View Full Version : TIPS for GOOD HEALTH... Without Medicines.!

31st May 2005, 05:15 AM
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// “Noay-atra Vaazhvae Kurhaivu-atra Selvam”//.. One Tamil-Proverb Says... which means

“The Best TREASURE deemed as the totally Deficiency-free . in Life ... is.. ONLY SUCH A LIFE without any Sickness.

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// “Marundhu ena vaendaavaa Yaakkaikku
Arundhiyadhu atradhu poatri unhin”.//

Says Thirukkuralh which means Our Body does NOT NEED ANY MEDICINE AT ALL if we live an orderly (Disciplined) life,

... keeping in Mind what is good and bad for the body as also its DESERVING DEMANDS.

.. and thus CONSERVE the Physique properly ( Duly maintaing the Hidden Physical Potentialities alongside taking the best advantage of the Nature-Powers around us)

By my practical observation during the past more than 60 years… on several Healthy persons who lived long years without any Sickness nor even minor Ailments… deserving well to be Role-Model Persons for others.. especially the Two who have predominantly out of all others …made me get amazed. and have learnt a lot on the Meaningful- Reality towards Healthy Life.

Especially one of my close relatives…employed as an Executive in a responsible position of Personal-Secretary to a Govt. Officer, … who lived upto 84 years age without knowing what is meant by Head-ache, nor any Pain anywhere in the body , nor Fever nor any such common ailments too

Right from his early life, never taken any Medicine, Nor visited a Doctor or the like Health-consultants, even for Precautionary advices… but still happy with Good-Health.. backed by Serene face coupled with PEACE OF MIND.

Similarly another Person, a Railway-Station-Master of Andhra who lived upto 76 years of age, despite having lot of Family-problems, Sufferings, Injustices in Profession Heavy duties indefinitely Day and Night still always Calm and CHEERFUL.

Both these persons died Suddenly... within a few hours... by Natural- End. CALMLY.

I have learnt from several such people some practical Tips… for GOOD HEALTH WITHOUT MEDICINES. on which we will discuss here.

All of You Friends too . are INVITED to JOIN WITH ME.. to put forth your...

.. Similar- interesting experiences here ... Welcome... To discuss.


31st May 2005, 07:35 AM
Good topic Mr.Sudhaama... :clap: One of my relative,who has a naturopathy(the natures way to cure diseases...mainly thru diet ) hospital in coimbatore, lived until his early 90s... He died last year... I've never seen him falling sick but heard that he was bedridden for a few days before his death as he had a fall & injured himself... His secret to healthy living is healthy eating habits + active lifestyle... He has written a few books about naturopathy... His hospital is famous among tamil film stars for weight reduction(esp Prabhu)... :) :wink:

31st May 2005, 11:07 PM
Dev which one r u telling abt. I mean the hospital..

1st June 2005, 12:47 AM

During my past long Life-Experience I have closely observed hundreds of contradictory sorts of people....

Incredibly- Healthy on one side ...as well as the Opposite... Worst Sickly even during Youth...

The areas of their living were from almost all the Regions of India as well as Overseas. Nations too.

The Persons of all the strata of Society from the Poorest to the Richest...

So to say... Daily- wage- Earner , Platform-dweller, Industrial-Worker, Farmer as well as the Tribals in the interior Forests too ..

... upto the highest Social-rung of the Society the Multi-millionaires

Such Typicals were able to maintain remarkably Sound-health, irrespective of all sorts of Odds and Eventualities in their various situations and atmosphere of Lives

.. even under the worst duress and onslaughts of ante-forces challenging against the Defensive Potentialities for Good. Health.

:: RUDIMENTARY-COMMONALITIES for Good-Health + Long-Life ::

(1) Irrespective of Financial and Social-status (Poorest or the Richest or by any Caste or Communal- segments of Society)... they all are INVARIABLY the persons of Strong WILL-POWER coupled with Self-Discipline in general.. not only in Health-affairs but also on Life-matters on the whole.

(2) They know HOW TO ENJOY LIFE or CONVERT IT SO... under all sorts of contradictory and Varied circumstances.

(3) Strictly maintained CLEANLINESS on the Body, Food, Utility-Articles as well as by Hygeine.... with the deep sense of Nature-Realisation

(4) Adhered to strict-principles of orderly living ensuring a Routine especially on Food, Sleep. and Character....free from any Vices or Addictions like Smoking or Alcohol. or the like.

(5) Mostly either Radical-Vegetarians or the Restrained- Non- Vegetarians preferring the max content of Veg. menu in their Routine and occasional Non-Veg- menu for a few days in a week Not crazy on the Non-Veg stuff more than the other.

(6) They ENJOY FOOD well as also very choosy on it more than all others... taking limited Quantity... Never Over-eat even in Feasts.

(7) Out of all their Basic-Demands in Life(a) Peace of Mind (b) Food (c) Sleep and rest (d) Entertainments and Hobbies is the order of priority. They do not crave for Luxury or over-comforts in living-style.

(8) They SELDOM LOSE TEMPER.. but remain well-composed always... even under provocations.. Thus able to be either Cheerful or Serene- temperamental constantly. .. leading a Contented life under all contra- distinctory circumstances... by approaching with the SENSE OF HUMOUR

(9) Irrespective of the Sense of Responsibility and Commitments ..they avoid Evil- Propensities (Qualities / Attitudes) of self...

..like Jealousy, Greed, Wickedness, Vengeance, Hatred and Hypocricy. even though individually varying by the degree of Wisdom and Life- Opportunities

.. Rather they face their Problems in a light mood, backed by Self- confidence and Life-Faith.

... To Continue

11th June 2005, 10:17 PM
Rudimentary-COMMONALITIES for GOOD-HEALTH + Long-Life? Continued

(10) They give much importance to FAR-SIGHTEDNESS in Life alongside INTROSPECTION rather Self-analysis.. at every stage of the past and present...

.. and NEVER FEEL SHY to Confess whenever self-convinced Guilty…. With or without others pointing out.

(11) Used to ENJOY the Sexual-relations too ….having good Masculine / Feminine Potency by indulging in an orderly planned manner,

...ensuring MODERATE and LEGITIMATE Sexual-relations. That too, within limits only,and without any Secretive deal.

Especially they ensured the due Self-control, WITHOUT CELEBACY..

(12) They enjoyed Team-work as well as collective facing the problems and commitments ..as also in the matter of enjoyment too, along with Family-members, Relatives and Friends… with high Sense of Humour…. Had No Enemies., Even the Enemies.. they did not consider so…. But kept such people at a distance…. Even though quite Social… their movement is SELECTIVE varying in degrees too... person to person.


21st March 2006, 10:31 AM
Prime CODE for GOOD HEALTH Without Medicines

Practical-Lesson.... as Learnt by immense Experiences of several people, is...

"Live alongwith Nature... as far as possible... WITHOUT MEDICINES"...

...Especially DURING YOUTH.... Upto the Age of 50.

28th April 2006, 10:12 PM
Honey + Lemon-Juice + Water : Best Tonic?


As per Naturopathy... taking One cup of Warm-Water mixed with Two Tea-spoons of Honey... plus Two Tea-Spoons of Lemon-Juice...

