View Full Version : War Expedition sent to S.E.Asia under Kulothunga Chola -1 in Malay Chronicle

2nd February 2019, 03:17 AM
The Reference in the Malay Chronicle to the Second Chola War Expedition sent to S.E.Asia by Virarajendra Chola under Prince Rajendra (later known as Kulothunga Chola - 1)

The greatest Tamil Emperor Rajendra Chola - 1 of Tamil Nadu, South India sent the first ever War Expedition to S.E.Asia in the year A.D.1022 having their main target as Kadaram in Malaysia and Sri Vijayam in Indonesia. Rajendra Chola's Forces defeatd Sangirama Vijayotungavarman re-instated two Chola princes both at Kadarem and Sri Vijayam in A.D 1024. However towards A.D.1068 the earlier deposed Samara Vijayotungavarman's son by who waited for a opportune moment to recapture Kadaram which he successfully executed in A.D,1067 and marched towards Sri Vijayam with very large forces. The Chola/Malay Prince defeated the son of SamaraVijayotungavarman UNder Construction