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9th February 2015, 11:53 AM
Dilbert, PM-la sollungo!

9th February 2015, 12:00 PM
YennaiArindhaal declared a hit by exhibitors in Hong Kong. Here is the release coverage and audience opinion.


9th February 2015, 12:07 PM

9th February 2015, 12:10 PM
Yennai Arindhaal in Malaysia NamNaadu edition


9th February 2015, 12:22 PM
Kumudham review "Nandru" A crime novel experience in Tamil



9th February 2015, 12:26 PM
Perth Tamil Movies @PerthTamilMovie
#YennaiArindhaal AUS $153,680 (AUD) + NZ $25,000 (NZ Dollar) so Highest Opening of a Ajith Movie in both AUS/NZ. Already in Profit Zone :)

#YennaiArindhaal did Superb biz in Australia . Crossed #Arrambam full run in 1st weekend !!
4 day Wknd : A$153,680 (12 screens)

9th February 2015, 12:34 PM
in front of the court when trisha meets ajith she'd say 'you has been an auto driver 2 years ago, now you are a police man...your life has changed in a good way' and he'd say ' really'
then she 'd say 'just kidding'.....so romantic

i liked the conversation and their expressions..the dialogues were awesome in the film..

9th February 2015, 01:18 PM
Watched it 2 times on Saturday.. Loved it!

Villan: Sollu Victor, naama geththu dhaana? pootruralaama? :lol:

9th February 2015, 01:57 PM
Take your time, one of the well analysed review :thumbsup:

Yennai Arindhaal Movie Review: If You Know Gautham!


Spoilers Ahead…

The defining moment of every celluloid love story is the stretch where the lead couple meet. Or so they say.
But watch out; if its an Indian movie featuring a star with a huge fan following among the masses, the tropes and templates are pretty much simple. No breaking the head for scriptwriters here. The following are fitted in using various permutations and combinations.
1. The dashing lady develops a liking for the loafer with a golden heart, while he is busy stalking her on the street and passing lewd comments about her to his friends.
2. She ogles over his manliness and decides her partner for life while he is giving her some life-lessons on how it is so ‘un-girly‘ to have brains of her own.
3. She falls head over heals in love with his raw energy while he instructs her on the supposed ‘divinity’ of womanhood, only to romance her wearing a (decent!) bikini the next sequence.
4. She gets to look pretty and coy while letting the coffee mug slip when the guy’s fingers touches hers, in an expression of utmost femininity.
5. She is humiliated repeatedly (physically and mentally) until she realizes that the lead man is indeed her savior (of life and chastity), and she is a ‘nothing’ without him

This defining moment happens in ‪Yennai Arindhaal‬ too. Only that the lead star is a cop on a particularly dangerous mission, now under the garb of an auto driver. And the leading lady is pregnant,(make no mistake) on the lookout for a ride to the hospital. Sparks don’t fly. Flowers don’t fall. Eyes don’t meet. The man doesn’t gawk. The lady doesn’t gape. Love is not in the air. The tension of an impending shoot-out is all that is looming large. Its, in fact, the most ‘unromantic’ of meets. The man decides to help the girl bring a bundle-of-joy into the world, before taking a life. The destinies of two adorable people have been irreversibly intertwined by the workings of fate. Sathyadev and Hemanika have met. Gautham Vasudev Menon had started weaving his familiar magic! And I had started to smile.

I had, in fact, given Gautham quite some leeway, while setting out to watch Yennai Arindhaal. Come on, the talented guy has been through a rough patch for quite some years now, with leading stars opting out and back to back projects being shelved. To top it all, his last venture in familiar territory earned him more brickbats than critical acclaim. And now, a re-entry film with a star who had been slowly but steadily moving towards commercial pastures, focusing on satisfying his core fan-base. So honestly, I stepped into the theater quite wary of the implications of having a protagonist trying in vain to escape an image trap, go behind hysterical criminals. Well, having seen quite some gifted makers succumb under pressure and considering our financiers’ fetish for monotony in the name of commercial must-haves, I believe my skepticism was valid.

But forty minutes into the movie, and having started to know Sathyadev, I get this beauty of a moment, I was describing earlier. And that was the moment, that singular moment, when all my faith in my once ‘favorite’ maker was restored. When he had every imaginable excuse in the cinematic planet to play to the gallery, here we have, Gautham Vasudev Menon, bringing to screen yet another time, a married, pregnant and multi-dimensional female lead; this time for a younger star with a younger fan base. While this kind of bold characterization frankly didn’t serve a loftier purpose in the larger scheme of things in Vettaiyadu Vilaiyaadu, the mere presence of Aradhana’s character in a film of that magnitude spoke of Gautham’s valiance. This time in Yennai Arindhaal, he goes a step further and incorporates deeper and more matured repercussions to the lead couple’s romance. The reticent courtship gradually blooming between Satyadev and Hemanika over six long years make for some of the finest moments of Yennai Arindhaal.

Yes, many of the film’s high points are not radically different and in fact have been touched upon by Gautham himself in his earlier films. So Yennai Arindhaal despite essentially being a rearrangement of his pet themes and tropes, impresses with subtle variations engaging enough to sustain the audience’s interests. Coming back to Hemanika’s characterization, Gautham felt the compulsion to portray Raghavan as a widower in VV to write the sizzling chemistry between him and the divorced Aaradhana. In Yennai Arindhal, he shatters all shackles of ‘mass heroism’ as the single and eligible Sathyadev falls in love with Hemanika. The beauty of this portrayal lies in the nonchalance with which Hemanika’s past is brushed aside with neither blatant nor subtle references. It doesn’t matter. Nobody is bothered. Neither the maker nor Sathadev. When Hemanika thanks Sathyadev for being the reason her daughter Isha entered this world, in their second meeting in the family court premises two years later, we smile along with Sathya. We can look inside the tough-on-the-outside cop’s heart now. This lady is making him feel special and happy. When Sathyadev gets close to Isha every passing year, we could literally feel the bond of a life time taking shape. When Hemanika watches them from a distance with a smile and a tear down her cheek, we get a feel of the complexity of her emotions, that freaking moment.

n a stretch that gave me moist eyes and goosebumps, Sathyadev proposes to a hesitant Hemanika, No. Sathyadev is not portrayed as the martyr or the savior. No. Hemanika doesn’t fall at his feet and cry. The emphasis is not on the romantic melodrama, at least for the majority of the time, but instead shifts between more pressing issues of social pragmatism and parenthood. How will Isha adjust to their living under a single roof? What if they have kids together? Will Isha feel side-lined? How about five years later? When Sathyadev tells Hemanika his long-term plans, quoting the moment he got Isha from her in the court when he knew that Isha was his own, and they don’t need any more kids, we could sense the sincerity in his voice. We feverishly chuckle amid-st the drama when Sathyadev quips that their last decision might necessitate some extra trips to the pharmacy. And at this moment, Sathyadev unleashes his chef-d’-oevre move, goes searching for the elders of the home, brings Isha and asks for her permission. You must have seen that look on Hemanika’s face. Bliss doesn’t come that easy. And so does heart-warming writing!

Is there another film-maker of our generation, who could deal with femininity, pain and love with so much sensitivity and poise, that we are overwhelmed watching them unfold, knowing very well that it brings nothing new to the table. Point in case, the characterization of the other female lead, Thenmozhi, who develops a liking for Sathyadev. Interestingly, the film opens with a possible wedding alliance for Thenmozhi happening with a meet-up of both the families. Thenmozhi, on the slightest hint that she is being objectified, when asked to sing, gives back tastefully by crooning “Oodha color ribbon, Unaku yaaru appan”, referring to the groom and his family. Well played, Gautham! What follows is a fateful flight journey, when she gets to meet Sathyadev. Well, for that matter, when Sathyadev is first introduced, Thenmozhi is puking to glory into her vomit bag. So much for hero-worship! The way Thenmozhi, early on, asks for a coffee date to let them decide on their compatibility, the segments where she is unable to hide her obvious awe for the special bond Sathya and Isha share, and finally the closing image where Sathyadev reminds her of the pending date are all testimonies to why Gautham is not just another maker who takes love films.

More delightful moments happen when Sathyadev and Isha embark on that decisive journey of self-realization, introspection and mutual learning. Sathyadev interestingly calls it an ode to being a good son and a better father. And this is where Sathya’s character sketch gets a riveting perspective and differentiates him from his predecessors. Among Gautham’s cop protagonists, Anbu Selvan is the workaholic of the lot, the most romantically challenged, quite family-phobic, intense, brooding, shy and introverted. Raghavan on the other hand brims with attitude, confidence, wit and a quirky passion towards work and love. Sathyadev, in contrast, is more of a family man longing for company, love and parenthood than a stone-hearted cop, so much so that he is ready to sacrifice his job for the sake of his child. He fears for his life, and comes out of a deadly brawl accepting defeat, his body and pride wounded, to live another day for his kid. And there I saw how the pen of Gautham is mightier than the sword – or the axe – or the bag with pennies – or whatever kind of heroic violence which is in vogue with whichever stunt master currently in fashion. Sathyadev and Isha discovering each other in the background of the ‘Unakenna Venum’ track beautifully conceptualized and executed by Gautham and Harris, is further proof of what the actor inside the star is capable of, if let free to soar.

Beneath all these emotions, Yennai Arindhaal, is at heart, the head-on duel between a police officer Sathyadev and a gangster Victor, which again is served up typical Gautham style. Despite a weak central conflict unlike his earlier ventures, Gautham impresses with a lot of smaller often overlooked aspects. Special mention to the way the character of Sathyadev is introduced, with the ‘Oru Melisaana Kodu’ dialogue in the background and the cop scene from Moondru Mugam on TV with Rajni on one side and the villain on the other. The scene then cuts to show Sathyadev behind bars implying his cross-over. Brilliant! The Yennai Arindhaal theme song that immediately follows the reveal, stylishly packed with montages of high-octane cop drama, make these portions of the movie move at a more brisk pace after quite a leisurely start.

Sathyadev’s towering pride over his profession and amour propre is exemplified to perfection in a single sequence where he puts the character played by Ashish Vidyarthi in his place. The dialogues here referring to Ashish as ‘collateral damage’ are a riot. The organ racket abductions happening in the second half seem a tad bit familiar, but are kept engaging by some awesome visuals by Dan MacArthur, sensible adrenalin pumping choreography by Silva and ‘trademark’ lively voice-overs.. Even within the action segments, Gautham infuses elements of friendship, betrayal and revenge. And this is where,the character of Victor, the principle antagonist, stands out. Victor has his own personal life and fights for the ideals he believes in. He is brutal, dangerous and over-sensitive. And the film’s finest ‘conflict’ sequence – we may call it the Menon moment – is a telephonic confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonist, where both of them are in their elements. And then the ‘Melisaana Kodu’ appears – while the screen splits into two, with a thin line separating the two men, and on each split screen, moments that changed the courses of their lives flash simultaneously. Respect.

Ajith Kumar is terrific as the smart, suave and lovable Sathyadev and its a joy to see him on-screen in his various make-overs. It takes enormous courage and lots of trust to submit oneself to an able maker like this, and Ajith has shown the path again after Mankatha. In fact, Gautham is one film-maker who writes many a conflict positioning himself as the protagonist, and Ajith seems to be the best to carry that image. From a ruthless gangster to a lovable man, from a young cop to an aging parent, Ajith shoulders the film literally and excels frame after frame. As the brave yet insecure Sathyadev, he looks defeated at times, cries his heart out, admits his weaknesses, battles his guilt, beats himself for his mistakes and gets wounded innumerable times in his journey. But then, he comes out, fighting. A round of applause, Ajith, for letting YA be a director’s film. Trisha and Anushka perform effortlessly in roles which don’t require much of them, but Arun Vijay as Victor, is a scream in a character that stands the risk of getting easily caricatured. With quite a range of expressions up his sleeve, he uses every opportunity he gets to steal the limelight off a star with unimaginable screen presence like Ajith. Harris Jeyaraj strikes gold in the ‘theme’ background score and is largely functional otherwise. In a film that boldly does away with an introduction number for its star, its only fair that the ‘Adhaar Adhaar’ number serving no real purpose, is excused.

Now, I could argue that Yennai Arindhaal is less a brilliant cop drama than an emotional mood piece, a collage of ‘Menon-isms’ to arrive after a gap. The hot-headed swearing, loud-mouthed villain plotting revenge, beautiful and bold female characters who double up as the Achille’s heal for both protagonists and antagonists alike, lead men who are extra-nice to women, the inspirational father figure, true passion for work, the battle of the heart and the brain, the pain of a personal loss, the insecurities of a seemingly invincible man, never-ending narrations, and the list goes on. But why not? I ask. If the content is kept entertaining and engaging as a mood piece, why can’t it be more of it than a superbly positioned gritty criminal conflict? Yes, the positives are sometimes the negatives. Yes, it gives the ‘been there. seen that‘ feel at times. But then, why not, when there is a chance to be in the seats of similarly refreshing and well-written characters again? Why not, when there is an opportunity now to see their emotions in a different angle. Everything after all, is perspective.

