View Full Version : ENERGY SOUPS

12th May 2005, 01:47 PM

I want to try different type of soups in home, If anybody share your recipe about this, It'd be great.


12th May 2005, 06:43 PM
Hi Shankar
This is a great thread to start! Hope there are many good contributions to this as even i have been looking to make different types of soups. Meanwhile you can watch out the Spinach soup in keerai varities thread. I make veg soup ~ pressure cook lot of vegs with ginger and garlic. then grind well and add salt and pepper.
If someone has tried 'Pumpkin soup' its very tasty and different,
i had it in a restaurant but no idea how to make it..

There is a vast difference in the style of making Tomato soup too!
Some people make with garlic, some with white sauce (tarla dalal once showed this soup with white sauce), some with onion.
Well, i have tried all but never tasted like the restaurant one!!
Also, there is a big difference in the variety of tomatoes used. Its better to use the red.. juicy ones for the soup as they have the nice sour flavor !!

Nice thought to start this..!

12th May 2005, 08:29 PM
I often make spinach soup which is healthy and easy to prepare.

In a pressure cooker heat oil, add little chopped onions,2 garlics chopped and saute them , then add the spinach( 2 handful of spinach chopped) and saute them and add little water and pressure cook for one whistle as it will cook fast.
then cool it and grind the spinach mixture. make a puree. now add water, milk and the spinach puree and let it boil and add salt and pepper to taste. u can add bread croutons while serving the soup.

if u want u can add whole milk when serving for kids. adding water and milk is for getting the soup consistency.


13th May 2005, 02:36 AM
Hello Rajsand and Kz,

I realy appreciate your responses. just saw the keerai varieties thread, I'll make this soup (weekend), and let you two know.

15th May 2005, 02:51 AM
Hello rajsand,
I just saw this web site for you. Here is the link :


Spicy Pumpkin Soup (vegan) This one IS THE BEST!


1 piece fresh Pumpkin (200 grams)
1 Potato (50 grams), cubed
1 med Onion, chopped
1 piece Garlic, minced
1 Tbs. Oil
250 ml. Vegetable broth
75 grams Soy cream (optional)
2 Tbs. Mustard (brown spicy variety)
Sea Salt
White Pepper
2 Tbs. Pumpkin Seeds to garnish (optional)


In a large pot, saute the onion in the oil; add the garlic and pumpkin and potato.
Pour the vegetable broth over and cook until all the ingredients are soft.
Remove from the heat and transfer to a blender or a food processor.
Puree. Add the mustard salt and pepper and blend until smooth.
I would suggest that you taste it now.
We find that it is so lovely at this stage that we would not want to add any kind of cream. This has become one of our very favorite soups.

15th May 2005, 07:43 AM
Hello shankar
Thankyou so much for your effort. I have been looking for a perfect pumpkin soup recipe and sure I will try it and let you know.
Thanx again

15th May 2005, 08:07 AM
I know everyone with a spicy tongue will love this soup.
I make it in winter as it has all strong flavors

Cabbage - 1/4 cup
Carrot - 1/2
Spring Onions - 1
Ginger+Garlic paste - 3 tsp
Green chillies - 3-4
Corn Flour - 3 tsp
Soya Sauce - 3 tsp
Sugar - 1tsp
Chilli pd - 2 pinches
Vinegar - 1/2 tsp
garnish Capsicum

Method :
Soak finely cut green chillies in vinegar.
Cut cabbage juvenile, carrot in thin long strips, cut spring onions (only white) in thin long strips. Add water (4 cups), ginger-garlic paste, salt to the vegetables and let it boil. Add soya sauce, sugar, chilli pd, green chillies and boil for 2 mins. Now dissolve cornflour in little water and add to this and keep stirring. Stop add ing cornflour just before a thick consistency is reached.
serve hot and garnish with thin strips of Capsicum
Its very hot and tasty soup !!