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View Full Version : Internet and tamil identity

3rd November 2005, 09:24 AM
:shock: Dear friends, how is the internet helping us to develop our tamil culture and identity? Do we feel united? How is Tamil identity displayed on the internet?

5th November 2005, 01:34 PM

welcome to the hub. Internet surely helps one identify himself with his culture or tradition. For many, it helps in identifying the long lost root. Its not just TAMIZH CULTURE or identity, internet helps one locate, identify his like-minded mates and associate with them for the better.

For that matter, any cult or identity is developed, cherished here, since, the basic feature of internet is to UNITE LIKE MINDED PPL, who communicate for a PURPOSE, may it be under the name of language, religion, hobbies, thoughts etc.

I think that should answer it.

31st December 2006, 04:56 PM
I agree with the views expressed by SP.

10th February 2007, 01:37 PM
:shock: Dear friends, how is the internet helping us to develop our tamil culture and identity? Do we feel united? How is Tamil identity displayed on the internet?

I dont know how much it helps tamils as a community in whole, but it helps me a lot!
I learn new things about ur history/ culture/ language/ religion and also our countries through internet ............. :)

pavalamani pragasam
10th February 2007, 03:23 PM
May be it reduces the aches & pains of some home-sick people abroad! A ready 'home' to return to & relax!

10th February 2007, 04:33 PM
May be it reduces the aches & pains of some home-sick people abroad! A ready 'home' to return to & relax!


13th April 2007, 12:06 PM

Can this thread be more used to link various Tamil Websites which have more books with Free Download options, one such here is
www.tamil.net/projectmadurai this has Kalki' all books, Jayakanthan, bharathi, Bharathi dasan, vairamuthu and Sangam Lits, plus devotionals
