View Full Version : Chennai VS Bangalore
21st February 2005, 04:42 PM
This question is being heard more frequently now esp with the Major IT bosses talking about Bangalore's creaking infrastructure&looking at other destinations to set up shop.But how about doing a comparison between the two cities without the IT industry as reference,surely there are other things.Personally, despite being a throughbred Kannadiga/Bangalorean ,I have a liking for Chennai.I feel it's culturally more rich&the govt(despite the ridiculous competition between the AIADMK&DMK)has some respect for the people&takes people friendly initiatives(whichever party is ruling). With a large number of Chennaiates working/living in Bangalore doing a comparison should not be a problem.
21st February 2005, 05:35 PM
If you have an eye for comedy and the grotesque, you will find both of them in plenty in both the political hubs.
As for IT crowd is concerned, have you noticed it is different species of homo sapiens, though called Baccardi bats?.. :D :D
21st February 2005, 06:19 PM
the govt(despite the ridiculous competition between the AIADMK&DMK)has some respect for the people&takes people friendly initiatives(whichever party is ruling).
- appadiyaa ? :roll:
21st February 2005, 09:31 PM
What cinefan, everybody in my family are discussing that only every day and you have started this topic in the hub too. Though I am from chennai, I guess right now my salt is being provided by Bangalore and I am living a better life here, so I guess I am personally biased towards Bangalore. Shedding the bias, based on current state of affairs chennai is better city. Again will have to wait for 3 to 4 years to see if Bangalore can get out of the infrastructure rut and then see how these cities stand side by side. As far as Chennai is concerned, water is the decisive factor and the only hope seems to be the desalination plants...
21st February 2005, 11:49 PM
TN Govt has no regard to what the public feel or like. DMK or ADMK. They both do an excellent job of critisizing each other, but none of them take any of that criticism into consideration. Govt wise, I like Bangalore better.
But Chennai is just home. No matter where u go, u hear tamizh. I love that. Even though Bangalore is more......decent, I like Chennai more, mainly because of the constant use of Tamizh. :)
6th March 2005, 12:38 PM
But Chennai is just home. No matter where u go, u hear tamizh. I love that. Even though Bangalore is more......decent, I like Chennai more, mainly because of the constant use of Tamizh. :)
Well, I like (just!) Madras (sorry can't get used to calling it Chennai :D ) for 2 reasons:
- My mother hails from there.
- Tats where the Standard Motor co. used to exist & tats where my car (Standard Herald) was made in the '60s :wink: Until recently u wud see such cars used in 'Janavasams' for bridegrooms at weddings....!
I used to like it for a 3rd reason which I now deleted:
- I thot tat ppl. in this city r very traditional/conservative compared to big bad Bombay & dirt-infested Delhi....but I recently realised I was wrong in this regard :evil: I realised tat all tat traditional/conservative look of the public there was but a facade! :x
And btw, um...r u sure B'lore is more "decent"? I've been hearing a lot of stories abt tat place.....esp. tat its got more pubs than gardens now and therez even a small casino there?? :?
6th March 2005, 09:46 PM
b'lore is losing its pleasure climate..mainly due to inconsistent planning.. lack in forethingking by the think tank... this may happen to even chennai..if not properly planned .. lot of ppl migrat ...const threat..for local ppl.
one question .
if a guy comes to chennai and demands tamil guy to speak in his mother tongue what will chennaite do?
what should i have done when many people like hindi,tamils,telugus came and demanded me to speak in their language- constant problem in bangalore.
i think that is the difference b/w b'lore and cheni
7th March 2005, 09:34 PM
well good general info!! :lol: :wink: :arrow:
8th March 2005, 04:55 PM
Bangalore can no way be called traditional.
Pubs, discos, night clubs are everywhere. They are accepted by the greater public as genuine places of entertainment.
