does the right accrue to him of the civil disobedience of certain laws in well- defined circumstances. My error lay in my failure to observe this necessary limitation. I had called on the people to launch upon civil disobedience before they had thus qualified themselves for it, and this mistake seemed to me of Himalayan magnitude. ''
Mahathma even undertook three days penance for this.
30th September 2008, 10:14 PM
Real-Sense of the Non-Violence Concept.?
Very Glad my dear Friends... for initiating Lively postings. Thanks.
What all you say are correct... but they mean other contexts... different and additional News.
I reiterate that whatever I have said... are also TRUE AND CORRECT... I am sure.
If you have any doubt on it... please try to find out the Answers for the below-mentioned relevant questions...
..which VITALLY CHANGED the Indian History.
(1) Prior to Independance.... on the eve of Plebiscite on Pakistan issue... there occured mass violence and forcible grabbing of legitimate properties... heavy massacre of two particular Religious sects in the present regions of Pakistan.
At that time... what was the Reaction and Comments of Gandhiji. and Vallabh Bhai Patel?
(2) What was the subsequent Comments by them.. after the Plebiscite result was announced.?
(3) Why and on what grounds the first PM of India... Jawaharlal Nehru... defended by arguments
...supporting the one-sided Theoretical approach of V.K.Krishna Menon...
...and ignored the minimum needs of Self-defencive forces at the Northern borders.?...
...even after severe criticisms by HV Kamath, Ram Manohar Lohia and Kripalani.??
(4) What was Nehru's subsequent comments... in a totally different tone... when China invaded at our Northern borders.?
I am sure you will get the Correct Answers... on ..
...which one of the Two Varied perceptions of Non-Violence Concept...
... disputed by Gandhi and Patel... is the Real-sense applicable for a Nation... especially India.?
Which one amongst the Two... implies MIS-CONSTRUITION....
...of the Great Doctrine... Non-Violence.!!!
...that eventually mislead and caused Indian people... Irrevocable Miseries for long years...
...including the innocent Posterity.!???
...Even though Self-corrected towards the right sense of the Concept subsequently.!!!
1st October 2008, 10:10 PM
In this context, let me share some of the information i happen to read;
Field Marshall Manek Shaw' rememberances
In 1961, for instance, he refused to toe the line of the then defence minister V.K. Krishna Menon and was sidelined. He was vindicated soon after when the Indian army suffered a humiliating defeat in nefa the next year, at the hands of the Chinese, resulting in Menon's resignation. Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru rushed Manekshaw to nefa to command the retreating Indian forces. This had an electrifying effect on the demoralised officers. In no time, Manekshaw convinced the troops that the Chinese soldier was not "10 ft tall". His first order of the day characteristically said, "There will be no withdrawal without written orders and these orders shall never be issued." The soldiers showed faith in their new commander and successfully checked further ingress by the Chinese."//
so much for the intransigence of Krishna menon. There is more to it than meets the eye.
There is one more incident involving the Great Field Marshall Manekshaw with Sardar and Nehru which explains how Nehru pussyfooted in the issue of Kashmir.
From Field Marshall Manekshaws interview;-
//"At the morning meeting he handed over the (Accession) thing. Mountbatten turned around and said, ' come on Manekji (He called me Manekji instead of Manekshaw), what is the military situation?' I gave him the military situation, and told him that unless we flew in troops immediately, we would have lost Srinagar, because going by road would take days, and once the tribesmen got to the airport and Srinagar, we couldn't fly troops in. Everything was ready at the airport.
As usual Nehru talked about the United Nations, Russia, Africa, God almighty, everybody, until Sardar Patel lost his temper. He said, 'Jawaharlal, do you want Kashmir, or do you want to give it away'. He (Nehru) said,' Of course, I want Kashmir (emphasis in original). Then he (Patel) said 'Please give your orders'. And before he could say anything Sardar Patel turned to me and said, 'You have got your orders'.
I walked out, and we started flying in troops at about 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock. I think it was the Sikh regiment under Ranjit Rai that was the first lot to be flown in. And then we continued flying troops in. That is all I know about what happened. Then all the fighting took place."//
Mahathma's doctrine of Non Violence never meant that we surrender our land, lose our territory and be meek. Mahathma's ideals and advices were never followed after his demise & not even during his last years by those in power. Mahathma's last years were very tough for him to say the least.
