16th April 2014, 01:11 AM
The 2014 Pulitzer Prize - Poetry
Winner: Vijay Seshadri
Citation: For a distinguished volume of original verse by an American author, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000) - Awarded to "3 Sections," by Vijay Seshadri (Graywolf Press),
a compelling collection of poems that examine human consciousness, from birth to dementia, in a voice that is by turns witty and grave, compassionate and remorseless.
Other Finalists: Also nominated as finalists in this category were "The Sleep of Reason," by Morri Creech (The Waywiser Press), a book of masterly poems that capture
the inner experience of a man in mid-life who is troubled by mortality and the passage of time, traditional themes that are made to feel new; and "The Big Smoke,"
by Adrian Matejka (Penguin), an imaginative work by a commanding poet who engages the history and mythology of larger-than-life boxer Jack Johnson.
Winner: Vijay Seshadri
Citation: For a distinguished volume of original verse by an American author, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000) - Awarded to "3 Sections," by Vijay Seshadri (Graywolf Press),
a compelling collection of poems that examine human consciousness, from birth to dementia, in a voice that is by turns witty and grave, compassionate and remorseless.
Other Finalists: Also nominated as finalists in this category were "The Sleep of Reason," by Morri Creech (The Waywiser Press), a book of masterly poems that capture
the inner experience of a man in mid-life who is troubled by mortality and the passage of time, traditional themes that are made to feel new; and "The Big Smoke,"
by Adrian Matejka (Penguin), an imaginative work by a commanding poet who engages the history and mythology of larger-than-life boxer Jack Johnson.