...in EMPTY-STOMOACH . as the first edible substance... 15 minutes prior to Break-fast... daily

... is Good for Health... ensuring Purification of Blood,.... Preventing and Healing any internal wounds... Normalising any imbalances of Secretions...Conserving the Skin ...enhancing Youthfulness...etc.

This idea has been recommended by some Allopathic Medical practioners too...

...but some other section of Doctors... radically disagree... stating that Honey in empty stomoch will gear up the tendency towards Diabetics.... and so Harmful.

Dear Friends, What have you got to say? PRO or ANTI ? Why? Shall We discuss?

28th April 2006, 10:25 PM
I've been having a spoon of honey with a glass of warm water every morning and I feel OK about it.

Actually even while growing up, my Mom used to give us a spoon of honey every morning before breakfast. I don't have anything bad to tell about it!

28th April 2006, 11:59 PM
Wow! Tks for offering such unique non-medical remedies, Mr. Sudhaama!
Was fascinated by jus going thru this once! :D
All the more admirable tat u hav so much knowlegde abt this subject wen ur actually a (retd.) civil Engr. (as I rem. Idiappam mentioning once).....! :)
'hope to see more inputs.....already decided to copy & save all these for future reference.....taking pills/capsules can sumtimes be so boring as well as sickening......my mother, a Doctor herself, takes all sorts of tablets everyday..for BP etc....& she ends up feeling worse after taking them, eg. feels nauseated....!

29th April 2006, 10:48 AM
Hey all,

I am basically born aneamic with hormonal imbalance.
I have been consulting various docs and homeopathy seems to be okei for me.

I occasionally take iron tonic etc.

But basically, my hb count would be very much around 7 or nerly 7 NOT MORE.

I have always felt very tiresome, to do strenuous job, lethargic and lazy most of the time.

I should say I NEVER TIRE WALKING even extremely long distances.

Has this something to do with hb count? Having iron tonic everyday is okei?

how bout date syrup.

Also, when I read books without easing myself in a chair, i.e without back rest I get a mild ache in and around my eyebrows and my back neck. Is it strain?
Or is my sitting posture wrong?

29th April 2006, 04:40 PM
Hi SP,
Regarding Iron intake, i know that Vitamin C helps in absorbing iron into your system. So if u follow your iron intake with Vitamin C, it will help a lot.
For example, after having some dates for snack, if you wash it of with Orange juice, it is very good for iron absorbtion.

29th April 2006, 04:56 PM
thx dsath would try to do.

i am blessed (i mean cursed) with extreeeeeeeeeeme laziness and lethargy leading at times to depression . This leads to neglect on my part to take care of myself.

like what u said, would try and have orange juice or even lime would do me favour.

thanks :)

I generally wish to know,

LETHARGY AND laziness leads to depression?

why does lethargy result? is it because of aneamia?

30th April 2006, 12:14 AM
my mum should be an expert at this since most the time she's in the hospital

30th April 2006, 03:25 PM
I have always felt very tiresome, to do strenuous job, lethargic and lazy most of the time.
Same here! :oops: :(

2nd May 2006, 07:46 PM
Shakthi: Low iron content is one reason for feeling tired all the time. Eat loads of fresh fruits and veg, change your diet, eat keerai everyday, avoid tamarid as much as possible, go for a walk everyday, make it a routine, fix a time for your walk and stick to it whatever happens.

Eat green veg, dates and apples. And as dsath said, eat oranges or add some source of vitamin C to go with your food daily this will help in absorbing iron.

Once you do this you will see the change yourself!

3rd May 2006, 12:58 AM
my mum should be an expert at this since most the time she's in the hospital
Um....u mean shez a doctor? :?

3rd May 2006, 10:01 PM
thx anou :)


ur mom is a doc

5th May 2006, 03:22 PM
can anyone suggest me some medicines for laziness and procastination...??

5th May 2006, 03:36 PM
Sara :rotfl: :rotfl: for laziness..caffiene sources are good medicines ;) but they are addictive.

5th May 2006, 07:33 PM
... Medicine for LAZINESS and PRO-CRASTINATION....?

Hi, can anyone suggest me some medicines for laziness and procastination...??

Pitiable!!... Medicine sought for LAZINESS AND PRO-CRATINATION.???

Dear Friend.... You are knocking at the WRONG DOOR. ..

This is... "Not the place"... where Medicines are sold nor prescribed... but a forum on... HOW TO AVOID MEDICINES.?

And in fact there are NO MEDICINES...for your complaint... except in Homeopathy... where only, there are Medicines for the MIND TOO.

Yes. ..Such developments and Tendencies are sheer Mental attitudes... which NO MEDICAL REMEDY can totally eradicate.

May be by a PLACEBO...even by a Sugar-pill, the Self- deceiptful ... Psychological Medical- Remedy.

As a remedy...some people seek a momentary boost.. .by Stimulant- beverages like Coffee, Tea etc.... as the DAILY ROUTINE..

..which no doubt fetch the desired Result...But it becomes an ADDICTION...

... causing the SIDE-EFFECT.. by killing the Natural-defencive Energy every creature is innate with.

Consequently such people of Over-addiction, become permanently sick...

...always LIVING UPON MEDICINES...even for their day-to-day essentials for existence... like Eating, Sleep, and Working...

.. and even further beyond by impact on Mind too.. on Happiness and Peace of mind as well.

Because such Beverages ... are similar to Whip- blow for a Horse, which just stimulates it suddenly and FORCEFULLY.

They don't add up any Energy to the Horse...nor the whip-blow has any Food- value for the Receiver..

...Other than an External Interference by DOMINATION over the Hidden Energies within.

Best Remedy is....Our OWN SELF... WILL-POWER... resulting in active living... coupled with Routine-Code of practice.

Mind-Energy is the Second GREATEST AND MIGHTIEST over all other Human- Energies...

...Viz. Wisdom, Physical-Power, and SOUL-POWER.

The Soul-power is the mightiest out of all ... since it is a WEAPONLESS- POWER of Non-Violence, to drive out and even make others hesitate to approach or come closeby...

...as is the case of Rishis under Forest life...in the midst of Worst creatures like Wild-animals, Vicious Insects and Snakes.

Basically the Mind-power has to be FULLY UTLISED being a SELF- RULER

So to say.. the Proper Remedy is.... SELF-DISCIPLINE...

...To question ourselves.. and rectify on our own by Self-drive... prior to others Questioning or finding fault with us.

If I do not care to maintain Self-Discipline.. and thus fail to eschew Laziness and Pro-crastination within myself...?

No doubt one day... I will be trapped unaware as Slave..within the OTHERS COMMAND miserably.... at any time.!!!

..Who will forcibly DRIVE AWAY my Laziness and Pro-crastination... by means of their Whip on me.. Is it necessary?

Apart from other areas in Life like Success, Fulfilment of ambitions, and so on...

...Laziness and Pro-crastination will lead to Deterioration of Health in the long run....IRREVOCABLY....

...alongside the Rudimentary Peace of Mind and Happiness of the Self and Family. .

So is the Fact and Reality... as seen by experience... Invariably.!!!

