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7th June 2006, 11:43 PM
Thirupaachi, most recommended movie

8th June 2006, 12:23 AM

8th June 2006, 10:20 AM
Thirupaachi, most recommended movie

thirupachi -ya englishla vera edukka porangala.....hero???? Tom cruise?


8th June 2006, 01:16 PM
Das Boot [Pronounced 'Das Boat'] Director's Cut- German, directed by Wolfgang Petersen, who made "In The Line Of Fire" and "Air Force One" later....
One of the best war [anti-war, depending on your perception] movies ever made. Wonder why it took me so long to discover this piece of beauty. Attention to detail and the cinematography are TOP CLASS - 95% of the movie is shot inside a submarine, imagine the issues of lighting and camera movement

L' Enfant sauvage [The Wild Child] - French, Francois Truffaut [maker of "400 Blows"]
This is based on a real story of an 11 year old boy living in the forests among animals, like an animal, with no contact with humans or civilization. The story is about how a doctor, played by Truffaut himself, tries to "educate" and civilize the boy and if and how much he succeeds.

8th June 2006, 02:07 PM
Thirupaachi, most recommended movie

thirupachi -ya englishla vera edukka porangala.....hero???? Tom cruise?


English liyum Perarasu thaan director.ShrikanthDeva thaan BGM

9th June 2006, 04:17 AM
L' Enfant sauvage [The Wild Child] - French, Francois Truffaut [maker of "400 Blows"]
This is based on a real story of an 11 year old boy living in the forests among animals, like an animal, with no contact with humans or civilization. The story is about how a doctor, played by Truffaut himself, tries to "educate" and civilize the boy and if and how much he succeeds.

A_A, Truffaut was among the most prominent in New Wave French Cinema. He is right there along with Goddard (I have just rented 'Bande a part' and can't wait to watch it.) If you are a fan of French Comedy, I recommend 'Delicatessen', by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who also directed 'Amelie'. In contrast to 'Amelie', the comedy in 'Delicatessen' is dark and typically French. It deals with the lives of cannibalistic residents in an apartment complex, who pay a butcher to supply human meat. Absolutely funny in a wierd way.

Another French movie I caught up with last week was Taxi by Gerard Peres about a F1 racer wannabe, who quits his pizza delivery job to drive cab. It has some terrific car racing scenes and the dialogues are funny in parts. An interesting aspect of the movie: The theme music that plays during the opening credits is the same as 'Pulp Fiction' ('Misirlou' if I am right). Does it come under plagiarism?

9th June 2006, 05:27 AM
Ive watched taxi..pretty amazing movie.Some fantastic car chase scenes :)

9th June 2006, 05:38 AM
A_A, Truffaut was among the most prominent in New Wave French Cinema. He is right there along with Goddard (I have just rented 'Bande a part' and can't wait to watch it.) If you are a fan of French Comedy, I recommend 'Delicatessen', by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who also directed 'Amelie'. In contrast to 'Amelie', the comedy in 'Delicatessen' is dark and typically French. It deals with the lives of cannibalistic residents in an apartment complex, who pay a butcher to supply human meat. Absolutely funny in a wierd way.

Thanks for sharing this info....
I've seen only '400 Blows' apart from LES, from amongst Truffaut's movies. By the way wasn't it Goddard who first used a freeze frame [in the climax] for the first time in cinema, which Truffaut himself used in the climax of '400 Blows'?
I liked Amelie but i'm slightly prejudiced against most "feel-good" movies :)
And 'Delicatessen' sounds "intersting" :)

Another French movie I caught up with last week was Taxi by Gerard Peres about a F1 racer wannabe, who quits his pizza delivery job to drive cab. It has some terrific car racing scenes and the dialogues are funny in parts. An interesting aspect of the movie: The theme music that plays during the opening credits is the same as 'Pulp Fiction' ('Misirlou' if I am right). Does it come under plagiarism?
Well, i hate F1 racing :(
Tarantino madhiri aalunga [stature, recognition etc] plagiarise panna afford panna mudiyuma?... i dunno but maybe due credit was given...

9th June 2006, 05:43 AM
One more thing...
Have you watched Fellini's movies? I tried "8 1/2" but couldn't sit through for more than half an hour! Ennamo he has abandoned neo-realism in favor of surrealism and fantasy appadingaraanga...

9th June 2006, 07:06 AM
Thanks for sharing this info....
I've seen only '400 Blows' apart from LES, from amongst Truffaut's movies. By the way wasn't it Goddard who first used a freeze frame [in the climax] for the first time in cinema, which Truffaut himself used in the climax of '400 Blows'?
That Goddard was the first to use 'freeze frame' shots is news to me :) . I do remember the jump cuts in 'Breathless', which was again a novelty and borrowed by Truffaut later. In fact, a noticeable aspect of 'Breathless' was the sometimes amateurish acting by the main cast, that gives a sense of 'removed viewing' (for want of a better word) for the audience . Many film makers again borrowed this technique for their films (Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' was one, and very successful at that).

Tarantino madhiri aalunga [stature, recognition etc] plagiarise panna afford panna mudiyuma?... i dunno but maybe due credit was given...
Yes, irukkalam. Good point. An interesting trivia about Tarantino in general and 'Pulp Fiction' in particular. The twist dance sequence in 'Pulp Fiction' is apparently inspired from a dance sequence in 'Bande a part' (more on the similarities after watching 'Bande a part'). Tarantino mentions that the dance sequence is a tribute to Goddard, whose influence was so strong on him that he named his company 'A Band Apart' (from 'Bande a part') :) .

Have you watched Fellini's movies? I tried "8 1/2" but couldn't sit through for more than half an hour! Ennamo he has abandoned neo-realism in favor of surrealism and fantasy appadingaraanga...

Yes, 8 1/2 was screened as part of a movie festival in Bangalore called 'Films on Films' (about movies that deal with movies). It was quite dragging (the only part that kept me awake were the women in the movie), but I had to sit through, in anticipation of an Iranian movie that was next in line. About the fantasy element, I thought that was always an integral part of Fellini's movies (surrealism-mannu sollra alavukku padam manasula padhiyale). I have watched his 'La dolca vita' (title seriya gnyabagam illai) - again part fantasy. From what I heard, his other films like 'Clowns' and 'City of Women' are also supposedly fantasy driven.

9th June 2006, 07:26 AM
In fact, a noticeable aspect of 'Breathless' was the sometimes amateurish acting by the main cast, that gives a sense of 'removed viewing' (for want of a better word) for the audience . Many film makers again borrowed this technique for their films (Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' was one, and very successful at that).

Didn't quite get that part....

Yes, 8 1/2 was screened as part of a movie festival in Bangalore called 'Films on Films' (about movies that deal with movies). It was quite dragging (the only part that kept me awake were the women in the movie), but I had to sit through, in anticipation of an Iranian movie that was next in line. About the fantasy element, I thought that was always an integral part of Fellini's movies (surrealism-mannu sollra alavukku padam manasula padhiyale). I have watched his 'La dolca vita' (title seriya gnyabagam illai) - again part fantasy. From what I heard, his other films like 'Clowns' and 'City of Women' are also supposedly fantasy driven.
8 1/2 paatha odane oru bayamum thelivum vandhudhu. Movies are to be enjoyed. Indha madhiri padam ellam en mandaikku puriyadhu, so indha madhiri padangal pakkam pogama irukkardhu nalladhu nu... :)

BTW, you seem to be an encyclopaedia of movies. Lots of trivia too... Neenga Ananthu # 2 :)

9th June 2006, 02:59 PM
Ive watched taxi..pretty amazing movie.Some fantastic car chase scenes :)

i found similarities between taxi and dhoom!

the role played by queen latifah is played by an olaruvayan in hindi..dunno the name!..

same bank robeeries..but here its bike and car in the taxi!

9th June 2006, 04:33 PM
In fact, a noticeable aspect of 'Breathless' was the sometimes amateurish acting by the main cast, that gives a sense of 'removed viewing' (for want of a better word) for the audience . Many film makers again borrowed this technique for their films (Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' was one, and very successful at that).

Didn't quite get that part....
The American girl with whom the thief hides is visibly uncomfortable most of the time, and this is more pronounced towards the climax. Apparently, this makes the viewer oscillate between deep involvement at one instant and detachment the next instant and gives a different characteristic to the movie.

8 1/2 paatha odane oru bayamum thelivum vandhudhu. Movies are to be enjoyed. Indha madhiri padam ellam en mandaikku puriyadhu, so indha madhiri padangal pakkam pogama irukkardhu nalladhu nu... :)
:lol: 8 1/2 reminded me of Malayalam movies on Doordarshan screened on Sunday afternoons. I distinctly remember a movie which consisted all of 5 scenes, each scene extending for 10-15 mins. All the characters either stare into a room corner or river shore throughout the movie. Pure torture. Enna solla varangannu kadaisi varaikum puriyalle. A movie doesn't have to be dull to be good.

BTW, you seem to be an encyclopaedia of movies. Lots of trivia too...
Adadaa, idhellam over :oops: . Naan oru movie paithiyam (vettinnum sollalam). Avvalavudhan.

22nd June 2006, 12:08 AM
A clockwork orange

Saw this movie yesterday.. One of the most powerful movies I have ever seen. Could not get out of that.. The initial few moments were not for the weak-hearted.. Also the treatment that he undergoes is so damn powerful that I could feel his pain.. The scenes after he returns from the jail are extremely well picturized and the climax was spellbinding.

I highly recommend this to everyone! But if you are weak-hearted just stay away from this cult classic.. kubrick rocks :thumbsup:

P.S. The movie had been banned in more than one country :oops:

23rd June 2006, 03:36 AM
Thanks for reminding Kasi :). That's one movie I have always wanted to watch and always missed. hmm.. maybe next weekend. Kubrick, IMO is the best of all American directors. The sheer variety of his work is mind-boggling. From '2001..' to 'Lolita' to 'The Shining' (best Jack Nicholson performance ever IMO), each is a masterpiece in its genre. Do you know if any of Kubrick's works were ever written directly for the screen? ('2001..' was written simultaneously for the screen and book, but still..).

23rd June 2006, 10:17 PM
Absolutely kannan. He is the most versatile american director, IMO

Comedy: Dr. Strangelove (Mindblowing)
Sci-fi: 2001: A space odessey (I personally wont rank this movie as one of his best though :oops:)
Horror/Thriller: The shining (Mindblowing)
War: Full metal Jacket (Good one)
Crime: A clockwork orange (IMO, his best)
Romance: Lolita (Good one)

24th June 2006, 04:43 AM
One of my favourite pieces from Dr. Strangelove: "Gentlemen, could you please not fight here? This is the war room"

24th June 2006, 05:20 PM
Do you know if any of Kubrick's works were ever written directly for the screen? ('2001..' was written simultaneously for the screen and book, but still..).

24th June 2006, 05:28 PM
Clockwork Orange is one of the weirdest and the most powerful films you can ever see, whether or not you agree to the stand Kubrick takes [which in itself is debatable :)]
Yes, its definitely not for the weak. Violence will be violent and repulsive, as it should be. As always, the musical score is beautiful [courtesy Beethoven].

P.S: The language is VERY funny at times :), being a cross between Shakespearesque slang and colloquial Brit slang of the 70's, i think....

24th June 2006, 05:29 PM
Have you seen Munich??? Somehow, the zoom-ins in many scenes had a Kubrick feel to them. And Spielberg is a big Kubrick fan. What do you think?

24th June 2006, 08:32 PM
Clockwork Orange is one of the weirdest and the most powerful films you can ever see, A Clockwork Orange is one of the most weirdest and most violent books I have read. I wouldn't exactly say I liked the book completely (so I haven't seen the movie yet).

P.S: The language is VERY funny at times :), being a cross between Shakespearesque slang and colloquial Brit slang of the 70's, i think.... The language is extremely unique. I remember reading the first few pages again and again trying to find out what's going on. :)
Yes, its definitely not for the weak. Violence will be violent and repulsive, as it should be. Should ? Hmm.. Where would you place Virumaandi ? The violence is repulsive in some parts (the sound of flies buzzing when the shroud is removed off Nallamma Naicker's face), glorious in some parts (Kottachaamy's arm) and funny in some parts (Kodangi's vanakkam after Virumandi 'harpoons' him).

26th June 2006, 02:59 AM
Do you know if any of Kubrick's works were ever written directly for the screen? ('2001..' was written simultaneously for the screen and book, but still..).
Thanks A_A :). Just as I suspected.

