View Full Version : BURNT Fingers & LEARNT.. LIFE-SUCCESS !!

15th May 2005, 02:38 AM
"LIFE- EXPERIENCE... is a... "GOLDEN-COMB" ... presented by God to the Bald-Headed Man'...

... Says so... a Chinese Proverb.

Such a Rich Experience need not necessarily be CONFINED to the Old Bald-Headed ... ones but also some rare younger Persons too...

.. similar to me... whom God had shown .. both the EXTREMITIES of Life-Realities

Such was my past Life-Struggle ... which has shaped me..

.. as a GOLDEN COMB AT MY present BALD-HEADED Stage. of Last chapter in my Life.

But ULTIMATELY it has ensured an appreciable professional Track- record of...

... Royal-Life as a proven Result-oriented Executive...as well as a trusted Gentleman of clean character.

So.. I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO GOD.. despite I have BURNT my Fingers but LEARNT Life..

Am I boasting about my Greatness?...

No...but only a BRIEF INTRODUCTION of myself... a Foreward on the Present day Life... common to most....

...I being a small SAMPLE-FISH in a big Ocean

Similar to me.....there may be several Friends here... IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE.... who too might have...

... BURNT THEIR FINGERS...... and LEARNT LIFE.... gaining...

.... Rich-experience . and . GUIDING- LESSONS. for Future.

So Invite you all. Shall we Share and EXCHANGE our thoughts here... ?

Even others too... especially the Youth... are welcome to participate...

So all of you. please speak out. on your Experiences of CHALLENGES in Life... Family, Profession and the Society as well

...or Raise Questions on the present day Life.... on which we all will collectively discuss.

15th May 2005, 05:53 PM
What is the.... BEST-MEANS ...Most PREFERABLE... the Topmost-Priority...

... out of all the NECESSITIES OF LIFE ...towards the Happiest and Successful Life?

Money / God-Faith / Principled Life / Status / Health & Might / Education- Knowledge / Luck / Any Other?

15th May 2005, 06:48 PM
Happiest and Successful life

Happiness for me comes from peace of mind and being contented with what I get.God-faith,pricipled life, and knowledge(in that order) also makes me happy.

16th May 2005, 01:32 AM
Happiness is a term or concept that describes very subjective, but emotional experience, not just by humans but by animals too.

However, in most instances, happiness for one comes at the cost of someone's misery. There is no absolute state that truly describes happiness, neither such state is universally attainable as it is convoluted with the feelings such as satisfaction, rapture, blessedness, bliss, tranquillity and a host of such personalised sentiments having subjective significance, when synthesised, only result in a chaos of emotions.

1) Satisfaction comes when one ceases to strive for something that one doesn't have

2) Rapture or joy comes when one succeeds in securing every tangible and/or intangible thing that one ever desired or wished for.

3) Blessedness comes when one gets the blessing from the one who can truly bless.

4) Bliss comes when one ceases to discern the difference between pain and joy, between suffering and happiness, between loss and gain, between wrong and right, between false and true and thus between countless other contrasting sentiments and situations. In essence, it is an attempt to attain a mental state that is completely impounded by a broad detachment from reality.

5) Tranquillity comes when there is peace, which rarely comes without shutting the entire operating system down.

None of the above, when combined, would satisfy the necessary and sufficient condition for universal happiness.

Thus, to me, a principled, moral life with ability to acquire and impart valid knowledge would form a necessary and sufficient condition that would lead to a much happier, self-actualising society and not to just individual happiness, which inherently carries propensities to contrast and conflict with that of others. And thus cannot be solicited as a universal need.

16th May 2005, 05:57 AM
Thus, to me, a principled, moral life with ability to acquire and impart valid knowledge would form a necessary and sufficient condition that would lead to a much happier, self-actualising society and not to just individual happiness, which inherently carries propensities to contrast and conflict with that of others. And thus cannot be solicited as a universal need.

Dear Rohit,

Most sensible posting I have read in a long time.
Wonderful and yet simple explanation.

Nichiro :?:

16th May 2005, 07:21 PM
Dear Mr. Rohit,

//... to me, a principled, moral life with ability to acquire and impart valid knowledge would form a necessary and sufficient condition that would lead to a much happier, self-actualising society and not to just individual happiness, which inherently carries propensities to contrast and conflict with that of others. //

//And thus cannot be solicited as a universal need//.