6th May 2006, 02:40 PM
A great portion for perfect health- Put some Tulsi leaves in a glass of water & leave overnight- Drink this water the first thing, next morning. Do this everyday.

6th May 2006, 09:05 PM

6th May 2006, 09:07 PM
nop :lol: :oops: she always falls ill...she's had soo many problems in her body :cry: her pancreas stopped working when i was 5 years old and she was about to die :cry: and she still gets the same problem atleast once a year now... :cry: :evil:

my mum should be an expert at this since most the time she's in the hospital
Um....u mean shez a doctor? :?

6th May 2006, 09:07 PM

thx anou :)


ur mom is a doc

6th May 2006, 09:10 PM
My Tip is

Dont see a doctor..
U can be healthy..

6th May 2006, 09:24 PM
oh sorry gaayu.
thanks for the nice post sudhama

6th May 2006, 10:03 PM
my dad has to go to the docotor often cos of his diabetes and has to have an injection...but he skips it every time because he doesn't like injections :rotfl: and i told him its bad and that u wont be healthy and he said antha ooosiya paathalae manashanku ooyir poydum :rotfl:

My Tip is

Dont see a doctor..
U can be healthy..

6th May 2006, 10:06 PM
he said antha ooosiya paathalae manashanku ooyir poydum

hi-fives to your dad :mrgreen:

6th May 2006, 10:33 PM

7th May 2006, 12:23 AM
Is there a natural way to correct astigmatism?... are there any specific eye exercises in yoga to treat astigmatism?...

10th May 2006, 02:25 PM
Best Remedy is....Our OWN SELF... WILL-POWER... resulting in active living... coupled with Routine-Code of practice.

Mind-Energy is the Second GREATEST AND MIGHTIEST over all other Human- Energies...

...Viz. Wisdom, Physical-Power, and SOUL-POWER.

The Soul-power is the mightiest out of all ... since it is a WEAPONLESS- POWER of Non-Violence, to drive out and even make others hesitate to approach or come closeby...

...as is the case of Rishis under Forest life...in the midst of Worst creatures like Wild-animals, Vicious Insects and Snakes.

Basically the Mind-power has to be FULLY UTLISED being a SELF- RULER
So to say.. the Proper Remedy is.... SELF-DISCIPLINE...

Gr8 post sudhama..Thanku.

10th May 2006, 02:34 PM
Is there a natural way to correct astigmatism?... are there any specific eye exercises in yoga to treat astigmatism?...

I dont know whether u could correct it..but there are some exercises in Yoga for eyes. Practicing regularly will stop increasing of the defect.

10th May 2006, 02:52 PM
Thanks nms... I got some useful info from the web... will try practising it...Also read some articles which says that it can be corrected... yet to talk to my homoeopath an the ayur practitioner I know of & then decide on what needs to be done... Until then, I'll rely on spectacles...

11th May 2006, 01:00 AM
nop :lol: :oops: she always falls ill...she's had soo many problems in her body :cry: her pancreas stopped working when i was 5 years old and she was about to die :cry: and she still gets the same problem atleast once a year now... :cry: :evil:
Ohh.....tat mus be awful! Sorry to hear tat! :oops: :(

11th May 2006, 01:16 AM
hehe yupp...but she's pretty used to it now :roll:

11th May 2006, 01:44 AM

11th May 2006, 01:54 AM
hehe yupp...but she's pretty used to it now :roll:

Really PITIABLE.... especially being a Medical-practioner herself.!!

But even a Doctor is... after all... a Human-being.''

The main cause for such chronic Sickness, is BY BIRTH.. similar to Juvenile- Diabetes.

Allopathy has ..no PERMANENT REMEDY..

And if persistently attempted by Allopathy... it MOSTLY LEADS TO SURGERY...

.. as established by the erstwhile Allopathic Research scholar...

...German ... Dr. Hanehman...FOUNDER OF HOMEOPATHY.

So, for such people.. Homeopathy would have been the best Remedy... if resorted to, right from early age.

But now, at her present belated age, the best treatment can be Naturo Herbal treatment only.

So to say ... Elementary YOGA plus AYURVEDA Treatment.

She must take more of Prescribed Vegetables in small quantities number of times daily... along with Soya milk... and the least Rice or Wheat contents.

The cure can be ONLY GRADUAL... If not, we can at least be sure to prevent from deterioration.

Daily physical Excercise .. by Slow-Walking at least half an hour twice a day..

.. exposed to Sun at early morning and Sunset time ... enhances the Basic health a lot... especially in such cases.

11th May 2006, 02:35 AM
thanx sudhaama! thnku v much!

yup she is on a diet...and her pancreas attack was due to her group 3 blood cholestrol or pessure or something, and its meant to be on 2% and hers in on 26% :!:

but yesss...thnx so much!

10th May 2007, 04:12 AM
.Primary Principle for Good-Health.. ROUTINE LIVING.!

How the Healthy people have been able to be so HEALTHY?... with Least Sickness...

...and ABLE TO ENJOY LIFE for their major part of Life..

...without any Chronic Sickness... even without Head-aches.?

...can eat Sweets, and all sorts of Food... without any Restriction?

... capable of having Youthful Sex even beyond 70 +..?

Yes... AS OBSERVED and analytically studied on Practical aspects... amongst the Rich and Poor...

... various Regions of India and Overseas as well...

The most Important, Rudimentary and the Easiest principle... comparatively...

... to maintain GOOD HEALTH... is..

...Routine Living... so to say... Regular Living Schedule...

..PUNCTUALLY Waking-up, Toilet, Bath, Food-timings, Going to Bed etc...

... Uniformly Same time(Pre-Scheduled), Same Quantity ...DAILY

.. CONSTITUITION-SUITED Food menu ... without Over-eating...

Eating only on Apetite and Hunger... or else Eat commensurate with Apetite...

...or else Forego one time Food... which is better...

... since Starvation is better than Indigestion.

10th May 2007, 05:46 PM
Excellent Thread :clap:

I have read about the japanese people from a place called "OKINAWA" who tend to live for 95-102 years!! :o

Japan has one of the world's highest life expectancy [ on an Average a japanese lives upto 82 years!] and here are 2 articles ive read about these people :

http://www.knowledgeofhealth.com/report.asp?story=The%20Japanese%20Way%20of%20Healt h&catagory=Health,%20Calcium,%20Omega3,%20Joint%20He alth,%20Chelation

A Tamil Article On These people , especially on the green tea they drink :


14th May 2007, 07:59 PM
Several people reported that this has helped for anemia , may be it might you too.

if you add triphala it will be better along with the suggestions given below.


14th May 2007, 08:29 PM
Dear all,

I tend to get very emotional very soon,esp ANGER, which makes me out of control. even though i believe in this 'MAYA CONCEPT'', this uncontrobale feelings leads me to depression.
I know every one tells me to do meditation,but the problem here in london are;

1) very difficult to find a REAL guru, though the ISKON, (international society for Krishan consiousness ) is avaialable in London

2) I just cant be botherd

I am getting scared thinking about this, really scared

Can some one please help me ?


14th May 2007, 09:44 PM

Pls chk ur PM...:)

14th May 2007, 11:45 PM
.SICK-MIND.. One of the Main Roots of Diseases


Pls chk ur PM...:)

Dear Dev,

You mean... such Problems are PRIVATE and....