Here is a filmmaker who signed up a hot star with a crazy fan following, for his re-entry film, and then chose to believe in himself and his craft rather than the star power of his actor. Here is a filmmaker who believed that all human emotions can be translated visually irrespective of the conflict and at the end of the day, those are the moments that really matter. Here is a filmmaker who chose to give Ajith fans a film they could be proud of, rather than something they would want to see, celebrate and forget. Here is a filmmaker who refused to underestimate the tastes and sensibilities of the neutral audience. Yennai Arindhaal is proof again of what that filmmaker is capable of.

So, Yennai Arindhaal with its tonal and length issues might not be perfect nor is Gautham’s best, and might even seem repetitive at times, but let me tell you that it’s real hard not to come away impressed by its overall appeal. Gautham’s and his script consultants’ (Sridhar Raghavan and Thiagarajan Kumararaja) obvious influences extend to the length of individual stretches – and, in turn, to the entirety of the film. It goes on and on – and yet, you’re truly amazed with what could have been just another saga of good vs evil, just another cop thriller about cops vs hooligans, just another tale of matured love, just another story of parental bonding, just another fictional take on friendship and betrayal. Yennai Arindhaal is all of the above and yet none of the above in perfection. It’s neither possible nor necessary to pin down on whether this is brilliant film-making, but without doubt this is interesting and responsible film-making.


9th February 2015, 01:57 PM
Villan: Sollu Victor, naama geththu dhaana? pootruralaama?

Victor: Aaah avan unna pooturuvan :smokesmirk:

9th February 2015, 01:59 PM
Arul, more than anything this movie and Thala's performance will be remembered for long time....

Agreed 100%.. Ajith has been raved by female audiences like his early days...

9th February 2015, 02:02 PM
In Anushka ponnu paakura scene, when asked about whether she can sing? she sings "Oodha colouru ribbon.." :lol:

and Vivek on Hemanika - Hema yaen nikka? :rotfl:

9th February 2015, 02:04 PM

அஜித்தை எனக்கு பிடிக்காது!

நண்பனின் திருமணத்திற்காய் சிவகாசி சென்றிருந்தேன். திருமணம் நிச்சயக்கப்பட்டிருந்த அதே தினம் தான் என் ஆதர்ச நாயகன் 'தல' படத்தின் வெளியீடும். நண்பனிடத்தில் முன்கூட்டியே கூறிவிட்டேன், திருமணம் முடிந்த அடுத்த நிமிடம் நான் திரையரங்கிற்கு சென்று விடுவேன் என்று. அவனும் எனக்காக 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படத்திற்கு டிக்கட் எடுத்துத் தர முயற்சித்து தோற்றான். சிவகாசியின் செல்லப்பிள்ளை, தென் தமிழ்நாட்டின் போர்வாள் 'சிவகாசிக்காரன்' என்று செல்லமாக அழைக்கப்படும் ராம்குமாரிடம் கேட்டேன். 'டிக்கட் அங்கேயே கிடைக்கும் தல' என்று உறுதியான குரலில் கூறினார். இருந்தும் அரைமணி நேரம் முன்னரே சென்று டிக்கட் வாங்கி விட்டேன்.

இரண்டரை மணிக்கு என்று அறிவிக்கப்பட்டிருந்த போதும் இரண்டு இருபதுக்கு தொடங்கிவிட்டார்கள். ரசிகர்களின் ஆரவாரம் ஒரு பக்கம் குதூகலத்தை கொடுத்தாலும் என் முன் சீட்டில் அமர்ந்திருந்த ஒரு ஆறு வயது குழந்தை செய்த அடம் என்னை படம் பார்க்க விடாமல் தடுத்தது. ப்ளைட்டில் அஜீத் அறிமுகமாகும் காட்சியை அந்தக் குழந்தை பார்க்காமல் அடம்பிடிக்க அவளின் தந்தை "அங்க பாரு, அஜீத்" என்று திரையை காட்டினார். அதற்கு அந்தப் பெண் "ம்ஹும், எனக்கு அஜீத் பிடிக்காது. எனக்கு விஜய் தான் பிடிக்கும்" என்று கூறியதை கேட்டதும் அதை சொன்னது ஒரு குழந்தை என்பது கூட மறந்து போய் என் நரம்புகள் புடைக்க கோபத்துடன் கை விரல்களை மடக்கினேன். 'தல' ரசிகனான நானே கோபப் படக்கூடாது என என்னை நானே கட்டுப் படுத்திக் கொண்டு அமர்ந்தேன்.

அந்தப் பெண் மீண்டும் "அஜீத், ஆட்டோ டிரைவரா, நல்லாவே இல்லே. விஜய்தான் வேட்டைக்காரன்ல சூப்பரா இருந்தான்" என்றது. பின்னர் "ஐயே, போலீசா இதுவும் நல்லால்லே, விஜய் போக்கிரில நல்ல போலீசா வருவான்" என்றது. இதற்கு மேலும் பொறுக்க முடியாமல் நான் "குழந்தைய கொஞ்சம் பேசாம இருக்க சொல்லுங்க" என்று சொல்ல நினைத்து சொல்லாமல் இருந்துவிட்டேன். பின்னர் 'அதாரு உதாரு' பாடலை ரசித்த அவள் சீட்டில் அமர்ந்தபடியே ஆடத் துவங்கிவிட்டாள். சிறிது நேரம் கழித்து அந்தப் பெண் "அந்த பாப்பாவோட அம்மா இனி வரமாட்டாங்களா?" என்றது. அஜீத்தின் தோளில் அவர் மகள் சாயும் காட்சியில் இந்தப் பெண் அவள் தந்தையின் தோள்களில் சாய்ந்து கொண்டாள். இடைவேளை வந்தது. அந்தப் பெண் அவள் தந்தையிடம் அஜீத்துக்கு ஒண்ணும் ஆகாதில்லப்பா? என்று முகத்தை சோகமாக வைத்து கொண்டு கேட்டது. பின் தலை சாய்த்து தந்தை மடியில் படுத்துக் கொண்டது.

படம் மீண்டும் தொடங்கியவுடன் அமைதியாக படத்தை பார்க்க ஆரம்பித்தது. கையில் வைத்திருந்த பாப்கார்னை கூட விவேக் வரும் சில இடங்களில் மட்டும் தான் சாப்பிட்டது. அஜீத்தும் அவர் மகளும் டூர் செல்லும் பாடல் காட்சியின் போது "அப்பா, நீயும் என்னை இங்கெல்லாம் கூட்டிட்டு போப்பா" என்றது. அனுஷ்காவும், அஜித் மகளும் வீட்டிற்குள் இருக்கும் போது ஆறு ரவுடிகள் அஜித்தின் வீட்டிற்கு வர, வீட்டு வாசலில் ஸ்டைலாக அஜீத் நிற்பதை பார்த்த அந்தப் பெண் "டே, இப்ப உள்ள வாங்கடா பார்க்கலாம்" என்றதை கேட்டு ரசித்தது அவள் பெற்றோர் மட்டுமல்ல நானும் அவ்வரிசையில் அமர்ந்திருந்த அனைவரும். மற்றொரு காட்சியில் அஜித்தின் மகள் பள்ளிக்கு செல்ல வேண்டும் என்று அடம்பிடிக்க, "ப்ளீஸ் அஜீத் நோ சொல்லிடு" என்றாள். எனக்கோ ஆச்சர்யம். இந்த சிறு வயதில் (அதிகபட்சம் ஏழு வயதிருக்கலாம்) இவ்வளவு யோசிக்கிறாளே இந்தப் பெண் என்று.

பள்ளியில் பாடிகார்ட்ஸ் எல்லோரையும் கொன்றுவிட்டு அஜித்தின் மகளை அருண் விஜய் கடத்தி சென்றதும் தல கதறி அழும் காட்சி, தலயுடன் சேர்ந்து இந்தப் பெண்ணும் அழத்துவங்கி விட்டாள் (அவள் தந்தை இது சினிமாடா என்று சொல்லி தேற்ற சிறிது நேரமாயிற்று) பின் கடைசி காட்சியில் 'தல' அருண் விஜயை அடித்து இழுத்து வரும் காட்சியில் "அவனை துப்பாக்கியால சுட்டுட சொல்லுங்கப்பா" என்றது. பின் மீண்டும் அஜீத் தன் பெண்ணை அணைக்கும் காட்சியில் இந்தச் சிறுமியும் அவள் தந்தையை அணைத்தபடி "ஐ லவ் யூ பா" என்றது. அதைப் பார்த்த என் கண்களிலும் கொஞ்சம் வேர்த்தது. படம் முடிந்து அவர்கள் பின்னே நான் வெளியேறிக் கொண்டிருந்தேன். அந்தப் பெண் அவள் தந்தையிடம் "அப்பா, அடுத்த அஜீத் படம் எப்ப வரும் பா? என்றது..!

9th February 2015, 02:06 PM
In Anushka ponnu paakura scene, when asked about whether she can sing? she sings "Oodha colouru ribbon.." :lol:

and Vivek on Hemanika - Hema yaen nikka? :rofl:

Vivek's every line has got good response in both of my visits...

Lot of other movie references are there.. oodha coloru ribbon, thangapushpam, minorkunjuva suttuttean...

9th February 2015, 02:10 PM
Vivek's every line has got good response in both of my visits...

Lot of other movie references are there.. oodha coloru ribbon, thangapushpam, minorkunjuva suttuttean...

yeah, In Vijay Tv interview he said, some of his scenes were lost after editing. May be they could have included his portions more

9th February 2015, 02:42 PM
Baba Cinemas ‏@babacinemastdx 4m4 minutes ago

Finally the orginal version of #YennaiArindhaal only at #Babacinemas Archana. Un eddited version .. special request

9th February 2015, 03:24 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=Qf49xJ4sreU … (https://t.co/LnaryF81MC) watch this London fans talking abt YA ..:))My god almost everyone saying Thala irunthale pothum nu..B-)


9th February 2015, 03:27 PM
First time compared to Past TWO years Getting 3+ STARS review rating from all leading cinema websites ..it is a commendable.

TRUE and First BLOCKBUSTER of 2015.

9th February 2015, 03:44 PM
Villan: Sollu Victor, naama geththu dhaana? pootruralaama?

Victor: Aaah avan unna pooturuvan :smokesmirk:

It is my one of the best and fist favorite scene in YA , after this movie,i am using this dialog frequently with My friends for fun "Machi nama geththu thana?" :smokesmirk::-D
For this dialog only i will this movie again..

Watched 3 times till now , no boring moments.:-D

9th February 2015, 03:53 PM
Villan: Sollu Victor, naama geththu dhaana? pootruralaama?

Victor: Aaah avan unna pooturuvan :smokesmirk:

It is my one of the best and fist favorite scene in YA , after this movie,i am using this dialog frequently with My friends for fun "Machi nama geththu thana?" :smokesmirk::-D
For this dialog only i will this movie again..

Watched 3 times till now , no boring moments.:-D

9th February 2015, 04:11 PM
pecial mention to the way the character of Sathyadev is introduced, with the ‘Oru Melisaana Kodu’ dialogue in the background and the cop scene from Moondru Mugam on TV with Rajni on one side and the villain on the other.
The scene then cuts to show Sathyadev behind bars implying his cross-over. Brilliant! The Yennai Arindhaal theme song that immediately follows the reveal, stylishly packed with montages of high-octane cop drama, make these portions of the movie move at a more brisk pace after quite a leisurely start.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Here is a filmmaker who signed up a hot star with a crazy fan following, for his re-entry film, and then chose to believe in himself and his craft rather than the star power of his actor. Here is a filmmaker who believed that all human emotions can be translated visually irrespective of the conflict and at the end of the day, those are the moments that really matter. Here is a filmmaker who chose to give Ajith fans a film they could be proud of, rather than something they would want to see, celebrate and forget.

Exactly! you have very much scope to have more mass scenes with this plot and set-up, but GVM had other plans and he consistently executed that :thumbsup:

9th February 2015, 04:13 PM
Lets travel with Sathya and Eesha


9th February 2015, 04:23 PM
Yesterday in the vijay tv special program "ajith's best moments" gautham, arun vijay and vivek shared a lot of things. Gautham said there were few mass scenes in the movies script. However ajith denied them all. He even removed vivek's dialogues that hint to his stardom. He said I want to show Sathyadev in the movie and not the star ajith. Only scenes that relate to Sathyadev as character should be shown in the movie. Such a bold move. Hats off!

9th February 2015, 04:26 PM
Gautham said there might be a sequel :bluejump:

9th February 2015, 08:15 PM
@Kollywood_Today: #YennaiArindhaal US Box Office:
The film is performing well at US Box office and it has collected US$ 590,780 on four days weekend. Huge!!

