View Full Version : need help ---after delivery food

5th August 2005, 08:38 AM

we were blessed with a baby girl on jul 28th. :)

Pls let me know what food that needs to be taken and also recipes for the same. :?:
As no one from family was able to come for the delivery,its me and my husband who has to manage..So i am badly in need of your advice

5th August 2005, 05:39 PM

Here, in India, women after delivery are given rice & small red onions fried in ghee, garlic 'kashayam'- I'll find that out.

If you are a non vegetarian, mutton is good, supposed to heal the stitches etc fast. You can have it as soup(more nutritious)

Generally, leafy vegetables(esp green spinach) as well as bitter gourd are very good for milk production. those are also added to the diet. I'll find out more soon.


And what are you going to name your baby? Decided yet?

5th August 2005, 07:27 PM

she has named her baby "Laya"


I am not sure but friends have said that dried fish is good for milk production.

Also drink fennel tea and feed your baby also a few drops for colic. (fennel tea is made by boiling fennel in water).

Generally beans, legumes and lentils are avoided or reduced to reduce colic. Eat loads of fresh veggies and fruits.

Good luck :)

5th August 2005, 07:53 PM
Milagu Kuzhambu is also supposed to be good after delivery.I remember my mom making it for my cousin after her delivery.
The milagu kuzhambu is supposed to soothe the stomach and control infection.
It has tamarind as the base and the masala contains pepper as main ingredient along with a tsp of urud dal and toor dal each.You just fry these 3 things in a lil bit oil and grind to a fine paste.Boil tamarind water add any vegi(what ever you usually put in sambhar-do not add tomatoes)and when it comes to a boil add the ground paste and boil some more till the kuzhambu becomes thick.
Garnish with curry leaves.

5th August 2005, 08:00 PM
Congrats! It is nice to have newborn at home.

Its not offend to any one. But it is strongly recomened NOT to feed anything to baby (not even a drop) except mother feed and formula(if dodcotr tells u to give formula) for 3 to 4 months.

My brother is a docotor and currently in UK. We didn't give even the sugar water or honey to my baby as adviced by my brother.

I had c section but ate everything with out any restriction. I had no problem at all.

5th August 2005, 08:42 PM
Congrats Anitha.


5th August 2005, 11:38 PM
Congrats ANita,

this is how my mom made the garlic, small onion kasayam/fry for anything idli ,rice et.c.

peel a handful of garlic pearls, and 1/2 amount og small onions..
Take a kadai and add oil,temper with mustard,then add onions..once they are cooked , add one tomatto , once its cooked add the garlic and keep it closed..cook until the garlic is cooked..
u can have this with rice,idli,chappati..i had this 3 times a day..since i don't like dry fish..
Dry fish is very good for milk..

6th August 2005, 01:18 AM
This is my mom's pathiyam:

Lots of water
Garlic pods (at least 6-7) fried in ghee (after every meal)
Milagu rasam, steamed veggies (you can probably have kootu with very less dal and more veggies)
Avoid beans, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, all kezhangu varieties (potato, yam, colocasia etc), tomatoes and very strong spices at least for 2-3 months.
warm milk
Vendayam (fenugreek) soaked in buttermilk

I followed this for my deliveries (2). Great for losing weight too.

- D

6th August 2005, 01:53 AM


What about taking coconut??


6th August 2005, 02:01 AM
Congratulations and best wishes to you and the little one!!

First of all, keep in hand rectal thermometer, mylicon, tylenol, etc. always.

As everyone said, it is better to avoid gaseous veggies. Slowly, will come to know with which veggie the baby is ok or not. Basically garlic milk or garlic fried in ghee or garlic rasam is one of the best ingredients for milk secretion; but, for my SIL's baby, she was not comfortable with it. Anyways, once you try it in yr diet, then will come to know whether the baby is fine or not.