No doubt, Sardar would have handled lot of burning issues differently during those times considering his no-nonsense approach and not playing to the gallery. From what I read it seems that Sardar was an unianimous choice for leading the Congress,& Government at that time and Nehru became head as Mahathma had requested sardar to make way.
From the available information, it seems our foreign policy as also our approach to critical issues of national interest had been flawed from day one. In trying to showcase themselves to the world for their own interests, powers who called the shots ensured that the long term interest of our nation was compromised. The result is all there to see.
2nd October 2008, 12:28 AM
In removal of doubts. Nehru was forever puzzled by Gandhi's methods and regarded him with a mix of both respect and curiosity.
He refused to consider Ahimsa to be a "universal religion" as Gandhi was making it out to be. For him Ahimsa was a method - whose performance would have to be judged and evaluated for itself. i.e. it could not be its own argument. Throughout the freedom struggle the undesirability of other methods is what is stated over and over. i.e. his was a"resignation" to ahimsa, rather than a prompt embrace.
However, this was a position, he was willing to recommend to all the revolutionaries. Most interesting is his meeting with the young Chandrashekar Azad. Azad admits the futility of his methods but also says he is now a "hunted man" with no options. With disarming honesty Nehru admits that he saw Azad's point of view and thus did not have a recommendation of what Azad was to do now (which is the kind of advice - I would even insinuate favour - that Azad was looking for when came to meet Nehru).
Regarding Kashmir, India's legitimacy there, the Nehru-Mountbatten nexus, the award of Gurdaspur to India I don't think we can discuss in this forum.
From the available information, it seems our foreign policy as also our approach to critical issues of national interest had been flawed from day one. In trying to showcase themselves to the world for their own interests, powers who called the shots ensured that the long term interest of our nation was compromised. The result is all there to see.
Even assuming home and foreign policy were flawed from day one -which is a demanding assumption to make - it had little to do with the misunderstanding of Ahimsa. And the suggestion that problems till date are sttributable to an adoption of ahimsa - never mind the version - is also incorrect.
It is not difficult to find surefooted, decisive people attractive. But often the being surefooted and trampling are difficult to tell apart.
2nd October 2008, 01:45 AM
A wonderful set of posts, Prabhu Ram. I'll just add one point, by way of background:
The way Patel put together this nation from minor Kings, the accession of Hyderbad (not to mention Kashmir), the despicable way India got hold of Goa are all progressive steps away and away. To call any of them in line with a shred of Gandhian thought is risible.Particularly the parallel drawn to today's problems. India's approach in home and foreign policies has been anything but Gandhian.I do not wish to elaborate on that statement as it is likely to take us goes beyond the scope of this Hub.
For those who're not entirely familiar with what PR is talking about in relation to putting India together, I refer you to this article on Wikipedia (which is not always a good source, but this article is quite reliable):
2nd October 2008, 11:39 AM
From the available information, it seems our foreign policy as also our approach to critical issues of national interest had been flawed from day one. In trying to showcase themselves to the world for their own interests, powers who called the shots ensured that the long term interest of our nation was compromised. The result is all there to see.
Even assuming home and foreign policy were flawed from day one -which is a demanding assumption to make - it had little to do with the misunderstanding of Ahimsa. And the suggestion that problems till date are sttributable to an adoption of ahimsa - never mind the version - is also incorrect.
It is not difficult to find surefooted, decisive people attractive. But often the being surefooted and trampling are difficult to tell apart.
I think that Mahathma's doctrine and his vision for future of our great nation never found a place (or found in a diluted manner) in our policies after Independence leave alone a ritual tribute on his Birthdays. So to blame the holy concept of Ahimsa for the present day ills would be grossly unfair and unjustified. I am always amazed by the various facets of his doctrine and his ever green solutions to many of the issues. What I was trying to mean is that Mahathma's doctrine can never be blamed for all the ills.
Only Mahathma could have pursued Ahimsa in its purest form. Mahathma had a vision for our country which he has enumerated in in a wide and exhaustive manner. Starting from concentration of villages to running the administration, there is everthing for one to learn. There is bound to be difference of opinion with which even Mahathma was comfortable with. But as Einesten had said,
The moral influence he had on the conciously thinking human being of the entire civilized world will probably be much more lasting than it seems in our time with its overestimation of brutal violent forces. Because lasting will only be the work of such statesmen who wake up and strengthen the moral power of their people through their example and educational works.
