View Full Version : How long has this been in the refrigerator?

9th October 2005, 11:57 PM
I don't like refrigerating cooked foods for more than 48 hours. Some of my friends keep cooked foods in the refrigerator/freezer for over a week! But now, under some circumstances I cannot cook everyday. So I would like to cook big quantities when I get time, and refrigerate for later. I would like to know how long we can refrigerate: Idlies, Idli/dosa batter, coconut chutney, Noolputtu/idiyappam, Rice etc... Would be grateful if I get a list of all indian cooked foods that can be refrigerated, something like this

Please share your experiences in refrigerating foods. What works best for you? Thanks a lot.

11th October 2005, 12:02 AM
Hi RedPepper,
I guess some time last month i had a big gathering.. for about 100-150 ppl.. where i had made idly.... well like everybody i overdid it.. and had about 60 idlies left out.... So wat i did was , i had packed 8 idlies in each of the ziploc bags.. and tossed in freezer of my fridge... I was using those idlies till the end of september... Well when you microwave the idlies for about 1-2 minutes they turn very fresh and super soft...
but i am not sure if it is feasible to freeze chutney.. bec oz once you thaw them you cannot reuse them.. the key to sucessful freezing is.. that always store them as small packets that can be used for one time rather than big junks....
One more important thing that is used in our household is parupu... we can make bulk amount of parupu and then freeze it in small packets.. so when you cannot cook.. just take apacket and make rasam....and rice with apalam.. its very simple....
well these are the tips i know.. will let you know if anything else comes to my mind.....
hoping all this helped you

11th October 2005, 07:57 PM

like Kritica I too tend to freeze food stuff quite a bit. Specially if I am travelling, I freeze enough food, sometimes even for a week so that my hubby doesn't have to cook! I do make enough dal and freeze it, so I can use it without having to cook tiny amounts for the two of us each time. I also grate coconut and freeze it so I don't have to grate coconut each time I look for a tiny bit.

I make different variety rice and pack them in small boxes, just one portion each and freeze them. Once I take food out of the freezer then I don't put it back in. I also cook vegetables and freeze them.

11th October 2005, 11:36 PM
Hi all,

i too have tried freezing idlies. i have seen my aunt freezing all kinds of food. she works full time and she doesnt have too much time to cook. she freezes idlies, chutneys, sambar, chicken curry, biriyani etc. personnaly, i dont prefer to freeze non veg. if left over idlies are there, as kritica said , i freeze it in ziplock freezer bags. i get it for lunch some times. Also another thing i freeze is ginger - garlic paste. thats really handy for me.

11th October 2005, 11:37 PM
Also, i freeze veg cutlets. i make the cutlet and freeze it in ziplock bags and fry it whenever required

12th October 2005, 12:24 AM
I have made extra Parupu , sambhar ,rasam ,stored them in air tight ziploc boxes for use all week long(just in the fridge).They didnt usify :).
Am not sure if you can heat them and then put it back into the refrigerator..just take out a small quantity which you will utilize and heat it in the MW.They should be ok.

12th October 2005, 09:27 PM
Freezing dal is a good idea. Thank you.
How long can I freeze/refrigerate coconut based gravies?
Heard that paruppu vada is good for freezing. Have anyone tried it?

14th October 2005, 02:49 AM
Hey redpepper,
you could also freeze potato.. i have tried it a few times... well wat i do is if i have any sambhar or rasam or avial frozen at night i take it out from freezer and put it in the fridge.. so wat happens it taht... it is thawed but doesnot get spoiled... well i hope this helps

7th November 2005, 09:34 AM
After seeing this thread I too tried to freeze cooked food for the first time. I put away a small amount of cooked toor dal in the freezer. But used it up within 3-4 days. How long can u freeze cooked dal?
I have also put a few idlis (in a ziplock bag) in the freezer. Do I need to defrost it in the microwave or outside before heating it or do I just micro it on high for 1-2 mins?
Sometimes I do freeze grated coconut but use it up within a week. How long can u freeze grated coconut without losing on it taste?

7th November 2005, 07:54 PM
i take the frozen idlys for lunch some times, so i just keep it outside till lunch time and then sprinkle some water and microwave it. i buy frozen grated coconut from which comes from kerala which will be atleast 2 months old. i am sure it"ll stay for a month or 2, but it doesnt have the taste of fresh coconut for sure..i really feel that when i make coconut chutneys..


8th November 2005, 06:42 AM
Thanx for the tip Anju.

8th November 2005, 07:12 PM
Be sure never todo one thing with frozen grated coconuts.Never defreeze them and then again try to refreeze them.That will surely get spoilt.Ive seen it happen quite a few times.You can defreeze a good amount and use what ever you need and store the rest in the fridge(without freezing) for 3-4 days.That will not get spoilt.

8th November 2005, 11:16 PM
Nice thread but I'm not a great fan of frozen or refridgerated food. I always make fresh food- howmuchever limited time I have. I eat Bread & dal when time is really short.

Or a sandwich or cereals or fruit for lunch but never food that is refridgerated for more than a day. May be yes, the idli-dosa batter is an exception to this! I keep them for about 5 days.

9th November 2005, 02:52 AM
Nice thread but I'm not a great fan of frozen or refridgerated food. I always make fresh food- howmuchever limited time I have. I eat Bread & dal when time is really short.

Or a sandwich or cereals or fruit for lunch but never food that is refridgerated for more than a day. May be yes, the idli-dosa batter is an exception to this! I keep them for about 5 days.

I hate to refrigerate cooked food too, for more than a day. After getting these responses, I tried freezing dal, but used it up in 3-4 days. I don't tthink I will do it again. I also froze some vegetable curry and some cooked whole moong in two separate portions, its still in the freezer. I don't feel like to eat it. Its better to eat cereal or fruits rather than eating old food as you said. Maybe because we grew up in a time/place where refrigeration of cooked foods was not that common. My grandmother used refrigerator only for cooling drinks and keeping vegetables and fruits fresh. My mom keeps rice and other cooked food in fridge, but will use it the very next day. I have friends who refrigerate and freeze food for a very long time, one advantage is that they will always have something in their freezer to serve for the unexpected guests. But I don't think I can make it to practice. :(

10th November 2005, 11:12 PM
My cousin sis who is a Doctor in States, keeps 100-200 Chappatis & various curries, labelled & packed in boxes in her freezer. She uses it within 6-9 months
But she says, once it is heated in the microwave, its as good as new. I personally feel that the vegetables in the curry changes taste. . It loses its distinct flavour.