Have you seen Munich??? Somehow, the zoom-ins in many scenes had a Kubrick feel to them. And Spielberg is a big Kubrick fan. What do you think?
I haven't seen Munich. Somehow I have grown tired of Spielberg's Jewish fixation, but now that you mention it, I'll catch it soon. I thought I saw Kubrick's influence in AI and the wiki link you gave says Kubrick had the rights to AI and was supposed to make it.

26th June 2006, 02:33 PM
Hi guyz, this is my first post in this forum.hope i will have a nice time here

Coming back to " A Clockwork Orange" i believe it`s more horrifying than any so called horror films. the movie starts on with a bang , with an unusual scene seldom used in films..it starts from devilish eyes of the protogonist looking at the audience, and then zooms -back to show the whole droog -gang..the beethoven background music was just unbelievably eerie & scintilating ..

i like this more than all the other kubrick flick`s i`ve watched .

But as others said this is not for the weak hearted and women.

26th June 2006, 03:29 PM
On behalf of others, welcome!

The language is extremely unique. I remember reading the first few pages again and again trying to find out what's going on. :)
I'm trying to remember soem funny words, phrases from the movie but i can't remember much....
Here are a couple..
"vibratey feeling..." :lol: - I think they say this when they are travelling in their car on the way to the author's house...

"Devochka" - Lady

"Ballocks" - Balls :lol:

Some more, anyone?????

Should ? Hmm.. Where would you place Virumaandi ? The violence is repulsive in some parts (the sound of flies buzzing when the shroud is removed off Nallamma Naicker's face), glorious in some parts (Kottachaamy's arm) and funny in some parts (Kodangi's vanakkam after Virumandi 'harpoons' him).
Except for the climax [finger piercing throat ellaam too much] and maybe one or two other scenes i think Virumaandi shows violence as it should...

27th June 2006, 04:59 PM
I'm trying to remember soem funny words, phrases from the movie but i can't remember much....
Here are a couple..
"vibratey feeling..." :lol: - I think they say this when they are travelling in their car on the way to the author's house...

"Devochka" - Lady

"Ballocks" - Balls :lol:

Some more, anyone?????

"Gullywuts" - guts
"Gulliver" - head (guess this is from the Russian "golova" - one of many such transformations from words of Russian origin)
"Pee and Emm" - pop and mom
"Cutter" - think this means "money" :lol:
"Appy polly logy" - apology

The 'Nadsat' - the unconventioal language used in the book is Burgess's masterstroke and is really what makes the novel a masterpiece.

"Krovvy" - blood
"Tolchock" - punch/blow
as in
"We gave the dovotchka a tolchok on the litso and krovvy came out of her mouth."
which can be loosely translated into
"We gave the girl a punch on the face and blood came out of her mouth."

27th June 2006, 05:12 PM
"Gullywuts" - guts
"Gulliver" - head (guess this is from the Russian "golova" - one of many such transformations from words of Russian origin)
"Pee and Emm" - pop and mom
"Cutter" - think this means "money" :lol:
"Appy polly logy" - apology

The 'Nadsat' - the unconventioal language used in the book is Burgess's masterstroke and is really what makes the novel a masterpiece.

"Krovvy" - blood
"Tolchock" - punch/blow
as in
"We gave the dovotchka a tolchok on the litso and krovvy came out of her mouth."
which can be loosely translated into
"We gave the girl a punch on the face and blood came out of her mouth."

Thanks! :lol:
I love tolchok!... :)
I'm not sure if balls = 'Yarbles' and not 'Bollocks'.... :?:

28th June 2006, 03:09 AM
OMG, en mandakullaara mani adikkira maadhiri irukku. Need to catch up all the pages in this thread. will check out and start pouring with my set of movies as well, but mainly hollywood flicks. :).

Neenga pora speedla po-aattha, naan poravaala vandhu sendhukkiraen :)

28th June 2006, 02:36 PM
Talking about Kubrick, in "Eyes Wide Shut", in a scene where Tom Cruise enters the hall where the orgy is taking place, you can hear a man singing in the background in Thamizh! A semi-classical piece... any idea who the singer is or what the song is? I guess i missed it in the credits or it simply was not there.....

28th June 2006, 03:16 PM
It's been quite some time since I saw the movie, but I do remember that the chanting in the background was from Bhagavad Gita. It raised quite a protest from Hindu organisations and I believe the recitation was cut out in later releases. As for the movie itself, I liked it in parts but wouldn't rank it with other Kubrick classics.

30th June 2006, 03:18 PM
Has anyone seen "Twentynine Palms" [French] by Bruno Dumont?
Its THE most violent, disturbing and one of the most realistic films i have ever seen [though not one of the greatest].
The impact was there for at least 3 days.

30th June 2006, 07:12 PM
Thanks, andavare :) for the warm welcome

Talking about violent films one of my friend told me that "STRAW DOGS" by sam penkinpah wud be the most violent mainstream film ever made. i searched for it in a lot of videoshops, but cud`nt get it. :(

i`ve seen only one film of pekinpah .that was "THE WILD BUNCH" ..and what a film it was!! unlike leone`s westerns this one has plenty of gore and bloodshed.. but the characters were rock solid and the action sequences were so spectacular, i cud`nt believe that it was made in 1968..

I recommend" THE WILD BUNCH'' to all ,who can digest some violence .

2nd July 2006, 04:55 PM
Escape to Victory - WW2 film made in 1980s, about Allies prisoners winning a soccer match organised by the prison warden, and then escaping from Nazi Germany. Pele and a few other well known soccer player star in this film, in which the famous scissor kick is displayed. Very apt to watch now, during World Cup.

3rd July 2006, 02:06 AM
"Gulliver" - head (guess this is from the Russian "golova" - one of many such transformations from words of Russian origin)
Atlast watched "Clockwork Orange" today and yes, most of the words are Russian. Right from the 'Korova' (Cow in Russian) milk bar ('Moloko' is milk in Russian) in the opening sequence, the dialogues are intersperced with Russian words. But I wouldn't go as far as to call the film shocking, partly since my sensitivities are blunted from watching the Belgian film 'Man Bites Dog', and partly due to the positive ending. Kubrick brings out the mood of the film in the very first scene: the protoganist staring intently at the camera with evil in his eyes (note that he wears fake eyelashes in only one of his eyes) and the camera zooms out to reveal him drinking milk!! The negative mood is maintained throughout the film as only Kubrick can, right upto just before the ending. All in all, a wonderful movie watching experience.

Maybe we can move over to some comedies. I would recommend 'The Life of Brian'. The movie is a parody on the life in Middle East during the time of Jesus. It is a cross between the political scenario of the present day world (two fractional underground movements, 'People's Liberation Front of Judea' and 'Judea People's Liberation Front' are fighting for independence from Romans) and the religious insecurity of the people during those times (people take anyone talking from a high ground as a messiah). A praticularly funny scene is when Jesus is addressing a crowd and says:
"Blessed are the peace makers"
to which a man at the back asks his companion:
"Did he say blessed are the cheese makers? But, why?"
and another man replies:
"It's not literally cheese makers. It has a deeper meaning.", and after a pause: "perhaps, all people involved in diary industry.."

Another one, when the underground movement is plotting to overthrow the Roman rule.
Leader: "What have the Romans given us, apart from the roads?"
A member: "And the sewage system"
Leader: "Well, and the sewage system"
Another member:"And the education"
Leader:"Apart from the roads, sewage system and education.."
Another member:"And wine"
Leader:"Oh yes, wine. Roman wine is good.."

3rd July 2006, 02:57 AM
That is a really funny movie kannannn i like the part where they are all gathered to stone this one fellow who has said (dare i say it :roll: ) "Jehovah" :

Matthias: Look, I don't think it should be a sin, just for saying "Jehovah".
[Everyone gasps]
Jewish Official: You're only making it worse for yourself!
Matthias: Making it worse? How can it be worse? Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
Jewish Official: I'm warning you! If you say "Jehovah" one more time (gets hit with rock) RIGHT! Who did that? Come on, who did it?
Stoners: She did! She did! (suddenly speaking as men) He! He did! He!
Jewish Official: Was it you?
Stoner: Yes.
Jewish Official: Right...
Stoner: Well you did say "Jehovah. "
[Crowd throws rocks at the stoner]
Jewish Official: STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! STOP IT! All right, no one is to stone _anyone_ until I blow this whistle. Even... and I want to make this absolutely clear... even if they do say, "Jehovah. "
[Crowd stones the Jewish Official to death]

(courtesy of IMDB)

uhhhhhh yeah well trust me it's funnier in the movie...for sure.

3rd July 2006, 09:15 AM
Life of Brian is excellent (not recommended for people making noise about 'Da Vinci Code' :-) ). The grammar lesson, after Brians tries to write "Romans go home" all over the walls, had me in splits. And of course the lisping the pilate.

PILATE: Hmm. Now, what is your name, Jew?
BRIAN: 'Brian', sir.
PILATE: 'Bwian', eh?
BRIAN: No, no. 'Brian'.
[Brian gets slapped]
PILATE: Hoo hoo hoo ho. The little wascal has spiwit.
CENTURION: Has what, sir?
PILATE: Spiwit.
CENTURION: Yes. He did, sir.
PILATE: No, no. Spiwit, siw. Um, bwavado. :lol:

3rd July 2006, 03:28 PM
And not to mention the ruckus Pilate creates when he talks of his friend, the Roman general named - Biggus Dickus. The creators of the movie, Monty Python made two more movies. One, a parody on the expeditions of King Arthur in search of the holy grail (in order to save on horses, the King and his tour members pretend to ride horses while one of his men bangs together two coconut shells to create the horse riding effect). The third was called 'The Meaning of Life', which I haven't seen. Their ingenuity lies in the main stars playing more than one character in the film.

3rd July 2006, 03:43 PM
I've seen "Meaning of Life" but its not as funny as "Brian". Maybe because MoL does not have a storyline to parody. It is as assortment of gags funny in parts but not too consistent.

3rd July 2006, 04:44 PM
This thread is great!

Here are some movies I recently watched that I wud like to reccomend,

1.Sophie scholl(German):A college student and her brother along with some of their college mates rebel against the Nazi government.They get caught & after a 'nazi' trial, they are sentenced to death.The film ends with them hanged.After watching many 'holocoust' movies, this one was very much consoling.I'm so tempted to compare this with 'Rang de basanti'.I feel that this is lot more inspiring than 'RDB'.

2.Others(english):A simple story line.An absolutely mindblowing screenplay!If someone tells you the story before you watch it, that must be your enemy.It is such an exciting thriller.

3.Oldboy(korean):The original of 'Zinda'.Brilliant screenplay!It was the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.The cinematography was amazing(like in amelie).

4.Charulata(bengali):This Satyajit Ray classic is one of my all time favourites.One of the best romantic movies I've ever seen!

3rd July 2006, 04:45 PM
This thread is great!

Here are some movies I recently watched that I wud like to reccomend,

1.Sophie scholl(German):A college student and her brother along with some of their college mates rebel against the Nazi government.They get caught & after a 'nazi' trial, they are sentenced to death.The film ends with them hanged.After watching many 'holocoust' movies, this one was very much consoling.I'm so tempted to compare this with 'Rang de basanti'.I feel that this is lot more inspiring than 'RDB'.

2.Others(english):A simple story line.An absolutely mindblowing screenplay!If someone tells you the story before you watch it, that must be your enemy.It is such an exciting thriller.

3.Oldboy(korean):The original of 'Zinda'.Brilliant screenplay!It was the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.The cinematography was amazing(like in amelie).

4.Charulata(bengali):This Satyajit Ray classic is one of my all time favourites.One of the best romantic movies I've ever seen!

3rd July 2006, 05:02 PM
1.Sophie scholl(German):A college student and her brother along with some of their college mates rebel against the Nazi government.They get caught & after a 'nazi' trial, they are sentenced to death.The film ends with them hanged.

Sounds similar to Kubrick's "Paths Of Glory" [Kirk Douglas], a cold and scathing attack on the higher echelons of the army and war trials and the futility of wars themselves. However, i was disappointed to see Kubrick's stand[?] in "Full Metal Jacket", which had an amazing and humourous first half though....

3.Oldboy(korean):The original of 'Zinda'.Brilliant screenplay!It was the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.The cinematography was amazing(like in amelie).

How did Sanjay Gupta[?] change the second half? :P

4th July 2006, 07:46 AM
How did Sanjay Gupta[?] change the second half?

Since I've not watched 'zinda', I was wondering the same. :)

5th July 2006, 05:12 PM
[tscii:0c5cf7a02c] BARRY LYNDON. Finally I got it..i was trying to get it for a long time
Friends, I assure you , you won`t see a more beautifully shot picture ever in your life, than this one. take it from me.