9th February 2015, 08:17 PM
@psdthiru: One thing is clear till we give Thala movie rights too Ayngaran in UK our movie will always be downplayed happened to arrambam,veeram&nw YA

9th February 2015, 08:20 PM
@psdthiru: One thing is clear till we give Thala movie rights too Ayngaran in UK our movie will always be downplayed happened to arrambam,veeram&nw YA

VIiay has a much bigger presence in UK and you cannot deny that. It only works on Supply and demand. It is not like some Vijay fan is buying movie and trying to bring down ajith. It is afterall an investment and nobody just want to buy some movie and dump it just for the sake of it.

I believe Vijay has lots of fans from Lanka and that could be a big factor.

9th February 2015, 08:30 PM
VIiay has a much bigger presence in UK and you cannot deny that. It only works on Supply and demand. It is not like some Vijay fan is buying movie and trying to bring down ajith. It is afterall an investment and nobody just want to buy some movie and dump it just for the sake of it.

I believe Vijay has lots of fans from Lanka and that could be a big factor.
Appidi oru image irukku but you cannot deny there are some elements that try to play down Ajith and his films like releasing HD quality YA in local channel UK to prevent people from going to theatre to see it.

9th February 2015, 08:31 PM
@BoxOfficeSquare: 56-57 crores worldwide in 4 days, That too releasing on a non-festive day!! Huge opening! #YennaiArindhaal http://t.co/JuHcRItyf3

9th February 2015, 08:31 PM
@psdthiru: One thing is clear till we give Thala movie rights too Ayngaran in UK our movie will always be downplayed happened to arrambam,veeram&nw YA

Lol quite true I believe nowadays.. some favorable tweets and all the puli paandis at a time coming out from the pipe now :lol:

9th February 2015, 08:33 PM
@thatsTamil: நாலே நாளில் ரூ.50 கோடியை தாண்டியது 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' வசூல்! செஞ்சுரியை நோக்கி அஜித்!! http://t.co/yawOOrcMwT #YennaiArindhaal

9th February 2015, 08:42 PM
VIiay has a much bigger presence in UK and you cannot deny that. It only works on Supply and demand. It is not like some Vijay fan is buying movie and trying to bring down ajith. It is afterall an investment and nobody just want to buy some movie and dump it just for the sake of it.

I believe Vijay has lots of fans from Lanka and that could be a big factor.

On day 1 YA HD had been played in a local channel which has more than 1Lakh subscribers... Ayngaran distributed France reported as loss by few sites... Ayngaran releaseku munnadi overa koralu kodukkumpothey oru doubt irunthuchu... ippo confirm...

Latest trend ennana giving positive reviews on the opening day and downplaying the BO numbers... Neutral aam.. :P

9th February 2015, 09:36 PM
Freedom - that is just an impression. Otherwise, every Thala movie should have collected less than all Joseph's previous movies.

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9th February 2015, 09:41 PM
no statutory warnings before/between the movie here !!!!

no mukesh / nuraiyeeral at the start or after intermission here.... means no one even smoked in this movie ??

how many of you noticed that ??!!

9th February 2015, 09:48 PM
Sirmal... Even Arrambam came without any statutory warning if I remember it correctly... I hope you have noticed that there is one bar scene... Vivek talking about salt and pepper for an omlette.. But when Sathyadev gets inside, sits with a cool drink...

9th February 2015, 11:56 PM
Vasantha Balan on YA

என்னை அறிந்தால் பார்த்தேன்.
கௌதம் தனக்கென ஒரு திரைமொழி வைத்துள்ளார்
அது தரும் கவர்ச்சி..ரம்மியமானது.
அழகான ஆங்கிலம்
அழகான உரைநடை கவிதையான தமிழ் உலவும் வசனம் பிரத்யேகமாக கௌதமின் ஸ்பெஷல்.
த்ரிஷா அஜித் அத்தனை அழகு.
ஒளிப்பதிவு அத்தனை உயர்தரம்.
அஜீத் படத்தின் கிளைமாக்ஸ் நடக்கும் இடம் ஒரு வீட்டினுள் ....
மற்ற கமர்சியல் படங்களில் இருந்து கௌதம் படம் வேறுபடுவதற்கு அது ஒரு காரணம்.
வேறு படங்களாக இருந்தால்
கதாநாயகி ஒரு பள்ளிக்கூட மாணவியாகவோ
கல்லுரரி மாணவியாகவோ இருப்பார்
அவரை ஹீரோ துரத்தி துரத்தி காதலிப்பார்.
கௌதம் படத்தில் ஹீரோ ஒரு டைவர்ஸ் ஆன பெண்ணை ஒரு ஆசிரியை ஒரு குழந்தையுடன் உள்ள இளம் அம்மாவை காதலிப்பது திருமணம் செய்து கொள்ளப்போவது அழகாக உள்ளது.
தொடர்ந்து ஓரே விதமான போலீஸ் படங்களை எடுப்பது தான் ஒரு சலிப்பாக உள்ளது.
மற்றபடி படம் ஒரு உயர்மட்ட ரசனைக்குரியது
வாழ்த்துக்கள் கௌதம்

10th February 2015, 12:51 AM
If this is true, the producer should go after the channel.

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10th February 2015, 01:06 AM
On day 1 YA HD had been played in a local channel which has more than 1Lakh subscribers... Ayngaran distributed France reported as loss by few sites... Ayngaran releaseku munnadi overa koralu kodukkumpothey oru doubt irunthuchu... ippo confirm...

Latest trend ennana giving positive reviews on the opening day and downplaying the BO numbers... Neutral aam.. :P

I would put it on rampant piracy of YA. I atleast know 7 family friends of mine who stayed and watch HD print at home and told the movie was good. Heck, even my wife said we can watch it at home since the print was too good. I pulled her to the theatre. Guess what, Free always sells faster than anything else. Also life is always unfair.

If distributor like Ayngaran or AMR can only sit and watch , what can we do?

10th February 2015, 01:12 AM
Even better if they Air the movie, Saves you time and effort downloading the Torrent. Very Sad. same story, people watched HD print staying home.

10th February 2015, 01:35 AM
Guys - this is not new for us esp with Ayngaran. We can't do anything about it since the producers and distributors don't care.

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10th February 2015, 01:36 AM
Even better if they Air the movie, Saves you time and effort downloading the Torrent. Very Sad. same story, people watched HD print staying home.

or maybe Ayn and AMR gives Rats A $ $ about piracy in europe and NA, which isn't surprising given chunk of revenue comes from India.

10th February 2015, 01:47 AM
Having watched thrice,I can assert as an Actor Thala's most natural & almost flwaless work since Vaali/Kandukondein days.Every expression is nuanced.
First time had quite apprehensions though liked the film and subsequent watch made it more enjoyable.

..Anushka proposing dialogue in Cofee shop looked naive.Expected more gangster part due to Thyagaraja involvemet seems that too chopped..

Anushka's and Thalas convo in Flight was good....wished GVM would hav extended Anushka role Thala super dapper in S & P look and Anuskha will make a stunning pair...Yen Yennai Song Anushka sitting in Blue saree.. drool:-P

Triasha part was simple and sweet..too good..but crowd not even once kept quiet when I watched thrice..orae comment..
Honesty felt Gautham could have made certain scenes way better....Eventhough it was underplayed..interval in golden raj house would have been done better..When interval appeared something was missing

KId was awesome didnt go overboard and kept emotions subtle...
Noticed this in many Hollywood Cop films...the Police Protagonist would have daughter,,so its kinda template in Holly cop films Satyadev-Esha bonding worked well..But felt second half should have made more gripping...
Repeated Phone convos and driving in final chase sequence looked jaded after a point.

Certainly not up to my expectation since Ajith_GVM combo expected more :twisted: and it was refreshing to see Thala in such a Author backed strong role after long time.

Even in his own Gautham style without succumbing to Thala's image or Star power,Script had in itself certain "Moments" which GVM didnt translate on screen..one such was Thala going to Golden raj house just before inteval IMO.
Having said this,there are lot of superb tongue in cheek dialoges throughout....idhu Venugopal veeda illa @#$$%....avan Bag vechurukaan elam :rotfl:

Gona watch again this week....

10th February 2015, 02:18 AM
After 2nd time watch still got some :confused2:

Golden Raj after telling SathyaDev all the infos said he got the clue from a black sheep inside his police team. Gautham didn´t reveal him as he may think every police team has such a guy.

After victors phone call he got out of his car and cried. But somehow he shoud already have known that the incident happened just because of his job and some of his enemies. Why shouting in that scene that he feels responsible for that happened incident. Somehow I could not feel the surprise shock in that moment.

10th February 2015, 04:09 AM
Golden Raj after telling SathyaDev all the infos said he got the clue from a black sheep inside his police team. Gautham didn´t reveal him as he may think every police team has such a guy.

You see this trilogy is quite unique, and an attempt which should be recognised. It is the exploration of fictional characters created by GVM over one another, but still providing a unique storyline for each. The thread he leaves behind in one, he pulls it in the second and stretches it in the thrid. Failing to note this, 'general' audience complain that YA being in the lines of Khakka Khakka & Vettaiadu Villaiyadu. Ofcorase it is.

ACT1 of YA is Rise of Anbuchelvan. There are several threads pulled from Khakka Khakka to match Satyadev. I can tell you one : the appearence of GVM. Its their first official meet with a special force team. Now look back at Khakka Khakka and the appearence of GVM in it and the role of his team. A back story of who is Anbuchelvan is what we see as Satyadev, until he becomes DCP.

ACT2 of YA is Journey of Raghavan. After an extremely jaw opening carrier, Raghavan is trying hard to jump the hurdles of age. Throw in the murder of his wife. He is a widower. Sathyadev at 38+ looses Hemanika. Go back and recollect the scenes from VV in US of A, conversation with Jothika. So from there, Satyadev volunteerly leaves the police force to take care of his child until his friend knocks the door to pleed with him to find his kidnapped daughter.

ACT3 of YA is ensemble experience of Ambitious Anbuselvan + Rude Raghavan = Self-conscious Satyadev. This part entirely belongs to Satyadev and thats where and why Victor plays a major role, connecting the dots leads to the restaurant episode where probably Anbuselvan was 13. And the jeep was a straight give away.

So keeping all this in mind, a corrupted cop reference surfaces years apart twice. In both suituations Satyadev was not in a position to give it a thought but plays by his instincts as Raghavan. After that his life gets busy. Maybe, now, at 42+ Satyadev could recollect such incident, and being outside the department may dig out this corrupted cop to save the rest of the young teams in operation. Its a thread left loose by GVM, and he can pick it up anytime he wants. As Arulprash wished this corrupt cop maybe Vinayak Mahadev - Let the chase begin.

See you can pull as many threads you want, and the beauty is GVM assembled to look as a standalone material. Another one - to bring back Victor, this corrupt cop whom Satya chases seems to be the one who released Victor faking the 'jail knife wound' episode, plus he is the brain behind the whole crime that we see in YA. Now Satya has "chase one villian, get another one for free" suituation.

After victors phone call he got out of his car and cried. But somehow he shoud already have known that the incident happened just because of his job and some of his enemies. Why shouting in that scene that he feels responsible for that happened incident. Somehow I could not feel the surprise shock in that moment.

If you have read my post - Who is Victor ? Who is Satya ? Who are they ? - you could have made out a sort of mirror image between them. Victor knows Satya, and Satya knows Victor. When Hemanika is murdered, the first question Satya asks is where is Victor ?. Confirmed that Victor is not the cause, he reacts in urgence to the revenge call and pays Golden Raj a visit. There he realises something very important, but comes out untouched. This incident gives him two things - Satisfaction (for avenging Hemanika's murderers, as he assumes) + Fear. So he decides to roll with the life keeping the Kakki out. Years pass. Harmony restored. Victor arrives. Satya treats him as a criminal. But when Victor announces what Satya does not wish to hear, a junk of his memory comes flooding. Not only that he did not give a second thought on Victor connecting the murder, but if he had killed him (rather than advicing him) when he got that chance, Hemanika would have been with him now. Driven by guilt and sorrow - a mix that cracks anyone - takes Satya to his kness and the cry is nothing but a howl. The wolf is ready, time to hunt the dogs disguised and operating as lambs.

10th February 2015, 04:37 AM
After 2nd time watch still got some :confused2:

Golden Raj after telling SathyaDev all the infos said he got the clue from a black sheep inside his police team. Gautham didn´t reveal him as he may think every police team has such a guy.

After victors phone call he got out of his car and cried. But somehow he shoud already have known that the incident happened just because of his job and some of his enemies. Why shouting in that scene that he feels responsible for that happened incident. Somehow I could not feel the surprise shock in that moment.

after victor's phone call he realised victor was responsible for trisha's murder. that's why he got out of the car and cried.

going to watch it again tonight.... :smile:

10th February 2015, 04:39 AM
Wait what? Am I missing something here? YA, KK and VV are a trilogy?