One of the pecularity of bangalore that has both benefits and draw backs is the presents of a lot of young guys and gals with a lot of money but no exp of life. Most of them have got good salaried jobs soon after their studies and have their parents living in far away places. So they dont know the value of money. They have the means and desire to enjoy their life. They dont know how to enjoy and so go behind that seems hot at the moment.
11th March 2005, 10:00 PM
Bangalore rocks with rock concerts and cool weather. Chennai's days are over as the capital of south india. :lol: :D
11th March 2005, 10:08 PM
and what do rock concerts promote? a half-baked generation of american wannabe youths with values bordering on stupidity.
11th March 2005, 11:16 PM
Hello,i posted as johhny babu, drake etc.. iam sorry for saying bad things abt different people. i will not visit this site again.u r superior to me an i realise that. please forgive me.i was just a bored person an i found this site..i promise i wont visit again.
12th March 2005, 09:11 PM
I am settling down in Bangalore, I told them with pride brimming in my voice. Ah, they said wiping their streaming sweat with unmistakable envy. Nice weather. A very civilised city. Lucky aren’t you?
I am in the midst of a traffic jam that Bangalore has become notorious for. Traffic jams in fact have become part of a Bangalorean’s life. It is amazing how the average Bangalorean has reconciled to his fate. It is amazing too how the government thrives in a blissful state of ignorance (there are 5,460 English pages on Bangalore’s bad roads in the web) and ineptitude.
It finds attending prayer meetings organiSed by shady American evangelists more important than attending to the repeated prayers of the locals to redeem the city’s roads. The evangelist boasted of curing incurable diseases with just hand push. I would have been happier if he had used his persuasive powers with the Lord to heal the heaving roads of Bangalore. I suspect all the top brass politicians that attended the mammoth meeting were in fact hoping for a miracle.
What Bangalore needs now is nothing short of a miracle. The name Bangalore no longer invokes images of lush green lawns and riotous flowers. At least that was the image I had as part of my childhood and adolescent memory, having grown up here. Six months’ stay was enough to bring about a disillusionment that I have never before experienced in my life. I am haunted everyday by nightmares even during my waking hours — of getting caught in traffic jams that are chaotic; my senses getting numbed by the crazy noise pollution that I am unable to escape from; of having a fall as I walk in the street and breaking my hip on the incredibly shameful potholes that never get repaired.
Visitors, if they are not already dead choked by air pollution and bumpy roads, are always nervous and edgy at the thought of the traffic jams and missing a flight or a train. The tourism brochure still calls it a Garden City. There cannot be a crueler joke than that. Do you say the colour of leaves is green? Think again. They are all muddy here with dust and virtually merge with the unkempt roads, having lost the chlorophyll-their identity.
And where have the flowers gone? They seem to appear only at Lal Bagh’s annual flower shows. There are no flowers on the round-about circles at cross roads that Bangalore was famous for. Even the road from the airport leading to the city has no flowerbeds on road dividers. Nor is it the retired peoples’ paradise. The poor old ones dare not take a walk like old times. With innumerable potholes on every road, the dust that emanates from traffic and ah, the killing noise of the speeding vehicles- you are bound to reach vaikundam earlier than you were destined for. I felt ageless six months ago; I now feel like an ancient.
Every time I visit Chennai, I undergo a metamorphosis. I become young again; life seems full of hope. As the cab glides smoothly on the roads from the airport or the railway station, I draw a deep breath and suck in the air as if I had been deprived of it all my life. The huge hoardings and posters with Jayalalithaa’s smiling face and words hailing the tireless work that she does for the welfare of the Tamil people no longer seems to me an exaggerated encomium of the party sycophants.
My heart fills with parochial pride and by the time I reach my destination I become a fan of the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Look at our Chennai I want to tell my co-traveller. Look at the roads, how even and satin-smooth they are. Look how well the traffic is controlled. Look how clean the atmosphere is. Is it not wonderful to see that the leaves are green and there are actually flowering beds on the road dividers and traffic circles?