After seeing this ,there`s none above Kubrick in my mind. The amazing thing is that all his films are so different from one another. All belongs to different genres and style. .Certainly, no ordinary mortal can do this. Coming back to BARRY LYNDON it`s a 17th-18th century period drama about a young man and his adventures in life, his greed ,his quest for power, his lust for women , all put together, ultimately brings to his downfall.

I learned that this was based on a Thackeray novel, who happens to be the writer of much acclaimed novels like “vanity fair”. The film is a bit too lengthy for Hollywood standards with more than 3 hrs running time. I would call it an adventure film mainly because we ,as viewers are so delved in the journey of Redmond barry,it has a suspense feel to it, in the second half the pace slackens a bit but, still is engaging… Often kubrick uses his trademark Zoom-in and zoom –out shots with master perfection. The protagonist redmon barry is portrayed as a bit of a negative character ,but very much believable. But the most important thing is the cinematography..No words to describe. U have to watch it to believe it.

Finally, I recommend “ BARRY LYNDON” to all serious cinema –goers and wud like to remind that this is not for people ,who go for Slam-bang stuff.


5th July 2006, 05:15 PM
Life of Brian is excellent (not recommended for people making noise about 'Da Vinci Code' :-) :

Is it as good as " monty python and the holy grail"???
will certainly watch it :)

6th July 2006, 04:21 PM
[tscii:5df370d833] BARRY LYNDON. Finally I got it..i was trying to get it for a long time
Friends, I assure you , you won`t see a more beautifully shot picture ever in your life, than this one. take it from me.

Though not amongst Stanley Kubrick's best by any means, it is trademark Kubrick nevertheless.

Kubrick as usual uses a third person narrative and initially its even funny in a dry sort of way :)

I think the movie is split into 2 (or 3?) parts - Rise and Fall, of Barry respectively...

The film is a bit too lengthy for Hollywood standards with more than 3 hrs running time. I would call it an adventure film mainly because we ,as viewers are so delved in the journey of Redmond barry,it has a suspense feel to it, in the second half the pace slackens a bit but, still is engaging…

Yes, and i guess this movie also was not a commercial success. Interestingly, his earlier films like "The Killing", "Lolita", "Paths Of Glory" and "Spartacus" were marked by an economy of expression and crisp story telling.
In his second half, his films were differently paced, but the intensity of his scenes never decreased. On the contrary, most of his color films are the most intense i've seen.

Often kubrick uses his trademark Zoom-in and zoom –out shots with master perfection. [/tscii:5df370d833]
Exactly! In the DVD of "Eyes Wide Shut" there is an interview with Spielberg in which he quotes the zoom-ins and zoom-outs [signature Kubrick!] of Barry Lyndon...

I think BL won an Oscar for Cinematography. It seems he shot even the indoor shots in available lights [not sure though] and he used special lenses for that...

10th July 2006, 03:58 PM
CRASH (english)


19th July 2006, 05:48 AM
I saw a couple of movies I really recommand good ones

Lord of war with Nicolas Cage, as usual Nicolas excels as weopon dealor
In her shoes with Tonie Colette and CAmeron Diaz, tale about 2 sisters with completely opposite style and way of living

Grizzly man a wonderful documantery by Werner Herzog about Timothy Traeadwall who lived and filmed the life of Grizzlies for 15 years in Alaska, who was later killed by these savage bears with his wife! really hmmm....

21st July 2006, 01:40 AM
3.Oldboy(korean):The original of 'Zinda'.Brilliant screenplay!It was the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.The cinematography was amazing(like in amelie).

Would you say that Sanjay Gupta did Justice to Oldboy?

21st July 2006, 04:56 PM
Some Iranian films I like:

Bicycleran (The cyclist) - about an Afghan refugee in Iran who agrees to ride a cycle in a small circle for one whole week, so that he can earn money to pay for treatment for his wife.

Nassereddin Shah, Actor-e Cinema (Once upon a time, Cinema) - a comedy, set in the reign of the Qajar dynasty, about a moviemaker introducing a very reluctant Shah to cinema, with funny results.

Safar-e-Ghandehar (Khandahar) - a beautiful, but depressing, movie set in Taliban Afghanistan, which tells the story of a Canadian Afghan woman who returns to Afghanistan after getting a letter from her sister saying that she plans to kill herself.

Rang-e-khoda (The colour of Paradise) - about a blind boy, home for the vacations from his special school, and his father, who is deeply ashamed of him.

21st July 2006, 08:48 PM
the color of paradise.............. :clap: saw some yrs back :) good movie!

27th July 2006, 01:26 PM
'Following' - Directed by Christopher Nolan, director of 'Memento' and 'Insomnia'.
Set in London, this is a very low budget movie which brought out Nolan's talen to the world. This has a non-linear modular structure which can be seen in Memento also.
And its in Black and White (after all, its a film noir :))

29th July 2006, 07:40 AM
Minoriy Report - starring Tom Cruise. A poignant sci-fiction movie, which depicts the negative effects of a futuristic invention and how corrupt persons in high places misuse their power.

29th July 2006, 04:20 PM
heyy..I have a query!

in taxi dirver why did travis attempt to murder president nominee?...whats wrong with that Palantine...he is just a nominee...any specific reasons?

31st July 2006, 07:45 PM
'Following' - Directed by Christopher Nolan, director of 'Memento' and 'Insomnia'.
Set in London, this is a very low budget movie which brought out Nolan's talen to the world. This has a non-linear modular structure which can be seen in Memento also.
And its in Black and White (after all, its a film noir :))

Thank you so much for recommending this one A_A. I came to know about Nolan only after watching memento. I rented insomnia and watched it after that. I was checking out his earlier movies and I learnt that following was his first movie. But in IMDB the rating wasnt that good and I dont normally read reviews b4 watching the movie. Also it wasnt listed as a film-noir. So I lost interest. I rented the DVD this weekend and I was impressed !! The movie was really good and in the climax for just a moment i thought, common not a split personality sh*t again. Thankfully the climax was absolutely stunning :thumbsup:

Another masterpiece I watched this weekend was No man's land. Amazing anti-war movie. No wonder it beat Lagaan hands down to the oscars :thumbsup:

31st July 2006, 07:54 PM
nerd ..u must be watching taxi driver i guess..why did deniro attempt to murder the senator..?

or i missed any important reason for that in the movie?

1st August 2006, 01:25 AM
I am here to recommend two movies the first is gladiator which was not only full of tension, drama and action but also refreshingly free from unecessary gore and gratutious intimate scenes. I don't really like Russell Crowe but his acting in this movie and in "Beautiful Mind" is superb!

The second movie I recommend is Pirates of the Carribbean II, it is from a small group of sequels that are actually successful (like shrek II) be warned for those with kids that the characters do look more scarier and that there is more adult innuendo. I love how the ease into the cliffhanger instead of cutting it off at the highest point of action (as in Matrix reloaded :x )

1st August 2006, 03:33 AM
'The Italian Job' - The new version.
The movie was good, a feel good action thriller. The opening 10 mins were stunning and the minis were cool.

1st August 2006, 06:44 PM
nerd ..u must be watching taxi driver i guess..why did deniro attempt to murder the senator..?

or i missed any important reason for that in the movie?

Travis Bickle is so deranged that maybe he thinks his goal of "cleaning up the scum of New York" will be achieved by killing politicians like Palantine....

1st August 2006, 06:46 PM
.... The movie was really good and in the climax for just a moment i thought, common not a split personality sh*t again. Thankfully the climax was absolutely stunning :thumbsup:

Yes, any climax which doesn't have the usual poetic justice bit "good triumphs over evil" is a refreshing change :)

1st August 2006, 10:19 PM
nerd ..u must be watching taxi driver i guess..why did deniro attempt to murder the senator..?

or i missed any important reason for that in the movie?

Travis Bickle is so deranged that maybe he thinks his goal of "cleaning up the scum of New York" will be achieved by killing politicians like Palantine....

its really confusing...because this same palentine is remarked by travis as "u are a good man" when palentine travels in bickel's taxi!

but i think when travis says that the total cleaning must be done....the senator says its difficult to do in the soceity which may have made bickle to kill him!..total confusion

2nd August 2006, 12:30 AM

Natalie portman was out of the world. Remember she was just 12 or something at the time of the movie and the emotions she could bring out were top-notch. This movie compells viewing !!

3rd August 2006, 09:36 PM
"the bicycle thief"

wonderful movie..i cant forget the performance of that young kid who played "Bruno"..the guy is also tremendous!

the boys reaction after seeing his father is chased......wow!...

4th August 2006, 02:30 PM
Cars - What a sweet movie!!!!! Its animation was very good and would recommend it to everyone who has children. I liked the ending.
While at animation, another animation movie i like is Robots. Not a different story esp for those who are used to watching tamil movies. In fact the robots can be easily swapped for Kollywood actors. The sarcastic (at places) comedy and the animation makes it a pleasurable viewing. And children would love the animation - the part when Rodney goes to Robot City for the first time is my favourite.

4th August 2006, 08:27 PM
Polar Express- a magic ride..wish I had watched it when I was still younger..

Looking forward to Spielberg's nxt animation movie, 'Monster house'...Have any of you watched it yet?

6th August 2006, 10:56 AM
"One flew over the cuckoo's nest"

excellent movie.....especially jack nicholson and loius fletcher..excellent!

9th August 2006, 08:36 PM
Any world war movie fans here :D

Downfall (Orig: Untergang, Der)

Last few days of hitler and man he was something :-|

10th August 2006, 03:19 AM
I watched a movie on Hitler called 'The last 10 (or was it 9? :confused2: )days of Hitler' in Doordarshan while in school. It was recommended by our history teacher, who obviously didn't see what was coming. The movie was quite explicit and she completely avoided talking about it the next day. Naanga viduvoma.. Apart from that, I remember actually liking the movie for portraying events realistically.

22nd August 2006, 05:53 AM
Beyond Borders........starring Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen...again...

story of two ppl who fall in love in the backdrop of war torn countries such Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Chechnya.....:(

beautiful movie, beautiful music...well done...
thought-provoking...really makes you wonder everything that's going on around us...and my home...:cry:....

22nd August 2006, 11:19 PM
City of God!

I havent seen kids with guns like this anywhere...

excellent photography,editing and screenplay

27th August 2006, 02:38 AM
I saw "Devil Wears Prada" starring Meryl Streep & Anna Hathway. Quite nice :)

28th August 2006, 09:33 AM
Conspiracy Theory....starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts

happen to catch it on TV and never seen it before...a great thriller to watch...

Mel Gibson was :thumbsup:...very nice!

29th August 2006, 12:45 AM
Escape from alcatraz

Clint Eastwood masterminds an escape, the first of its kind from the alcatraz prison. Though it reminded me of Shawshank redemption, both are entirely different. Clint as usual steals the show and this movie is definitely worth a wath :thumbsup:

30th August 2006, 07:45 AM
I watched Lord of War...it's so cold blooded taken fluidly and more disturbingly it's based on true events...the lack of remorse that Nicholas Cage displays is compelling...I was pleasantly surprised in one part when they used AR Rehman's Bombay Theme music.

30th August 2006, 09:49 PM
I watched Lord of War...it's so cold blooded taken fluidly and more disturbingly it's based on true events...the lack of remorse that Nicholas Cage displays is compelling...I was pleasantly surprised in one part when they used AR Rehman's Bombay Theme music.
really? :o ...just as i was surprised when they used ARR's song "Thakka Thaya Thaya" from Uyire as an intro to the movie, Inside Man...

interesting....thanks, been wanting to see this movie for some time!

31st August 2006, 09:48 AM
I just watched one of the most thrilling movies of all time in my view... :o

The Game, starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn....it was awesome...from start to the end, i couldn't predict what was going on...it was like a puzzle...

It's a story about a wealthy man, Nicholas (Michael Douglas) who receives a birthday gift from his brother (Sean Penn) - a live-action game that provides him with a "profound life experience"...

Sean Penn's role was small but so good! and of course, Michael Douglas too....

definitely, one of a kind...:clap:...:thumbsup:...worth a watch....

1st September 2006, 06:57 AM
House of Flying Daggers.
A Love story no doubt but soo beautifully taken. Awesome cinematography and excellent acting.Very well taken movie.

2nd September 2006, 11:25 AM
watching RUNAWAY BRIDE dvd. *ing Richard Gere & Julia Roberts - so far quite interesting half way through. hope to finish it today !

2nd September 2006, 08:11 PM
The Game, starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn....it was awesome...from start to the end, i couldn't predict what was going on...it was like a puzzle...

definitely, one of a kind.........worth a watch.... I agree. A beautiful movie. It established David Fincher as a class director. After The Game he went on to direct the cult classic Fight Club , which just skyrocketed him.