10th February 2015, 04:45 AM
Wait what? Am I missing something here? YA, KK and VV are a trilogy?


i thought that's what GVM said in his recent interview

10th February 2015, 04:46 AM
என்னை அறிந்தால் 4 நாளில் இமாலய வசூல்!

10th February 2015, 04:48 AM

09 Feb 2015 - 01 34 PMYennai arindhaal final collection 4 days in india

Ajith Kumar’s Yennai Arindhaal directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon was released on last Thursday (February 5) and opened to positive reviews. In fact , it happens to be only one film in Tamil that had fetched 3-4 star rating over the past couple of years in Tamil cinema. Meanwhile, the opening weekend collection of Indian box office for this film has been revealed and it goes as follows.

TN - 40.93Cro

Kerala - 5.95Cro

Karnataka - 6.74Cro

Other States - 1.95

Totally India Crossed - 52 to 54 Crores in India approximately. The overseas collection report is still pending to be done and trade analysts predict that it might range between 19-22Crores approximately.

10th February 2015, 04:50 AM
Well, in a sense, strictly driven by the 3 principle characters, yes. It a bundle of one cop story with episodes - a unique one - where the 3 characters are one and the same, according to the vision of GVM. Thats how I would like to call it, something like the Dollars Trilogy.

10th February 2015, 04:50 AM

i thought that's what GVM said in his recent interview

Oh wow. Then it completely changes how I view the movie. One of my major problem with the movie was that ajiths character had the exact same personality and mannerism as surya and kamal in KK and VV respectively. If it is a trilogy then damn, that's smart. I might have to watch KK and VV now and go see YA again to fully understand the movie.

10th February 2015, 04:54 AM
that's smart.

Exactly. Been trying to empahsis that from the begining. Let me know what else you find after watching KK & VV, please. It would be a whole lot of an experience discussing about it.

10th February 2015, 06:05 AM

extended further 1 week in brisbane

10th February 2015, 06:06 AM

10th February 2015, 06:50 AM
On day 1 YA HD had been played in a local channel which has more than 1Lakh subscribers... Ayngaran distributed France reported as loss by few sites... Ayngaran releaseku munnadi overa koralu kodukkumpothey oru doubt irunthuchu... ippo confirm...

Latest trend ennana giving positive reviews on the opening day and downplaying the BO numbers... Neutral aam.. :P

Ayngaran dosen't promote thala movies. Its a fact. For YA there is no single posters in any Tamils Stores in Canada. They have good bonding with other actor since they hosted an Event in Srilanka with that actor back in 90's. But I noticed only in UK and Canada our tamils blindly go for his movies because He married to a girl from Eelam. In Jaffna, Thala is getting stronger by seeing the fans activities now days.

10th February 2015, 07:03 AM
Cujoo - I don't think it is a reason. Till now, it was ok. Only the pirated release is something that the producer need to be aware and investigate the source.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10th February 2015, 08:13 AM
That's true Selva. But how keen is Ayngaran on resolving the pirated issue. They won't bother about it

10th February 2015, 09:33 AM
This incident gives him two things - Satisfaction (for avenging Hemanika's murderers, as he assumes) + Fear. So he decides to roll with the life keeping the Kakki out. Years pass. Harmony restored.
Mappi, nice analysis. You're right. I too had the same doubt, but I didn't think from the angle that Satya had a chance to kill Victor, but he let him go, giving him a chance to come to the other side of the thin line. And yeah, Satya says, "Harmony is restored" when Victor is arrested.

10th February 2015, 09:35 AM

10th February 2015, 10:06 AM
Bimmer - please delete it. Posting memes will create endless fights

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10th February 2015, 11:43 AM

10th February 2015, 11:44 AM
#YennaiArindhaal in #Japan releasing tomorrow details here: http://www.indoeiga.com/booking.htm


10th February 2015, 11:46 AM

extended further 1 week in brisbane

Perth Tamil Movies @PerthTamilMovie ·
#YennaiArindhaal Continuing its run in 9 Screens AUS despite #Anegan Release!

10th February 2015, 12:34 PM

YA #3 in UAE

10th February 2015, 12:58 PM
YA shows at Satyam cinemas today... As of now 18 shows out of 37 are full.. Other shows are 80 to 90% full and are fast filling.. It is a Happy Tuesday :)


10th February 2015, 02:09 PM
YA shows at Satyam cinemas today... As of now 18 shows out of 37 are full.. Other shows are 80 to 90% full and are fast filling.. It is a Happy Tuesday :)


Familyoda Sathyam evening show balconyla paakalaamnu paatha Thursday varai premium class la kuda tickets illa :argh:

10th February 2015, 02:18 PM
mixed reports?? Really, sify?

10th February 2015, 02:20 PM
mixed reports?? Really, sify?
In their dreams..

10th February 2015, 02:21 PM

10th February 2015, 02:23 PM
mixed reports?? Really, sify?

Baby im replying for that in box office thread. Konjam time aagum. If you wait you can have some fun.

10th February 2015, 02:24 PM
Baby im replying for that in box office thread. Konjam time aagum. If you wait you can have some fun.

I'm waiting Anna!!

10th February 2015, 02:24 PM
I'm waiting Anna!!
[emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106]

10th February 2015, 02:29 PM
Familyoda Sathyam evening show balconyla paakalaamnu paatha Thursday varai premium class la kuda tickets illa :argh:

Inbaththil oru thuli thunbam.. :P

10th February 2015, 02:36 PM
mixed reports?? Really, sify?

Sify ah thaan 15 varushamaa paarthuttu irukkirOmea... Ajith paththi pugalra maathiri oru article vantha.. aduththa article kavukka readya irukkum... Very rarely they have given good reviews for Ajith movies... Like I mentioned earlier, giving good reviews and playing down the BO numbers is the latest trend... you could see this in most of the media, social media reviewers, bo trackers etc...

10th February 2015, 02:40 PM
BM waiting :thumbsup:

10th February 2015, 02:40 PM
You see this trilogy is quite unique, and an attempt which should be recognised. It is the exploration of fictional characters created by GVM over one another, but still providing a unique storyline for each. .
mappi, IIRC golden raj says "Un aalu oruthan/ Unakku therincha oruthan " if GVM leaves that to audience to decide that can be victor as well, one more thing it would have been better if sethupathy was a another undercover cop than this repay for the 10K help and all..

10th February 2015, 02:49 PM
Saw some good reviews in BW visitor column

Yennai Arindhaal - Satyadev and his Choices.

Yennai Arindhaal revolves around the thought that, “It’s our choices that determine our future”. Ajith’s dialogue, “Oru Mellisana Kodu, intha pakkam pona na nallavan…. Andha pakkam pona na rumba Kettavan.. intha pakkama illa antha pakkama nu mudivu panna oru naal vanthuchu valkaila.. valkai enna oruthana mathuchu” summarises the whole plot of YA.

Arranging the story in a linear manner, the story begins with Satyadev interacting with his dad about his future, the choices he has to make and the work involved after selecting a choice. His father’s death leaves him with a choice of killing the bad guys either the good way or the bad way. The path he decides serves as the starting point for the following events.

The consequences of three different events of sparing Victor’s life, helping Hemanika (choosing to save a life than killing another) and being a good father to Isha intertwine together and bring a major change in Satyadev’s life. It’s the choice of helping his friend’s daughter that brings him back into the game. Correlate all these incidents with Ajith’s kodu dialogue and you will know, why YA is different from other GVM movies?

(I have shortened the storyline. Scenes where he goes to take revenge, thinks of his daughter during the fight with Golden Raj and the events that follow are based on his choices. Think of the story the other way around, what if Satyadev chooses not to help Hemanika or How would it be if Satyadev killed Victor in his first choice. Also, what would have happened if he called his friends in the department to save his friends daughter. Such thoughts will make the story even more interesting. )

All these choices lead us to the climax that answers to questions like, Did Satyadev choose to kill Victor in his second chance? Did he win in his choice to kill the bad guys ? Did he balance the equation between good and bad ?
To comment about the screen space for Arun Vijay and the screenplay of YA, I guess GVM has opted to show only the good side rather than explaining Victor’s story and his whereabouts (A choice between good and Bad!) . Also, the tile says “Yennai Arindhaal”, who else did you expect the story will revolve around?

Why is Yennai Arindhaal special? And what makes it more than an action movie?
Each and every scene in the movie is consequences of a choice that has been made earlier. Absence of Ajith’s mass factor, brilliant performances from the lead actors and a justifiable screen play makes Yennai Arindhaal special.

All in all YA is a good movie with brilliant performances from Ajith, Arun Vijay, Trisha and that little girl. Kudos, to GVM and team.

P.S :
1. I am not an Ajith Fan.
2. These are just my views about the movie.
N. Venkat Nivas


10th February 2015, 02:52 PM
Yennai Arindhaal - A self-realization of the actor in himself!

A simple tale which portrays the travel of a persona and its struggles through different facets of life.

Ajith has clearly displayed his multidimensional acting skills. Be it a snazzy cop or a caring father or a loyal son or a sincere lover, he has done it all with ease and fit the bill perfectly. He has surrendered himself for the character and has showcased a never before seen acting skill set. The love that we have for him as an actor would definitely soar up high after watching this flick.

Gautham Menon rebounds in great style, after his recent movies being misfired heavily. He has cleverly chosen the crème de la crème of his genres and has presented it quite impeccably. Kudos to him for not letting Ajith’s stardom influencing his script in anyway. He is one director who redefines the stereotypical Tamil romantic scenes every time (including in this one) and succeeds in the process. His cameo performance streak continues in this one too.

Arun Vijay, who had gone lost in all the noises in Tamil cinema, has now proved that he is a definite talent material, especially in the confrontation scene between him and Ajith over the phone. Vivek as ‘Revolver’ Richard is convincing and has managed to tickle some funny bones. Trisha, who comes as a single mother, has shown a lot of maturity in her acting and Anushka has delivered perfectly what has been told. Baby Anikha impresses with her innocent looks and subtle emotions.

Harris's background score is electrifying and the duo has struck the right chord once again. Anthony’s cuts are razor-sharp. The involvement of Thiagarajan Kumara raja holds the reason for some rawness in the script. Dan Macarthur’s lens has got the special power of magnifying beauty beyond proportions.

A lot of Menon-isms are visibly evident. The movie is pacy and gripping, though it slacks a little bit in some portions with extended scenes and unwanted lengthy dust-ups. But considering the fact that the movie is shortened now, this would do some good.

In conclusion, Yennai Arindhaal definitely falls in the ‘”must watch movie” category and it's not a film made for the fans to just come, celebrate and forget it; but instead to contemplate and cherish it forever!



10th February 2015, 02:54 PM
Yennai Arindhaal Visitor Review
By Vinod Nair

When the news of Ajith joining hands with director Gautham Vasudev Menon (GVM) broke, the anticipation for the film soared. To make the news even sweeter, Harris Jayaraj reunites with GVM after almost seven years. As it was somehow revealed to be an action-thriller (GVM’s forte), the anticipation soared even higher for Yennai Arindhaal (YA).

Touted as the final installment of GVM’s ‘trilogy’ of cop films, YA is about an IPS officer Sathyadev whose actions to uphold law-and-order in the past comes back to haunt him later in his life in the form of a vengeful criminal by the name of Victor.

Ajith was at his best, as the cop-with-attitude Sathyadev and also as the doting dad. He may have played a cop in Mankatha albeit a negative one but like all other the cop characters in GVM’s previous films, Ajith as Sathyadev duly impressed and captured the hearts of the audience as well. Arun Vijay in his negative role as Victor was a revelation. He showed the performer in him here. Like Jeevan for Pandya and Daniel Balaji-Saleem Baig for the Amuthan-Illamaran duo, Arun Vijay has created an identity for himself. Gautham has always shown his lead ladies in a positive and dignified manner and he continues that in YA. Both Trisha and Anushka performed well with elan as per the character requirements. Rest of the cast including Vivek, Anikha, Ashish Vidyarthi, Parvathy Nair were impressive in their respective roles.

The technical aspects of the film are of top quality. The two DoPs, Dan MacArthur and SR Kathir has done a brilliant job with the camera. The realism in the entire film was retained and the songs Unakkena Venum Sollu and Mazhai Vara Poguthu were well picturised. Harris Jayaraj who has always reserved his best for GVM, has delivered again. Thanks to editor Anthony, the momentum of the film was intact and the narration was smooth although YA had a non-linear storyline. Silva’s action choreography was realistic and his did a good job on-and-off the screen as well.