... strictly confined to the Scope of Confidential message to ONE PERSON...ONLY.!

Is this not common to all... at one or the other circumstances in our DAY TO DAY LIFE.?

There are Two aspects... One is the Psychic Remedy for preventing the Mind-sickness due to such Extraneous Onslaughts.

...Another is... FORTIFYING OUR INNER MECHANISM...by Meditation.

I will elaborate both... after you REVEAL YOUR SECRET MESSAGE...

...Useful to All.

15th May 2007, 07:45 AM
Dear Sudhaama,

Though the topic/problem is common to many, I worte a PM to him only coz I didn't want to write a few things in public... It does have some personal experiences which I consider private(though not a secret tht I wouldn't let anyone know abt) & wouldn't like to write it in public... Sorry, I wouldn't be able to reveal it here...

15th May 2007, 02:42 PM

Thanks 4 the pm, much appreciated will read it in detail in a while

Sudhama sir

This is the problem, unable to control the mind, it is like a monkey jumping from one place to another and another and to infinte thoughts, the REAL problem is even though, i understand (i think) about the real PHILOPSOPHY of life, i find it very PRONE to human feelings, and being EXTRA sensitive does not help either?

Can meditation REALLY help to control your mind for ever?

16th May 2007, 02:08 AM
Dear all,

I tend to get very emotional very soon, esp ANGER, which makes me out of control. even though i believe in this 'MAYA CONCEPT'', this uncontrobale feelings leads me to depression.
I know every one tells me to do meditation, but the problem here in london are;

1) very difficult to find a REAL guru, though the ISKON, (international society for Krishan consiousness ) is avaialable in London

2) I just cant be botherd

I am getting scared thinking about this, really scared

Can some one please help me?

Sudhama sir

This is the problem, unable to control the mind, it is like a monkey jumping from one place to another and another and to infinte thoughts, the REAL problem is even though, i understand (i think) about the real PHILOPSOPHY of life, i find it very PRONE to human feelings, and being EXTRA sensitive does not help either?

Can meditation REALLY help to control your mind for ever?
Affinities, attachments, emotions, feelings, predispositions, sentiments, tendencies etc. arise from the untamed streams of thoughts in the mind, like wild firebrand. All the struggles to overcome them seem utterly futile, creating even more problems, leading to anger, fear and eventually to depression and finally to a cry for help.

Dear Raghu,

Your problem is more psychological than a real one. You are in conflict with yourself. You are trapped in the duality of mind and body. This is a classical duality syndrome.

To help you help yourself, I suggest you must first try neutralising the duality syndrome that you have trapped yourself into. You can readily do that by first eliminating the conflicting duality of mind and body as two different entities. This is an exercise towards eliminating the fundamental error and realising that the body and mind are not separate, but one whole entity; realising that your body/mind whole and the world around you are real and not Maya.

Once you have freed yourself from your attachments to those false notions, you should be able to see the reality as it really is, free from all conditioned states and biases. If you have done that successfully, you should have no ties that would trap you in the terribly confusing duality syndrome. Maya will soon vanish; and you will feel yourself a whole one individual with nothing whatsoever bothering you ever again.

Good luck!

:D :) :thumbsup:

16th May 2007, 04:09 AM
Dear Raghu,

Anger can lead to many things especially if it has been prolonged. Since you have detected it before any thing worse happens, I suggest you take some anger management classes. I am not saying to ignore the philosophical or spiritual side of it in wanting to see a Guru, but you should combine it with these classes. It will all help you. You should be able to get some CDs on anger management also. Watch some of the things other angry people do and the effect on them and the people they (angry pdople) are angry with and how they have learnt to deal with anger in changing their approaches.

Just remember, those devilish people who make you angry and get you into trouble are not worth it.

Good luck.

16th May 2007, 04:44 AM
hi raghu..
i too experience most of thing u said but the problem with me is i dont get angered but i do get depressed..

i say to myself ..

oru naalil vaazhkai engum odi pogathu
maru naalum vanthuvittaal thunbam theerum thodaraathu..

u r safe as u r letting out the anger.. silar ulla vachi ..BP yethikaraanga..

try to divert u thought into things u like rather than things u dont like..


this video below is very useful and it works too.. :)


16th May 2007, 10:10 AM
try to divert u thought into things u like rather than things u dont like..

Goodd point, kb! :D

Yup I try to divert myself into things I like to........like this for instance:


Makes me feel much better! :wink: :D

16th May 2007, 09:21 PM
Dear Rohit,

Thank you very much for your post, but is it that EASY to control one's mind??

Tell me is this that EASY to control one's mind and emotions?

Dear Goodsense and KB

many thanks for your post, and KP i will check out your link later :-)

17th May 2007, 01:29 AM

Sudhama sir

This is the problem, unable to control the mind, it is like a monkey jumping from one place to another and another and to infinte thoughts, the REAL problem is even though, i understand (i think) about the real PHILOPSOPHY of life, i find it very PRONE to human feelings, and being EXTRA sensitive does not help either?

Can meditation REALLY help to control your mind for ever?

My Dear Raghu,

Your Problem is NOT ONLY YOURS... but also COMMON TO ALL...

That is why... our Great Acharyas as well as other Religious Leaders reiterate the ...

...INDISPENSABLE ROLE.... of MIND as the Rudimentary factor to be started with.

Not only Religious-Leaders but also the Psychologists and Spiritual Scientists too...

... insist to STEER THE MIND... properly on the Right-direction on our Life-path.

In brief... to be Happy in Life with the least problems on one's health...


... But BELIEVE & VALUE YOURSELVES... in relation to the Life-forces within...

..duly Co-ordinating with the Nature-powers around and FOR OUR BENEFITS...

We are guided by our Conscience... So we must never suppress our Conscience...

...which our Mind constantly tries to DOMINATE..

Our first stage of impediment and eventual failure on our health.. starts when we half-heartedly console and condone ourselves on our Lack of control of Stray-Mind.

Meditation helps us to FORTIFY our Inner-Energies...starting with the Mind.

Consequently we will be able to develop our Internal capacities towards...

... the higher levels of CONCENTRATION, GRASPING, I.Q., BALANCING OF MOODS... HUMAN-VALUES by Propensities etc.

Meditation is NOT ONLY A THERAPY... but also ROUTINE EXERCISE...for our hidden Inner forces...

... UNUTILIZED or under-utlized... MISDIRECTED towards Slumber...if ill-treated

I will detail it further and also on the Process of Meditation... as to How and Why...

...in the respective Thread on Meditation... soon.

For the present, regarding Mind-Health.. I suggest you as follows.

(1) In the present day Life... FAR AND FAR DIFFERENT from the days of three decades back...

... in addition to our own...we get innocently committed on others commitments also (with whom we are linked)..

... by way of their Lacunae, Draw-backs, Incompetence, Incapacity, INDOLENCE and Failures too... the more we come up in status.

So when we get innocently trapped and questioned for our ultimate-result delivery...

...we get suddenly upset and angry...which is neither unfair nor undue...

...but quite natural for anybody under such situations.