I am unable to radically catch your point.... especdially the last part...Will you please Clarify?

A.... LITTLE.... Drops of Water ... make a MIGHTY Ocean... Is it Not?

So every DROP counts... So is the Society in relation to an Individual.

By purity and such other Quality alongside the Content... each drop adds the same to the Ocean... irrespective of its degree and quantum.

So to say... if just one drop of Poisonous water is mixed

either in Tank-water ... or Cup of Milk or in Ocean..

... logically they get the names as Posonous -Tank, Poisonous Milk.. and Poisobous Ocean...

... may be to the least degree by proportion due to dilution... in Tank and Ocean...

... but it is a serious FACTOR ... in case of ONE CUP of Milk,... cumulates ... leading to further mix-ups in tank and ocean. in stages.

... So it counts in the long run... Am I Correct or Not ?

16th May 2005, 10:27 PM
Dear Rohit,

Most sensible posting I have read in a long time.
Wonderful and yet simple explanation.

Nichiro :?:

Thanks Nichiro for the compliments.

Though I haven’t said anything additional than what I have said before. I guess, this time I succeeded in presenting it in a more absorbable manner. :)

16th May 2005, 11:20 PM
"And thus cannot be solicited as a universal need"

I am unable to radically catch your point.... especially the last part...Will you please Clarify?
Dear Sudhaama,

Perhaps you are more keen on describing situations in a metaphorical sense than in a real sense, while I avoid doing that to reduce ambiguity and thus the chances of misinterpretations.

If your way of conceptualising happiness in life is through metaphors like, cup, degree, drops of water, ocean, milk, poison, tank etc. which you would not find in my posts and the above list of five subjective descriptions or categories, I would have no objection in adding such metaphorical descriptions as the sixth category.

However, the premise based on the subjective nature of such notions would not change the drawn conclusion, which you were radically unable to catch. The reason is as simple as it was before with the five categories. None of them, when combined and/or synthesised, would form the necessary and sufficient condition for universal happiness; and thus it (i.e. the synthesised combination) cannot be solicited as a universal need.

... So it counts in the long run... Am I Correct or Not?
I am afraid, I don’t see society as a homogeneous mass of ocean. The varied nature and wide distribution of characteristic attributes contained within any society prevent me to call it ocean. To verify, please take a few diverse human samples from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and America and compare their human conditions and the views they would take in matching up to the subjective nature and descriptions of happiness as categorised previously in five categories and now, if you wish, including your metaphorical one as the sixth category.

I hope I have clarified your query to your satisfaction. :)

17th May 2005, 12:02 AM
Dear Rohit

I did Not compare Ocean with the Mass of Humanity...Rather I did not mean so..

But only the similarity of Relation between the Water- Drop and The Ocean.. .

... can be parallely adjudged with mutual-relation between one Single Man with the Humanity.

However... let us not go too far now on this point further... being PRE- EMPTIVE..

... towards the Broad- angle on Society... which will be the last chapter of our present consideration... taken up stage by stage.

Rather our present thinking is only about the INDIVIDUAL-HUMAN interests..

... His / Her Happiness and Success for his own sake .. for living and advancement...

... before taking up the next stage of oneself for his / her Family... and so on.

So which must be his Top-priority Option out of all the needy MEANS..in his own Interest.

Here... at all the places... unless specifially mentioned otherwise... we mean MAN..

...as the member of Mankind ... Rather a PERSON... irrespective of Gender...

... so to mean the Head of a Family... or any person leading or has taken charge of the Family's interests and commitments for their own sake...

... apart from the interests of the society at large.... a subsequent consideration..

We understand.. in general... that so far...our Friends have advocated in favour of...

... Principled- Life ... as the Top-Priority-need out of all the Life- necessities. .

I will reply as the last.... after hearing further from others too....

17th May 2005, 12:26 AM
Rather our present thinking is only about the INDIVIDUAL-HUMAN interests..
Yes, of course, and I expressed just that, keeping in mind the broader developmental and progressive aspect of society, if you kindly care to notice.

"Thus, to me, a principled, moral life with ability to acquire and impart valid knowledge would form a necessary and sufficient condition that would lead to a much happier, self-actualising society and not to just individual happiness, which inherently carries propensities to contrast and conflict with that of others; and thus it (i.e. the synthesised combination) cannot be solicited as a universal need." :)

26th March 2006, 08:48 AM
Do Happiness and Success... go... HAND IN HAND?