After the debacle of Neethane En Ponvasantham, GVM returns to his trusted domain and succeeds.YA is a classy action thriller delivered in a typical Gautham Vasudev Menon-style, complete with superb performances by the entire cast, excellent BGM, realistic action and not forgetting the special appearance by the director himself.

Rating: 4.5/5
Verdict: Top-notch product, delivered in a typical GVM style.

Vinod Nair


10th February 2015, 03:47 PM
mappi, IIRC golden raj says "Un aalu oruthan/ Unakku therincha oruthan " if GVM leaves that to audience to decide that can be victor as well, one more thing it would have been better if sethupathy was a another undercover cop than this repay for the 10K help and all..

Yes. Yes.
Un aalu oruthan/ Unakku therincha oruthan => curious. Another angle, Golden Raj could have bluffed too (which I doubt).
Sethupathy matter is something to do with the gangster story which could have been trimmed. Lets wait and see.

10th February 2015, 04:15 PM
Chennai Box-Office – Feb 6 to 8

The Chennai box-office boomed last week as the 'King of Opening' Ajith’s Yennai Arindhaal released on Thursday, February 5. The film has taken a very good opening and garnered a four-day gross of approximately Rs 3 Crore from Chennai city.
Yennai Arindhaal is the clear No.1 at CBO this week helped by a large number of screens and Ajith’s screen presence. The film has got decent reviews but some of the fans feel it is a mixture of the director’s earlier cop films.

10th February 2015, 04:20 PM
What does "vella uluva" mean? I myself was recepient of this curse, but I want to know if it is a bad word.

10th February 2015, 04:31 PM
Dinesh.. naan keattathillai.. movie la varuthaa? it may be velila vizhuva...

10th February 2015, 04:35 PM
I think Uluva simply means Paruppu ... like in 'periya paruppa nee'.

10th February 2015, 04:52 PM
Ending each day with "Unakenna venum sollu". With all the hectic travel/work, hearing this song and visualizing the scenes are bliss. This song will stay for decades.


10th February 2015, 05:13 PM
Any one give list of Bangalore mayyam Hub Ajithfans list...
As per my knowledge only I know few
3.Arul ( don't know now he is in Chennai OR Bangalore?)

Can we meet & see thala movie..?

10th February 2015, 05:32 PM
Dinesh.. naan keattathillai.. movie la varuthaa? it may be velila vizhuva...

yes, comes in the movie

10th February 2015, 05:35 PM
Any one give list of Bangalore mayyam Hub Ajithfans list...
As per my knowledge only I know few
3.Arul ( don't know now he is in Chennai OR Bangalore?)

Can we meet & see thala movie..?

Now I'm in Bangalore only

10th February 2015, 09:28 PM
What does "vella uluva" mean? I myself was recepient of this curse, but I want to know if it is a bad word.

Vellai Ulluva is collocial term used to make fun of people....who are fair :D

10th February 2015, 09:29 PM
Has anyone noticed?

In Mazhaivara pogudhe song....Thala's Fight and Trisha's dance is perfectly synced just to show what is their passion is.

11th February 2015, 12:44 AM
meanwhile in malaysia...

11th February 2015, 04:02 AM

11th February 2015, 04:10 AM
watched YA again yesterday evening.enjoyed a lot

11th February 2015, 04:18 AM

lovely song....ajith and the little girl awesome

11th February 2015, 04:27 AM

10 Feb 2015 - 04 14 PM

Yennai arindhaal to break singam ii bo records

It’s been a feather on the cap for Suriya and Studio Green Films as their film Singam II had garnered wonderful reviews and was commercially success as well. In fact, trade analysts have clearly stated that the film happens to be one of the top-grossers of Box Office with a whopping worldwide collection of Rs.80Crores approximately, with verified details.

Now it looks like Ajith Kumar’s recent release ‘Yennai Arindhaal’ will create a new record as box office reports are turning to be more favourable during the normal weekdays now.

Already Indian BO collection has been totted up to 52Crores and the overseas collection for the first five days is yet to be revealed.

For now, ATMUS Entertainment has unveiled that the 5-day collection in USA that includes the premiere show on Wednesday (February 4) measures to a huge figure of $480432, which in INR is approximately 2,88,25,920Crores.

With the multiplexes and single screens across Tamil Nadu still house packed, the trade predictions are that it will have a great collection during this week as well.

11th February 2015, 04:29 AM

10 Feb 2015 - 12 56 PM

Gautham menon\'s next with vikram confirmed

Winning streaks of success with Yennai Arindhaal, Gautham Vasudev Menon is back to the bouncing mode and is soon starting to work on his next untitled film with STR.

This film will be a sweet romantic entertainer with Pallavi playing the female lead and AR Rahman has composed music. Meanwhile, interesting news has hit the towns out of sensation that Gautham and Chiyaan Vikram will be coming together for a new project, which will start rolling from July 2015. More details about this project are awaited soon.

11th February 2015, 05:16 AM

blockbuster hit

11th February 2015, 11:23 AM

11th February 2015, 12:51 PM
Now I'm in Bangalore only


11th February 2015, 03:23 PM
என்னை அறிந்தால்... லாபமா, சராசரி வியாபாரமா? Posted by: Shankar Published: Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 14:02 [IST]

இந்த செய்தியை நண்பர்களுடன் பகிர்க: ஷேர் செய்ய ட்வீட் செய்ய ஷேர் செய்ய கருத்துக்கள் மெயில் என்னை அறிந்தால் படம் குறித்து கலவையான விமர்சனங்கள் வந்து ஒருவழியாக ஓய்ந்துள்ளன. இப்போது படத்தின் பிஸினஸ் பற்றி பலரும் பலவிதமாக எழுத ஆரம்பித்துள்ளனர். சிலர் படம் பிரமாதமான வெற்றி என்றும், சிலர் அப்படியெல்லாம் இல்லை... சராசரிதான் என்றும் கூறி வருகின்றனர். தயாரிப்பாளர் ஏஎம் ரத்னம் இதுபற்றி எதுவும் கூறாமல் அமைதி காக்கிறார். அவர் எப்போதுமே அப்படித்தான். பெரிய வெற்றி என்றாலும், தோல்வி என்றாலும் மவுனம்தான் அவர் பதில். சரி படம் உண்மையில் எப்படிப் போகிறது? நன்றாகவே ஓடுகிறது. வசூலும் திருப்தியாக உள்ளது. என்னை அறிந்தால் படம், வெளியாகி ஒரு வாரம் முடிந்த நிலையில் ரூ 60 கோடிக்கு மேல் வசூலித்துள்ளது மொத்தமாக. இதில் தமிழகத்தில் மட்டும் ரூ 40 கோடி வரை இந்தப் படம் வசூலித்துள்ளது. இந்தப் படத்தின் பட்ஜெட்டை வைத்துப் பார்க்கும்போது, இது உண்மையிலேயே நல்ல வசூல்தான். வரி போக ரூ 28 கோடி வரை கிடைத்திருக்கிறது. பிற மாநிலங்களில் கேரளா, கர்நாடகாவில் நல்ல வசூலைப் பெற்றுள்ளது. சர்வதேச அளவில் அமெரிக்காவில் 4 லட்சம் டாலருக்கு மேல் வசூலித்துள்ளது இந்தப் படம். மொத்தமாக ரூ 60 கோடிக்கும் மேல் வசூலித்து, டீசன்டான வெற்றியைப் பெற்றுள்ளது என்னை அறிந்தால். தயாரிப்பாளர் ஏ எம் ரத்னம் சந்தோஷமாக அஜீத்தின் அடுத்த பட வேலைகளை ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டார்.

Read more at: http://tamil.filmibeat.com/news/yennai-arinthaal-goes-well-tamil-nadu-033172.html

11th February 2015, 03:46 PM
What is the story of Yennai Arindhaal 2?

Feb 11, 2015

With an apt title and a vivacious star cast, Yennai Arindhaal was indeed an enticing cop story entwined with a lot of emotions and classic moments. A sequel of Yennai Arindhaal will be a true bliss for all the Thala fans.

Yes, Gautham Menon confirmed to our Behindwoods Correspondent yesterday, that he is most likely to proceed with a sequel. It must be noted that he had hinted regarding a sequel long back itself.

He said "I have a script ready and I have presented it to Ajith. We need to wait for his confirmation on the same."

When asked about the plot of the sequel he said "The story will focus on Sathyadev's life as an ex-cop with a 14 - 15 year old daughter. The film will showcase the journey of this father and will have nothing to do with cops and police."

Looks like Gautham Menon wants to continue his affiliation with Ajith. He also has a bucket of other films on his way to keep him busy for a while.


11th February 2015, 03:47 PM

11th February 2015, 03:49 PM
"The story will focus on Sathyadev's life as an ex-cop with a 14 - 15 year old daughter. The film will showcase the journey of this father and will have nothing to do with cops and police."

BIG NO :mad:

11th February 2015, 03:52 PM
father Journey elaam venaam Sivaji,nee pesaama Surya kittayae poyiru..

11th February 2015, 03:56 PM

11th February 2015, 04:00 PM
If he makes something Period like Thupparium anandhan or spy film like Dhruvanathcatram/Yohan it would be fine..else no need GVM enough IMO

11th February 2015, 04:07 PM

* Ajith/Arun/Vivek/Tisha's performance
* Trisha/Parvathi looked beautiful , ( how did Trisha eyes get big , Quite expressive in this movie )


* too lengthy
* Predictable story
* Rather long
* shades of KK/VV and to some extent the classic Moondru Mugum

11th February 2015, 04:12 PM
Forget to mention the Romance with Trisha and Ajith was done very nicely, guess similar scenes were done in KK as well.

The kiddo in the film is supposed to be 6 , but she looked around 10/11 !!

11th February 2015, 04:17 PM
-deleted with warning-

11th February 2015, 05:50 PM
Params, did you like it or not?

11th February 2015, 05:51 PM
father Journey elaam venaam Sivaji,nee pesaama Surya kittayae poyiru..


11th February 2015, 07:14 PM
Params, did you like it or not?

I certainly liked it :)

11th February 2015, 07:28 PM
Another positive review


12th February 2015, 05:14 AM

12th February 2015, 05:28 AM

12th February 2015, 10:41 AM

12 Feb 2015 - 10 18 AM

Rumours of yennai arindhaal sequel slashed

For the past couple of days, there were many buzzes that Gautham Vasudev Menon has started working on the sequel to Ajith Kumar’s Yennai Arindhaal.

With the film striking gold in box office, it paved route for such news and even the most prominent media channels started publishing the stories.

However, now it has been denied to be baseless rumours and Yennai Arindhaal sequel is not on cards now.

Meanwhile, the film has been generating good reviews and extraordinary box office response across the globe.

Gautham Vasudev Menon will now start working on his next film with STR by next week following which he is reported of teaming up with Vikram.

12th February 2015, 11:31 AM
ATMUS Entertainment @ATMUSent
YennaiArindhaal week 2 USA 23 screens confirmed, 2 more may be.With too many new rlses in English,Hindi,Telugu&Tamil, v cud only manage 23.

12th February 2015, 11:39 AM
YennaiArindhaal continues into week 2 at 20 locations in Sri-Lanka with same number of shows.


12th February 2015, 11:41 AM
#YennaiArindhaal 2nd weekend Swiss Theater Listings and Showtimes!! 4 locs confirmed!!




12th February 2015, 11:42 AM
#YennaiArindhaal 2nd weekend UAE showtimes!! Continued at 8 locations!!


12th February 2015, 11:43 AM
YennaiArindhaal USA BO

4 day weekend : $480,432
Mon : $5,475
Tue : $6,763

6 days : $492,670

12th February 2015, 11:48 AM
Yennai Arindhaal Malaysia opening week Box Office

2,700,960 MYR / $744,780

12th February 2015, 12:24 PM
in australia



until 18/feb/15

12th February 2015, 12:25 PM

12th February 2015, 01:20 PM
#YennaiArindhaal AUS update

1st Wknd : A$153,680
Mon-Wed : A$17,104

1st wk: A$173,784 (12 screens)

12th February 2015, 01:46 PM
என்னை அறிந்தால் – விகடன் சினிமா விமர்சனம்

மெல்லிசா ஒரு கோட்டுக்கு அந்தப் பக்கம் இருக்கும் வில்லன்களை அழிப்பதே… ‘என்னை அறிந்தால்’!
கௌதம் வாசுதேவ் மேனன் ஸ்பெஷல் போலீஸ் கதைகளின் இன்னும் ஓர் அத்தியாயம். ஆனால் ஆச்சர்யமான அஜித் படம்!
கதையை அனுஷ்காவில் ஆரம்பித்து அஜித் – அருண் விஜய் நட்புக்குத் தாவி, மாஃபியா – போலீஸ் சேஸ் அடித்து, த்ரிஷா காதல், ஆசிஷ் பகை, உறுப்புக் கடத்தல்… எனப் பல சுற்றுகளுக்குப் பிறகு க்ளைமாக்ஸ். ‘அதான் அஜித் இருக்காரே… எல்லாம் அவர் பார்த்துப்பார்’ என ஆர்ப்பாட்ட ஆக்ஷன்களை அடுக்காமல், ஒரு போலீஸ் ஆபீஸர், முதிர்ச்சியான காதல், காதலின் இழப்பு தரும் தடுமாற்றம்… என அஜித்தை வேறு ட்ரீட்மென்ட்டில் காட்டியிருக்கிறது கௌதம் மேஜிக்!

