View Full Version : All Tamilians " irrespective of their Castes" Unite and Vote for Dr Anbumani as CM

9th May 2016, 07:49 AM
"All Tamilians of Tamil Nadu" "irrespective of their - Castes and Religion" "should unite and jointly elect" the "Native Tamilian" Dr Anbumani Ramadoss - as their "next Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in May 2016 State Elections"

When referring to "Native Tamilians" with respect to Religion you should refer to them only as,
Tamilian of Hindu Faith
Tamilian of Christian Faith
Tamilian of Islamic Faith
Tamilian of Jain Faith etc, etc, etc. - and not by any "Caste Names".

Presently we see many Castes "among the Native Tamils" such as Muthaliyaar, Naadaar (Naadaalvaar), Thevar, Theventhrakula Vellalar, Vanniyar, Gounder (Kaamundar), Vellaalar, Udaiyar, Chettiyaar, Muththaraiyar, Mukullaththor, Pillaimaar, Kallar, Maravar, Konaar, Aathi Thiravidar (Aathi Thamilar as refered by Non-Tamils) etc etc, etc, and then the less fortunate as Parayar, Pallar, Mallar, etc etc etc in Tamil Nadu.

But please remember all Castes mentioned above are all traditional "Native Tamilians" of Tamil Nadu, but very unfortunately divided among themselves on the basis of above Castes.

The Tamilians of Tamil Nadu, should always recognise themselves as "Tamilians of a particular region" and not by their "Caste Names", as Tamilian of Mathurai, Tamilian of Ramanathapuram, Tamilian of Puthukkottai, Tamilian of Thirutchi, Tamilian of Thanjavur, Tamilian of Coiambatore, Tamilian of Chennai, Tamilian of Dharmapuri, Tamilian of Thiruneveli etc etc etc and integrate as a single Race the Tamilians of Tamil Nadu, which has been their motherland over 3000 years.

The fact remains - "All the Tribes of yester-year and all Castes of the present day" are none other than one and the same "Tamilians" of Tamil Nadu, and any one of these Tribes or Castes are not superior to the other as "Human Beings", but only in their Educational and Financial statuses - which decides their Social Status - with Decent, Respectable and better Standard of Living. Unity should always prevail among all Tamilians of Tamil Nadu "irrespective of their Tribes or Castes or Religion".

Hence all Tamilians of Tamil Nadu should - "shed all their Caste differences and look up at themselves as "Native Tamilians" of Tamil Nadu - and Unite and Jointly Vote - the "Native Tamilian" Dr Anbumani Ramadoss as the next Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in the forth-coming Elections on 16th May 2016.



https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13087905_1405222366443150_9062201914556355176_n.jp g?oh=0a748b72e8f0333239d3a96f9687d6d5&oe=57DB5B32

"Tamil Nadu" - Patriotic Song


செந்தமிழ் நாடு (and not "Dravida Nadu" of Dravidians - but "Thamil Nadu" of Tamilians over "three thousand years")

செந்தமிழ் நாடெனும் போதினிலே - இன்பத்
தேன் வந்து பாயுது காதினிலே - எங்கள்
தந்தையர் நாடென்ற பேச்சினிலே - ஒரு
சக்தி பிறக்குது மூச்சினிலே (செந்தமிழ்)

"Mother India" - Patriotic Song"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFrgE-HH3zw=player_embedded Coutesy: "En Uyir India" song from the album Vande Matharam - Music: E.J.Johnson, Lyric: Na.Muthukumar, Singer: Sathiya Pragash

(Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharathiyaar "also" refutes "Caste and Religious Disputes" among the people of Tamil Nadu as follows)

சாதிக் கொடுமைகள் வேண்டாம்; - அன்பு
தன்னில் செழித்திடும் வையம்;
ஆதர வுற்றிங்கு வாழ்வோம்"

"தெய்வம் பலபல சொல்லிப் - பகைத்
தீயை வளர்ப்பவர் மூடர்;
உய்வ தனைத்திலும் ஒன்றாய் - எங்கும்
ஓர்பொருளானது தெய்வம்.

தீயினைக் கும்பிடும் பார்ப்பார், - நித்தம்
திக்கை வணங்கும் துருக்கர்,
கோவிற் சிலுவையின் முன்னே - நின்று
கும்பிடும் யேசு மதத்தார்.

யாரும் பணிந்திடும் தெய்வம் - பொருள்
யாவினும் நின்றிடும் தெய்வம்,
பாருக்குள்ளே தெய்வம் ஒன்று; - இதில்
பற்பல சண்டைகள் வேண்டாம்"

12th May 2016, 10:23 PM
brought forward

12th May 2016, 10:28 PM
brought forward