NO.. Success and Happiness do not go Hand in Hand mostly...

Rather when we achieve Success... we have to pay its price by way of loss of our little Happiness due...and..

..when we achieve the Radical-Happiness... we have to lose a part of our due Success...in the Race of competition with others....

...whose prioirity is...SUCCESS AT ANY COST.

Dear Friends... please share with your thoughts... based on YOUR EXPERIENCE.


26th March 2006, 04:03 PM
I am seeing this thread for the first time. The begining is very touching, yet encouraging - phrases like this:

" Many of my friends and Relatives used to comment on me... that if they were in my position... they would have committed Suicide.... they WONDERED. Such was the SAMPLE of my past Struggle ... which has shaped me.."

Sudhama, is this from your real experience?

It reminds me when I read what Mahatma Ghandiji said to the effect, "If what I went through didn't leave any visible scars on me, I owe it to the Bhagavad Geeta". This is from an article I found recently (posted by me) in that thread "Ghandi and India today". Initially, it brought tears to my eyes when I braced myself to the locked door in my bedroom, then I found it was quite an encouragement for those who need to cope with similar experiences.

26th March 2006, 10:23 PM
Here we go:



"Hinduism as I know it entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being ... When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon, I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita".

:cry: :( :( :( :) :) :) :) :)

10th April 2006, 09:05 AM
Well-said... GOOD-SENSE... Dear goodsense.

16th April 2006, 05:41 PM
"Life is a strange journey
Whoe's destination is unknown"

I used to wonder whether i would ever make to land or i will lost forever in the unknown journey!

16th April 2006, 08:18 PM
phew it seems that i am the only person to have voted for one particular option. u can guess that from my avatar :lol:

There shud have been one important option which is left out. "QUESTION MARK"

"Life is a span of infinite disappointments" :lol: didnt mean so. infact i cant comment on life bcoz i havent gone the distance. so watever has happened so far, has been just nice, troublefree and adventurous.

16th April 2006, 10:01 PM
The journey "is" the destination .... :)

Life is God in making, we are God's in-formation. Moreover, it is the Unknown, that makes the Known seem Known ;)

Love and Light

"Life is a strange journey
Whoe's destination is unknown"

I used to wonder whether i would ever make to land or i will lost forever in the unknown journey!

17th April 2006, 05:30 AM

// ]phew it seems that i am the only person to have voted for one particular option. u can guess that from my avatar.

There shud have been one important option which is left out. "QUESTION MARK"//

Don't you note ... the QUESTION-MARK (?)... After the Dotted-Line.???...

Which IMPLIES a lot.

// "Life is a span of infinite disappointments" :lol: didnt mean so. infact i cant comment on life bcoz i havent gone the distance. so watever has happened so far, has been just nice, troublefree and adventurous.//

The Life-Experience what is meant here.... NEED NOT BE YOUR OWN ONLY... but also ... as OBSERVED PRACTICALLY in others cases around.

This consideration applies to all.... In fact I have invited more of the youth to participate actively...

... Because now-a-days Life is of Complex-Nature.... comprising of all the Ten Categories of Poll-Option hereabove.

So I am sure ..Everyone will have something to... Say,... Wonder,.. Disappointed... Feel-shocked...Advise others... and so on...

...Since the Theories of Life are FAR AND FAR AWAY from Reality...

...So to say the PRACTICAL-LIFE .....One and all of You are WELCOME TO SPEAK OUT... as you feel.

30th July 2006, 08:08 AM
Dear Friends... Based on the varied sorts of YOUR EXPERIENCE...

... everyone of you have POLLED HEREABOVE differently...

Will you please superficiously touch some points of your narrative experience ...

...which are able to justify your such a General- conclusion on Life?

31st July 2006, 11:48 AM
I did'nt find my choice "None of the above" in the options.
Life is none of the above. The list is just a creation of the mind, Mind dare not touch life.. Life cannot be touched or undestood by the Mind..If ever the mind tries to touch Life, it will burn itself down, that would be the end of the Mind, nothing will be put in its place..and all these BS like 'success' and 'experience' will not exist!