படத்தில் அஜித்துக்கு கோட் இல்லை; ஆனால், கோடு இருக்கிறது. மெல்லிசான கோட்டுக்கு அந்தப் பக்கம் முரட்டுப் போலீஸாகவும், இந்தப் பக்கம் நல்ல வில்லனாகவும் மாஸ் காட்டியிருக்கிறார். ஆக்ஷனில் வெடிப்பதும் காதலில் உருகுவதும், மகளின் அப்பாவாகக் கதறுவதுமாக… ‘தல’க்கு படத்தில் பல அவதாரங்கள். ‘விக்டரை எனக்குத் தெரியும். அவன் நிச்சயம் வருவான்…’ என இறுகுவதும், ‘நமக்குனு குழந்தை வேண்டாம். என்ன இப்போ… அடிக்கடி மெடிக்கல் ஷாப்புக்கு ஓட வேண்டியிருக்கும். அவ்வளவுதானே?’ எனக் காதலியைச் சமாதானப்படுத்துவதுமாக… வெல்டன் அண்ட் வெல்கம் அஜித்!
அஜித்துக்கு சவால் கொடுக்கும் செம தில் வில்லனாக உதார் பண்ணுகிறார் அருண் விஜய். மிடுக் உடம்பும் முணுக் கோபமுமாக அனலடிக்கிறது அருணின் ஆவேசம். ‘நாம கல்யாணம் பண்ணிக்கலாமா?’ என அஜித் கேட்க, ‘ஊரே பேசுதில்ல’ என்ற த்ரிஷாவின் ரியாக்ஷன்… லவ்லி. ஆறு வயது மகளின் அம்மாவாகவும் பிரியம் ததும்பும் காதலியாகவும்… க்யூட் த்ரிஷா. ‘அய்யோ… அவன் என்னை முதல்தடவை பார்க்கிறப்ப நான் இப்படியா இருக்கணும்?’ எனப் புலம்பும் விமானப் பயணக் காட்சியில் மட்டும் கவனம் ஈர்க்கிறார் அனுஷ்கா.
பிக்பாக்கெட் அடிப்பதுபோல உறுப்புக் கடத்தல் ஒரு முட்டுச் சந்துக்குள் நடப்பதெல்லாம்…மெடிக்கல் மிராக்கிள். பிளாட்பார பிரஜைகளே சல்லிசாகக் கிடைக்கும்போது, போலீஸின் பாதுகாப்பில் இருக்கிற அமெரிக்க ரிட்டர்ன் அனுஷ்காவை அருண் விஜய் கடத்த மெனக்கெடுவது நம்பவே முடியவில்லை. அத்தனை ரணகளத்தில் குழந்தையை பள்ளிக்கு அனுப்புவது… சினிமா மிராக்கிள்!
பெண் மனதின் பிரியம் பேசும் ‘இதயத்தை ஏதோ ஒன்று…’ பாடலில் தாமரையின் ரசனை கற்பனை… கொலுசொலி ஹைக்கூ . ‘தேன்மொழினு பேர் வெச்சுட்டு தமிழ் தெரியலைன்னா, நல்லா இருக்காதுல?’, ‘ஏய் வேணாம்ப்பா… அவன் முதுகுல பேக் எல்லாம் மாட்டியிருக்கான்’ போன்ற க்யூட் குட்டி வசனங்களுக்கு இடையே, பொளேர் பொளேரென விழுது கெட்ட வார்த்தைகள்… காது வேர்க்குது!
பெரும் திருப்பங்களும் ஆச்சர்யங்களும் இல்லாத திரைக்கதையில் ரேஸ் சேஸ் சேர்த்திருக்கிறது டேன் மெக்கார்த்தரின் ஒளிப்பதிவு. பின்னணி இசையில் மிரட்டல் ஸ்கோர் அடித்திருக்கிறார் ஹாரிஸ் ஜெயராஜ்.
ரொம்ப உதாரு!

விகடன் மார்க்ஸ் - 42

12th February 2015, 02:38 PM
Another positive review


I don't agree with Madhan's remarks on Harris' BGM. I quite liked the BGM during the first fight. In fact, the same BGM is used in the climax fight too, I think. Like GVM rightly said, the BGM pumps up your adrenaline.

12th February 2015, 04:58 PM
He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened - Yennai Arindhaal

A police story has everything inside it, from goodwill to breaking bones. Its the treatment to the tale which makes the difference and specifically how the drama unfolds by exploring the inclinations and intersections. The tale about the 'Road Not Taken' are at plenty. What YA delves into is quite interesting - A person who comes to a point to select his path. He is a winner with his choice. But his preferences pushes him make a 'U' turn and get back on the road frequencly traveled. So you have the 'Road not Taken' as well as 'Road always Taken' elucidated in Yennai Arindhal. The up and down journey, both physical & psycological, of a man is what YA tries to project inbetween all the 'rush hour' suituations. YA concentrates more on the pushing oneself factor, rather than the decesional abilities.

Satya is DCP. Being a terror to bad guys, Satya slowly climbs the pyramid of age where necessities hit him with needs. He hooks up with Hemanika, a divorcee with a girl child. When things start to allign in place - intially his bright carrier, and now his life getting brighter, Satya is pushed to make an ultimate choice. Up when the skies are clear, below when every side is green, fate traps Satya inbetween with another challenge - a challenge that cannot be refused, at the same time Victory is not the key word.

Gautham Vasudevan Menon (GVM) has potrayed some of his marvelous expertise, be it dialogues, romance, drama, suspense & thrills. Each aspect is handled carefully that the jump between the genres is not shocking. There you have a couple having coffee and from nowhere masked men attack them. Harmonious life of a father-daugther is interrupted by a knock at the door. A dream come true suituation becomes a nightmare. Such contrast suituations keep on hitting in regular intervals, that make YA not only interesting but interactive too. Moreover, the fluidity of a portion of a biopic runs elegantly and during the midway of the film, its flavour has already changed. All this happening in a single script is what makes GVM's Yennai Arindhaal a fabulous piece of work.

The technical team plays an important role to make GVM acheive his goal. I usually don't talk much about technicalities while recomending a movie, but here I would like to mention 2 things - Dan was awesome. There is more than just 'angles' to a camera work.

The proposition of GVM to film the movie in such a way should be appreciated and equal laurels should be shared amoung the tech team and its supervisors. A fantastic team work, proves big on the screen. Harris Jayaraj plays to the mood of the scenes, which are quite helpful in drawing the attention. Hats off HJ. The interesting part of the film are the songs. In YA, the carefully choosen placements and the lyrics, kind of advance the movie registering the informations needed to understand the flow of the film :

- Yenna Endru is a fantastic song used to project the desires of a young lady. This representation comes as a Karokkee, which I felt was quite elegant in projecting that the lines are a recital of the heart. Plus, the way Anuska enters with her saree hugging her body reminded me the entry of Amala in Vellaikaran 'Thotathula Pathi Katti' song.

- Adhu Aaru Adhu Aru with no 'electricuted steps' or 'ants in the pant movements' but just some elegant moves which were cool, esp. the last step (Siv.s mentioned it too) was such a grace. It added more fun to already punchy song. Silva sports 'the Basha's "Life inside 8" song' costume. And there is a similar setup in Pudhupettai where Danush 'Kuthifies' for YSR's solo 'Kuthu' - Variya - one of my favourites.

- The stage play song gives a variety of images of Hemanika. Her choice through which she tricked herself followed by a miserable married life is what we see in this sequence.

- Kadikaram Parthal Thavaru basically interrupts to advance and stretch the storyline, mostly used to show the rise of Satya and describe how fearless he is. The needles of the clock are suddenly forwarded at an interesting pace with this song.

- Mazhai Vara Poghudhey is like the best photos of the best moments of your best vacation that you share with your friends. Everything suddenly looks so beautiful and there you have an handsome guy dating a pretty woman. A 'Thalapathy Shobana' touch was excellent.

- Unnaku yenna vennum sollu - I will allow you to experience this song. Just keep on noting the advancement in the bonding, the lightest moments in the movie.

- Idhayathil is a reply to the questions Satya had asked his child. As a grown up but still a child, Thenmozhi replies to his affection finding all means to beleive that he will accept her.

With handful of principle character, GVM deceides to juggle with the plot, based on these characters. Basically it is the "melisana' kodu moment for GVM. Character driven plot or Plot driven characters. Both is possible, but choosing the former, GVM becomes a winner in his adaptation. All the lead artists have performed well :

- Anuska : She was a charm when she was thinking something and uttering anything else. within seconds she changes - one according to her thought, second according to what she says.

- Trisha - When Satya proposes her, the hesistance she shows without any words or 'hush-a-busha' was excellent. Satya just keeps pushing her and finally convinces her with a cracker line - They got to visit the medical shop often. Simply Lovely.

- Victor plays Arun Vijay in this movie. No, Arun Vijay plays Victor ... Whatever ! He is a ram, who uses his head to think less but collide more. GVM gives a wonderful touch to this character's costume. He is seen walking around in white - Pure Evil. Just towards the end, he changes Black - Real Evil. [There are several top notch interpretations in this movie]. Arun Vijay has a different task here - he got to talk, threaten, counter, pleed, get mad, pose to be clever ... etc etc ... all at once. And the dialogues should be punched as if he has the upper hand and he makes the rules. Not to mention the suituation he is struggling to be a step ahead of smart Satya betting his life on it. If you get the tension in Victor right, Arun Vijay's potrayal will be quite visible. Hats off Arun Vijay.

- Anikha Surendran is a doll. A kid that uses her eyes so brilliantly. Just small gestures, neatly making the impact. When Satya asks her the permission to let Thenmozhi pass the night with them, the reaction she gives is so beautiful - shy, timid at the same time proud - Hats off Kiddo.

- The side kicks & rest of the villans (Father Matthew or Golden Raj) were excellent too. Tiny bits, but memorable ones. And the scene where they to come to threaten Satya at his house is cult.

Ajith is a kind of person, that kind people like and want to be like. A lot is talked about his screen presence, his performence, 'Ajith as an actor' etc. No point in using the same 'template-lines' here too. Let me get into and see his intro, a disappointing factor or thats what I hear. It all started with ASAL - (I have not gone futher into Ajith, en route, but for the moment this is what I got to say) - it all started with Asal when they deceided to exploit the word 'Thala'. The intro of Ajith projects the 'Thala' and the movie tries to sky rocket the Thala factor, ex. The shadow & Suresh dialogues. Then came Mankatha, where we see his zoomed in head during the intro. Followed by Billa 2, where his upper torso falls on the screen with a head moment. Arrambham gave a new touch, where the escalator mounting introduces the Thala. And Veeram continues to show this 'Thala' differently. See the intros are very important, it registers a lot, and for the past few years its amazing to see how Ajith's image is exploited. In YA, the flight sequence opens with a glimpse of 'Thala'. GVM actually teases the fans, but gives 3 bright intros sucessively, and when Ajith introduces himself as 'I am Satya', the guy next to me was almost dry by then. So GVM takes the intro, stamping yet another mark in 'Ajith Intro Saga'. More to come, and I allow you to explore them. Plus, eyes closed, lips tight and only ears open is a kind of communication that Ajith does with his fans. Pick all the hidden messages in this movie, as Ajith is communicating with you, the fans.

In conclusion, YA is a very good film. The moments that you spend are rewarded with multiple flavoured emotions and finaly the impact the film makes is impressive.