3rd September 2006, 06:28 PM
Haven't watched The Game, but i think Fight Club is very much over-rated...

4th September 2006, 12:14 AM
I watched Lord of War...it's so cold blooded taken fluidly and more disturbingly it's based on true events...the lack of remorse that Nicholas Cage displays is compelling...I was pleasantly surprised in one part when they used AR Rehman's Bombay Theme music.
BTW, I thought the theme was used on the right scene !

The end credits of the movie is much more bizaare ... "There are only 5 nations now who are dealing with arms - US, UK, France, China and Russia (or Japan, not sure) and all of them are part of UN Security council".

4th September 2006, 12:18 AM
Haven't watched The Game, but i think Fight Club is very much over-rated...
Yes, the character of Willis in 6th sense had more logic than the role of Brad Pitt in Fight club. I am still confused on who was driving the car if Brad Pitt was imaginary ? :?

4th September 2006, 02:20 AM
Haven't watched The Game, but i think Fight Club is very much over-rated... It is a very powerful film (it didn't get a censor certificate in India because they thought it was too violent. I don't think they meant physical gore).Part of why I like the film is because I saw it first when I was in college, and was highly impressed/disturbed by it. Then I could, pardon the extreme cliche, relate to the protagonist. For a while I was a walking quote machine. Whenever I lied/faked something I would say "I'd like to thank the academy" :-)

Jim Uhls screenplay kept the movie really tight (without being uptight, with great smilers thrown in, in the blackest moments). The freshness of ideas was maintained with as little pulpit-talks as possible. And even the ones that were there were dressed with the background. In fact, Fincher shot and later (wisely) cut-out some of the overtly didactic parts of the novel. The way the humour in the movie is so tacitly laced with the dark parts is perhaps the strongest point.

Technically, I think the movie stands out. The grim look, the (overemphasized) tracking shots and the sound effects were really good. I still remember the slushy punches in the fight where Norton pummels Jared Leto and the one in the Boss' office.I think they got nominated for the Effects (and lost to The Matrix). Even the music seemed to fit really well.

Brad Pitt was less than impressive.His performance, as always, was overrated. But Edward Norton and Helena Bonham-Carter were great in the movie.

Yes it gets melodramatic and ridiculously illogical (nearly pulling off an Anniyan towards the end). But what saves it all is the undercurrent of irreverence. Many people who didn't like it, didn't like its solutions. Many people found it pretentious and didactic. Somehow I found the presentation very fresh,crisp and leaving a lot for the viewer to fill up himself.

6th September 2006, 09:49 PM
Bad Cop Bon Cop....:roll:

ok movie...a Canadian production (i think)...mix of French and English dialogues....

...about two cops (one from Ontario, another from Quebec) solving case of a hockey serial killer...:roll:...

the scene by the border of Ontario and Quebec was too funny....:lol:...

6th September 2006, 09:50 PM
I agree. A beautiful movie. It established David Fincher as a class director. After The Game he went on to direct the cult classic Fight Club , which just skyrocketed him.

6th September 2006, 11:55 PM
Finished watching today "Runaway Bride" ( Richard Gere & Julia Roberts ) - about a woman who gets the jitters each time she walks up the aisle (with a different groom) to get married, and literally runs away (or gallops away on a horse) from the wedding function ! Director Garry Marshal gives a sort of advice - dont rush into marriage till you have found Mr.Right . Light hearted film to watch - must see for those thinking of or about to get married, and/or having the wedding jitters !

nice songs in the movie :
1. I still havent found what I was looking for - U2
2. She's a maneater - Daryl Hall and John Oates

9th September 2006, 02:42 AM
LAIR LAIR! :rotfl:

Kid: But my teacher says "It's not looks, but what's in the inside that matters"

Jim Carrey: That's only something that Ugly People say to Make Themselves Feel Better! :x

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I love that Guy!! :lol:

9th September 2006, 02:43 AM
watch '3-iron

real good

9th September 2006, 02:50 AM
mystic river ,brokeback mountain , the woodsman , secret window
trying to think of an old one...'chase is good too

9th September 2006, 03:11 AM
How is Brokeback Mountain? Does it live up to the Hype? :)

9th September 2006, 03:16 AM
just watch it.
don miss man

having UN volunteer involvement i loved 'beyond borders

9th September 2006, 07:37 AM
having UN volunteer involvement i loved 'beyond borders
:exactly: ...very beautiful movie...the different countries were well-picturized (though Chechnya was actually filmed in Montreal :o )...very nice music to add to the story...

9th September 2006, 09:09 AM
having UN volunteer involvement i loved 'beyond borders
:exactly: ...very beautiful movie...the different countries were well-picturized (though Chechnya was actually filmed in Montreal :o )...very nice music to add to the story...

wow ! montreal !!! i dino
but for story based in wyoming brokeback ' , production took place actually in calgary. i even heard wyoming tourism board advantaged after the movie. its breathtaking calgary .
most cowboy movies are made in canada all clint , even the 'open range' if you saw ? kevin costner did .

..think 'original sin ! angelina shocked me with 'beyond borders..
hope you liked riding in cars with boys , under the tuscan sun , my house in umbria , unfaithful ' (i like diane lane ) the guy the french one in the movie kylie minogue's bf dono if got married .

9th September 2006, 09:14 AM
having UN volunteer involvement i loved 'beyond borders
:exactly: ...very beautiful movie...the different countries were well-picturized (though Chechnya was actually filmed in Montreal :o )...very nice music to add to the story...
who do you think the actual hero in the movie. sinthiya ?
the black fellow cryptic one for me !

9th September 2006, 10:00 AM
who do you think the actual hero in the movie. sinthiya ?
the black fellow cryptic one for me !
actual hero? you could say the little boy...he definitely set the plot for the movie....but i think Clive Owen (Dr.)....he was the man whose dedication to helping the refugees & others that lead to her contributions and becoming an ambassador in the movie....

9th September 2006, 10:09 AM
wow ! montreal !!! i dino
but for story based in wyoming brokeback ' , production took place actually in calgary. i even heard wyoming tourism board advantaged after the movie. its breathtaking calgary .
most cowboy movies are made in canada all clint , even the 'open range' if you saw ? kevin costner did .

..think 'original sin ! angelina shocked me with 'beyond borders..
hope you liked riding in cars with boys , under the tuscan sun , my house in umbria , unfaithful ' (i like diane lane ) the guy the french one in the movie kylie minogue's bf dono if got married .
haven't seen Brokeback Mountain nor Open Range...many movies are shot in Canada - ie. Matrix, Mr&Mrs.Smith (cause it's cheap! :roll:..i think)...but i hear Calgary is a beautiful city, better than Toronto..:oops:...

haven't seen Original sin! but i've heard! i think 'beyond borders' had some affect on her personally...:roll:...

haven't seen riding in cars with boys , under the tuscan sun , my house in umbria , unfaithful....one day................

9th September 2006, 09:57 PM
save lots and then bugaboo too !
you remind me 'eva mendes 's speech act when she was on david lettrmn show avering ..'oh all plss guys plss see this movie support us only movie 'fully made in NY which is 'Hitch '

11th September 2006, 09:04 AM
i just meant it was shot in Canada....that's all...

17th September 2006, 03:00 AM
I decided to go back in time, and rented 'For a Few Dollars More'. I am a huge fan of Sergio Leone and the way recreates the Wild West is amazing. FFDM has one of the coolest intro scene in western movies. Lee Van Cleef has just collected his reward for killing a 'wanted' criminal and as he walks out, he asks the whereabouts of another fugitive, featured in a poster. The Sheriff says that he was last seen in White Rock and further says, 'If it is of any interest to you, another man dropped in to ask about him'. Cleef asks about him and the Sheriff says, 'His name is Monco'. Cut to White Rock where a man, with his head bent picks out a cigarette and as he lights it, raises his head to reveal the face - Clint Eastwood. Absolutely entertaining if you are looking for a weekend of light movies.

19th September 2006, 07:54 PM
govin to ' hollywoodland' today..anyone saw?

19th September 2006, 08:02 PM
AVM's "Andha Naal" directed by Veenai S Balachandra is a masterpiece

20th September 2006, 02:18 AM

:omg: :omg: :omg:



THe whole song is being use as the title song for the movie!! :2thumbsup:

20th September 2006, 02:52 AM

:omg: :omg: :omg:



THe whole song is being use as the title song for the movie!! :2thumbsup:
Yes, Inside Man was a very enjoyable film. I was a bit apprehensive of watching the movie after the single star Guardian gave the movie, but I ended up liking it immensely. Spike Lee proves that he can make good movies beyond blaxploitaion genre, with this cool thriller :thumbsup: . But, I think Chayya Chayya was somehow out of place with the opening credit sequences.

20th September 2006, 03:01 AM

Reg Chaya: yeah it didn't suit the Metro City...If the director (or whoever chooses teh song) wanted to use a bollywood song I think that something like "DHOOM MACHALE" would've been awesome! 8-)

20th September 2006, 10:20 AM
i like clive , waiting to see children of men
anyone saw 16 Blocks ? incase if they make in tamil think it would suit vijaykanth .

20th September 2006, 10:35 AM
i saw 16 Blocks...good movie...Bruce Willis was good...Vijaykanth...:roll:...

Surya, I'm glad u enjoyed Inside Man...it's a great thriller!...seen it twice and it still cracks me up.....:lol:...Denzel & Clive are awesome (especially Clive Owen....)....

20th September 2006, 12:29 PM
:yes: I would like to jot down a couple of the lines which had me cracking up (Tequana $5 Don't Ask :oops:, MY TURBAN!! WTF? :x, So I violated code 36DD's? :roll:, Lemme See Yo Shoes Man!! :lol: ) but I can't be too discriptive about it here, but those who've seen it know what I'm talking abt! :rotfl: :lol: I love it! :lol:

20th September 2006, 08:58 PM
:rotfl:...me too....

But you can get a taxi, right? :lol: :oops:, You can go...no...go..no.... just kidding....
....and then when that guy's cell phone goes off with that song....:lol:...:lol:...too funny!!!

21st September 2006, 01:19 AM
:lol: Yeah!! :lol: The Cell Ringtone! :rotfl: That was hilarious!


"He said: He needs a plane and a bus asap or he's gonna start killing one hostage every hour!"

"Who said this?!"

"Ooo...I don't know!! The guy with the big Fuc*ing gun! That's who!!!" :x


"Who are you?!!"

"I'm Vikram Walia, I'm a bank employee"

"Oh Sh*t! It's A Fuc*ing Arab!!!"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rant:

21st September 2006, 10:42 PM
They have used one of ARR's best songs and they are harassing Indians :twisted:

IMO, thats one of THE worst Denzel movies, I dont know how people can like it :o

22nd September 2006, 02:59 AM
They have used one of ARR's best songs and they are harassing Indians :twisted:

IMO, thats one of THE worst Denzel movies, I dont know how people can like it :o
Kasi, I think you have missed the point. Racial references are intersperced throughout the movie. For instance - the bossy attitude of Jodie Foster to Washington. Notice that it is not by chance that her character is named White. Lee is just making a statement on the state of affairs of the minorities in US and elsewhere. You can trust him on that.

22nd September 2006, 05:36 AM
They have used one of ARR's best songs and they are harassing Indians :twisted:

IMO, thats one of THE worst Denzel movies, I dont know how people can like it :o

Not indian in general, but Punjabies, and it's true, after September 11th espicially, punjaabis have been facing A LOT of racism because they're misinterpreted to be muslims and arabs, because of their beard and turban! :cry2:

22nd September 2006, 07:05 AM
other day thought of seeing classical hollywoodland'
fascinated by the attraction instead i dekko 'd black dahlia'
anyone familiar with black dahlia ? novel the real case?
movie much complicated than the case i think BUT
josh hartnett :thumbsup:

22nd September 2006, 08:43 AM
.....Racial references are intersperced throughout the movie. For instance - the bossy attitude of Jodie Foster to Washington. Notice that it is not by chance that her character is named White. Lee is just making a statement on the state of affairs of the minorities in US and elsewhere. You can trust him on that.

24th September 2006, 10:13 PM
the devils advocate...paravala

25th September 2006, 12:53 AM
I agree. A beautiful movie. It established David Fincher as a class director. After The Game he went on to direct the cult classic Fight Club , which just skyrocketed him.
Thanks for the recommendation. Fight Club was one of the two movies I rented this weekend. I liked the movie in parts, as much for the snappy dialogues as for the grim mood the director managed to maintain. Of course, Brad Pitt was trying so hard to be cool that it shows. So much so that I found it ridiculous that he was mouthing lectures on consumerism. Still Fincher was the most successful in casting Brad Pitt in a role that took the backseat to other characters occasionally (in 'Seven').