We may all be happy and grateful that destiny gifted us with such an enlightened contemporary, a role model for the generations to come
Mahathma will continue to be relevant for all days to come especially in the present context of world affairs. We are fortunate to have had him amongs us.
19th August 2010, 12:48 AM
By: ஹும்ரா குரேஷி & குஷ்வந்த் சிங்.
The Low Down on Life,
Death and Most Things in-between'
இந்திரா காந்தி தனது தந்தை நேருவைப் போலவே வேண்டியவர்களுக்கு மட்டும் சலுகைகளைத் தந்த பிரதமர் ஆவார். ஊழல், லஞ்ச லாவண்யத்தைப் பற்றி கவலையே படாத இந்திராவுக்கு ஜனநாயகத்தில் நம்பிககை இருந்ததில்லை. அவர் வைத்தே சட்டம் என்பது மாதிரி சர்வாதிகாரியாக நடந்து கொண்டார்.
அடுத்து தனது குடும்பத்தினரே பிரதமர் மற்றும் கட்சித் தலைவர் பதவிக்கு வர வேண்டும் என்று திட்டம் போட்டு செயல்பட்டவர். பத்திரிக்கைகளை மிரட்டி பணிய வைத்தவர். மேலும் பழிவாங்கும் சிந்தனைகளும் அவருக்கு மிக அதிகம்.
அதே நேரத்தில் இந்திரா மிகச் சிறந்த தேச பக்தை, தீவிரமான மதசார்பின்மைவாதி. பஞ்சாப் விவகாரத்தில் அவர் முட்டாள்தனமாக நடந்து கொண்டு எதிரிகளை சம்பாதித்துக் கொண்டார். அவர் கொல்லப்பட்ட விதம் மிகக் கொடுமையானது. அவர் நிச்சயம் சீக்கியர்களுக்கு எதிரானவர் அல்ல. சீக்கிய பொற் கோவிலுக்குள் அவர் ராணுவத்தை அனுப்பியதற்கு அவரது தவறான ஆலோசகர்கள் தான் காரணம். அதில் ஒருவர் மோனா சர்தார்.
இந்திராவும் அவரது மகன் சஞ்சய் காந்தியும் கொண்டு வந்த எமர்ஜென்சியை நான் ஆதரித்தேன். அதை இப்போதும் நான் தவறாகக் கருதவில்லை. நாட்டின் சில முக்கியமான குறைகளாக் களைய அந்த அவசரகால நிலை நிச்சயம் உதவியது.
சஞ்சய் காந்தி சொல்வதை செய்பவர். அவர் மனசாட்சிப்படி செயல்பட்டவர். நாட்டை உடனடியாக அப்படியே மாற்றிப் போட வேண்டும் என்று அவசரப்பட்டவர். அவரிடம் பொறுமை மட்டும் தான் இல்லை. குடும்பக் கட்டுப்பாட்டை கட்டாயமாக்கி அமல்படுத்த முயன்றது, குடிசைகளை இரவோடு இரவாக இடித்துத் தள்ளியது என்று அராஜக செயல்களை அவர் செய்ததாக குற்றம் சாட்டப்படுகிறது. ஆனால், நாட்டை மாற்ற வேண்டும் என அதீத ஆர்வத்தில் அவர் செய்த செயல்கள் தான் அவை.
சஞ்சய் எனக்கு நெருக்கமானவராக இருந்தார், எனக்கு நிறைய உதவிகள் எல்லாம் செய்தார், பிர்லாவிடம் பேசி என்னை இந்துஸ்தான் டைம்ஸ் பத்திரிக்கையின் ஆசிரியராக நியமிக்க வைத்தார், என்னை ராஜ்யசபா எம்பியாக்கினார் என்பதற்காக மட்டும் இதைச் சொல்லவில்லை. உண்மையிலேயே அவருக்கு ஒரு தீர்க்கதரிசனம் இருந்தது. ஆனால், அதை யாரும் புரிந்து கொள்ளவில்லை.