For milk secretion, jeera & methi seeds are also an important ingredients. suraikkai is also a good vegetable for milk secretion. Fry shallots or sambar onion, manathakkali vathal or poondu in ghee separately and have it with rice and ghee before you start yr lunch & dinner atleast a couple of morsels which will increase yr milk secretion.

The most important thing is to take plenty of fruits and vegetables in a larger qty will also help. So, just follow the qty you were taking during pregnancy with veggies, fruits, milk, curd & juice. Drink the average qty of water like 6 to 8 cups; too much of water will make the milk thin which is a common belief!! It is upto you, ok.

Avoid deep fried foods or too much of spices which will reduce the milk qty. Include plenty of ghee or butter in yr food(dont bother abt body weight). In those days, my paati use to tell that while serving to newly moms, they dont allow others to see becoz their hunger will be like anything and experienced with my 2 deliveries.

Before you start nursing yr baby, better drink some fluid preferably milk and proceed.

My mother would prepare sukku thippili marundhu which is good for digestion for both baby & mommy; and also, I was taking lots of angaya podi which is not possible for you to make.

Atleast, dry fry little amt of pepper & larger amt of jeera, grind them nicely. Whenever you make curries, include these instead of other spices.

When comes to dal, as others said, atleast for the 3 months, you can avoid. At the worst case, dry fry moong dal alone and include which will produce less gas. Dont include coconut too.

Idly is also one of the diet you can include in yr dinner for a change.

Best of luck and take care of the baby.

6th August 2005, 02:02 AM
Anitha, I already replied for yr question.

Still, better avoid coconut for atleast 3 months. Otherwise, the baby will spit out all the time (kakkal). Each & every babies different, though.

7th August 2005, 12:33 AM
Get enough rest. Sleep whenever the baby sleeps.


7th August 2005, 12:39 AM
You will get "digital pacifier thermometer". Try to use that instead of rectal thermometer. Some doctors says that if you don't use the rectal theromometer carefully, you will be damaging the newborn's rectum. So its better to use the pacifier kind of thermometer.

7th August 2005, 12:51 AM
Anitha & red pepper,

If you feel in that way, can even use digital oral thermometer which can be used in oral as well as in armpit. My paed., suggests that it is much better than the ear thermometer & also gives the correct reading !!


7th August 2005, 02:33 AM

I was given a digital thermometer at the hospital and was asked to take temp at the arm pit ...so using that ...


7th August 2005, 02:34 AM
wht about taking sweets???


7th August 2005, 05:18 PM
Congrats! It is nice to have newborn at home.

Its not offend to any one. But it is strongly recomened NOT to feed anything to baby (not even a drop) except mother feed and formula(if dodcotr tells u to give formula) for 3 to 4 months.

My brother is a docotor and currently in UK. We didn't give even the sugar water or honey to my baby as adviced by my brother.

I had c section but ate everything with out any restriction. I had no problem at all.

That is perfectly fine Kavitha, habits vary from family to family and place to place. We all grew up having a few spoons of boiled water (cooled down to normal temperature) between our feeds. Till date it is the same for all children in our family. Also fennel tea is quite normal.

Doctors in different places seem to have different types of ideas about things :)

7th August 2005, 06:03 PM

I feel so sorry to say no. But, the problem is since you are nursing the baby, that too, she is so small, better postpone for atleast 2 months.

Sometimes, they cant even adjust with formula and hence, the doc are suggesting to nurse the mothers which is easily digestible and trouble free.

Like, if you take any sweets made with dhal or flours, they all show the impact on the kids like stomach pain, stomach upset or it will keep on spitting up the milk. The way the babies suffer, on seeing it, we ourselves will say bye to all the junks.

Anyways, while talking to yr mother over phone, have her opinion. My mother never showed me anything to me. On the 11th day, she would show me a sample, that was it. After that, nothing upto 4 or 5 months.

Take care..bye..

8th August 2005, 05:53 PM
check if this useful for you