But in our health angle.. we should not allow such External onslaughts shoot up our BP or Sleeplessness or Blood-Sugar or Indigestion...Stomach ailments...Heart problems etc...

...because of any such Accidents for our Health.

So on such occasions... go out of the concerned atmosphere... prefer Solitude... either in a Garden or Sea-Beach, or Bed-Room with Music...

...enabling you to EXTRICATE yourselves and calm down your Mind soon...

...and then take up the next step to decide your strategy to solve the problem without causing any consequential Mind-Sickness.

(2) Be selective in maintaining GOOD CIRCLE OF FRIENDS... of HEALTHY POSITIVE OUTLOOK on Life...

...who are Really Sincere and AFFECTIONATE Well-wishers towards you personally.

They may be gathered and maintained either by proximity or by Remote-contacts...

It can facilitate exchange of wise-thoughts, Ideas for Solution... as well as Solace.

(3) Such people who cause your undue anger and Restlessness... Keep yourselves as far off as possible.

(4) Constantly endeavour to keep yourselves ALWAYS PEACEFUL internally by chanting God's name... any God of Your choice...

...the Japam... OHM NAMA SHIVAAYA.... or the like.

It will enable you to be UNAFFECTED and UNRUFFLED.. due to any undue onslaughts and...

... Invasion on your Mind-Health.

Several Hundreds of Best Healthy people as well as the worst Unhealthy ones too... UNDULY even during youth

...whom I observed... since the past more than 60 years...

... have taught me these valuable LIFE-lESSONS on Good Health without Medicines.

We are born to ENJOY LIFE by means of SOUND HEALTH...and Human-values.

17th May 2007, 02:21 AM
Dear Rohit,

Thank you very much for your post, but is it that EASY to control one's mind??

Tell me is this that EASY to control one's mind and emotions?
Mind Control !!!

It is easy for those who can and it is extremely difficult for those who can’t. The answer is as simple as that, but so notorious to understand.

Nonetheless, I shall try to provide you some basic guidelines that should help you in what you are trying to achieve.First of all, you must neutralise the duality syndrome. This is absolutely imperative for the extent of your success in what follows next.

The second step is to try to identify all your biases, partialities, preconceived notions, preconceptions, predispositions, prejudices, presumptions, either self-imposed or influenced by others, as such state of mind is ideal for fostering undesirable attachment to those subjective experiences that are often in direct conflict with the factual reality around you.

Since, such conflicting sentiments are bound to give rise to the feelings of dissonance, they invariably obscure one’s objectivity that give rise to negative emotions such as anger, anguish, anxiety, depression, desolation, despair, fear, frustrations, hardships, misery, pain, problems, sadness, suffering etc.

The third step is to neutralise those conflicting sentiments and build open-mindedness that provide pathways for the development of objectivity, equity, impartiality, independence and goodwill towards the situations that are often in conflict with one’s personal liking.

The fourth step is to develop positive thought process that is in correspondence with the reality, in agreement with the experiences that are in harmony with nature; and in parallel develop pragmatic attitude that is in sync with the pace of the world. The extent of success in the above four-step exercise should increase the extent of one’s self-esteem, self-confidence and also the extent of positive feelings that bring contentment, fulfilment, harmony, high spirits, integrity, moral judgement, optimism, passion, satisfaction, thrill etc. in life.

I hope this goes someway in explaining the process of Mind Management.

Good luck!

:D :) :thumbsup:[/tscii:90cfd8d670]

17th May 2007, 04:14 PM
Dear sudhama sir and Rohit

Thanks a lot for the WONDERFUL posting, i am a bit busy at work, i will ask some questions later.

thanks again

17th May 2007, 04:14 PM
Dear sudhama sir and Rohit

Thanks a lot for the WONDERFUL posting, i am a bit busy at work, i will ask some questions later.

thanks again

18th May 2007, 02:28 AM
Dear sudhama sir and Rohit

Thanks a lot for the WONDERFUL posting, i am a bit busy at work, i will ask some questions later.

thanks again
Anytime, you are most welcome Raghu.

Please rest assured that the four-step exercise I suggested will help everyone who seriously want to improve or enhance their mental health if they successfully carryout the exercise in the right order with the sincerity, commitment and grasping power it demands.

:D :) :thumbsup:

26th May 2007, 11:55 PM
Body and Mind: Not One.. but DIFFERENT ENTITIES.!!

According to Adwaitha philosophy propounded by Sri Sankaracharya... Body, Mind and Soul are all one...

.. and all are Maya.

But that is one of many such Philosophical Schools of Faiths and Beliefs...

...specifically applicable under that purview of Soul-advancement only.

But if some of the followers of Sankaracharya are capable of adopting the same approach... in the matter of Physical and Mind Health too..

..Well I do not dispute nor disbelieve.

But this subject here.. common to all... on Health, is a Scientific Topic, according to which Body and Mind are Two different entities... Visible and Invisible.. and Not Maya (Illusion)

Body is a palpable substance... while Mind is only an Abstract... although both are combined as one.

Mind and Body need different sorts of treatment and approach to maitain Sound Physique.
For the Body and Soul... Mind is the Entry-point... Rather the Doorway... (for two different paths)

So we have to attune the Mind CONSTANTLY... in sound Health... eschewing Sick-Mindedness...

...as the Primary factor... for maintaining Good Health without Medicines.

Healthy Mind means... Free from.. Ill-thoughts of...

.. Anger, Jealousy, Greed, Wickedness, Despair, Lack of Self-confidence, Indolence etc.

27th May 2007, 03:52 PM
Several people reported that this has helped for anemia , may be it might you too.

if you add triphala it will be better along with the suggestions given below.


thx pradeep :)

I do take dates regularly.

Nowadays BY FORCE, I try to drink more water. Guess its helping a bit.

I eat more fruits (not oranges though, sh ould try to include orange)


thanks. :)

16th October 2007, 08:58 PM
. Daily Routine AFTERNOON - NAP rejuvenates.!!!


19th October 2007, 12:29 AM
Here is one more tip for those who may wish to restore their mental health without medicines.

Ram Chand passed away, as did Rawan, even though he had lots of relatives. Says Nanak, nothing lasts forever; the world is like a dream. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 1429)

This shows that Guru Ji considered Rama and Rawana as regular humans. Guru Ji saw them both as one. So this means that Hindu lord Rama is not God.

When Rama was exiled, he shot a king named Bali from behind and killed him. What a coward? What kind of bravery is that? Why would God attack someone from behind? This was a complete betrayal by Rama in the battlefield.

When Rama started fighting with Ravana to get his wife back his brother Lacchman passed out. He started crying and told Hanuman (a monkey God) that if his brother dies he will die with him by committing suicide. The truth is NO brave man ever cries in the battlefield. This shows that Rama lost himself in the battlefield, which shows weakness of mind and heart. According to Hindu historians, Rama was helped by all the gods and goddesses in the battlefield. What kind of a God needs help in the battlefield?


19th October 2007, 03:54 AM
Here is one more tip for those who may wish to restore their mental health without medicines.