ராஜிவ் காந்தியைப் பொறுத்தவரை ஒரு ஸ்கவுட் பாய் மாதிரி தான். அவர் ஒரு தலைவரே அல்ல. சஞ்சய் போல பல பரிமாணம் கொண்ட நபரும் அல்ல. அவருக்கு அரசியலும் வரவில்லை எதுவும் தெரியவில்லை. தனது தாயின் வழியில் நடந்தார். அதே பாணியில் பல தவறுகளையும் செய்தார். ஷா பானு வழக்கு, பாபர் மசூதி விவகாரங்களை மிகத் தவறாக கையாண்டார். அவர் செய்த தவறுகளின் விளைவுகள் மிக மிக மோசமானவை, நீண்ட காலம் நாட்டை பாதித்தவை.
சஞ்சயின் மனைவியான மேனகா காந்தியும் ஒரு மட்டமான அரசியல்வாதி தான். அவரும் அவரது குடும்பமும் என்னை அவர்களுக்கு வசதியாக பயன்படுத்திவிட்டு தூக்கி வீசியவர்கள்.
மேகனாவின் மகன் வருண் வளர்க்கப்பட்ட விதமே சரியில்லை. இதனால் தான் முஸ்லீம்களை கையை வெட்டுவேன் என்று பேசும் அளவுக்கு போய்விட்டார். இவரைப் போன்ற ஒரு நபருக்கு தேர்தலில் போட்டியிட வாய்ப்பு தருவதே தவறு. இதை அவர் சார்ந்துள்ள கட்சி உணர வேண்டும். அவரை தேர்தல்களில் போட்டியிடுவதில் இருந்து தடை விதிக்க வேண்டும். வளர்ப்பு சரியில்லாத வருண் போன்றவர்கள் நாட்டின் ஒற்றுமைக்கே ஆபத்தானவர்கள்.
ஆனால், ராகுல் காந்தி பரவாயில்லை. தனது தந்தை ராஜிவை விட நல்ல திறமைசாலியாக, புத்திசாலியாகவே இருக்கிறார். அவருக்கும் நல்ல தீர்க்க தரிசனம் இருக்கிறது.
இந்தியாவுக்கு இதுவரை கிடைத்த பிரதமர்களிலேயே மிகச் சிறந்தவர் மன்மோகன் சிங் என்பது என் கருத்து. நேருவை விட இவரை சிறந்த பிரதமராக நான் கருதுகிறேன். நேருவுக்கு மக்களைக் கவரும் திறமை இருந்தது. ஆனால், அமெரிக்காவை தேவையில்லாமல் எதிர்த்தார். கண்ணை மூடிக் கொண்டு சோவியத் யூனியனை ஆதரித்தார். தனக்கு வேண்டியவர்களுக்கு சலுகைகளை அள்ளித் தந்தவர்.
மன்மோகன் சி்ங்குக்கு தெளிவான, சுதந்திரமான மனமும் யாருக்கும் சலுகை காட்ட வேண்டிய அவசியம் இல்லாத சூழலும் உள்ளது.
எனது வீட்டின் படிப்பறையில் இந்திரா, அன்னை தெரசாவின் படங்களைத் தான் வைத்துள்ளேன். இவர்கள் தான் என்னை மிகவும் கவர்ந்த இரு மனிதர்கள். அதே போல காந்தியையும் நான் அதீதமாக நேசிக்கிறேன். எனக்கு ஏதாவது குழப்பமான நிலைமை வந்தால், இந்த நேரத்தில் காந்தி என்ன முடிவெடுப்பார் என்று கற்பனை செய்து பார்த்து அந்த முடிவையே எடுக்கிறேன்.
ரூ.2 லட்சத்தை திருப்பி கொடுத்த மன்மோகன் சிங்:
1999ம் ஆண்டு தேர்தலில் தெற்கு டெல்லி எம்.பி. தொகுதியில் மன்மோகன் சிங் போட்டியிட்டார். அப்போது ஒருநாள் அவர் போனில் என்னை தொடர்பு கொண்டு உதவி கேட்டார். அது எனக்கு ஆச்சரியமாக இருந்தது.
தேர்தல் பிரசாரம் செய்ய டாக்சிகளை வாடகைக்கு எடுக்கவேண்டும். ரூ.2 லட்சம் தர முடியுமா என்று கேட்டார். அந்த அளவுக்குக் கூட பணம் இல்லாமல் அவர் இருந்தார்.
பணம் தருவதாக நான் கூறினேன். உடனே அவர் தன் மருமகனை என் வீட்டுக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தார். அவரிடம் நான் ரூ.2 லட்சத்தை ரொக்கமாக கொடுத்தேன்.