Do you see the flyovers? They may not be world class; they may have been built across roads that were not designed for flyovers. But you will surely agree that they have eased the traffic to a considerable extent. Remember they were built in record time during the previous government.
As the cab moves on I find it amazing that all the roads, even by- lanes, are smooth without potholes. The boards and signals indicating the names of the roads are bold and big and mercifully in English too, that will relieve an outsider. Oh, by the way, you have to know the Kannada script to travel in Bangalore. If you are lost, it is your problem. The road signs on the roads and on the buses are written in Kannada only.
My heart becomes heavy with regret for having left Chennai. After moving to Bangalore I had almost forgotten that roads could be without potholes. That any flyover started by the government would ever be completed. BSP — Bijili (electricity), Sadak (road), Paani (water) — still remains the slogan of all elections. I think it is only Tamil Nadu that is focused on fulfilling the promise among the southern states.
The detractors of Jayalalithaa have only to shift to Bangalore to turn into her ardent supporters in no time. At least regarding matters of governance. Governance — the most sustaining factor in the relationship between the State and the public. What is governance? It is something not covered by the traditional term ‘government’. It springs from a genuine desire to improve the living conditions of the public; to respect the rights of the people for better life, enhance environmental protection and deepen confidence in government and public administration.
What is missing in Bangalore as it fights to retain its India’s Silicon Valley tag? Good, smart governance. Bangalore, we are told ‘‘became a victim of its own success’’. The exploding growth of Bangalore as an IT hotspot has not gone hand in hand with infrastructural facilities.
Whose fault is it? What measures did the State government devise to tackle the situation when Bangalore was bursting at the seams? Why do we not see any one with a vision or even dedication to duty and commitment to the taxpayer? ‘‘We believe the problems are serious,’’ said Azim Premji, Chairman of Wipro Ltd, three years ago. The situation is worse today as the problems persist and the IT companies are seriously thinking of moving house. They even want to look outside Karnataka for expansion, sick of the lack of smart governance here. The PWD Minister can only blame the IT industry for the chaos. And the Chief Minister is always on the defence with — ‘‘Bangalore cannot become Singapore’’.
Why can’t it even compete with Chennai?
12th March 2005, 09:16 PM
As a city, I thought Bangalore fell way short of Madras or Bombay or even Madurai. You might have the best climate in the world, you might have the most IT companies knocking on your doors, but if as a city, you lack the spirit and feel of a city, you can't grow much at all.
I am not saying this because I am a Tamil. Or for sentimental reasons - being a frequent visitor to Bangalore, and having spent some considerable time there haggling, walking, cursing and getting caught in traffic jams, I think Madras is far better in most respects. Bangalore comes across as a cold, aloof city
12th March 2005, 09:25 PM
The reason why we tamilians didnt accept other language is we found Tamil rich enough to be a mother tongue,rich enough to Express and communicate. But Kannadigas Missed Kannada and they are watching Hindi movies and telugu and tamil to greater Extent.State capital based theatres are not ready to screen kannada movies.The younger generation likes hindi.chennai doesnt want to repeat the same mistake.Never chennai will.
Go Global without losing ur identity
13th March 2005, 01:05 PM
Bangalore can no way be called traditional.
Pubs, discos, night clubs are everywhere. They are accepted by the greater public as genuine places of entertainment.
Yea tat I've heard.....tat reminds me- my parents'd been talking abt B'lore being 'totally spoilt' in their 2nd visit in 1996 itself (comparing w/ their 1st one in 1979!).....'wonder wat they're gonna say if they saw it now..... :lol:
btw, r all these pubs/niteclubs etc. legal establishments in the 1st place??
.....a lot of young guys and gals with a lot of money but no exp of life. Most of them have got good salaried jobs soon after their studies and have their parents living in far away places. So they dont know the value of money. They have the means and desire to enjoy their life. They dont know how to enjoy and so go behind that seems hot at the moment.