Ram Chand passed away, as did Rawan, even though he had lots of relatives. Says Nanak, nothing lasts forever; the world is like a dream. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 1429)

This shows that Guru Ji considered Rama and Rawana as regular humans. Guru Ji saw them both as one. So this means that Hindu lord Rama is not God.

When Rama was exiled, he shot a king named Bali from behind and killed him. What a coward? What kind of bravery is that? Why would God attack someone from behind? This was a complete betrayal by Rama in the battlefield.

When Rama started fighting with Ravana to get his wife back his brother Lacchman passed out. He started crying and told Hanuman (a monkey God) that if his brother dies he will die with him by committing suicide. The truth is NO brave man ever cries in the battlefield. This shows that Rama lost himself in the battlefield, which shows weakness of mind and heart. According to Hindu historians, Rama was helped by all the gods and goddesses in the battlefield. What kind of a God needs help in the battlefield?


So my dear Rohit... You are mocking at me.?...

...as well as the popular Hindu Religious faith.!!

You find pleasure in hurting others.?

How do you feel your posting relevant to this Thread.?

However I have taken your question to the relevant Thread Ramayana.


Let us find an answer... THERE.

19th October 2007, 07:56 PM
So my dear Rohit... You are mocking at me.?...

...as well as the popular Hindu Religious faith.!!

You find pleasure in hurting others.?

How do you feel your posting relevant to this Thread.?

However I have taken your question to the relevant Thread Ramayana.


Let us find an answer... THERE.
I am mocking at no one, dear Sudhaama. I don’t know how did you manage to perceive it that way. :!:

If one really tries to comprehend it pragmatically with open mindedness, there is absolutely nothing to moan about.

Like I said it right at the beginning, it is for those who may wish to restore their mental health without medicines. I am greatly disappointed to see you struggling to figure that out.

Thank you for the link. Nonetheless, you may carryon there with whatever ideas please you. I would rather not join you there as my posts may not enhance your ideas as you would like, I am afraid.

:D :) :thumbsup: [/tscii:f2ab672d5d]

22nd October 2007, 12:55 AM
.Tamed Horse BEST SERVANT.!..

..If Untamed... a NUISANCE.!!

This Proverb is well-applicable to our Health too...

...as observed invariably in PRACTICAL LIFE.

Yes. If we train our Physique to a particular Routine and Schedule...

...our Body makes it a practice of its own to comply sincerely and co-operates with us accordingly.

For example... We can observe this truth... on our Jet-lag.

So to say if a person travelled from India to America... he gets Night- sleep at US at his usual Bed-time... as per IST...

...so to say... during working hours, Day-time at America, he feels sleepy...

...as also Toilet-time, Hunger etc. too.... uncomfortable for practice at his new land.

During Night time... he used to be all awake... while others around are fast asleep.

Then he has to Re-train himself to the current Schedule... as required at his present land America, which takes a few days.

During this Break-period, his Body is a Nuisance to him.

Similarly if we frame our Daily-Schedule clearly and adhere to it strictly...

...by waking up at a Usual time habitually, Eating, Toilet, Bed-time and so on... DAILY...

...we can find how our Physique is so WONDERFULLY CO-OPERATIVE to our requirements... quite easily...

...as also make us feel active and energetic...

..without any Medicines, Tonics or Stimulants.

30th December 2007, 09:56 PM
. How to Prevent and Cure...COMMON COLD.?

(1) Prevention and Cure has to be ensured... Not only by ADDING UP WALLS over the Body...

..by means of additional Over-covering Dresses...

..plus WARMING-UP Clothes like... Woollen Dresses and Coverings...

..which are only EXTERNAL SAFEGUARDS...

(2) ..but also by DEVELOPING COUNTER-FORCES from within our Body...

... mainly to promote HEAT... matching to the Weather demands.

Which can be gained by INTERNAL REMEDIES as below.

(a) Take Pepper as part of Food in small quantities... as frequently as possible.

(b) Drink Warm or Hot Water frequently... matching to your constitution... in small quantities.. say a Quarter cup.. each time.

(c) Wipe the Face, Palms and Feet with Warm Water-soaked Towel Twice a day... Morning and Evening.

(d) Take Egg (Sterile) at least twice a week.

(e) Take Lemon-Juice as part of Food... as frequently as possible.

(f) In extreme Snow-fall weather... small quantity of Alcohol at Night... within the limit... not reaching Intoxication.

(3) How to cure?

(a) Take more of Pepper... but along with Turmeric (Manjalh / Haldi / Pasupu )

(b) Boil Garlic (Poondu / Lasoon / Velh ulhlhi paayalu) ...a few pieces... in dilute Mik and drink Once or Twice a day... suiting to Individuals.

(c) Drink Lemon-Juice mixed with Hot-Water... frequently... suiting to the individual constitution.

The most important is Pepper in Food... three times a day.

These must be enough.. NO MEDICINES at all.!!!

31st December 2007, 03:31 AM
One of the Upaya suggested above goes radically against what sri Sudhaama wrote in Vegetarianism thread.

Taking two sterile eggs a day. !!

By the way, common cold has no cure.
It goes away by itself. Medicine or no madicine.

Please get all info on common cold at,


31st December 2007, 07:16 AM
One of the Upaya suggested above goes radically against what sri Sudhaama wrote in Vegetarianism thread.

Taking two sterile eggs a day. !!

By the way, common cold has no cure.
It goes away by itself. Medicine or no madicine.

Please get all info on common cold at,


This Thread is the Narration of TIPS as observed by PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE...

...in several Successful and EMULATIVE cases...

..as I have detailed in the Introduction of this Thread-Topic.

I have not said... TAKING TWO STERILE EGGS A DAY... as misquoted by Mr Nichiro.

...but ... Only One Sterile Egg per day TWICE A WEEK... i.e., Once in about Three days.

According to International Vegetarian Congress... the Sterile Egg is considered at par with Milk... and so not a Non-Veg stuff.

Besides, the Question of Veg or Non-Veg. is not the Topic here... but only the Remedy by Nature-cure...

...by means of practical fortification and defensive protective measures...

..as well as Corrective measures by means of Disciplined living...

...alongside eating Normal EDIBLE SUBSTANCES (simple and Normal Food ingredients) like Pepper, Garlic , Turmeric etc.

Of course One Witty proverb states...

..."If You take Medicine, the Cold will go off in JUST ONE WEEK..

.. but if You do not take Medicines... to recover to Normalcy...

...it will take SEVEN LONG DAYS.!!".

31st December 2007, 07:30 AM
Sorry about the egg thing.
But still the question remains.
Your heading states,
"How to Prevent and Cure...COMMON COLD.?

You can neither prevent common cold nor you can cure it.
You can just try and get Placebo effect comfort.

31st December 2007, 08:22 AM
Sorry about the egg thing.
But still the question remains.
Your heading states,
"How to Prevent and Cure...COMMON COLD.?

You can neither prevent common cold nor you can cure it.
You can just try and get Placebo effect comfort.

Whatever I state here... are supported by my personal observation of several persons in various walks of life and status...

..starting from the Hill Tribes upto the well-placed intellectual Elites..

..as well in the aspect of the Regions and Nations too... with varied Weather conditions.

The most wonderful example, I observed... is a Railway Station Master...