The other movie I rented was 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'. I always thought British comedy was refined and straight forward. LSTSB had comedy that was twisted, weird and very enjoyable :D . The director is Guy Ritchie, whom till date I had only known as Madonna's husband. The dialogues are witty and intelligent, with constant references to history, something you wouldn't find in American movies. And the background scrore is brilliant - watch out for the scene where Greek music rises and wanes in tempo to create a very dramatic effect. Absolutely recommend this one.

26th September 2006, 07:08 AM
i like sean penn..
all the king's men ' nailing' ..too noisy
but napped :fatigue:

26th September 2006, 08:42 AM
i like sean penn..
all the king's men ' nailing' ..too noisy
but napped :fatigue:
:o ...one of the few movies i wanted to see soon....
...heard from a friend it was boring.... :? ....

26th September 2006, 08:55 AM
sinthiya ! i too waited..guess sean's skill wasted
even jude Law..they drink drink talk talk ...speech...cacophonic
sean's accent ... :x ..
final gun shots woke me ..

26th September 2006, 09:02 AM
:o ....too bad...
either way...i'll watch it for jude law and sean penn i guess... :roll:

other new movies on my list: The Departed and The Black Dhalia....
no time for now... :(

26th September 2006, 09:04 AM
got point break and the motorcycle diaries!no time ti view it continuously

dunno abt point break :roll:

motorcycle diaries is good nu sonnanga

27th September 2006, 07:15 PM
He loves me, he loves me not

Saw Amelie's picture in the DVD and rented it. The movie was moving at a slow pace for the first half hour and I was already yawning. Suddenly a twist and from there on, I could not keep my eyes off the screen. Excellent screenplay, right up there with 21 grams in terms of complexity. Dont read the synopsis in the back of the DVD, thankfully I dint. Excellent acting by Audrey Tautou :clap:

I absolutely recommend this movie for people who love non linear screenplays and I can call it as a thriller too :thumbsup:

27th September 2006, 08:26 PM
The movie was moving at a slow pace for the first half hour and I was already yawning.
hmm..... This is one movie that gives me pleasure everytime I watch .... in the sense, it is very soothing ... :P .... I find somthing strange abt the colours in the movie, that I haven't seen in any other movie .....
( I used to think of it as some psycho movie from itz cover pic till I actually saw it the 1st time ....huh.. :lol:.... but what a feel good pleasant movie it is !! :P ... ) .... yeah, highly recommended to any kind of movie watcher .... 8-)

Nilavu, Motorcycle diaries is an excellent one .... Che guevara ... How the world changed him, before he changed the world !! ... One of the best and justifying captions ever !

27th September 2006, 09:56 PM
finished motorcycle diaries...i think the actors of italy,brazil and japan are mmore natural than the method actors of hollywood!

nice movie..awesome photography...very natural acting...infact had an impact on me after viewing

27th September 2006, 10:15 PM
Did you watch the special features? It has an interview with Che's friend that traveled with him.

27th September 2006, 10:18 PM
Did you watch the special features? It has an interview with Che's friend that traveled with him.

achacha...returned the dvd without seeing it :oops:

28th September 2006, 04:57 PM
Saw "Day For Night" by Truffaut - Very much enjoyable. Of the 3 films on film-making, i liked this one better, the other 2 being Fellini's "8 1/2" and Jean Luc Godard's "Contempt" [which featured Fritz Lang playing himself].

Day For Night is about a movie [Day For Night!] being made and the obstacles it has to overcome. Whats immensely likeable about the movie is to watch Truffaut work in the film. His character in the film is how he is in his life.

28th September 2006, 04:59 PM
A Question: [perhaps Kannan can answer this]
Why is Jean Luc Godard considered as one of the greatest film makers? What's so special about his films? Personally i havent been moved much by the films of his i've seen.

28th September 2006, 10:08 PM
A Question: [perhaps Kannan can answer this]
Why is Jean Luc Godard considered as one of the greatest film makers? What's so special about his films? Personally i havent been moved much by the films of his i've seen.
A_A, that's a difficult question to answer, partly because I am no expert on movies and partly since I haven't watched all his movies. The movies I have watched are Breathless, Bande-a-part, Peirrot Le fau and Week End and so my comments are entirely based on these movies. Of these I loved Breathless and Bande-a-part. Peirrot Le fau was just passable and Week end an utter bore. The main reason I liked Breathless and Bande-a-part was that injection of hollywood style, which was quite different for French cinema (Bande-a-part especially has many scenes that paid tribute to hollywood movies). That along with his typical docu-drama style made these movies unforgettable. But I think somewhere along the line, it became repetitive. For instance Peirrot Le Fau too was hollywoodish, and you wouldn't find any scene that leaves an impact.

If you weren't moved by his movies, I can understand why. I think human emotions and complex relationships were never his strong point (in contrast to Truffaut, whose Jules and Jim is a poetry on screen). Maybe he never meant them to be, but none of the films I have quoted above have characters with whom you would sympathize. Perhaps, others can suggest Godard's movies that they think have an emotional impact on the viewers.

In all, would I rate him as a great? Yes (along with Truffaut), but only on the strength of Breathless and Band-a-part, which are among my top favourites.

29th September 2006, 01:36 AM
The main reason I liked Breathless and Bande-a-part was that injection of hollywood style, which was quite different for French cinema (Bande-a-part especially has many scenes that paid tribute to hollywood movies).

mmm... but i think i heard in the comentary it was Hollywood which was inspired by atleast one scene in BAP - the dance scene. I thought the weird narration he employs in his movies is quite peculiar...

He says through BAP he wanted to break all 'norms' and rules' in cinema [w.r.t to technique and narrative especially]

But I think somewhere along the line, it became repetitive.

Yeah thas what i also felt. I think his characters are repititive and dont seem to have any life.

If you weren't moved by his movies, I can understand why. I think human emotions and complex relationships were never his strong point

I've watched Les Caranibiers, Bande a Part, Le Petit Soldat and Contempt (completely about human relationship) but didnt have any profound impact

29th September 2006, 01:42 AM
finished motorcycle diaries...i think the actors of italy,brazil and japan are mmore natural than the method actors of hollywood!

nice movie..awesome photography...very natural acting...infact had an impact on me after viewing

You might wanna watch "Y Tu Mama Tambien" if you liked Gael Garcia Bernal's acting in MD though the theme is TOTALLY different! :P

29th September 2006, 01:45 AM
Just finished watching "Inside Man" - nalla padam...

Felt proud to see Isaippuyal's song being used as a title song [twice!]

29th September 2006, 03:25 AM
mmm... but i think i heard in the comentary it was Hollywood which was inspired by atleast one scene in BAP - the dance scene. I thought the weird narration he employs in his movies is quite peculiar...
On the contrary :)!! Of course, the dance sequence in Pulp Fiction was modeled along the one in BAP, but that's different. Those are induvidual sequences that had an effect on different directors. But, in Godard's case, he was influenced by 'Hollywood-Style' movies in totality as evidenced in the following scenes (as far as I can remember):
1. When the two lead actors play a mock shoot-out while waiting for Anna Karina.
2. When they again chase each other while unloading Karina's bicycle.
3. When one of the lead actors uses a pair of forks to imitate dance on the table (apparently, this was a reference to one of Charlie Chaplin's movies where a similar sequence appears). Of course the famous dance sequence follows that.

Interesting point about the narration. A similar style of third person narration is used in 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'. Godard influences Tarantino, Tarantino influences Guy Richie and Guy Richie goes on to include a style reminiscent of Godard. Never thought of that before :).

29th September 2006, 03:33 AM
You might wanna watch "Y Tu Mama Tambien" if you liked Gael Garcia Bernal's acting in MD though the theme is TOTALLY different! :P Naan bayangarama bulb vaangina padam. Everyone and his cousin praised the film, so I rented it. Didn't like it one bit . I really don't get what's so great.

During my college days I applied for a film soceity membership. The guy didn't believe I was 18 and said no (as the members needed to be 18+ and though I was 19, I didn't look it). My winning argument was: "look, if I wanted to watch porn I can get it on the net in the privacy of my home and I wouldn't be arguing with you here".

I don't want to something as strong about Y Tu Mama.. because there is obsviously something I am missing in it. I found the movie very showy. I struggle to get beyond the overt sexuality in films. I went on to watch and hate other acclaimed ones like Ma Mere, Killing Me Softly. Till today I am reluctant to rent Last Tango.. (perhaps I should because I didn't hate Bertolucci's The Dreamers which had some pretty explicit parts).

Talking about 'The Dreamers' it is centred around a trio of inveterate film buffs. One would be learned if he caught a third of the references. They dare and run across the Louvre to re-live a scene from Band-e-Part.

29th September 2006, 04:18 AM
Insomnia - Al Pachino, Robin Williams. Excellent movie!! :yes:

29th September 2006, 04:52 AM
Naan bayangarama bulb vaangina padam. Everyone and his cousin praised the film, so I rented it. Didn't like it one bit . I really don't get what's so great.

It was a timepass movie :)
Great ellam chance e illa....

Talking about 'The Dreamers' it is centred around a trio of inveterate film buffs. One would be learned if he caught a third of the references. They dare and run across the Louvre to re-live a scene from Band-e-Part.
I think this was also mentioned in the commentary. In the Bertalucci movie, they beat the 'record' set in BAP of covering the Louvre......

29th September 2006, 05:06 AM
Interesting point about the narration. A similar style of third person narration is used in 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'. Godard influences Tarantino, Tarantino influences Guy Richie and Guy Richie goes on to include a style reminiscent of Godard. Never thought of that before :).
The 3rd person [actually 1st person in some cases] narration found in Godard's films are weird because of the er... not able to articulate it...
E.g In BAP,
- When the main hero (short guy, Arthur i think) imitates a cripple walking when he's walking with Odile, the narrator 'explains' that!
-In Le Petit Soldat, the hero and heroine (Anna Karina again) are talking, when the narrator cuts and says "She lit a cigarette". We can see she's lighting a cigarette!
i think there are a few other scenes where the narration is weird but wonder why its like that

29th September 2006, 09:20 PM
Any review for Eight Below starring Paul Walker? heard its a nice movie.

29th September 2006, 09:51 PM
The 3rd person [actually 1st person in some cases] narration found in Godard's films are weird because of the er... not able to articulate it...
E.g In BAP,
- When the main hero (short guy, Arthur i think) imitates a cripple walking when he's walking with Odile, the narrator 'explains' that!
-In Le Petit Soldat, the hero and heroine (Anna Karina again) are talking, when the narrator cuts and says "She lit a cigarette". We can see she's lighting a cigarette!
i think there are a few other scenes where the narration is weird but wonder why its like that
OK. I wanted to get some outside opinion on this and asked a French colleague about the narration. This is what he has to say: The basic point of French New Wave cinema is to bring a documentary feel to the viewers. Godard wanted to continue it in his own style and hence the narration technique. So, he basically reminds the viewers that it's all happening in a world that doesn't correspond to their own (like watching a report on illegal immigration - we know it's happening but we also know that it doesn't affect us and can get back to what we were doing the instant the report ends).

I think I understand to an extent what he means. Maybe he wants the audience to know that they are in the movies and not to get too close to the characters. Could that be one of the reasons we can't relate to the characters? Questions and questions..

30th September 2006, 02:29 AM
Maybe he wants the audience to know that they are in the movies and not to get too close to the characters.
I saw this kind of conscious delinking in a movie recently. I saw a movie by Abbas Kiarostami called A Taste of Cherry (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120265/).
It follows the who wants to commit suicide and his search for someone to assist him.

If you manage to stay awake till the end you will see the climax where the movie ends abruptly without you knowing if his atempts were successful or not. The climax shows the lead actor, director, crew and supporting cast taking a break between shots. Just to underline the distance between the story, the character and the filmmaking.

1st October 2006, 12:24 PM
saw "9 songs" of winterbottom!


9th October 2006, 01:12 AM
Watched 'Brazil' on BBC yesterday. The plot is set in the future (retro-futuristic according wiki), in a dystopian world and follows the life of an official working in the 'Information Retrieval Department', an euphemism for torture and information extraction from prisoners. The mood is dark and brooding with numerous references to modern mechanised living. A search on the movie revealed what I suspected. The director was immensely influenced by Orwell's '1984', one of my favourite novels. Robert de Niro appears in a cameo - a role very different from what we are accustomed to seeing him in. Very few movies require numerous viewing to understand the subtleties. This is one and I am already planning to rent and watch it next weekend.

Incidentally, the director Terry Gilliam was a member of Monty Python and co-wrote 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'. 'Brazil' couldn't be more different from the comic antics of the Monty Python team and the raking (#242) on IMDB does not do justice to its quality.