31st July 2006, 07:13 PM
U sure r sum UG fan, Braandan! :lol: :D

31st July 2006, 08:32 PM
I did'nt find my choice "None of the above" in the options.
Life is none of the above. The list is just a creation of the mind, Mind dare not touch life.. Life cannot be touched or undestood by the Mind..If ever the mind tries to touch Life, it will burn itself down, that would be the end of the Mind, nothing will be put in its place..and all these BS like 'success' and 'experience' will not exist!

Dear Braandan,

Welcome. Thanks for your new spark of Thought.

If None of the Options available here.. suits you, then please be specific... what you REALLY CATEGORISE as the Eleventh?

Will you elaborate and CLARIFY in a simple... Non-Philosophical language...

...as if you are telling an Ignorant Schoolboy?

Because I am unable to follow precisely what you mean by your comments on Mind...

...the IMPORTANT GUIDING POWER of Mankind. !

2nd August 2006, 07:02 AM
will post a detailed answer to sudhaama

12th August 2006, 04:01 PM
[tscii:828072a77f]IMPORTANT GUIDING POWER of Mankind? Mind? Duh..
So it has guided mankind to kill each other en mass. Invent the deadliest weapons and kill innocent women and children and glorify war with memorials and medals? Man is the only species which kills its own kind. This is because of the mind which only man has.
Mind can be used only for mundane things like looking for the nearest bathroom when you get the pressure down there. Mind is the creation of society sometime during the evolution of man into social beings. Mind is not the part of the natural body given to you by nature. Thank God that your heart beating, circulation, breathing, neural system all these work without your mind’s orders. The body is intelligent by nature not to give control of it physiological functions to man’s mind, else it would spell disaster to itself. Mind cannot be used for understanding any lofty things (whether so called lofty things like soul, consciousness, atman or spirit exist or not). Meditation, spirituality, worship, philosophy or whatever you call it are all balderdash for your real nature, not necessary for your nature at all. The mind needs them and of course the guru industry needs them for its survival. Mind is necessary for politics, economics, war, discrimination among human beings etc. to survive. But not necessary for the intelligent nature of yours to survive. All your “search for success”, “search for solutions” etc. are the mind’s way of entertaining itself because mind is always prone to boredom. The more solutions the mind finds the more problems it cooks up. There is no problem as such in this universe or nature. Problems exist only in the human mind. Cooking up problems and finding solutions and those solutions in turn generating more problems, is a game the human mind plays for itself so that it continues its existence without boredom. Nature is never bored of itself. Every moment nature is new.

29th May 2007, 05:03 AM
.Life is ONE OR MORE of these Sorts.. at different stages.

- Boat- Travel in an Unknown Ocean

- Road-Travel..of Heavy Traffic to overtake

- Battlefield of Struggle for Survival..of the Fittest

- Playground to Compete facing the Challenge

- Tug of War : Constant opposition & Obstructions

- Unknown Fertile Forest with mixed Creatures

- Pleasant Free-Bird- Fly... of Self-Choice

- Educational Instituition

- Hospital

- Prison

However wise people do not succumb.. but win over and advance...

... adhering TYPICALLY IN DIFFERENT APPROACH for each such circumstances.

We have seen and admired their...


What were their different apt Tactics.. suited for each above?

29th May 2007, 05:19 PM
I perfectly agree wtih BRAANDAN.

Its all in mind, so everything around us can be WHAT WE PERCEIVE OR WHAT we WANT IT TO BE.

27th June 2007, 02:38 PM
Hi Shakthi akka! How is life? Did u get my PM I had sent yesterday?

29th June 2007, 06:46 AM

R u there? I am sorry if my "mota pet" story on the other thread has offended u. Plz respond! :oops:

29th June 2007, 11:55 PM

R u there? I am sorry if my "mota pet" story on the other thread has offended u. Plz respond! :oops:


17th March 2010, 09:30 PM

.One Rich Man suggested to me...

Give ABUNDANT MONEY .. and MAX. PROPERTIES... to Your Children...

...if You want to SPOIL them... EASILY... of their OWN ACCORD. !!!

I being the sincere follower of Valhlhalaar Sri Ramalinga swami's Formula..

...பசித்திரு... தனித்திரு.... விழித்திரு...

...I am Always KNOWLEDGE HUNGRY... right from my Early days... and even during my current Last Chapter of Life...