Yennai Arindhaal - True Wisdom

12th February 2015, 05:55 PM
12 Feb 2015 - 05 20 PM

1 (http://www.cinemalead.com/news-id-yennai-arindhaal-ajith-12-02-15-027310.htm#)


Thursdays are always the favourite time for AM Rathnam and Ajith Kumar to release their movies and it has been followed from a very long time. With ‘Yennai Arindhaal’, the successful duo has made a brilliant show and now the box office collection reports compiled with the reliable statements from the renowned distributors is as follows. The film released on February 5 has managed to sweep a gross of 100Crores in a span of one week. The Break-up list of the worldwide collection is as follows.
Tamil Nadu
1st Day - 10.80 (without Special Shows)
2nd Day - 8.89
3rd day - 9.62
4th Day - 9.93
5th day - 6.12
6th day - 5.45
7th day - 4.12 - TN Total - 54.93 Crores

1st Day - 1.69 (without Special Shows)
2nd Day - 1.23
3rd day - 1.19
4th Day - 1.36
5th day - 0.74
6th day - 0.55
7th day - 0.38 - Kerala Total - 7.14 Crores

1st Day - 1.71 (without Special Shows)
2nd Day - 1.09
3rd day - 1.12
4th Day - 1.23
5th day - 0.85
6th day - 0.59
7th day - 0.46 - Karnataka Total - 7.05 Crores

Other States
1st Day - 1.36 (without Special Shows)
2nd Day - 0.65
3rd day - 0.69
4th Day - 0.84
5th day - 0.43
6th day - 0.38
7th day - 0.21 - Other States Total - 4.56 Crores

1st Day - 8.12 (without Special Shows)
2nd Day - 4.78
3rd day - 3.58
4th Day - 4.12
5th day - 2.85
6th day - 2.03
7th day - 1.68 – Overseas Total - 27.16 Crores

Total Collection 7 Days - 100 Crores and 84 Lakhs (Approx). Nett - 70 Crores and 48 lakhs As mentioned about all the reports are collected directly from the distributors’ statement and there is no personal opinion or views expressed by the editorial team of cinema lead.

12th February 2015, 06:04 PM
All fake reports will be put to rest...nobody can stop a good film from becoming a hit

என்னை அறிந்தால்' இறங்காத வசூல்


12th February 2015, 06:12 PM
Interesting. According to this report, YA has emerged a BB.

Update on 'Yennai Arindhaal' sequel

Gautham Vasudev Menon has said multiple times that he is willing to work with Ajith again and again and 'Yennai Arindhaal' might have a possible sequel. There were a few reports stating that Gautham has given the script for the sequel to Ajith and waiting for his approval to kick start the proceedings for the part 2. But everything has been dismissed as mere rumors as Gautham will be moving on to his untitled venture with STR in the coming week and will be directing Vikram for the first time after completing the romantic entertainer which is tentatively titled as ‘Sattendru Maarudhu Vaanilai’.

Meanwhile, ‘Yennai Arindhaal’ is expected to emerge as the first blockbuster of 2015. The movie is rock steady in terms of collections and positive reviews from all over the world.


12th February 2015, 07:54 PM
he who knows himself is enlightened

"known is a drop, unknown is an ocean "He who knows him self knows all " :)

13th February 2015, 12:01 AM
Despite the new release, yennai arindhaal's mid night show in Dubai 8-)


13th February 2015, 12:08 AM
And in Qatar.....


13th February 2015, 12:13 AM
mappi :thumbsup: but write more about YA ;)

13th February 2015, 11:45 AM

13th February 2015, 11:53 AM
In Mauritius from today

13th February 2015, 02:40 PM
Seems YA is doing well in Chennai. What I see from TicketNew is most of the shows are almost houseful and other shows are filling fast. Even the Sunday shows (when there is Indians' ever-favorite Ind-Pak clash) are filling fast. It's a clear indication that the movie is doing well because of the WoM.

13th February 2015, 05:47 PM
The heroine who is a single mother , a daughter from her previous marriage, dialogues like ' Ungal koode njan en vaazhkaye vazhanam ,unke koode naan irikkanam' and many other scenes looks like a straight lift from Gautham Menon's previous cop movies Kakka Kakka and Vettaiyadu Vilaiyaadu .But before we complain on the similarities , did anyone notice that Gautham Menon could have deliberately left the similarities to maintain the continuity

In Kakka Kakka, Surya and Jyothika falls in love and marries ... Jyothika finally dies at the end..
In Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu's flashback ,its shown Kamal Haasan 's wife is dead ( exactly like where Kakka Kakka ended) .Then he is about to marry a single mother(Jyothika) and arrives the marriage with Jyothika's daughter while the end credit rolls....
In Yennai Arinthaal's flashback, Ajith is about to marry Trisha and was planning to arrive at the day of marriage with Trisha's daughter (again where Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu ended) but then Trisha dies and finally Ajith adopts and takes care of the girl like his own daughter...

So on a bigger note , there are great chances that Gautham Menon was always narrating the story of a single police officer in just three different episodes!


13th February 2015, 06:16 PM
How has Yennai Arindhaal survived post-Anegan?

Thala Ajith's Yennai Arindhaal enters the 2nd week of its run today. Despite the release of Anegan, the film is holding on to a good share of single screens and a few main screens as well, in Chennai city. Some important screens are being shared by both the movies, with 2 shows each.

The weekend is likely to be good for this Gautham Menon movie, which is being patronized by the urban audiences particularly. With Anegan getting a major share of the big screens in the city and being a new release, it will be the Number 1 choice of movie-goers but Yennai Arindhaal ought to give a good fight in the weekend days.

The main city screens with Yennai Arindhaal in its 2nd week, are as follows

Devi - 4 shows
Albert - 4 shows
Sathyam main screen - 2 shows
Kamala main screen - 2 shows
Ganapathyram - 4 shows
AVM - 4 shows

And the noted Kasi theater is also continuing with Yennai Arindhaal in all the 4 shows.


13th February 2015, 06:53 PM
Another magazine calling YA a hit

13th February 2015, 06:56 PM
All 40 screens retained in Madurai


13th February 2015, 08:56 PM
How has Yennai Arindhaal survived post-Anegan?

Good reviews are coming out about Anegan

14th February 2015, 03:19 PM

14th February 2015, 03:22 PM

14th February 2015, 03:38 PM

14th February 2015, 03:45 PM
Canada Exhibitor


14th February 2015, 04:19 PM
1. i enjoyed 'adtharu utharu' song a lot in the movie....when arun vijay introduces bad guys to ajith in the song their playful actions :thumbsup:

2. ajith -ashish vidyarthi scenes- when ashish vidyarthi visits ajith, ajith humiliates him. then ajith goes to ashish's house looking for trisha's killer, ashish laughs at ajith and let his guys beat him- enjoyed those scenes

3.i enjoyed the scene where ajith kills bad guys in the lift...

14th February 2015, 04:24 PM
என்னை அறிந்தால் திருட்டு வீடியோ.. போலீசில் புகார்.. இதானா உங்க டக்கு

அஜீத் நடித்துள்ள என்னை அறிந்தால் படத்தின் திருட்டு வீடியோ இணையத்தில் வெளியானதை தடுக்கக் கோரி காவல் துறையிடம் மனு கொடுத்தனர் தயாரிப்பாளர் சங்கத்தினர். தமிழ் திரைப்பட தயாரிப்பாளர்கள் சங்க தலைவர் எஸ்.தாணு, துணை தலைவர்கள் கதிரேசன், பி.எல்.தேனப்பன், செயலாளர் ராதாகிருஷ்ணன், பொருளாளர் டி.ஜி.தியாகராஜன் மற்றும் நடிகர் அஜீத் நடித்து சமீபத்தில் வெளியாகி உள்ள 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படத்தின் தயாரிப்பாளர் ஏ.எம்.ரத்னம் ஆகியோர் சென்னை சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி. தலைமை அலுவலகத்திற்கு வந்தனர். அங்கு மாநில திருட்டு வி.சி.டி. ஒழிப்பு கண்காணிப்பாளர் ஜெயலட்சுமியை சந்தித்து புகார் மனு ஒன்றை கொடுத்தனர். பின்னர் எஸ்.தாணு, ஏ.எம்.ரதினம் ஆகியோர் கூறுகையில், "என்னை அறிந்தால் படத்தின் திருட்டு வி.சி.டி. வெளியாவதை தடுக்கும் பொருட்டு முன்கூட்டியே திருட்டு வி.சி.டி. ஒழிப்பு கண்காணிப்பாளர் ஜெயலட்சுமி கடும் நடவடிக்கை எடுத்துள்ளார். அவர் எங்களிடம் மனுவை பெற்றுக்கொண்டு, எங்கள் பிரச்சினைகளை சுமார் 1 மணி நேரம் கேட்டார். மக்கள் முதல்வர் ஜெயலலிதா உத்தரவின் பேரில் போலீசார் திருட்டு வி.சி.டி. ஒழிப்பு பணியை சிறப்பாக செய்து வருகிறார்கள். 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படம் இணையதளத்தில் வெளியாகி உள்ளதை தடுக்கவும் போலீசார் முன்கூட்டியே நடவடிக்கை எடுத்துள்ளனர். கேரள மாநிலம் பாலக்காட்டில் உள்ள ஒரு சினிமா தியேட்டரில் 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படம் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. அந்த தியேட்டர் மூலம் திருட்டு வி.சி.டி. தயாரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளதை கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளோம். அந்த தியேட்டர் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கவும், எங்கள் புகார் மனுவில் வற்புறுத்தி இருக்கிறோம். கேரள போலீசார் மூலம் உரிய நடவடிக்கை எடுப்பதாக, சூப்பிரண்டு ஜெயலட்சுமி தெரிவித்துள்ளார். குறிப்பிட்ட அந்த தியேட்டர் உரிமையாளரிடம் உரிய நஷ்ட ஈட்டை வசூலிக்கவும் உதவி செய்ய கேட்டுள்ளோம். திருட்டு வி.சி.டி. தயாரிக்க உதவும் சினிமா தியேட்டர்கள் மீது போலீஸ் மூலம் கடும் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும்," என்றார். என்னை அறிந்தால் திருட்டு டிவிடி படம் வெளியாகும் முன்பே ரிலீசாகிவிட்டதாக தகவல் வெளியானது. ஆனால் தயாரிப்பாளரோ, இரண்டு வாரங்கள் கழித்துதான் போலீசில் புகார் கொடுத்துள்ளார்.

Read more at: http://tamil.filmibeat.com/news/complaint-lodged-against-yennai-arinthaal-video-piracy-033207.html

14th February 2015, 05:04 PM
Just back after watching YA for the third time in a full house. Honestly, didnt expect such a sound from the family crowd when Thala's name came on the screen. Ithukkagavea innum rendu thadava paakkalam...

Got to watch a mom sitting next to me enjoying the movie. She was asking her son to whistle louder when Thala was on screen. She was really moved on the scenes where Sathyadev finding hard to tell Esha about her mom's death. She was on the edge of the seat when Sathyadev chased the gang to rescue Eesha and her expression of relief was wonderful to see when Sathyadev came out of ambulance at the end of the mission. On seeing her expressions throughout the movie, it is evident that GVM and Ajith have won lot of hearts like this. I am very happy indeed. I want to watch YA as many time as I could, at least to see this kind of expressions from the audiences. Work schedule not permitting me.

I happened to notice the MR-fan-boy out of GVM. Sathyadev parking his scooter in front of the bus to get Eesha reminds me the famous Mouna Ragam scene.

14th February 2015, 05:10 PM
Siva, if Sethupathi character (who helps the Sathyadev in tracing his daughter) is kept as an under cover cop, Police department might already knew about Victor and his activities. They were clueless about all these happenings until Sathyadev explained them after the Nilanjana rescue operation.

14th February 2015, 10:33 PM
#YennaiArindhaal crosses $500K in USA. Director @menongautham joins @ARMurugadoss & @shankarshanmugh in $0.5M club.

14th February 2015, 10:35 PM
#YennaiArindhaaal hits the coveted $500K mark in USA. After Friday $500,919. #Thala #Ajith joins 0.5M club with Rajini Kamal Vijay & Vikram.

14th February 2015, 10:51 PM
I happened to notice the MR-fan-boy out of GVM. Sathyadev parking his scooter in front of the bus to get Eesha reminds me the famous Mouna Ragam scene.

And the way ajith apologize to the bus driver was sweet.. though its was a whisker, it was impressive.

15th February 2015, 12:00 AM
Good movie .. over peter illa.. some what underplayed .. but engaging .. i dont understand why people complain about the first half .. even Anushka was good .. excellent performances ..

dialogues mostly good.. brilliant at places.. sani-ish at certain places .. thats the problem for some traditional audience .. definitely not a slow movie .. GVM must be more versatile .. KK, VV maathiri ange inge sila saayal .. but itha periya vishayamaakki padathukku -ve-aa pesa vatchuduraanga .. movie could have been a bit more colorful.. dark tone overdone by the cameraman ...

songs were also decent .. climax was gripping and excellent ..

well done Ajith, Arun Vijay, Trisha and Anushka .. gvm deserved more praise than what he is getting now, for this movie ... KK, VV munnadiyea ithu first vanthurunthaa, oorey itha classic-nu sollirukkum ..

15th February 2015, 02:17 PM
.. KK, VV munnadiyea ithu first vanthurunthaa, oorey itha classic-nu sollirukkum ..