அந்த தேர்தலில் மன்மோகன் சிங் தோல்வியடைந்தார். தேர்தல் முடிந்த சில தினங்கள் கழித்து அவர் என்னை போனில் தொடர்பு கொண்டு உங்களை சந்திக்க வேண்டும், எப்போது வரட்டும்? என்று கேட்டார்.
நான் சொன்னபடி என் வீட்டுக்கு வந்தார். கையில் சிறு பொட்டலம் வைத்திருந்தார். அதை என்னிடம் கொடுத்த அவர், இதில் நீங்கள் கொடுத்த ரூ.2 லட்சம் உள்ளது. நீங்கள் கொடுத்த பணத்தை பிரசாரத்துக்காக நான் பயன்படுத்தவில்லை என்றார்.
அவர் கொடுத்த பொட்டலத்தை வாங்கி நான் பிரித்துப் பார்த்தேன். அதில் நான் கொடுத்த ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்கள் அப்படியே இருந்தன. இந்த காலத்தில் இப்படி ஒரு அரசியல்வாதியா? என்று எனக்கு ஆச்சரியம் ஏற்பட்டது.
இவ்வாறு தனது புத்தகத்தில் கூறியுள்ளார் குஷ்வந்த் சி்ங்.
8th November 2010, 01:36 AM
Quote: "Web-Dunia"
காங்கிரஸ் உருவாக்கிய மாடர்ன் இந்தியா!
“பலமான, மதச்சார்ப்பற்ற, சுதந்திரமான, நவீன இந்தியாவை உருவாக்குவதும், இந்நாட்டில் வாழும் அனைத்து மக்களின், குறிப்பாக அடித்தட்டு மக்களின், நலனைக் கருத்தில்கொண்டு பொருளாதாரக் கொள்கையை உருவாக்குவதுமே எனது அரசின் இலட்சியம்” என்று அகில இந்திய காங்கிரஸ் காரியக் கமிட்டிக் கூட்டத்தில் முழங்கியுள்ளார் பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்.
அவருடைய முழக்கம் முடிந்துவிடவில்லை, “காங்கிரஸ் என்பது சாதாரண அமைப்பல்ல, அதுவே நவீன இந்தியாவை படைத்தது. காங்கிரஸைப் போன்ற ஒரு கட்சி இந்தியாவிற்கு மிகவும் தேவைப்படுகிறது. காங்கிரஸ் பலம்-பெறும்போதெல்லாம் இந்தியா பலம்பெறுகிறது” என்றும் கூறியுள்ளார்.
காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியின் ‘நோக்கம்’ என்னவென்று அதன் அகில இந்திய காரிய கமிட்டியைக் கூட்டத்தில் இந்த அளவிற்கு பிரதமரும், அக்கட்சியின் தலைவர் சோனியாவும், அவருடைய அரசியல் வாரிசு ராகுல் காந்தியும் (இரண்டு ஹிந்துஸ்தான்கள் உள்ளன என்று கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளார்) பேச வேண்டிய நிலையில்தான் காங்கிரஸ் உள்ளது
ரூ. 71,000 கோடி செலவில் நடத்தப்பட்ட 19வது காமன்வெல்த் போட்டிகளில் நடந்த ஊழல், 2ஜி செல்பேசி சேவை நடத்த விடப்பட்ட ஏலத்தில் நடந்த ரூ.1,40,000 கோடி ஊழல், மராட்டியத்தில் கார்கில் போரில் வீர மரணமுற்றவர்களின் குடும்பங்களுக்கு கட்டப்பட்ட வீடுகளை தங்களது சொந்த பந்தங்களுக்கு பகிர்ந்தளித்த ஊழல் என்று எத்திசை நோக்கிலும் காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியின் ஊழல் வாசம் மனங்கமழ்ந்துகொண்டிருக்க, “காங்கிரஸே நவீன இந்தியாவை உருவாக்கியது” என்று இந்நாட்டுப் பிரதமர் பேசுகிறார் என்றால், இந்த நாட்டு மக்களை சிந்தனையேதும் அற்றவர்கள் என்று அவர் நினைக்கின்றார் என்றுதான் பொருளாகிறது.