U cudn't hav been more right! :wink: actually they dunno how to enjoy it in the right way! tats the problem.....they cud instead save/invest all tat money 4 better future use but the present gen. being more materialistic and consuming-oriented, they jus think of burning all the cash they make every month jus bcos they've got gud jobs tat guarantee them regular (but not nec. permanant) flow of cash.......pity on them! :x
13th March 2005, 01:45 PM
As a city, I thought Bangalore fell way short of Madras or Bombay or even Madurai. You might have the best climate in the world, you might have the most IT companies knocking on your doors, but if as a city, you lack the spirit and feel of a city, you can't grow much at all.
I pretty much agree! :wink: I hear ppl. even here praising B'lore & calling it the 'IT hub of India'......ha! I wonder how neone cud think of calling ne city developed just bcos its got classy IT firms built on its land when the basic infrastructure itself is so pathetic! If so, u cud even set them up all over Bihar & call it a 'developed' place! :lol:
And as 4 IT cos. 'knocking on ur doors', actually one of my lecturers here in Human Res. class once said tat all those IT cos. were attracted to Indians in the 1st place cos Indian professionals r cheaper to hire by foreign cos./mncs/ they r quite good.....esp. when they know they've got to set an impression on foreign employers (compare them w/ the same Indians working in local govt. offices where it takes regular 'greasing' to move a single file :lol: )
14th March 2005, 03:21 AM
Most of my family live in Bangalore, and I have been there many times since childhood. It used to be a pleasant quiet place, then became the most desirable place to live in India, then became a global IT centre, and more recently is going down the tube in terms of congestion, overpopulation, and crumbling infrastructure. Even the climate seems different, as many of you have said.
At the moment, I would still prefer to live in Bangalore over Chennai (its too hot, and the water supply is crap), but I have always felt that Bangalore lacks a proper identity.....a city without a soul! In that sense Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Calcutta are infinitely superior.
ps- the development seems to be completely uncontrolled. we went on a drive from b'lore to coimbatore last yr, and i'm sure that the city limits were extending nr to the tamil nadu border. if that is so, we won't need to have this discussion in 20 yrs....b'lore and chennai will be the same city!
14th March 2005, 10:30 AM
I see a lot of frustrated souls venting out their sorrow in this thread! I cannot defend Bangalore simply because I am staying there, but there are fundamental differences between Bangalore and chennai in the way they were planned initially. Bangalore was meant to be a place where the english folks working in chennai could go and relax in the summer. Chennai is the place where most of the activity would happen. So the initial city planning in Chennai was with the idea of handling huge movement of people and traffic. Whereas Bangalore was meant to be a lazy city, a holiday town kind of place. The culture of the cities too are hence different. It is not like all bangalore is pubs and discoes. Just that portion gets more visibility. The north bangalore side of malleshwaram, yeshwanthpur south bangalore towards Basavangudi and Banashankari really traditional. Current woes in Bangalore are due to irresponsible tendering of crucial flyover and underpasses projects by S.M.Krishna govt. to the inept UPSBC who have left most of the important projects in lurch because of inefficiency. In Chennai, there is no question as to who would build flyovers as it would by default go to a reputed firm like L & T. If only one didn't have these pending flyover projects, I dont know what would have been the experience of the posters like Tamil_socrates. As far as uncontrolled development of the city is concerned, Bangalore has serious land issues in the periphery (not just bcoz it is sandwiched between AP on the east and TN on the south east). Most of the land adjoining Bangalore is belonging to fertile villages and for city expansion, they will have to make some way. But this is not going to happen easily because the lands in and around Bangalore are very fertile and the farmers demand a high price. I am not saying that these farmers must be forced to sell out, but effective solution lies in finding out a satellite town.
14th March 2005, 02:02 PM
The original bangalorians are ofcource gentle and honest but how many of them can you find any more.
