View Full Version : Madurai of Tamil Nadu the capital city of Tamil Paandiya Dynasty- Under Naayakkar

21st May 2016, 03:27 PM
Author: Virarajendra

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A brief Historical Study of the great capital city "Mathurai (Madurai)" of Tamil Nadu - Under Naayakkar kings

The Mathurai (Madurai) of Tamil Nadu was the great capital city of Tamil Paandiya Dynasty over 2300 years. It was also the great "Tamil Cultural Centre" to whole of Tamil Nadu from the beginning of the Third Thamil Sangam of Mathurai in B.C.325

(1) The Dynasties that ruled from Mathurai (Madurai) of Tamil Nadu from Third Thamil Sangam Period

Historical Period of "Mathurai (Madurai)" could be classified under the following Eras:

(1) Period Third Thamil Sangam Paandiyar - (B.C.325-A.D.350)

(2) Period Post Third Thamil Sangam Paandiyar - (A.D.350-A.D.464)

(3) Kannada Kalabhra (Kalappirar) Period - (A.D.464-A.D.475)

(4) Period of Early Paandiyar - (A.D.475-A.D.854)

(5) Period of Medieval Cholas - (A.D.854-A.D.1252)

(6) Period of Medieval Paandiyar - (A.D.1252-A.D.1310)

(7) Period of Medieval Paandiyar after Muslim Invasion - (A.D.1310-A.D.1326)

(8) Period of Islamic Sultans - (A.D.1326-A.D.1364)

(9) Period of Paandiyar under Kannada (Vijayanagara Rule) - (A.D.1364-A.D.1529)

(10) Period of Vaanaathirayer under Kannada (Vijayanagara Rule) - (A.D.1364-A.D.1529)

(11) Period of Telugu (independent Naayakkar Rule) - (A.D.1529-A.D.1739)

(12) Period of Arcot Nawabs

(13) Period of British Rule

(2) The Independent Naayakkar Kings who ruled "Mathurai (Madurai) of Tamil Nadu" from A.D.1529 to A.D.1739) - the traditional kingdom of the "Tamil Paandiyar dynasty" from the period of Third Thamil Sangam

(1) Visvanatha Naayakkar (A.D.1529 - 1564)

(2) Krishnappa Naayakkar - 1 (A.D.1564 - 1572)

(3) Veerappa Naayakkar (A.D.1572 -1595)

(4) Krishnappa Naayakkar - 2 (A.D.1595 - 1601)

(5) Muththu Krishnappa Naayakkar (A.D.1601 - 1609)

(6) Muththu Veerappa Naayakkar - 1 (A.D.1609 - 1623)

(7) Thirumalai Naayakkar (A.D.1623 - 1659)

(8) Muththu Veerappa Naayakkar - 2 (A.D.1659 - 1659 {for few Months})

(9) Chokkanatha Naayakkar (A.D.1659 - 1682)

(10) Muththu Veerappa Naayakkar - 3 (A.D.1682 - 1689)

(11) Rani Mangammaal (A.D.1689 - 1706)

(12) Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Naayakkar (A.D.1706 - 1731)

(13) Meenaatchi (A.D.1731 - 1739)

In the year A.D.1739 the Nawab of Arcot invaded Mathurai and defeated the forces of Queen Meenaatchi, and thus the "Naayakkar Rule of Mathurai" which commenced in the year A.D.1529 met the permanent 'total eclipse' in the year A.D.1739.


Videos on the History of Madurai - Capital City of Pandiya Tamil Nadu





30th August 2017, 10:39 PM
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