‘காங்கிரஸ் பலம் பெற்றால் இந்த நாடு பலம் பெறும்’ என்று கூறுகிறார். இந்திரா காந்தி படுகொலை செய்யப்பட்டதைத் தொடர்ந்து நடந்த மக்களவைத் தேர்தலில் காங்கிரஸ் கட்சிக்கு 405 இடங்களில் வெற்றி கிடைத்தது. இந்த நாட்டின் முதல் பிரதமர் நேரு இருந்தபோது கூட எந்தத் தேர்தலிலும் காங்கிரஸ் அத்தனை இடங்களில் வெற்றி பெற்றதில்லை. அவ்வளவு பெரிய வெற்றியைக் காங்கிரஸிற்கு மக்கள் அளித்தனர். ஆனால் பிரதமராக இருந்த ராஜீவ் காந்தி என்ன சாதித்தார்?
போபர்ஸ் பீரங்கி பேர ஊழல் செய்தார். இந்தியாவின் பாதுகாப்பை தரமான பீரங்கிகளை வாங்கி உறுதி செய்ய வேண்டிய இடத்தில், அந்த வாங்குதலில் ஒரு பங்கைப் பெற்றார். அந்த ஊழலின் முக்கிய குற்றவாளியை தப்பவிட இன்றுவரை காங்கிரஸ் போராடிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது. ஹெச்டிடபுள்யூ நீர்மூழ்கி ஊழல், ஃபேர்பாக்ஸ் ஊழல் என்று நாட்டிற்கு உள்ளேயும், வெளியேயும் ஊழல் மனம் வீசியது.
வீழ்ந்துவிட்ட தனது பெருமையை தூக்கி நிறுத்த இலங்கைப் பிரச்சனையில் மூக்கை நுழைத்து தமிழர்களின் விடுதலைப் போராட்டத்திற்கு, அவர்கள் ஒப்புக்கொள்ளாத ஒரு ஒப்பந்தத்தைப் போட்டு ஆப்பு வைத்தார்.
போபாலில் யூனியன் கார்பைட் தொழிற்சாலையில் இருந்து வெளியேறிய நச்சு வாயுவால் பத்தாயிரக்கணக்கில் மக்கள் கொல்லப்பட்டனர். அந்த நிறுவனத்தின் அதிபர் ஆண்டர்சனன் ராஜீவ் சம்மத்ததுடனேயே நாட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறியுள்ளார் என்பது இப்போது உறுதியாகியுள்ளது.
இப்படி பலமாக இருந்தபோது பல சாதனைகளைச செய்த்ததனால் அடு்த்த நடந்த தேர்தலில், அதற்கு முந்தைய தேர்தலில் வெற்றி பெற்ற இடங்களில் பாதியில் கூட வெற்றி பெற முடியவில்லை.
இதுதான் காங்கிரஸ் பலமான இருந்து இந்த நாட்டிற்காக சாதித்தது.
1971ஆம் ஆண்டு பாகிஸ்தானுடன் நடந்த போரில் பெற்ற வெற்றியில் தேர்தல் நடத்தி பெரும் வெற்றி பெற்ற இந்திரா காந்தி, தனது பதவியைக் காப்பாற்றிக்கொள்ள அவசர நிலை பிரகடனம் செய்து ஜனநாயகத்தை குழி தோண்டி புதைத்தார்.
அவருடைய மகன் சஞ்சயின் சாம்ராஜ்யம் இன்றுவரை பேசப்படுகிறது. அடுத்து நடந்த தேர்தலில் வட இந்திய மாநிலங்கள் பலவற்றில் ஒரு தொகுதியில் கூட வெற்றி பெற முடியாமல் தோற்றது இந்திரா காங்கிரஸ்.
எனவே காங்கிரஸ் கட்சி பலமான இருந்த காலத்திலெல்லாம் நாடு பலவீனமாக (இப்போது இருப்பதுபோல) இருந்ததே தவிர, என்றைக்கும் பலமாக இருந்ததில்லை. இந்த விவரமெல்லாம் இந்தியாவில் யாருக்குத் தெரியும் என்ற ஒரு மயக்கத்தில் பிரதமர் உளறியிருக்கிறார்.
அடித்தட்டு மக்களின் வாழ்நிலை என்ன?