Same thing w/ Hyderabad as well! Hydies were known 4 their 'tehzeeb' (tradition) and 'tameez' (gentle nature) all tats slowly but steadily disappearing :(
However, I appreciate the fact tat the local public buses still maintain separate seating 4 ladies (1st 6 rows of seats) & gents.....same system even in Vizag (Visakhapatnam)....the buses there r maybe very ill-maintained (comp'd to those even in Madras) but atleast women can usually travel more comf'bly/safely comp'd to those in cities like Madras (ugghh! :evil: )
14th March 2005, 02:11 PM
Bangalore lacks a proper identity.....a city without a soul! In that sense Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Calcutta are infinitely superior.
Um....Bombay/Mumbai has a soul?? :lol:
Well, tats comforting to know I guess.... :wink:
14th March 2005, 06:27 PM
i think that bombay has more of a soul than bangalore. seems to be more historical monuments, and a definite identity. ok but not on the same scale as calcutta, delhi, or hyderabad.
what does b'lore road, a few shopping places, kempe gowdas towers and lalbagh.
please could someone tell me something can be said to be a signature bangalore contribution to culture apart from IT development.
15th March 2005, 01:09 PM
Um....Bombay/Mumbai has a soul?? :lol:
Well, tats comforting to know I guess.... :wink:
hmmmmmm......I hope you are merely joking and keep it that way. Lemme see if you have any good points to back up your statement.
15th March 2005, 02:23 PM
Um....Bombay/Mumbai has a soul?? :lol:
Well, tats comforting to know I guess.... :wink:
hmmmmmm......I hope you are merely joking and keep it that way. Lemme see if you have any good points to back up your statement.
I mean from wat I've (& most others I'm sure) learnt abt Mumbai so far, its a gr8 city but a terrible place! For eg- is it not true tat therez far more crime/dishonesty/corruption in everyday life there as opposed to tat of the 'burgeoning' cities....? Atleast tats wat it'd seem to a visitor/newly moved-in person there! Or do u mean to say tat the society there is changing 4 the better lately?? If so tats well & good..... :wink:
15th March 2005, 02:39 PM
Honestly there isnt that much crime the common middle class guy has to deal with compared to Madras. Madras' history of house-breaking and burglaries is hard to beat - absolutely no safety for your home! Burglary/robbery-wise I'd say this:
Chennai 8/10
Bangalore 4/10
Mumbai 0.5/10
What it teaches you is terrific sense of professionalism and commitment. You dont have to go to Harvard to learn that. It tremendously steels you for the challenges of life, makes you responsible and prepares you for the grind - the pace of the city is frenetic!
There is really no shameless cheating by the bureaucracy like in Chennai/Bangalore. Autodrivers of Chennai/Bangalore should be murdered! The sad thing in Chennai/Bangs is that, these things happen while the public just takes all this nonsense in their stride.
15th March 2005, 04:00 PM
Autodrivers of Chennai/Bangalore should be murdered! The sad thing in Chennai/Bangs is that, these things happen while the public just takes all this nonsense in their stride.
Atleast auto drivers in Bangalore use the meter&the majority don't tamper with it.At best/worst,they may ask for a few rupees more than the prescribed fare but in Chennai,I have never travelled in an auto which used a meter(non-tampared).The fare is what the driver asks.Why is it that no government has done anything to fix this :?
BTW the auto fares are exhorbitant whether it's Chennai or Bangalore.What about the other cities?
nirosha sen
15th March 2005, 05:25 PM
I tried my best folks but..... I have to say it nevertheless, I simply hated the filth of Chennai, Pa!!
The railway station was incredible! I had to hold my duppatta to my nose the whole time I was there!!!
If only Chennai has more water, I was so disappointed to find the taps empty at 11pm every night. Rationing I was told ......
Sigh....I am already depressed, Pa!! :cry:
15th March 2005, 05:44 PM
Now, now, lets not get worked up. You cant get everything perfect in a city but can only take a small subset of facilities and say which offers the best deal.
For instance, Chennai offers you the freedom of using your own vehicle and taking it wherever you want to. This you wont get in Bombay for having ur vehicle is messy at times. But public transport is excellent(Autos/Buses/trains are all normal fare) all the way till 2 AM - something u cant say for chennai. No rickshawallah charges a penny more than the meter in BBY.