... who lived upto 86 years, without any Sickness or ailments...

..since brought up by his Ayurvedic Vaidhya Father.

He used to work in alternative shifts of day and night...

...had frequent transfers to various sorts of regions by weather conditions too...

... and so on... as I have already quoted.

And another example.. an illiterate Hill Tribe... residing in the thick Forest Region... who lived upto 92.

...most of the time... with Bare body and a simple Langoti (Jatti / Underwear)

..He got married to his FIFTH WIFE... a young girl of 16...

... at his age of 63 and had 3 children for her too.

Used to walk abreast without Walking stick.. until the last day at 92 yrs.

May be many might not have the opportunities nor noticed such persons...

...but I had a rare prevelege to come across such noteworthy persons...

...during my Field-Engineer's career for long years... moving in various sorts of regions, including remote jungles...

...as well as multi-faceted people....

I have not only closely observed but also gathered authentic findings ...

... by my repeated personal interviews with the concerned as well as others close to them...

...since I was urged by the spur of my immense curiosity.

I have come across such EXEMPLARY persons... who are / were quite Healthy... HAVE NEVER CAUGHT COLD even...

...NOR KNOW WHAT IS HEAD ACHE... or any such sort of Ache...

... other than the caused Pains by external impacts...

...all through their Life of 80 to 90 plus years... case to case.

One remarkable factor in all of them, is...They were all highly STRICT in adhering to the Life-code of their own...

...SELF-DISCIPLINED in their Living Habits and Style.

Some of the Common factors I found in them are...

(a) NON-SMOKERS... Nor Tobacco in any form

(b) Never miss their due Sleep nor Over-eat under any eventuality.

(c) Teetotallers... Non-Alcoholic.

(d) Calm temperaments with high Self-discipline... constantly Cheerful... Friendly with all.

(e) Adhered to a Strict Schedule and Routine... on Life-habits including Food and Sex.

(f) Always ACTIVE.. Least Lazy or Idle.


31st December 2007, 04:53 PM
Exceptions cannot be rules.
If I were to cite,
My legendary grandfather took chewing tobacco for seventy years.
He took one spoonful of hot chilli powder in dhall and subji every day.
He drank six cups of tea every day
Chewed paan about ten times a day
He never exercised in his life.
He lived for 96 years without ever going to a doctor. First injection he had to take forcibaly at the age of 78 or so.
He never had a headache , illness and he was a calmness personified.

My mother used snuff for over 50 years and lived up to almost 79 years.

Diet and habits do have adverse effect on humans but even people without any bad habits who lead a pious life fall sick often and suffer bodily .

Actually I am contesting your views as posted , about Treating common cold. The above was in reply to your tangential post.

I am not interested in arguing for arguement's sake and hence will not enter any further dialogue and vithanda vaadam.
Please continue.

pavalamani pragasam
31st December 2007, 07:31 PM
Proneness/resistance to illnesses are mainly due to inherited genetic makeup. Habits are secondary & almost negligibly causative!

31st December 2007, 08:20 PM
Proneness/resistance to illnesses are mainly due to inherited genetic makeup. Habits are secondary & almost negligibly causative!


1st January 2008, 05:45 AM
Glad to Welcome Mr. Nichiro and Ms. Pavalamani pragasam towards lively discussions.

Proneness/resistance to illnesses are mainly due to inherited genetic makeup. Habits are secondary & almost negligibly causative!

According to the established Medical Research findings... there are several factors, which contribute to one's Health...

..one of which is... no doubt... HEREDITY.

But as I have found several cases in reality you too might have noticed... that most of the Sicknesses to the present Generation are...

..more by sheer NEGLIGENCE OF SELF-DISCIPLINE on Health practice Norms stipulated by Medical Science...

...so to say... caused unnecessarily... by UNDUE INTERFERENCE.

As I have quoted Thirukkuralh... at the Commencement of this Topic...

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«Õó¾¢ÂÐ «üÈÐ §À¡üÈ¢ ¯½¢ý [/tscii:501aab0fc8]
[Marundhu ena vaendaavaam Yaakkaikku
Arundhiyadhu atradhu poatri unhin]

...I am well-convinced...after practical observation on several Negative and Positive cases...

...in anybody's case... Sickness if cannot be nullified... at least it can be minimised by co-operating with the Body-mechanism....

..by means of adherence to its limitations, functional methods, compatibility etc.

We cannot make a Sweeping statement.. entirely depending on the inborn physical mights endowed from heredity...

In practice, we have to co-operate also... with its natural functions.

I know several cases... where a child with a Sickly heredity... has overcome its onslaughts... by means of Counter measures and Defensive actions of Fortification by Self-regulations, sincerely following Medical advice.

Contrarily... we see also the opposite sorts of cases...

..where the heredity was hale and healthy with no chronic history...

..but the young Grand-son spoiled his sound health by means of all vices, loose character... and indisciplined food and living habits.

So to say... while all his brothers and sisters... could be healthy... only this one brother of irresponsible attitude towards his own health...

.. becomes sickly... even chronic... PITIABLY.!!

So I reiterate Valhlhuvars words have a lot of sense... applicable eternally...

...for anybody of any country and any age.

Exceptions cannot be rules.

If I were to cite,

My legendary grandfather took chewing tobacco for seventy years.
He took one spoonful of hot chilli powder in dhall and subji every day.
He drank six cups of tea every day
Chewed paan about ten times a day
He never exercised in his life.
He lived for 96 years without ever going to a doctor. First injection he had to take forcibaly at the age of 78 or so.
He never had a headache , illness and he was a calmness personified.

My mother used snuff for over 50 years and lived up to almost 79 years.

Diet and habits do have adverse effect on humans but even people without any bad habits who lead a pious life fall sick often and suffer bodily .

Actually I am contesting your views as posted , about Treating common cold. The above was in reply to your tangential post.

I am not interested in arguing for arguement's sake and hence will not enter any further dialogue and vithanda vaadam. Please continue.

Dear Mr Nichiro, I too am a person of same spirit... like-minded with you in dealing with others...

.. Not interested in Arguments... but only Discussions, so to mean..

...Healthy MUTUAL EXGHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE... Only.. Only. Only.

Dear Nichiro, I initiated this Thread with a Healthy intention towards the Society at large... as well as the common man...

...to take advantage of my rare Practical knowledge... approved and accepted by many Medical Scholars...

...on my extensive analytical discussions and verifications with them.

It is left to your discretion... either to accept or reject my findings.

Now on your interesting posting...

Well, Mr. Nichiro... Glad to know of a Good example to oppose my stand.

More than the Quantity of Life... its Quality is more important... Is it not.?

Were all your quoted ancestors healthy all along... even after 50.?

What about their Posterity.? Children and Grand-children?

Was anyone's Health not affected by birth...

.. due to Hereditary factors.?.. Interfering Vices by Tobacco?

Following their INCREDIBLE EXAMPLE... if anybody adopts the same practice... can he/she be healthy. as your ancestors were.?

Whereas following the Good examples... as per Standard Norms approved by the Health professionals...

.. as I have quoted above...

..I know several sickly persons have got their Health conspicuously improved...


..but only by means of LIFE-DISCIPLINE in practice.