1991இல் ராஜீவ் படுகொலையால் மீண்டும் ஆட்சியைக் கைப்பற்றிய காங்கிரஸ் கட்சி, அதுவரை கடைபிடித்துவந்த அமெரிக்க எதிர்ப்புக் கொள்கையை கைவிட்டுவிட்டு, பாதை மாறியது. ராஜீவ் காந்தியால் தேர்தலில் போட்டியிட வாய்ப்பு மறுக்கப்பட்ட பி.வி.நரசிம்மராவ் நாட்டின் பிரதம மந்திரியானார்!
பொருளாதார நிபுணராக அறியப்பட்டிருந்த மன்மோகன் சிங் நிதியமைச்சர் ஆக்கப்பட்டார். இவர்தான் இந்தியாவின் பொருளாதாரத்தை ‘சுதந்திர பாதை’க்குத் திறந்தவிட்டவர். புதிய பொருளாதார கொள்கை என்றழைக்கப்பட்ட தாராளமயமாக்கலை கொண்டுவந்து அந்நிய நிறுவனங்களுக்கு அழைப்பு விடுத்த அந்த பெருமையைப் பெற்ற மன்மோகன் சிங், இன்று இந்தியாவின் பிரதமராக 6வது ஆண்டாக நீடிக்கிறார்.
ஆனால், அவரே சமீபத்தில் கூட நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் கூறியபடி, 1991ஆம் ஆண்டில் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்ட தாராளமயமாக்கல் கொள்கையை அடுத்த வந்த ஆட்சிகள் (ஜனதா தளம், பாரதிய ஜனதா ஆட்சிகள் உட்பட) கடைபிடித்தன.
இந்தியாவின் பொருளாதாரம் முன்னெப்போதும் இல்லாத அளவிற்கு வளர்ச்சி பெற்றதாக கூறுகிறார். நாட்டின் உற்பத்தி அதிகரித்தது, வரி வருவாய் அதிகரித்தது, அரசின் திட்டச்செலவுகள் அதிகரித்தன. ஆனால் சராசரி இந்தியனின், மன்மோகன் சிங் குறிப்பிடும் அந்த அடித்தட்டு மக்களின் (…especially those at the bottom of the pile) வாழ்நிலையில் என்ன மாற்றம் ஏற்பட்டது?
1990ஆம் ஆண்டு சீனாவின் மக்கள் தொகையில் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்கு கீழ் வாழ்ந்த மக்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அந்நாட்டு மக்கள் தொகையில் 60 விழுக்காடு. அதே ஆண்டில், அதாவது பிரபல பொருளாதார மேதை மன்மோகன் சிங் இந்த நாட்டில் தாராளமயமாக்கலை அறிமுகப்படுத்தியபோது, இந்தியாவின் மக்கள் தொகையில் 51 விழுக்காடு வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்குக் கீழ் இருந்தனர். மன்மோகன் சிங் கூறியபடி, தாராளமயமாக்கலால் இந்த நாடு முன்னேறியிருக்கிறதா என்று பார்த்தால், அடுத்த 15 ஆண்டுகளில் (2005இல்) சீனாவில் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்குக் கீழ் வாழும் மக்கள் தொகை 16 விழுக்காடாக குறைந்தது, இந்தியாவில் 41.6 விழுக்காடாக ஆனது. விழுக்காட்டு ரீதியாக குறைந்திருப்பதுபோல் தெரிந்தாலும், மக்கள் தொகை உயர்வையும் கணக்கில் கொண்டு பார்க்கும்போது, 1990ஆம் ஆண்டில் இருந்ததை விட 2 கோடி மக்கள் கூடுதலாக வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்குக் கீழ் தள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள். ஆனால் சீனா 47.5 கோடி பேரை வறுமைக் காட்டிற்கு மேல் கொண்டுவந்துள்ளது!
நமது நாட்டில் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்கு கீழ் உள்ள மக்கள் தொகைக் கணக்கு என்ன என்பதில் கூட குழப்பம் உள்ளது. பொருளாதார நிபுணர் எஸ்.டி.டெண்டுல்கர் தலைமையிலான நிபுணர் குழுவின் மதிப்பீட்டின்படி, 37 விழுக்காடு இந்திய மக்கள் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்குக் கீழ் உள்ளனர்.