Bangalore is the worst in both aspects - bikes/cars suffocate without flyovers, autos fleece you 1.5 times(OR A FLAT RATE WITHOUT METER) AT NINE IN THE MORNING IF YOU HAVE TO GO SOMEPLACE LIKE ELECTRONIC CITY WHERE THERE ARE NO FREQUENT BUSES, and their bus services shuts up by 9:30 :lol2: :lol2:
Nirosha, if Chennai station makes you sick, wonder what you will say when boarding a train to Delhi! You will puke in the train itself all thru the journey :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: And you will faint on visiting a bus terminus sadistically named MAJESTIC :D
Let the fun continue :P
15th March 2005, 07:17 PM
Hmmm...I don't really understand what's going on here!!!... Each & every city has it own positives & negatives... If U guys want to compare 2 cities,talk about it & better stop there... Each human's tolerence to the negatives differ & so does their opinion...
& if atall U ppl don't like another fellow hubbers views,put it a bit politely... Needn't use dirty ,harsh words... This way,the forum will remain a better place for discussions..:)
16th March 2005, 07:44 AM
I tried my best folks but..... I have to say it nevertheless, I simply hated the filth of Chennai, Pa!!
The railway station was incredible! I had to hold my duppatta to my nose the whole time I was there!!!
If only Chennai has more water, I was so disappointed to find the taps empty at 11pm every night. Rationing I was told ......
Sigh....I am already depressed, Pa!! :cry:
NS, thats how most railway stations in India r...just not many other stations u will have to hold BIG COMFORTERS over ur nose, not a mere duppatta..... :x
16th March 2005, 07:56 AM
True. Most TSs in India are like that. I prefer Chennai over Bangalore simply because it's home, and tamiz is all around u as soon as u get there. The only thing in Chennai that I think should really be dealt with is the Koovam. Atleast cover it up or something. The govt is responsible for that. Other than that I love Chennai. Things I don't like in bangalore....nothing. Bangalore is great. The weather, cleaner, etc. etc. But still for me the meter falls on Chennai basically because I'm from tehre. :D
16th March 2005, 08:21 AM
Wow! I read through this thread only now...
My two cents....
First of all, it is a crazy idea to even start threads like this. Ultimately, we have seen all these A vs B threads degenerate, either purposely or inadvertantly into a battle of diehard fans! For more information, check out the various threads:
a) India, Bharath, Hindostan
b) Ajith vs Vijay
c) Vijay vs everyone else
d) Hindi vs tamil
e) Sanksrit vs everything else
While the intention may be quite good and noble while beginning the thread, experience must teach us that these are wrong moves. Being democratic, freedom of speech and expression etc may all be good, but if each time we are going to end up flaming each other and making generalized sweeping statements that is bound to ruffle feathers, what is the point, one finds asking oneself.
Such threads seem to bring out the worst even in the best of us. Then why indulge in them? What perverse pleasure do we find in pitting one against the other?
As the saying goes in Tamil, "kakkaikku than kunju pon kunje" (tr: To a crow, its little one is golden, not black), each of us believe in our pet theories, and are bound to come out in defence, often forgetting proprieties while doing so.
Please don't flame me for this, but I would like to quote the Bhagwad Gita here...
"Anudvegakaram Vakyam Satyam Priyahitam Cha Yat
Swadhyayabyasanam Chaiva Vangmayam Tapa Uchyate"
"Speech that does not incite anyone, which is true and pleasant, self study to improve oneself - these are said to be the penance of Speech or proper speech"
It makes such perfect sense. Why say something that incites others and brings out the worst in them? Again, I ask, what perverse pleasure do we derive out of this?