2nd January 2008, 06:54 AM
Dear Mr. Sudhaama,

Is it possible for you to type in normal font without much usage of uppercase and in single space?

I always feel that you are shouting at top of your voice and cannot read through the informative posts of your's?

I would feel Much obliged.

(If you have problem of reading or weak eye sight, please continue in your usual fashion)

2nd January 2008, 08:23 AM
Dear Mr. Sudhaama,

Is it possible for you to type in normal font without much usage of uppercase and in single space?

I always feel that you are shouting at top of your voice and cannot read through the informative posts of your's?

I would feel Much obliged.

(If you have problem of reading or weak eye sight, please continue in your usual fashion)

Dear Mr Nichiro,

During the past more than 5 years... repeatedly some hubbers have asked me the reason for my UNUSUAL STYLE of presentation...

..on which after seeing my detailed reply, all of them were convinced.

I hope you too might have gone through my such a reply.

However... I reiterate... Once again.

Basically I am a Writer... even during my employment as Engineer... as well as after Retirement too... So I have my own self-style of presentation,

...partly adopting Emulative Seniors like... Wodehouse, George Bernard shaw, Kalki, C.N.Annadurai, Kannadasan and so on....

..in the same style.... which is NOT MY NEW INVENTION.

...but a DRAMATIC STYLE of presentation... by Narrative expressions....

..so to say Conversation style... as if I am sitting with you and others... and conversing... Please IMAGINE.

...Every cluster of words in between Dots are separate... intended to be read with apt accent and intonation...

...each differently, matching with the sense of words

...as is expresserd in a Drama.

I suggest as an EXPERIMENT... Please read it once... in the UNIQUE manner...

... this Novel LIGHT READING STYLE is meant for...

..and then Group all the words line by line... as all others do... in the customary TEXT BOOK STYLE... and read it once again.

Then please tell me... which of these two styles... is LESS BORING.. even on TOUGH SUBJECTS... and Long passages..

..and above all... MOST IMPRESSIVE... and EASIEST REACH... even by just BROWSING.

Hundreds of my Fans and Friends have appreciated my Expressive style of presentation.

I am sure you too will appreciate it... if you read it in the SENSE AND MANNER... it is meant for...

..so to say... NARRATIVE STYLE... as if I am present before the Readers and TALK.

In brief... THIS IS MY VOICE OF WORDS... and Not a Text.

3rd January 2008, 03:49 AM
Dear Mr. Sudhaama,

Is it possible for you to type in normal font without much usage of uppercase and in single space?

I always feel that you are shouting at top of your voice and cannot read through the informative posts of your's?

I would feel Much obliged.

(If you have problem of reading or weak eye sight, please continue in your usual fashion)

Hundreds of my Fans and Friends have appreciated my Expressive style of presentation.

I am sure you too will appreciate it... if you read it in the SENSE AND MANNER... it is meant for...

..so to say... NARRATIVE STYLE... as if I am present before the Readers and TALK.

In brief... THIS IS MY VOICE OF WORDS... and Not a Text.

Sorry to hurt your feelings but Mr. Sudhaama, it feels anachronistic style being tooooo much narrative , long and some times too abrupt.

I am not able to enjoy reading.

3rd January 2008, 06:24 AM

............. Sorry to hurt your feelings but Mr. Sudhaama, it feels anachronistic style being tooooo much narrative , long and some times too abrupt.

I am not able to enjoy reading.

My Dear Mr. Nichiro,

You are the one and the only person... who has commented so, since the past about 20 years.

I read different Authors... each having their own style of presentation... Some of those styles I may or may not be able to appreciate. But I like their stuff.

In such a case can I ask the Author to change his own self-style.. to suit my taste.?

Whereas some other Readers may appreciate the same style which I do not relish.! Then what can I expect the Author to do.?

So I adjust myself... suiting to the Tone Voice and manner of varied sorts of presentations by different Authors... as we get accomodated to different Cine Directors style of presentation of Cinemas.... Am I wrong.?

With due regards and affection, I cannot but say... Sorry I am unable to please you...

..while in fact I want to make you too to enjoy... by reading in my unique presentation.

3rd January 2008, 06:26 AM
. How To avoid INDIGESTION... without Medicines.?

Dear Friends,

Please quote your Positive and Negative Experiences...

...on which I will join with you.

3rd January 2008, 07:00 AM

............. Sorry to hurt your feelings but Mr. Sudhaama, it feels anachronistic style being tooooo much narrative , long and some times too abrupt.

I am not able to enjoy reading.

My Dear Mr. Nichiro,

You are the one and the only person... who has commented so, since the past about 20 years.

With due regards and affection, I cannot but say... Sorry I am unable to please you...

..while in fact I want to make you too to enjoy... by reading in my unique presentation.

I do not and did not ask you to change your style to please me.
You may continue is what I have written in my first post.
So please continue.

3rd January 2008, 07:13 AM
. How To avoid INDIGESTION... without Medicines.?

Dear Friends,

Please quote your Positive and Negative Experiences...

...on which I will join with you.

Most of our Health problems... are caused by the root of Indigestion...

..which can be easily avoided by means of our Self-code of practice. How?

3rd January 2008, 07:36 AM

4th January 2008, 12:44 AM
Hello friends,
Can anyone let me know good yoga books in tamil or English that I could order online?
Tamil would be better ,cause they would been published from tamil nadu. English books talk about Pillates too.
I want to learn real yoga...


5th January 2008, 06:54 PM
. How To avoid INDIGESTION... without Medicines.?

Dear Friends,

Please quote your Positive and Negative Experiences...

...on which I will join with you.

Most of our Health problems... are caused by the root of Indigestion...

..which can be easily avoided by means of our Self-code of practice. How?

Dear Friends... Please speak out your experience on this point...

..along with your SUGGESTIONS to your Friends.

13th January 2008, 10:14 PM
.Which sort is to be meant as EXCEPTIONAL.?

Exceptions cannot be rules.
If I were to cite,
My legendary grandfather took chewing tobacco for seventy years.
He took one spoonful of hot chilli powder in dhall and subji every day.
He drank six cups of tea every day
Chewed paan about ten times a day
He never exercised in his life.
He lived for 96 years without ever going to a doctor. First injection he had to take forcibaly at the age of 78 or so.
He never had a headache , illness and he was a calmness personified.

My mother used snuff for over 50 years and lived up to almost 79 years.

Diet and habits do have adverse effect on humans but even people without any bad habits who lead a pious life fall sick often and suffer bodily .

Actually I am contesting your views as posted , about Treating common cold. The above was in reply to your tangential post.

I am not interested in arguing for arguement's sake and hence will not enter any further dialogue and vithanda vaadam.
Please continue.

Dear Friends,

Our Friend, Mr Nichiro... is protesting me..

...on which sort is to be meant as.. EXCEPTIONAL.?

Persons deviating from the Standard codes of Healthy Life... alongside violating the established Medical Norms...

..however maintain incredibly robust health... are the Exceptional?

..Or the another sort of people adhering to Health-stipulations... consequently able to maintain sound health...

...WITHOUT ANY DRUGS.. are the Exceptionals.?

.. I leave it to your discretion.?