View Full Version : PMK- "Paataali Makkal Katchi" most likely to win the Tamil Nadu Elections in May 2016

5th April 2016, 06:14 PM
Author - Virarajendra

PMK - "Paataali Makkal Katchi" is certain to win the "Tamil Nadu Elections" in May 2016

The Electoral District Map of Tamil Nadu


"Tamil Nadu - Patriotic Song"



"All Tamilians of Tamil Nadu" "irrespective of their Castes" "should unite and jointly elect" the "Native Tamilian" "Dr Anbumani Ramadoss" of Paataali Makkal Katchi - PMK - as their next "Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu" in May 2016 State Elections"

It should be the "Native Tamilians" who "should rule Tamil Nadu" in the future, being the 'majority' in Tamil Nadu (89.43% as per Year 2001 Statistics) and which has been their own 'motherland' over three thousand years - like how "Andhra" is being ruled only by "Native Telugus", and "Karnataka" being ruled only by "Native Kannadas" and "Kerala" being ruled only by "Native Malayalees" from the year of formation of new States of India on 'Linguistic Basis' in 1956.

However with much analysis being done on the current turn of events among different Political Parties of Tamil Nadu - in respect of their 'Political Alliances' made with some being very volatile, and the 'Proclamations and Promises' made - by the respective Parties to win the forthcoming State Elections of Tamil Nadu in May 2016 successfully, it seems Political Parties working towards the "TAMIL THESIYAM" will have the lead in this State Elections.

The winds are "very much" in favour of Dr Anbumani Ramadoss of 'Paataali Makkal Katchi (PMK) throughout Tamil Nadu, "which is very popular among the 'First Time Young Voters' for his 'New Ideologies and Modern Development Thinking' with High-Tec Development Strategies put-forth for the first time by a Political Party of Tamil Nadu towards it's Rapid Development, among the very numerous 'Traditional Pro-PMK Supporters' who have showed their intrinsic faith on Dr Anbumani Ramadoss as a great Leader as seen from the "very heavy turnout of PMK Supporters" in all their eight 'Mandala Mahanadus' held in Tamil Nadu very specifically at the recent Vandalur Mahanadu at Chennai, among the Disgruntled Voters from other Parties over various 'Civilian Issues' and over insufficient 'Attention and Assistance' received during major Floods in Tamil Nadu especially at Chennai and Kadalur, and among "immeasurely very numerous" Women & Other Voters who want a "Total Ban" on 'Liquor Manufacture & Sales' throughout Tamil Nadu - who are all craving for a "great Political Change" with very many "Educated and Ethically Reformed Youngsters" in the Political Field with "New Ideologies & Political Culture" beneficial to all people of Tamil Nadu. Hence it is "certain " that the "Paataali Makkal Katchi (PMK) of Dr Anbumani Ramadoss" would gain the "first place over all other Parties" in the forthcoming Elections - with the "Thamil Thesiyam" wind 'too' blowing very hard over Tamil Nadu. The fact also remains the "Native Tamilians" are in the majority in 'Tamil Nadu' being 89.43% (as per the Ethinic Statistics taken in 2001), which has been their "own motherland over 3000 years".

From the foregoing it is "certain" that the 'Young, Professionally Educated, Dynamic and Ethically well Disiplined 'Native Tamilian' - "Dr Anbumani Ramadoss" - MBBS of 'Paataali Makkal Katchi (PMK)' will be the next "Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu" ruling within the framework of 'Mother India'.

On "Dr Anbumani Ramadoss" (a Native Tamilian) of "Paataali Makkal Katchi" who is certain to get the "First Place" in the forthcoming Elections in May 2016 over all other Parties:

https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13087905_1405222366443150_9062201914556355176_n.jp g?oh=0a748b72e8f0333239d3a96f9687d6d5&oe=57DB5B32

Listen to the relevent songs at the following URL (two Songs one after the other) - A must
Courtesy: "Siddarth Abhimanyu"



PMK will win more than '200' Seats - Dr Ramadoss



A Video briefly on the 'Tamilian Glory' of the past, 'his present status now', 'on the Tamilian CM - Contestant of the PMK - "Dr Anbumani Ramadoss" in the forthcoming Elections of Tamil Nadiu - 2016, and 'on the 'Vandalur Mahanadu' - in it's edited Format is provided at the URL given below:


https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12472588_1401355133496540_4674909228378583043_n.jp g?oh=5c2c2766672bde9010883dfbe997abf5&oe=577A2D36


"Song on "Mother India"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFrgE-HH3zw=player_embedded Coutesy: "En Uyir India" song from the album Vande Matharam - Music: E.J.Johnson, Lyric: Na.Muthukumar, Singer: Sathiya Pragash


10th April 2016, 08:41 AM
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1st May 2016, 01:22 PM
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2nd May 2016, 08:20 PM
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12th May 2016, 10:31 PM
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