All these threads incite our passions one way or the other and only result in our bashing ourselves in the process. I appeal to everyone to kindly refrain from starting any potentially controversial threads. Of course, one can always argue that even the most inocous of threads can well fireball into a controvesy, but then you know that is just for an arguement's sake. Let us discuss issues which touch us all, that provides entertainment and enjoyment to all, issues that create an awakening in us, and may our discussion on these issues provide solutions/attitude changes/any means of betterment of self and/or society.
If I have been too preachy, I beg your pardon. It is not my desire to take a "holier-than-thou" stand but it pains me to see all the wonderful people here in the hub are forced by these controversial threads to forget just how wonderful they really are and indulge in 'less-than-wonderful' words and actions.
edited by moderator - to end all digressions.
16th March 2005, 09:08 AM
Why is it that no government has done anything to fix this?
It's not fare to ask the TN govt to do this, they got other priorities such as Rail mariyal, etc. :lol2: TN is cursed to have a bad govt, regardless of the party.
Nice Quotes Badri! :thumbsup:
For Sure NOV. :D
Regards. 8)
16th March 2005, 12:29 PM
Autodrivers of Chennai/Bangalore should be murdered!
Yep, I 2nd this opinion! :clap: in case of Madras autodrivers atleast.....!**$#@! :twisted:
I'm not too familiar w/ B'lore ones tho......long time since I've been there!
The sad thing in Chennai/Bangs is that, these things happen while the public just takes all this nonsense in their stride.
Actually IMO, the trouble is w/ the ostrich mentality of the general public there, which hushes up all this stuff......again in Madras atleast! To an outsider, it looks very traditional/conservative for a metro, comp'd to Delhi/B' I guess we don't really know wat lifez like there inside unless we've got living experience there :wink:
My mother (who hails from Madras!) of course, once strongly disagreed w/ me when I told her tat Madras has a more 'homely' outlook comp'd to Hyd'bad! :lol:
16th March 2005, 12:33 PM
NS, thats how most railway stations in India r...just not many other stations u will have to hold BIG COMFORTERS over ur nose, not a mere duppatta..... :x
Hmm......only a duppatta?? :D no Saree pallu/end nemore, is it?? :wink: :lol:
16th March 2005, 03:07 PM
I love blore because
1. its clean
2. auto drivers are GREAT in blore, They dotn ask a pie more.
hence autos are affordable
3. food at resutaurants :D :lol: :thumbsup: wow what food in blore !!! :D.
4. PPl are soft, kind and NEVER NOSY bout other ppl's affairs
5. Modern outlook and lack of gossips
6. greenery
8. temples maintained wonderfully clean.
long live blore.
x chennaite who happens to love being a bangalorean
p.s adippaavi drogi... apdeenu koral kekkuthu :P
I love chennai for only 3 things.
1. MY ppl
2. my memories
3. healthy climate though DAMN SICK AND HOT
16th March 2005, 07:48 PM
// 1. its clean //
- yeah, jaya nagar, jp nagar, indra nagar, koramangala and malleswaram are really clean... but is that all bangalore? :P
// 2. auto drivers are GREAT in blore, They dotn ask a pie more.
hence autos are affordable //
- never, atleast with me... :lol: ( of course i didnt want to compare it to chennai and COIMBATORE... ) autorickshaws are affordable and reasonable only in kerala, as far i know.
// 3. food at resutaurants wow what food in blore !!! . //
- not for me... they add sugar in sambar.... :x
// 4. PPl are soft, kind and NEVER NOSY bout other ppl's affairs //
- very true, particularly on the second part....
// 5. Modern outlook and lack of gossips
6. greenery
8. temples maintained wonderfully clean. //
- very true. no second opinion.
about CHENNAI :
no comments please... :lol: :lol:
17th March 2005, 12:16 PM
Greenery&Lovely climate?????????????????
All the greenery is perishing to accomodate 'always being built' flyovers&never-know-when-it-will-start Metro rail.
As for climate in Feb temperatures were hitting 36 degrees&too much pollution is resulting in bad health.Of course climate is still better compared to Chennai.
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