9th October 2006, 01:59 AM
The Departed

The movie ran for 2 hours and 30 mins. The movie was just fantastic till 2 hours and 22 mins. The last few mins, I dont know what happened to scorsese, I guess he just wanted to finish the movie quickly and just shattered whatever I was thinking of how the movie will end. But I did not like the ending and I think the climax is a bit contrived for such a beautifully shot movie. I think this is the best movie of 2006 so far, i wont recommend it for the best picture oscar, but may be best direction. Never was I bored except for that triangular love story part.

Leanaro as a tough guy, I thought he wont do justice but he pulled it off wonderfully well. And boy Jack nicholson was out of the world. I dint quite like matt damon's performance. Surely not his best but its by far Leanardo's best performance ever. I strongly recommend it to action lovers and scorsese lovers. But this movie is not scorsese's best, taxi driver and goodfellas were much better. And this movie was almost a film-noir :)

Another movie I recommend is 12 angry men. 12 people, one room, 90 mins of just dialogues. The actors were unbelievably natural and you should not miss even a single dialogue. The way Fonda convinces the remaining 11 people in the room was just fantastic. One of the best movies I have ever seen and I storngly recommend this to everyone :thumbsup:

9th October 2006, 10:11 AM
will scorcese ever get an oscar...he must have got many!

may be he gets an award for life time achievement! :roll:

9th October 2006, 07:53 PM
The Departed by Martin Scorsese.
Awesome movie. I havent watched the original Infernal Affairs but this was a worthy remake. Awesome awesome movie. Matt Damon...GOD he rocks!!! Never knew Di caprio could be soo good. Catch the movie when you can guys!

9th October 2006, 08:39 PM

It has already entered the Top 250 :shock:

8.6 is a bit too much for this movie, I would have beeen happy with 7.5. Or may be I am the only one who hated the climax !!

10th October 2006, 03:23 AM
I wasnt too upset with the climax though my hubby and friends werent too thrilled with it either. If you think about it, anything else is like leaving ends loose.

10th October 2006, 05:52 PM

It has already entered the Top 250 :shock:

8.6 is a bit too much for this movie, I would have beeen happy with 7.5. Or may be I am the only one who hated the climax !!

do u really believe imdb ratings? :roll:

10th October 2006, 11:58 PM
IMDB, ratings are given by users, normal movie going fans like u and me. For me its quite a benchmark. Movies over 7.5 are usually good and there are very few movies I thought did not deserve such a high rating.

There are movies which I feel are really good but the rating would be around 7.0, even then I dont have any complaints. Also for me any movie over 8.0 is outstanding no matter whether its 8.9 or 8.0 !!

If you look at rottentomatoes, they post reviews from magazines, which on most occassions try to tear the movie apart. 100% movies in rottentomatoes has to be out of the world. But there are exceptions. A movie called blood simple has been termed 100% fresh by rotten tomatoes and the movie stinks !!

11th October 2006, 12:09 AM
IMDB, ratings are given by users, normal movie going fans like u and me. For me its quite a benchmark. Movies over 7.5 are usually good and there are very few movies I thought did not deserve such a high rating.

There are movies which I feel are really good but the rating would be around 7.0, even then I dont have any complaints. Also for me any movie over 8.0 is outstanding no matter whether its 8.9 or 8.0 !!

If you look at rottentomatoes, they post reviews from magazines, which on most occassions try to tear the movie apart. 100% movies in rottentomatoes has to be out of the world. But there are exceptions. A movie called blood simple has been termed 100% fresh by rotten tomatoes and the movie stinks !!

ofcourse...i know imdb is user rating and it must be best!

but only hollywood films are rated correctly...the classics in other languages doesnt enter top 250 ...with akira krashwa as exception!....rating is good!..but top 250 movies are really not 250...may top 250 hollywood movies!

how do u d/load movies...torrents?

11th October 2006, 12:44 AM
A movie called blood simple has been termed 100% fresh by rotten tomatoes and the movie stinks !!
mmm.... I kind of like Coen Brothers' movies.. well, most of them.. Film Noir but throw in some really funny dialogue, bizarre events/turns, some surrealism...
I thought 'Intolerable Cruelty' was bad though and 'Hudsucker Proxy' was also not amongst their best...

Any 'Big Lebowsky' fans here??

11th October 2006, 12:50 AM
but top 250 movies are really not 250...may top 250 hollywood movies!

Exactly !! But there are a lot of foreign films which were RELEASED in the USA and they have entered the Top 250. Life is beautiful, city of god, Der Undertang, amelie etc.., Lagaan is in the top 50 sport movies :)

I loved their Fargo and that made me watch blood simple, but it dint live upto fargo for some reason. May be this one was way too slow :evil:

11th October 2006, 01:00 AM
I loved their Fargo and that made me watch blood simple, but it dint live upto fargo for some reason. May be this one was way too slow :evil:
Check out 'The Big Lebowsky' - bizarre, wacky and incredibly funny.
John Goodman! :lol: :notworthy:

I'm not sure if you'll like the following because of the pace but also check out

'Oh Brother Where Art Thou' [George Clooney]

'The Lady Killers' [Tom Hanks] - Yet to see the original which had The Great Peter Sellers in it....

11th October 2006, 07:56 AM
Kasi and SS....nice to hear The Departed is doing well...:)...nice review...

i will watch it this weekend, hopefully...:roll:...

11th October 2006, 10:29 AM
'The Lady Killers' [Tom Hanks] - Yet to see the original which had The Great Peter Sellers in it....

I have seen Tom Hanks version. I heard the original is better compared to TH one

11th October 2006, 09:41 PM
finished schindler's list just now!

great movie...started so boringly...but really good at the end!

actually scorcese was first offered by spielberg to direct this movie its said!

how would it have been if scorcese have done it! :roll:

11th October 2006, 09:48 PM
AFAIK speilberg was supposed to direct cape fear and MS was supposed to direct Schindlers list. Good that they swapped, otherwise it would have been a disaster. :lol:

11th October 2006, 10:06 PM
AFAIK speilberg was supposed to direct cape fear and MS was supposed to direct Schindlers list. Good that they swapped, otherwise it would have been a disaster. :lol:

u mean both movies? :shock:

they would have been in diff style...but certainly not good as "schindler's list" ....as scorcese doesnt shift his style like spielberg i guess :roll:

it would have a similar effect ...i somehow feel a similiar effect in all scorcese's movies...hez my fav director anyway!

11th October 2006, 10:45 PM
man...its ben kinsley who rocked in schindler's list

12th October 2006, 01:27 AM
AFAIK speilberg was supposed to direct cape fear and MS was supposed to direct Schindlers list. Good that they swapped, otherwise it would have been a disaster. :lol:
Didn't know that piece of trivia. I thought Schindler's List was Spielberg pet project, I think he was also the producer.

IMO, Cape Fear was a disaster anyway :P

12th October 2006, 01:38 AM
KUNG FU HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

12th October 2006, 10:44 AM

Have you tried Shoalin Soccer? :D Stephen chow is hilarious.. :lol:

12th October 2006, 01:31 PM

Have you tried Shoalin Soccer? :D Stephen chow is hilarious.. :lol:

that too when the girl walks to the goal post with a heroic music and finds it to be the opponents post :rotfl:

12th October 2006, 09:04 PM
AFAIK speilberg was supposed to direct cape fear and MS was supposed to direct Schindlers list. Good that they swapped, otherwise it would have been a disaster. :lol:
Didn't know that piece of trivia. I thought Schindler's List was Spielberg pet project, I think he was also the producer.

IMO, Cape Fear was a disaster anyway :P

Found out the link atlast :)


I think the fate of cape fear wudnt have changed even if speilberg had directed. But Schindler's list IMO is spielberg's best :thumbsup:

12th October 2006, 10:12 PM
got the DVD of seven samurai for rent...print paravala...

how abt the photography of the movie???...is it my dvd with this print?

13th October 2006, 05:29 AM

Have you tried Shoalin Soccer? :D Stephen chow is hilarious.. :lol:

I've only seen a few scenes! From what I've seen, I thought it was hilarious! :lol:

14th October 2006, 11:21 AM
'Bon Cop, Bad Cop' beats out 'Porky's' as highest grossing Canadian film
October 11, 2006

TORONTO (CP) - After 25 years as reigning champ at the Canadian box office, "Porky's" has finally met its match.

The action-comedy flick "Bon Cop, Bad Cop" surpassed the 1981 teen comedy in sales this week and took over the title of most popular Canadian film at the Canadian box office. Sales for "Bon Cop, Bad Cop" have totalled $11.3 million across the country, beating out the raunchy Florida-set 80's comedy which cashed in $11.2 million at the Canadian register years ago.

"We made this film without any pretensions, but with the hope that people would find it funny," said director Erik Canuel. "We succeeded in attracting a much larger audience than we could have ever imagined."

"Bon Cop, Bad Cop" has coined itself as the first successful bilingual film in the country. The half-French, half-English film involves two cops, one from French Montreal and another from Toronto who try to solve a murder mystery that originates at the Quebec-Ontario border.

"The goal of the film was to be the first completely bilingual production to entertain audiences from coast to coast," Alliance Atlantis Vivafilm, the company that distributes the film in Canada, said in a statement. "We are proud to say that we have achieved our goal."


:o ....didn't expect this....good stuff 8-)

15th October 2006, 01:34 PM
Has anyone seen '28 Days Later' by Danny Boyle, director of Trainspotting? How did they manage to get the shots of empty roads in London and elsewhere?

P.S: Dunno why the DVD comments say 'scariest movie since Exorcist'...

16th October 2006, 07:53 AM
I almost threw up when I was watching trainspotting. I was having my lunch I think when the scene in which they show the *most beautiful* toilet in ireland came up :evil: :twisted: :evil:

16th October 2006, 05:13 PM
I almost threw up when I was watching trainspotting. I was having my lunch I think when the scene in which they show the *most beautiful* toilet in ireland came up :evil: :twisted: :evil: :lol:

16th October 2006, 06:34 PM
I almost threw up when I was watching trainspotting. I was having my lunch I think when the scene in which they show the *most beautiful* toilet in ireland came up :evil: :twisted: :evil:

:lol: i saw that scene too...Thank God, i was not eating .. :lol:

16th October 2006, 07:38 PM
Forgot to mention, I absolutely recommend trainspotting for people who have the repugnant habit of muching something throught a movie :evil:

19th October 2006, 08:53 AM
To Kill a Mockingbird....:thumbsup:...
...great movie, great acting by Gregory Peck, the kids & everyone...

I had read the book and seen the movie long ago...nice to see it after a long time...:)

...see it if you get a chance....

19th October 2006, 10:08 PM
Thats an amazing movie Sinthiya. One of the best ever. Last scene when Scout says, Atticus, it would be sort of killing a mockingbird, wouldnt it?? would have been extremely well done. Excellent acting from GP and scout. Very very emotional. Brings tears to me everytime I watch it :thumbsup:

Actually I think the movie has been ranked #2 as the most inspiring american films in the last 100 years by the American Film Institute :thumbsup:

20th October 2006, 08:46 AM
Best part enna na teh whole movie is from the POV of the kids

20th October 2006, 09:41 PM
finished watching seven samurai....

who said its boring....its a complete entertainer!

kikichiyo rocked...sema comedy...romance...sentiment....great package!

20th October 2006, 09:41 PM
Very very emotional. Brings tears to me everytime I watch it :thumbsup:

Actually I think the movie has been ranked #2 as the most inspiring american films in the last 100 years by the American Film Institute :thumbsup:
yeah....Gregory Peck (Atticus) was just brilliant...that scene where the guy spits at him... :? ...he just stood and then wiped his face...really shows his character, with his son sitting in the car watching him..:thumbsup:...then his closing speech at the trial...

i watched the bonus features that came with the movie...i have more appreciation for the movie now than i did watched it years ago...

he won the Oscars for best actor....

20th October 2006, 09:51 PM
The Departed

The movie ran for 2 hours and 30 mins. The movie was just fantastic till 2 hours and 22 mins. The last few mins, I dont know what happened to scorsese, I guess he just wanted to finish the movie quickly and just shattered whatever I was thinking of how the movie will end. But I did not like the ending and I think the climax is a bit contrived for such a beautifully shot movie.

Leanaro as a tough guy, I thought he wont do justice but he pulled it off wonderfully well. And boy Jack nicholson was out of the world. I dint quite like matt damon's performance. Surely not his best but its by far Leanardo's best performance ever. I strongly recommend it to action lovers and scorsese lovers. But this movie is not scorsese's best, taxi driver and goodfellas were much better. And this movie was almost a film-noir :)
I watched The Departed....:thumbsup:...well done...I agree that the scenes following the climax was too abrupt and surprised me...didn't expect it to end such way....