...used to always go in search of it... by one and all ways and means available to me.

So I avail every opportunity I am able to get daily.

Because I believe that the GREATEST WEALTH and MIGHT... for Man in Life... is.... KNOWLEDGE...

...Higher and Greater than any other Treasure, Pleasure and Power for MEANINGFUL LIFE of Success and Happiness in Life.

So I used to make new Friends... wherever I go.... for Mutual exchange of Knowledge.... towards MUTUAL INTERESTS.

Accordingly once when I was travelling by Train in India... I initiated friendly talk with my adjacent seater...

...who appeared to be a Middle-class status... by look... although travelling in First class Compartment.

But after some discussions only... I could know that he is Highly Affluent being a Multi-millionaire Rich Industrialist cum Businessman as the Chairman of a Group Company.

I was wonderstuck.!

He answered my several Questions on PRACTICAL LIFE... by relation with Theoretical Stipulations and Code of Practice..!

In the course of discussions he narrated his Life.... Auto-Biography...

And he said :

I BURNT MY FINGERS and Learnt Life.!

...while my Three Brothers and Two sisters... who too Burnt their Fingers....

... but have NOT LEARNT Life...

Consequently they are living a HANDICAPPED LIFE... SPOILING their Children too.

...whereas I am RICH by Wealth... RICH by Peace of Mind... RICH by Success in Career and RICH by Health... and WHAT NOT.?

In brief... Based on my Life-Experience

My sincere suggestion to anybody..is...

..if You want to Spoil your Children... Easily.. of their own accord...

..MAKE THEM RICH.... by means of YOUR MONEY.!

Alternately if you want to make Your Children REALLY RICH...

...by the Sense and Purpose of Life... during their Future Adult-hood...

..Just give them... the APT SEEDS of Life..

...Not the Crops... Nor the Grains.... Nor the READY FOODS.

So to mean...

Do not give them Money at their EASY REACH... Nor any Property...

..But ONLY KNOWLEDGE & COMPETENCE to Earn, Live and Lead Life by Human-Values.

Yes. Unlike my Father... a NEGATIVE EXAMPLE for me or any Man...

...I will not give EVEN A SINGLE PAISA... as Property to my Children.

But I have shaped them well by imparting all the Means of Knowledge and Competence....

...by Education as well as Practical training... Good association by Friendship.. Efficient Leadership master-guides in their respective fields of Career-- matching wife by Marriage.. Basic Buffer money Security in the Bank as Security for Bank-loans-- Rent -free Houses to be used only to reside during their Life-time, but available to the Descendants one after another-- Industries and Trades to be managed alongwith other Professionals as Co-directors... and so on---

---making sure my Money cannot either spoil them... nor can be lost nor reduced due to their mishandling.

Consequently their INDIVIDUAL COMPETENCE alone can make them survive--- utilizing my money as Seed...

...which cannot be lost but will be unabatedly available to the whole chain of my generation... Grand Children, Great Grand Children and further beyond too.

That is how I have documented my Property- Will carefully and meticulously..

---such that even by Human-error or Miscalculation or Lack of care.. the Principal or Property content and value-- constantly remains safe and unafected.

Consequently my Chidren have to work hard and lead a really a Wise-Life constantly...

---so as to maintain their status and Survive in the respecive field...

Yes-- "Do or Die approach"-- in confronting with every challenge in Career and Personal Life...


Thus if they sincerely adhere to the Human-Values and Codes as I have taught and shaped them...

...I am radically confident that they will be SUCCESSFULLY able...

... to Live on their Own... Earn of their Own... Success by their Own... Happiness on their own...

...and WALK and CLIMB too... ON THEIR OWN..in Life...

...without the Support of Walking-Stick... from their Father

It is not a New Formula... I have found out..

....but others have NOT THOUGHT over it.

May be other Parents not be able to give Property-buffer to their Children... as I could...

... due to their inadequate Financial status.. Still they need not lag behind.

Raise up your children to the highest status.... by Education.

That foundation of KNOWLEDGE alone-- will take care of them to stand firmly and advance on their own.

Yes. for example... we the Parents as our duty...

...we choose the Apt matching wife for our son and conduct the Marriage...

...and send them into the... First Night... Nuptial Room.

Then... Do we Parents have to give them any Guidance.?

So is Life".. He concluded.

