View Full Version : Law and Justice

20th August 2005, 11:31 AM
Enforcing law doesn't always mean ensuring Justice.But when law is passive or further, more considerate towards the aggressor than the victim,it becomes a matter of grave concern.This thread will discuss such matters.

Have you ever heard of a FEMALE judge who is so very kind towards rapists on 'humanitarian grounds'?In Maharashtra,a female judge has been transferred after she delivered some judgements which recieved much public attention.

*On the 6th August she ordered a 7 year rigorous imprisonment for a rapist but released him on a three year probation as he was the only breadwinner of the family and had old parents.

*On the 8th of Aug,another 7 year term for another rapist,but later reduced to 45 days imprisonment and probation.

*On the 12th of the same month another rapist escaped with a symbolic one day imprisonment as he promised that he will pay a compensation for the victim.Again the judge,Laxmi Rao had humanitarian concerns abot the rapist's family.

*This same judge sent a 34 year old woman to jail on the 6th of July for keeping a 16 year old boy under illegal custody and having an illicit affair with him. :D

I can't be harsh and clear in my criticism as the judiciary in India is a most protected authority and a contempt of court case is more lkely to attract a punishment than rape :D .But I wonder what would have happened if these rape victims were from some other stream of life-for example,judiciary! :roll:

May be a woman raping a man,is more serious than a man raping a woman.By the way,what if other rapists in prison ask for 'equal rights' as their fellow brethren?????????????????????? :shock:

20th August 2005, 05:46 PM
blahblah, this woman Laxmi Rao's humanism towards such men doesnt surprise me at all. Women with such dark age mentality unfortunately exists to this day. When a man commits a crime of passion, it is the woman's fault. The man walks rightly back to his family as if nothing has ever happened. Though, when a woman is put under the spot light, she's a whor*.

Why punish the whole family for one man's misdeed, they say. Well, I say the plight of such a family is not the community's problem. As the sole breadwinner, the evil one should've been responsible enough to think before succumbing to lust. His primary concern should have his family not sex. Besides, if he was a man with a straight mind, he would not have commited such heinous act.

Therefore, Laxmi Rao should be admitted to a mental asylum and not transfered elsewhere for she is one dangerous woman to be left alone amongst the commonfolk. She is definitely not fit be part of the bench.

20th August 2005, 10:20 PM
judges cannot act just like a robo and just follow rules.they have to give room for their own emotions and feelings.....but that must be the common feeling among the people......so it is good in india to have 5-7 judges commitee to decide a judgement...to get a common opinion

22nd August 2005, 12:27 PM
Ofcourse a.r,the problem is that she still finds a place on the bench.As I said earlier,these very words from you can cause you much embarassment in a country like India where judiciary is not scrutinised much.

Are you surprised that somany rape cases are not even reported in India!Who will take the risk of publicising it,going to court a million times,spend a lifes earning on your advocate,face all the rude questions from the defence lawyer about your own character,then wait for the verdict only to find out that contrary to your belief,it was the rapist who was in need of sympathy!It is very very easy to get away with rape in India,thanks to a judiciary and Police which has no concern for ordinary people. :!: :x

22nd August 2005, 01:36 PM
Are you surprised that somany rape cases are not even reported in India!

blahblah, as unfortunate as it seems but it IS the primary concern of women's rights activists all over the world. Though only in Asia it is more prevalent that the victims are ostracised and driven to the edge by the very system that is meant to upkeep justice, law & order. It is a shame that Malaysia is of no exception either. :(

6th September 2005, 01:22 PM
Taking the topic furthur arent Law and Justice to seperate entities and isnt it true that they may sometimes be in a collision course.

It is said India had best Law and Order during the British and during Akbar's rein. But was there Justice; NO

Consider the case of an offender who is the sole breadwinner for the family. While the offender should be appropriately punished shouldnt the society ensure corrective action for punishing the non offending members of the family.

This is most visible when considering pregnant prison inmates. Should the kid start his/her life in prison and for how long. How will take care once the kid has to go out of prison.