View Full Version : Most likely - "Order of Preferences" of Political Parties in Tamil Nadu Elections

13th April 2016, 11:22 PM
Most likely "Order of Preferences" of Political Parties in Tamil Nadu State Elections in May 2016

Likely "Order of Preferences"

The most likely "Order of Preferences" of various Political Parties contesting the State Elections of Tamil Nadu in May 2016 - expected to be made by the "People of Tamil Nadu" - "as per deductions arrived on 14-4-2016" is as follows. This "might" vary towards the Election Date next month, depending on so many Political Factors :

(1) Paataali Makkal Katchi
(2) Naam Thamilar Katchi
(3) DMK, Congress, & Allies
(4) AIADMK & Allies
(5) DMDK, MDMK, TMC & Makkal Nala Koottani & Allies
(6) BJP & Allies

The deductions originally arrived at on 14-4-2016, still remains valid even today the 8-5-2016 inspite of some Political Changes having taken place thereafter.

Why many Medias (TV, News Papers) are so indifferent to the two "Tamilian Political Parties" of Tamil Nadu

Gauging from what is happening in the "Media World" in Tamil Nadu with the State Elections close at hand, it is very clear that "some" of the prominent Medias such as "TV Stations" and "News Papers" are "suppressing" the News on - Election Activities and Propaganda Meetings of the Leading "Tamilian Parties of Tamil Nadu" namely the "Paattaali Makkal Katchi (PMK) and Naam Thamilar Katchi (NTK)", and projecting in a "big way" only the activities of the existing "Dravidian Parties".

Even the recent "Karuththu Kanippukal" made by various Medias while highlighting the Dravidian Parties in the forefront they did not have the simple courtesy to mention the names of the two "Tamilian Parties" of Tamil Nadu even at the bottom of the List, but just referred to as 'Other Parties' trying to indicate to the people of Tamil Nadu that the Tamilian Parties are nowhere in the Tamil Nadu Politics and are not worthy of mention - or may be not to publicise to the people of Tamil Nadu the existance of these two Parties in Tamil Nadu "who are in reality - have 'now' come 'in par in popularity' with the traditional Dravidian Parties".

https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13087905_1405222366443150_9062201914556355176_n.jp g?oh=0a748b72e8f0333239d3a96f9687d6d5&oe=57DB5B32



The Historical Fact remains that whole of Tamil Nadu has been the motherland of the "Native Tamilians over 3000 years, where they have been the majority right throughout, and presently too they are 89.43% of the total population (as per Ethinic Statistics of Tamil Nadu of 2001). It has been the "Sen Thamil Nadu" of 'Native Tamilians' and was never the 'Dravida Nadu' of 'Dravidians'.

The development of the "Native Tamils" have been heavily suppressed, and also "many Tamilians have been made heavy Liquor Addicts (Government Sponsored) loosing their 'own' Intellectual Power and Knowledge", to develop their own Life and their own Motherland", by becoming great Professionals (such as Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, IT Specialists etc etc) and as Administrators, Polititions, and Rulers of their own motherland the Tamil Nadu. Presently these Positions are heavily dominated by the non-Tamils - over and above the "Native Tamils" of Tamil Nadu - the "Mannin Mainther".

When will the "Native Tamilians" be freed from the grip of Slavery to Non -Tamilians ruling Tamil Nadu continuosly over 49 - years ? ? ? - in their own motherlandand, and rule Tamil Nadu themselves "within the framework of unified India".






Statistics of Ethinic Groups in Tamil Nadu :





Can any Media deny the great fact that the "Vandalur Mahanadu" of "Paataali Makkal Katchi" held at Chennai recently had the "biggest ever crowd", than at the Political Meetings of any other leading Dravidian and other Political Parties of the present Tamil Nadu.

Paataali Makkal Katchi of Dr Anbumani Ramadoss - Highlights of Election Promises







https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12472588_1401355133496540_4674909228378583043_n.jp g?oh=5c2c2766672bde9010883dfbe997abf5&oe=577A2D36

Naam Thamilar Katchi of Seemaan - Important Highlights of Election Promises

The Naam Tamilar Katchi is contesting in all the 234 - constituencies in the State. Seeman has told the people of Tamil Nadu that the "State would be ruled only by Tamils if they vote Naam Tamilar to Power", and has offered the people five Capital Cities for Tamil Nadu. "Chennai" would be the Port and Information Technology capital, while "Tiruchchiraapalli" would be the new Administrative capital city. "Madurai" will be designated as the State’s Cultural capital and "Coimbatore" will be made the Commercial capital. Tamil Nadu will also have a Philosophical capital in "Kanyakumari". (Information with Coutesy of "Pioneer" Website : "(Naam) Tamilar offers true Tamil to lead TN") Friday, 08 April 2016 | Kumar Chellappan | Chennai.

நாம் தமிழர் கட்சி ஆட்சிக்கு வந்தால் தமிழக அரசின் முத்திரையாக திருவள்ளுவர் படம் பொறித்த முத்திரையும், தமிழ்நாட்டு கொடியாக சேர, சோழ, பாண்டியர்களின் கொடியான மீன், புலி, வில்அம்பு இருக்கும் என்றும் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது - New7Tv WebPage Information. 3/5/2016

https://youtu.be/jKlwYoZJcdI India - Patriotic Song


17th April 2016, 01:10 PM
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25th April 2016, 06:30 AM
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27th April 2016, 08:03 AM
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1st May 2016, 01:19 PM
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2nd May 2016, 08:22 PM
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8th May 2016, 02:57 PM
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12th May 2016, 10:27 PM
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