Jack Nicholson is awesome as always...his best was when he imitated like a rat...:rotfl:...too funny....

Matt Damon was pretty good, but like you said, I also didn't like his performance as much....but he suited the character, I suppose

Leonard Di Caprio....well done...really impressed me - i have to see his Aviator....i'd watch it again for his performance!!!....

great movie....

20th October 2006, 09:59 PM
finished watching seven samurai....

who said its boring....its a complete entertainer!

kikichiyo rocked...sema comedy...romance...sentiment....great package!

7 samurai wasnt boring at all. In fact thats the first kurosawa movie that impressed me and made me go back and watch rashomon again.

Sit thru rashomon. Then tell us how entertaining it was :lol2:

One of the most awaited movies this year, The Prestige (Nolan) has opened this weekend. Will catch it real soon :)

20th October 2006, 10:17 PM
finished watching seven samurai....

who said its boring....its a complete entertainer!

kikichiyo rocked...sema comedy...romance...sentiment....great package!

7 samurai wasnt boring at all. In fact thats the first kurosawa movie that impressed me and made me go back and watch rashomon again.

Sit thru rashomon. Then tell us how entertaining it was :lol2:

One of the most awaited movies this year, The Prestige (Nolan) has opened this weekend. Will catch it real soon :)

:roll: i wont get that DVD

22nd October 2006, 12:31 PM
:roll: i wont get that DVD
You mean you cant??
RIC video library,Nungambakkam high road...opp gautam manor hotel....

22nd October 2006, 09:38 PM
:roll: i wont get that DVD
You mean you cant??
RIC video library,Nungambakkam high road...opp gautam manor hotel....

nono...in the shop nearby theyve got yojimbo,roshomon and all....but its said they are not entertaining as "seven samurai"

23rd October 2006, 07:48 AM
nono...in the shop nearby theyve got yojimbo,roshomon and all....but its said they are not entertaining as "seven samurai"

Dont go by shopowners verdict they would mostly recommend action movies as good movies.

25th October 2006, 08:27 AM
Watched Godard's 'Breathless'... :banghead: thoroughly disappointed.... Godard definitely not my pint of beer...

noticed this in 'Contempt' as well as 'Breathless'... he sometimes cuts to montages of previous scenes out of the blue... wonder why he does that...
[you can see the opposite in Bharathirajaa films... montage of whats going to happen next]

27th October 2006, 09:53 PM
A_A, surprising that you didn't like 'Breathless'. For it's time, 'Breathless' was an amazing film with enough innovations to look back and adore. Remember that the movie was made with hand-held camera. And as I have said earlier, Godard's obsession with Hollywood style movies started with 'Breathless'.

noticed this in 'Contempt' as well as 'Breathless'... he sometimes cuts to montages of previous scenes out of the blue... wonder why he does that...
I'd have to watch the movie again to recollect the scenes. But if you are referring to the cuts he introduces through his unconventional editing, that was probably to distance the viewers from the movie, which I mentioned before. I think we had discussed about jump-cuts in Godard's movies earlier. Interestingly, Truffaut was the script writer for 'Breathless'. I wonder how much Truffaut influenced Godard's direction!

[you can see the opposite in Bharathirajaa films... montage of whats going to happen next]
Couldn't quite get this. But I was watching 'Nizhalgal' on TV today and noticed that each Bharatiraja movie has a common theme to which he cuts every once in a while: the sea in 'Nizhalgal', the 'parisal' in 'Mudhal Mariyadhai' and the river in 'Vedham Pudhidhu' are some I can think of.

28th October 2006, 03:23 AM
Departed The 2006
i thought leo's aviator best of ..Leonardo ( DiCaprio nominated but fox seized it anyw(r )ay ! :twisted: )
this one even better.( this time fingers crossed )
graduation for matt damon..
poor Jack :(
ok the lead the charge ! but supporting actor mark wahlberg ' :shock: king of pervasive language :clap: his character is worth equally
except the unwanted love triangle , i liked everything the strong script music direction
i thought leo's boyish handsome look might hold sway his character ..nope .wrong
boy ! your angry silence tells , you are matured enough to handle much bigger than this
yes ! another masterpiece from Martin Scorsese gave me goosbumps throughout :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Leonardo DiCaprio :D :D :D

29th October 2006, 01:36 AM
:thumbsup:...glad you enjoyed it!

Brad Pitt's Babel is coming out this weekend....8-)....i wonder how it will be...

29th October 2006, 08:42 AM
:thumbsup:...glad you enjoyed it!

Brad Pitt's Babel is coming out this weekend....8-)....i wonder how it will be...
Sinthiya :D
saw clip Brad Pitt with Cate Blanchett ..cant wait

one Cate Blanchett movie role well suited for her
' The gift' .. young Katie Holmes and Hilary Swank and her wicked husband Keanu Reeves . movie director Sam Raimi :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

any clairvoyant , ghost visions , reading cards fans ?
E.S.P. :thumbsup:

29th October 2006, 11:13 PM
The Prestige

Nolan did not disappoint me. As usual a non-linear screenplay and a couple of brilliant twists at the end. Unfortunately I, for that matter most of the people in the theatre could guess one of those. The one with Bale. But the twist concerning hugh jackman was outstanding that made people gasp at the climax. Very well done. Needless to say, fabulour performance from the rival magicians( bale and jackman). They ve wasted Scarlett Johansson :hammer:

But there is something missing in the movie, I dont know what. But I highly recommend this movie :thumbsup:

3rd November 2006, 06:11 AM
I just recently watched the Insider though it is surprisingly bereft of action or gore or even over-the-top suspense as usual Mann movies are it's still a portrayal of a real life struggle to get such charged messages out...Russell Crowe and Al Pacino are exceptional.

6th November 2006, 04:15 AM
Goodbye Lenin
Alex's mum is a strong supporter of the German GDR , lives in east berlin. His mother suffered a heart attack before the collapse of the berlin wall and therefore went into coma stage. After a few months , during the transitional stage from communist to democratic , she wakes up. Alex has to protect her from any "exciting" event... and therefore has to pretend and lie that nothing has changed since she had the heart attack..


6th November 2006, 09:27 AM
Downfall (der untergang)

nice movie....nothing is dramatized ...so dint have a feeling of watching a movie...spielberg did wonderfully in schindler's list by dramatizing a bit!...

Bruno Ganz is mind blowing!

he is the person who is first asked by speilberg to play schildler's role....but bruno ganz rejected!

6th November 2006, 10:15 PM
Have taken downfall dvd yet to watch it !!!

6th November 2006, 10:19 PM
I just recently watched the Insider though it is surprisingly bereft of action or gore or even over-the-top suspense as usual Mann movies are it's still a portrayal of a real life struggle to get such charged messages out...Russell Crowe and Al Pacino are exceptional.

Thats my most fav mann movie. Exceptional acting especially by Crowe :thumbsup: And mann's latest miami vice is his worst by a distance :hammer:

btw, Downfall is a very good movie... extremely realistic :thumbsup:

7th November 2006, 12:25 AM
Saw III saw ambulances (http://entertainment1.sympatico.msn.ca/Saw+III+saw+ambulances/Celebs/News/ContentPosting.aspx?isfa=1&newsitemid=KP03110605&feedname=CP-SHOWBIZ_V2&show=False&number=0&showbyline=False&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc)

LONDON (KP International) Seems the Brits can't stomach the gore in the horror flick Saw III as ambulances reportedly had to be called to attend to a number of distressed viewers.

:o :o ....is it really that gruesome?! :oops:

i've only seen Saw I and it was also gruesome, but the ending was :o ...

anyone seen Saw III? :roll:

7th November 2006, 07:48 AM
Saw III saw ambulances (http://entertainment1.sympatico.msn.ca/Saw+III+saw+ambulances/Celebs/News/ContentPosting.aspx?isfa=1&newsitemid=KP03110605&feedname=CP-SHOWBIZ_V2&show=False&number=0&showbyline=False&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc)

LONDON (KP International) Seems the Brits can't stomach the gore in the horror flick Saw III as ambulances reportedly had to be called to attend to a number of distressed viewers.

:o :o ....is it really that gruesome?! :oops:

i've only seen Saw I and it was also gruesome, but the ending was :o ...

anyone seen Saw III? :roll: :rotfl: :rotfl:

btw, there is another film called "Hostel" . It is supposed to be the most gruesome movie ever. My friends narrated the movie to me in explicit detail :banghead: .

P.S: I've seen Saw I and II . I could tolerate them to an extent :P

8th November 2006, 01:58 PM
A few good men
Red Dragon
Crimson Tide
The Pianist

8th November 2006, 09:54 PM
Requiem for a Dream

The best part of the movie is the climax where they show what happens to the four pivotal characters. Its so sick that you want to move your eyes off the screen but you cant !! Fantastic camera angles, innovative techniques, good acting. A must watch for those who like a clockwork orange / trainspotting kind of movies :thumbsup:

8th November 2006, 11:25 PM
Has anybody seen Apollo 13 ?? If so , how is the movie ?

9th November 2006, 12:59 AM
Saw III saw ambulances (http://entertainment1.sympatico.msn.ca/Saw+III+saw+ambulances/Celebs/News/ContentPosting.aspx?isfa=1&newsitemid=KP03110605&feedname=CP-SHOWBIZ_V2&show=False&number=0&showbyline=False&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc)

LONDON (KP International) Seems the Brits can't stomach the gore in the horror flick Saw III as ambulances reportedly had to be called to attend to a number of distressed viewers.

:o :o ....is it really that gruesome?! :oops:

i've only seen Saw I and it was also gruesome, but the ending was :o ...

anyone seen Saw III? :roll:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

S to da I TO DA S TO DA Y SISY!! Datz What They Say! ...:rotfl:

9th November 2006, 01:03 AM
Has anybody seen Apollo 13 ?? If so , how is the movie ?

Starrin Tom Hanks! CLASSIC!! 8-) Make sure u see it! 8-)

13th November 2006, 11:06 PM
The game

One of the most gripping movies I have seen. Could not take my eyes off the screen. Especially the last few minutes. But the movie is extremely unbelievable, especially the climax. Never the less its a great movie, innovative film making :thumbsup:

13th November 2006, 11:43 PM
The game

One of the most gripping movies I have seen. Could not take my eyes off the screen. Especially the last few minutes. But the movie is extremely unbelievable, especially the climax. Never the less its a great movie, innovative film making :thumbsup: David Fincher. What else can I say :-)

13th November 2006, 11:51 PM
[tscii:bf73cc1089]PUNNAGAI. an old movie. Which is directed by KB and acted by gemini, muthu raman, nagesh etc... The concept of the story is about TRUTH. The story is 3 different types of friends, how they live the life for their own ways… the hero (as usual) on the side of truth. The hero died in the climax. But, it teaches a great message.

most of the times it showed in K tv. if any one got a chance dont miss it.[/tscii:bf73cc1089]

13th November 2006, 11:57 PM
SNAKES ON A PLANE... its a very nice, interesting & thrilling movie...
The story is "a villain plans to kill a murder eye witness. he send a group of snakes in a plane (adhula thaan eye witness & police officer irupanga), the story goes like how they tried to protect the passengers from the poisonous snake & plane crash"
it will be a good entertainment movie...

oops marandhuten... enna thaan snake ey box kulla vachi pack senjalum checking illama plane kulla edha mudiyumanu logic question yaarum ketkadhinga... (logic mattum vitutu paarunga... padam supero super)

14th November 2006, 07:54 PM
Has anybody seen Apollo 13 ?

Excellent movie :thumbsup:
Der Untergang(or Downfall) was run for a short while in Sathyam complex couple of months back.

Yeah it is a fantastic movie, taking no sides. Its actually a film made from 2+ biographies (one is Traudl Junge who was Hitler's last seceretary, donno the other).
Few more I saw in the last few months and recommend:

Inside Man
12 Angry Men
Dead Poet's Society
No Man's Land (Bosnian movie that won the 2002 Foreign Film Academy Award when Lagaan was nominated)
Office Space
Fight Club

i've only seen Saw I and it was also gruesome

Saw 1 was'nt gruesome, it was pretty strategic. I watched 'Saw 1' after I saw 'Saw 2'. Saw 2 depended on grue, apart from the mind games Tobin Bell plays. But I guess the grue overshadowed the strategy part a lot. Both were tolerable, infact i loved 'Saw 1'. 'Saw 2' was a letdown.
Saw Departed too, liked everything else, could'nt stand Matt Damon :evil:. Felt too rookie-ish like the way he did Bourne series.

