View Full Version : The biggest problem in india - Judicial system

19th October 2005, 04:19 AM
after been in US for five years, i realised that the issues in india like corruption, lack of accountability ..etc are mainly caused by one major problem.

" lack of a effective judicial system"

To punish a person for breaking a law and to give justice to people is a neccessary foundation for a prospering society.

If the government were to do just one task and nothing else, i would prefer it to enforce a proper judicial system.
everything else takes care of itself to soem degree but not the justice. somebody has be the big brother and enforce it.
people want to live happily , want to send thier kids to school , earn money ..etc. its human nature to strive to become better.
they will prosper themselves.the government doesn't have to do much. the only thing society needs is someone to make sure that everybody gets a fair chance.

Somebody ought to fix the judicial system soon or else it will continue to slow down our progress as it has been for so many years.

how do you fix it ?

allocate more budget to it .. money and resources are vital for effectively running a public system. most of all, judicial sytem should be our first priority.

most of the headlines i see in liveposts.com / samachar.com are about corruption.we all know how bad the situation is. this cannot go on forever.

thanks for time and i would be pleased to hear your comments.

19th October 2005, 06:51 AM
Totally agree to you.

Indians has long lost hope in Justice for by the time it comes (if it comes) it will be too late.

This is not only in Individual vs Individual cases. But also in cases effecting the whole nation. The judicial system has been at the best escapist in cases of national importance whether it is the river sharing, Ayodhya issue and the scores of scams.

Judicial System is a real White Elephant and alas it cannot be privatised.

19th October 2005, 06:53 PM
Yes thats so true!!The contrast between the Indian judicial system and that of other countries like the US is so glaring esp if you have lived here for sometime.In India its appaling how ineffective the courts are.The judges/lawyers are influenced by money/politicians and various such factors.Its not their fault ..afterall who would go against a person who can not only take/make your life but also that of your family(I have been influenced by movies but then again I reason if that wasnt the case our esteemed Ms.J.Jayalalitha and/or Mr.M.Karunanadhi wouldnt be running about scot free).Apart from corruption and intimidation the system itself needs to be revamped.Cases shouldnt take a long time to commence.The verdict shouldnt be given by a single person or a bench consisting of 3.It should be given by a jury selected from the masses.Well..I could go on and on..In the end we might have to rewrite the constitution itself so I will stop to take a breather here :).

20th October 2005, 05:58 AM
Please remember that unlike other Constitutional bodies, the Judiciary is beyond reproach to a certain extent.

While you may feel free to discuss the process of seeking justice etc. please do remember criticising the Judiciary is constitutionally disallowed in India and can be held as contempt of Court.

Kindly go through this link to understand more about The Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 (70 of 1971) (http://www.nwmindia.org/Law/Bare_acts/contempt_act.htm)

Of course, there is always the question of this coming in the way of our Freedom of speech and expression and Freedom of Personal Liberty.

However, it has been and shall be the principle of this Forum to not be in anyway seen contravening the Constitutions of any country, and therefore, you are requested to exercise caution and wisdom in your postings on this subject.

20th October 2005, 07:10 PM
WOW!! Didnt know that !
If this is the case isnt it better to delete this topic..just so some innocent statement doesnt become a huge issue?
Moderators your call.