நாளுக்கு 1.25 டாலருக்கும் (ரூ.56.13)குறைவான வருவாய் உள்ளவர்களை வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்கு கீழ் உள்ளவர்கள் என்று கூறி, அதனடிப்படையில் இந்தியாவின் 45.6 கோடிப் பேர் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்குக் கீழ் உள்ளார்கள் என்று உலக வங்கி கூறியுள்ளது. நாளுக்கு 1.35 டாலருக்கும் குறைவான வருவாய் உள்ளவர்களை கணக்கீடு செய்து இந்தியாவில் 62.2 கோடிப் பேர் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்கு கீழ் உள்ளார்கள் என்று ஆசிய மேம்பாட்டு வங்கி கூறுகிறது. எல்லாவற்றையும் கூட்டி, ஒரு சராசரி மதிப்பீடு செய்து பார்த்தால், பாதிக்கும் மேற்பட்ட இந்தியர்கள் வறுமைக் கோட்டிற்குக் கீழ் உள்ளார்கள். உண்மை இவ்வாறிருக்க, அடித்தட்டு மக்களின் நலனையும் உள்ளடக்கிய பொருளாதாரக் கொள்கை வகுப்பதாக கூறுகிறார் மன்மோகன் சிங்!
இந்திய உணவுக் கழக கிடங்குகளில் வீணாகிக் கொண்டிருக்கும் உணவுப் பொருட்களை வறுமையில் வாடும் மக்களுக்கு பகிர்ந்தளிக்கலாமே என்று உச்ச நீதிமன்றம் மனிதாபிமானத்தோடு கூறிய அறிவுரையை செயல்படுத்த முடியாது என்று கூறிய இந்தப் பிரதமர், அடித்தட்டு மக்களின் நலன் பற்றி பேசியுள்ளார். அடித்தட்டு மக்களின் நலன் இவர்களின் பொருளாதார மனதில் இருந்திருந்தால் ஜார்க்கண்டிலும், சட்டீஸ்காரிலும், ஒரிசாவிலும் பழங்குடியின மக்கள் கிளர்ந்தெழுந்திருப்பார்களா?
பலமான, மதச்சார்ப்பற்ற நாடாக இந்தியாவை உருவாக்குவோம் என்று கூறியுள்ளார். காங்கிரஸ் மையத்தில் ஆட்சியில் இருந்தபோதுதானே பாபர் மசூதி இடிக்கப்பட்டு, அதன் தொடர்ச்சியாக நாடு முழுவதும் மதக் கலவரம் வெடித்தது? இந்திரா காந்தி கொல்லப்பட்டபோது 10 ஆயிரம் சீக்கியர்களை டெல்லியில் படுகொலை செய்தது எந்தக் கட்சி? எனவே, மதச்சார்பின்மையை இக்கட்சி ஆட்சியில் இருந்தபோது சரியான கடைபிடித்திருந்தால் இந்த நாட்டின் சமூக அமைதிக்குப் பங்கம் ஏற்பட்டிருக்குமா?
காஷ்மீர் பிரச்சனை, வட கிழக்கு மாநிலங்களில் பிரச்சனை, மாநிலங்களுக்கு இடையிலான நதி நீர்த் தகராறுகள், எல்லைத் தகராறு என்று எதையாவது தீர்த்துள்ளதா காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியும், ஆட்சியும்? பலமான நாட்டை பலவீனப்படுத்தும் சிக்கல்களல்லவா இவை யாவும்?
ஆக, காங்கிரஸ் கட்சி இந்த நாட்டிற்கு சாபமாகி நீண்ட காலம் ஆகிவிட்டது. ஆனால் சரியான அரசியல் மாற்று உருவாக காரணத்தால் இந்த நாட்டு மக்கள் அதன் சுயநல, ஊழல் நிறைந்த, குடும்ப ஜனநாயக அரசியலை சகித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள்.
சுதந்திரத்தைப் பற்றியும் மன்மோகன் சிங் பேசியுள்ளார். மக்கள் எப்போதும் அச்சத்தில்தான் வாழ்ந்துக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றனர். இந்த நாட்டில் சுதந்திரமாக யாராவது இருக்கிறார்கள் என்றால் அது காங்கிரஸ் உள்ளிட்ட அரசியல் கட்சியினரும், அவர்களோடு சேர்ந்துக்கொண்டு இந்த நாட்டை தங்கள் வளர்ச்சிக்கு பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ளும் பெரும் நிறுவனங்களும், பன்னாட்டு நிறுவனங்களுமே. வேறு எவரும் இல்லை.
காங்கிரஸ் உருவாக்கிய ‘மாடர்ன் இந்தியா’ இதுதான்.
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