15th November 2006, 12:43 AM
The game

One of the most gripping movies I have seen. Could not take my eyes off the screen. Especially the last few minutes. But the movie is extremely unbelievable, especially the climax. Never the less its a great movie, innovative film making :thumbsup:

This Climax was humiliated and destroyed in BLUFFMASTER...:cry2:

15th November 2006, 02:20 AM

Is bluffmaster a rehash of the game or is it just the climax ?? I havent watched bluffmaster yet.

15th November 2006, 05:46 AM
the departed was quite good .. would recommend people to watch that film

15th November 2006, 07:13 AM
Has anybody seen Apollo 13 ?

yes it's a really nice movie well done........my frnds had tears in their eyes while watchin it

15th November 2006, 09:48 AM
You guys cried for Apollo 13 :o its a very involving movie. I've seen it almost a dozen times but still I can feel the anticipation in the 're-entry' scene.

15th November 2006, 11:13 PM

Is bluffmaster a rehash of the game or is it just the climax ?? I havent watched bluffmaster yet.

Just the climax when Nana Patekar pushes Abhishiek Bachan off fo the building and abhishiek bachan lands on the big baloon and finds out that through out the whole movie he was being fooled.....the rest of the movie has shades of "Ocean's 11" with George Cloony, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt etc...For Ex: The Style of Narration and the dialouges! Infact....some of the dialouges were exactly identical to Oceans 11! :lol:

And to add to this, the basic storyline of the movie is said to be a lift from some other hollywood movie..I forget the name..."conman" or something.

16th November 2006, 12:14 AM

Is bluffmaster a rehash of the game or is it just the climax ?? I havent watched bluffmaster yet. I haven't watched it either but I heard it was 'inspired' by Ridley Scott's Matchstick Men.

16th November 2006, 01:58 AM

Norwegian movie about pakistani gangsters. Realistic portrayal of how young kids become gangsters. Had shades of goodfellas. Good movie but horrible acting.

16th November 2006, 01:59 AM
SIVAKASI :noteeth:

16th November 2006, 02:53 AM
SIVAKASI :noteeth:

inge silapeyar uyiroda irukurathu unaku pudikiliya? :cry:

16th November 2006, 12:25 PM
SNAKES ON A PLANE... its a very nice, interesting & thrilling movie...
The story is "a villain plans to kill a murder eye witness. he send a group of snakes in a plane (adhula thaan eye witness & police officer irupanga), the story goes like how they tried to protect the passengers from the poisonous snake & plane crash"
it will be a good entertainment movie...

oops marandhuten... enna thaan snake ey box kulla vachi pack senjalum checking illama plane kulla edha mudiyumanu logic question yaarum ketkadhinga... (logic mattum vitutu paarunga... padam supero super)

This is the only movie to have been co-written (whatever little part) by bloggers.....

18th November 2006, 05:32 AM
Casino Royale !!! released today :D


18th November 2006, 01:44 PM
This is the only movie to have been co-written (whatever little part) by bloggers.....

:confused2: you mean a group of people?

18th November 2006, 01:47 PM
watch, TOM-YUM-GOONG thai movie... full & full action movie and it shows like a natural action... yesterday, i got a chance to view that movie... hmm... literallly superb... 7 yrs hard work proved in this movie...

19th November 2006, 01:52 AM
Casino Royale !!! released today :D

what an experience what aa pleasure :P
glad you enjoyed! :) can't wait!!...

how's Daniel Craigs' acting? i read some reviews comparing this to Sean Connerys' 007 movies... :o ....

19th November 2006, 07:28 PM

21st November 2006, 09:37 PM
Apollo 13

Its out and out Ron Howard movie !!! :victory:

Though the movie runs for 2.10 hours the movie was thouroughly enjoyable.

Simply superb :thumbsup: :thumbsup

22nd November 2006, 08:09 AM
Penguin power: 'Happy Feet' edges out Bond prequel to top box office

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Warner Bros.' animated penguin romp "Happy Feet" drew US$41.5 million at the box office, edging out Sony's James Bond prequel, "Casino Royale."

The Bond film landed in second place, with $40.8 million. The box-office champ for the previous two weeks, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan," slipped to third with $14.6 million.


:o ...wow....cool...i wanna see Happy Feet too....:D

Borat...:banghead:....haven't seen but heard it's funny and :roll: ....

22nd November 2006, 08:28 AM

one of the reviews of Happy Feet by a movie-goer...

23rd November 2006, 12:09 AM
I saw David Lynch's The Elephant Man last night and that was too much for me. Thats probably the most emotional/sentimental english movie I have ever seen. I have Eraserhead with me and I am scared to watch that :oops:

27th November 2006, 12:30 AM
I am not a big fan of horror movies, but after reading some of the comments on 'Hostel' in the other thread, I decided to browse around for reviews and found that the movie was heavily influenced by the Japanese movie 'Audition'. So, I decided to rent 'Audition' and I am glad I did. There is something genuinely spooky about Japanese girls hanging their heads with hair covering their faces. I saw it first on 'Ringu' and now on 'Audition'. The story starts on a simple note: A lonely bussiness man with his friend's help conducts an audition for a movie. The audition is but a front to actually select his second wife. He is ecstatic when finds the girl he is looking for - calm, dignified and well-mannered - and promptly falls in love. He finds true happiness again, or thinks he does, until he decides to scratch the surface of their relationship. An intelligent horror drama that shows what silence can do to race your heart.

27th November 2006, 12:36 AM
I have Eraserhead with me and I am scared to watch that Embarassed Let us know how it went. I watched Eraserhead last week - night show in a theatre :-)

It was too weird and some parts were even revolting. If it had any subtext at all I couldn't notice because of the whizzing sound it made when it cleared my head.

27th November 2006, 09:09 AM
anyone watched 'The Fountain ?

27th November 2006, 02:45 PM
Can someone recommend me with some gud edge of the seat detective movies? something like vettayadu vilayadu?

27th November 2006, 03:36 PM
Ajaybaskar, try 'Inside Man'

27th November 2006, 03:39 PM
the movie which has ARR's soundtrack..thats it na?

27th November 2006, 04:44 PM
yeah the one that had chaiya chaiya in title and close credits. Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster, Clive Owen were the leads

30th November 2006, 04:32 PM
'Moscow on the Hudson' , (Robin Williams):2thumbsup:

4th December 2006, 01:58 AM
...watched 'Cars' with my nephew.... 8-) ....
...such a fun movie...:thumbsup:....

4th December 2006, 10:16 AM
'Happy Feet', 'Royale' Still Ruling Box Office
Dec 3, 1:40 PM EST

The Associated Press

New York A dancing penguin and the world's deadliest spy have settled in for a long stay at the top of the box office. The animated penguin tale "Happy Feet" was the No. 1 movie for the third straight weekend, posting ticket sales of $17 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. Also for the third straight weekend, the James Bond adventure "Casino Royale" ran a close second, taking in $15.1 million.

"Happy Feet," from Warner Bros., raised its total domestic gross to $121 million. Sony's "Casino Royale" has climbed to $115.9 million.

With a fairly open market for family crowds through Christmas, "Happy Feet" is expected to top out at $185 million or more, said Jeff Goldstein, general sales manager for Warner Bros.

Topping $300 million worldwide, "Casino Royale" is on the way to surpassing the $432 million total of "Die Another Day" to become the top-grossing Bond movie, said Rory Bruer, head of distribution at Sony.

"It's been all about 'Happy Feet' and 'Casino Royale' for the past three weeks. Those films have really captured the marketplace," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Media By Numbers. "I've never really seen two movies define the start of a holiday season in the way these two have."

Denzel Washington's thriller "Deja Vu" remained in third place for a second straight weekend with $11 million, bringing the Disney release's total to $44.1 million.

read the rest...

8-) ...Happy Feet is a FUN movie to see...i'll be seeing it again... :P ...music is simply awesome - just makes you want to get up and dance like a kid! :lol: ....

still fun to watch....:thumbsup:

5th December 2006, 04:10 AM

Everyone watch Happy Feet!! :thumbsup:

It's got some subliminal Enviormentalist Messages which is seriously needed for the World today! 8-)

Plus it's gotten US Conservatives all pissed off because of it's message which is even more :2thumbsup: :lol:

5th December 2006, 09:50 AM

Everyone watch Happy Feet!! :thumbsup:

It's got some subliminal Enviormentalist Messages which is seriously needed for the World today! 8-)

Plus it's gotten US Conservatives all pissed off because of it's message which is even more :2thumbsup: :lol:

The world do deserves a message, but who's going listen :wink:

5th December 2006, 07:58 PM
A few good men
cinema paradiso

6th December 2006, 11:20 PM
Maria full of grace

I have become a fan of drug-related movies :oops: This one is a ride with maria, who is hired to transport drugs from columbia to NY. The drugs are transported by making a few girls swallow them and you know how they take those pellets out :) Excellent acting by Catalina Sandino Moreno and she looked very charming. The climax was very lame though :oops:

7th December 2006, 01:19 AM

Everyone watch Happy Feet!! :thumbsup:

It's got some subliminal Enviormentalist Messages which is seriously needed for the World today! 8-)

Plus it's gotten US Conservatives all pissed off because of it's message which is even more :2thumbsup: :lol:

The world do deserves a message, but who's going listen :wink:

No One...infact this movie has sparked protests because US Conservatives are against Enviormentalism! :banghead: :rotfl:

They also deny global warming...so we can't expect anything more! :lol2:

7th December 2006, 09:16 AM
Blood Diamond coming out soon...starring Leonardo Di Caprio...another must see movie for the holiday :)


see the movie-goer comment...:thumbsup:

Oscar for DiCaprio? :o ....

7th December 2006, 10:11 AM
No One...infact this movie has sparked protests because US Conservatives are against Enviormentalism! :banghead: :rotfl:

They also deny global warming...so we can't expect anything more! :lol2:

Deny global warming :!: :evil: were are they living.......MARS :hammer:

8th December 2006, 09:19 PM
The Nativity Story (Mary and Joseph's life where they journeyed to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus)
movie less glorifying shows the miracle' as an average event like
a another story book with beautiful artistic painting coming to life
(few anachronistic mistakes too)
much waited movie for this period of time i am bit disappointed but
Visual appeal and Oscar isaac :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ( as Joseph ) outstanding

8th December 2006, 09:20 PM
The Fountain ' , fantastic spiruitual theme of death , tree of life and fountain of youth
tying to be technically impressive as a result they have wasted it weirdly
presentation only further confuses the nub of the story extruded artistically
Rachel weisz :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

8th December 2006, 09:34 PM
:D today

8th December 2006, 10:56 PM
The Fountain ' , fantastic spiruitual theme of death , tree of life and fountain of youth
tying to be technically impressive as a result they have wasted it weirdly
presentation only further confuses the nub of the story extruded artistically
Rachel weisz :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Darren Aronofsky's right. His Requiem for a dream was mindblowing but I dint understand his Pi at all. I heard that the fountain is on the lines of Pi, so I decided to skip it :oops:

I watched a couple of brilliant, intelligent movies last weekend. Lost Highway and Spoorloos (The Vanishing) . I would strongly recommend the latter, watch out for the eerie climax :shaking:

18th December 2006, 10:37 AM
Blood Diamond....:o...what a movie! what a performance by Leonardo Di Caprio! :thumbsup:...definitely one of the best of this year!! so captivating...there was not a moment where i lost interest....:)
His movie choices have been superp...Catch me if you can; Departed; Aviator and Blood Diamond....:clap:....He's proven himself for sure - such versatility and especially his accent in the movie 8-) ...wow...keeps impressing me movie after movie...

There were so many scenes that I enjoyed seeing....the scene that impacted me the most was the last 15 minutes of the movie...Leo and Djimon Hounsou's performances in the last scenes were awesome ...:cry:...

He deserves an Oscar for this, in my opinion...one of the best movies with definite Oscars...:) :) :)

21st December 2006, 01:42 PM
[From Brazil]
Based on a real life incident of a riot in the Carandiru prison in Sao Palo where riot police killed many inmates....

24th December 2006, 10:56 AM
Casino Royale :thumbsup:...

Daniel Craig impressed me....awesome performance...8-)

The construction site scene was well done. Story is good...I thought it would have ended earlier and felt there were too many turning points...still....
I enjoyed the movie thoroughly....:clap:...awaiting the next Bond movie....

28th December 2006, 09:14 PM
elipathayam - adoor gopalakrishnan


forrest gump - awesome

night and fog - a documentary on world war ...watch it if u have strong heart!

31st December 2006, 10:08 AM
A Night at the Museum
...a fun movie to see! :)