Good one Anban :thumbsup:

15th February 2015, 02:19 PM

In Kakka Kakka, Surya and Jyothika falls in love and marries ... Jyothika finally dies at the end..
In Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu's flashback ,its shown Kamal Haasan 's wife is dead ( exactly like where Kakka Kakka ended) .Then he is about to marry a single mother(Jyothika) and arrives the marriage with Jyothika's daughter while the end credit rolls....
In Yennai Arinthaal's flashback, Ajith is about to marry Trisha and was planning to arrive at the day of marriage with Trisha's daughter (again where Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu ended) but then Trisha dies and finally Ajith adopts and takes care of the girl like his own daughter...

So on a bigger note , there are great chances that Gautham Menon was always narrating the story of a single police officer in just three different episodes!



15th February 2015, 02:20 PM


15th February 2015, 02:22 PM

15th February 2015, 02:25 PM
The story behind Yennai Arindhaal's much talked about climax run

Ever since the release of Yennai Arindhaal, Arun Vijay has been in the limelight. He has stolen his share of the spotlight despite the presence of a superstar like Ajith alongside him.

We had a little chat with the handsome hunk in the aftermath of all the positive critical reception for the movie.

"I would like to start off by thanking fans for such a glowing feedback. After seeing the movie on the first day, early morning at Kasi theater, fans were just screaming 'Victor Victor' when the show got over and we were coming out. I just lost myself in this moment of pure emotion and couldn't control my tears. This was for all the efforts that I had put in over many years. A long overdue recognition!

Despite negative shades, people accepted my role as it had all the relatable emotional elements and facets like love, friendship, grief, frustration and such. I would like to thank Gautham sir for this opportunity in his film."

When asked about the white shirts that he keeps sporting for the most part in the film.

"The white shirt was to denote my mindset. Victor would don colorful clothes in the flashback but as time wears on, he sticks to white. This was the director and costume designer's idea. Even if there was a small dirt or spot, he would change the shirt. This was a surprise element for an anti role.

In fact there was a scene when Victor would sit and eat on the floor, to denote his simplicity even after earning much money and all the riches in his life. This scene had to be left out of the final cut though."

About the much-talked about climax scene when he runs towards the camera with much intensity and drive, this is what Arun had to say

"This was canned in a single take. While shooting for this scene, I was physically in much pain due to a bruise in my hips. But we had to complete this scene due to our tight schedules. Gautham sir wanted me to exhibit my character's frustration on screen, and with my physical pain, it looked very authentic on screen. This scene was shot early in the morning and I had to run really fast towards a car which was being driven by Silva Master at a very fast speed. In high speed camera, my run looked fabulous on screen."


15th February 2015, 02:53 PM

Request : Is it possible to get the still or poster of Ajith sitting on the sofa ... Thanks.


This is the kind poster I requested for, but there is another one - surrounding is dark and the light will only be on Satya.

15th February 2015, 03:35 PM
despite of new release still SATYADEV IPS movie running successfully in malaysia

Yennai Arindhaal

Sathyadev is a police officer who is very dedicated to his job, putting his work first before anything else. He would risk his life just to keep his city safe for the citizens. But above all, Sathya is committed to the mission of hunting down the murderer of his fiancee.

Language: Tamil
Classification: P13
General Release Date: 05 Feb 2015
Genre: Thriller / Drama
Running Time: 2 Hours 56 Minutes
Distributor: LOTUS FIVE STAR
Cast: Ajith Kumar, Anushka Shetty, Trisha Krishnan, Arun Vijay
Director: Gautham Menon
Format: 2D

[Review] [Showtimes] [Malay Synopsis]
GSC - Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Tropicana City, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Paradigm Mall, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Setia City Mall, Shah Alam
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Summit USJ, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - IOI Mall, Puchong
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Amanjaya Mall, Sungai Petani
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Gurney Plaza, Georgetown
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Sunway Carnival, Prai
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Terminal 1, Seremban
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - AEON Bandaraya Melaka, Malacca
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Berjaya Megamall, Kuantan
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Mentakab Star Mall, Mentakab
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Quill City Mall, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Nu Sentral, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - New Ipoh Parade, Ipoh
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
GSC - Palm Mall, Seremban
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Cheras Selatan, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Setia Walk, Puchong
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Rawang, Rawang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Bukit Tinggi, Klang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Seremban 2 Shopping Centre, Seremban
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Kinta City, Ipoh
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - AEON Bukit Mertajam, Bukit Mertajam
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - AEON Seri Manjung, Seri Manjung
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Cheras Sentral, Cheras
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
TGV Cinemas - Encorp Strand, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Galaxy Cineplex, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Brem Mall, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
10:40AM11:45AM02:00PM03:05PM05:20PM06:25PM08:40PM0 9:45PM
MBO - Kulim Landmark Central, Kulim
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Taiping Sentral, Taiping
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Sitiawan, Sitiawan
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Teluk Intan, Teluk Intan
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Citta Mall, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
10:30AM12:30PM01:45PM03:45PM04:55PM07:00PM08:05PM1 0:15PM11:15PM
MBO - Space U8 Mall, Shah Alam
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
11:30AM12:15PM02:35PM03:20PM05:40PM06:25PM08:45PM0 9:30PM
MBO - Kluang Mall, Kluang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Harbour Place, Klang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
11:15AM11:45AM02:25PM02:55PM05:35PM06:05PM08:45PM0 9:15PM
MBO - Melaka Mall, Malacca
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Terminal 2 Seremban, Seremban
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
11:00AM11:45AM02:20PM03:05PM05:40PM06:25PM09:00PM0 9:45PM
MBO - Square One, Batu Pahat
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MBO - Heritage Mall, Kota Tinggi
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Capitol Selayang, Batu Caves
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Sentul Cineplex, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Coliseum Cineplex, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Metro Plaza Kajang, Kajang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - State Cineplex PJ, Petaling Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Shaw Centrepoint, Klang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - 1 Plaza Kuala Selangor, Kuala Selangor
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - KM Plaza, Seremban
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Kiara Square Bahau, Seremban
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Mahkota Parade, Malacca
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Bukit Jambul Penang, Penang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Prangin Mall, Georgetown
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Seri Kinta Ipoh, Ipoh
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Broadway JB, Johor Bahru
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Cineplex Perling Mall, Johor Bahru
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
12:00PM12:30PM03:00PM03:30PM06:15PM06:40PM09:30PM0 9:45PM
Lotus Five Star - Plaza Tasik Skudai JB, Johor Bahru
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Skudai Parade, Johor Bahru
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - IOI Mall, Kulai Jaya
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - 1 Segamat, Segamat
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Kampar, Ipoh
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Seri Iskandar, Bandar Seri Iskandar
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Lotus Five Star - Kerian Sentral Mall, Parit Buntar
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Cathay Cineplexes - City Square, Johor Bahru
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Grand Cineplex - Village Mall, Sungai Petani
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Superstar Cinema - Today's Mall Ulu Tiram, Ulu Tiram
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
11:55AM01:15PM03:10PM04:30PM06:25PM07:45PM09:40PM1 1:00PM
Pawagam Sun - Rawang, Rawang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Pawagam New Lido - Kluang, Kluang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
One Cinemas - Spectrum Ampang, Ampang
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Suara Screens - Soon Seng Plaza, Malacca
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Suara Screens - Federal, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
MY Cinema - Teluk Intan, Teluk Intan
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)
Pandan Capital - Pandan Capital, Kuala Lumpur
Yennai Arindhaal (P13)

15th February 2015, 03:38 PM
watched it again at S2 theyagaraja - full except for 1st row despite being a crucial match day....

enjoyed it more this time... not a boring moment....all the songs have been picturised really well... and I appreciated Thenmozhi's perspective more this time :) This is a definite must-have-movie in everybody's bluray collection

15th February 2015, 03:56 PM

This is the kind poster I requested for, but there is another one - surrounding is dark and the light will only be on Satya.

Yes Athu innum varala, have to request sittarasu in FB ;)

15th February 2015, 03:59 PM
..all the songs have been picturised really well... and I appreciated Thenmozhi's perspective more this time :) This is a definite must-have-movie in everybody's bluray collection

They cut the Yean ennai song in TN, right? ::evil::evil:

15th February 2015, 06:20 PM
They cut the Yean ennai song in TN, right? ::evil::evil:

it was there.... but they removed mayabazaar....

16th February 2015, 12:57 AM
coffee with DD


16th February 2015, 01:48 AM
the real minus for this movie compared to KK and VV is actually the songs .. they are decent .. but KK songs were run-away hits ... block buster songs ..

in VV, paartha mudhal naale, Karka Karka and Manjal veyil became very very famous post release .. i remember even now, how middle aged women in a C centre like Sivagangai were talking highly about Kamal's acting (because of these songs primarily) .. they were getting played repeatedly on TV and it brought family audience to the theatre ..

Here, in YA, inexplicably GVM has no video songs to show but for Adhaaru Udhaaru and Unakkena venum sollu .. they are decent .. but not super hit material .. TV la podura maathiri songs illai .. dont know why ..

but, I loved that Dance drama song .. fantastic !! truly class !

16th February 2015, 06:04 AM
Still running in Boston suburb with 3-4 shows per day till next week :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

16th February 2015, 06:07 AM
கவுதம் மேனனுக்கு புத்துணர்ச்சி அளித்த அஜீத்தின் அணுகுமுறை
IndiaGlitz [Sunday, February 15, 2015] 1 Comments

கடந்த 5ஆம் தேதி வெளியான அஜீத்தின் 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' திரைப்படம் இரண்டாவது வாரமாக வெற்றிகரமாக உலகம் முழுவதும் ஓடிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் நிலையில் இந்த படத்தின் வெற்றி தன்னைவிட கவுதம் மேனனின் எதிர்காலத்திற்கு முக்கியமானது என்கிற ரீதியில் அஜீத் கூறியதாக செய்திகள் வெளிவந்துள்ளது.

'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படம் ரிலீஸான முதல் நாளில் தியேட்டர்களில் ரசிகர்களின் ரெஸ்பான்ஸை பார்த்துவிட்டு மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைந்த கவுதம் மேனன் அஜீத்துக்கு போன் செய்து அந்த விஷயத்தை கூறியபோது, அஜீத் மிகவும் கூலாக, '"அதை விடுங்கள், உங்களுக்கு இருந்த பிரச்சினைகள் எல்லாம் தற்போது சரியாகிவிட்டதா? இந்த படத்தின் வெற்றியின் மூலம் நீங்கள் சந்தோஷமாக இருக்கிறீர்களா?" என்று அஜித் கவுதம் மேனனிடம் கேட்டாராம்.

மேலும் "படம் வெற்றி, தோல்வி என்பதைப் பற்றி எல்லாம் கவலைப்படாமல் சந்தோஷமாக குடும்பத்துடன் இருங்கள். எதற்கும் கவலை வேண்டாம்" என்று கூறிவிட்டு போனை வைத்துவிட்டாராம் அஜித்.

அஜீத்தின் இந்த அணுகுமுறை தனக்கு ஒரு புத்துணர்ச்சியை அளித்ததாகவும், திரையுலகில் இப்படியும் ஒரு மனிதர் இருக்கின்றாரா என்று கவுதம் மேனன் வியந்ததாகவும் அவருடைய நட்பு வட்டாரங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

16th February 2015, 10:15 AM
Saw it last week. Overall it is a not a bad film. Quite entertaining i thought. But the film has too many , i mean way too many plot holes. AK probably saves the film in many occasions.

Here is one without spoilers..
Sathya and Victor escape from court. The next day they go to Victor's girlfriend's house.In the very next scene Victor is getting married in a big ass ceremony with kuthu pattu and all. Where is the police? They should be after these two who just ran away. Sathya is an undercover police but still some one should be chasing them atleast for name sake?

http://randompillow.blogspot.in/2015/02/yennai-arindhaal-few-problems.htmlHere (http://randompillow.blogspot.in/2015/02/yennai-arindhaal-few-problems.html) are some more with spoilers. But some parts of the film are really good and worth watching. Better than some of the recent big releases.

16th February 2015, 11:20 AM
YA going neck to neck on top despite new release Anegan.

2nd week seems to pull crowd more. 5.9C in Chennai as of past weekend. My guess is it should easy be around 75-80C by now (though no official numbers from producer). It will easily hit 85C or little more by the end of its life

Still running in Bay area century theatres near my house. good sign!

16th February 2015, 11:37 AM
Saw it last week. Overall it is a not a bad film. Quite entertaining i thought. But the film has too many , i mean way too many plot holes. AK probably saves the film in many occasions.

Here is one without spoilers..
Sathya and Victor escape from court. The next day they go to Victor's girlfriend's house.In the very next scene Victor is getting married in a big ass ceremony with kuthu pattu and all. Where is the police? They should be after these two who just ran away. Sathya is an undercover police but still some one should be chasing them atleast for name sake?

http://randompillow.blogspot.in/2015/02/yennai-arindhaal-few-problems.htmlHere (http://randompillow.blogspot.in/2015/02/yennai-arindhaal-few-problems.html) are some more with spoilers. But some parts of the film are really good and worth watching. Better than some of the recent big releases.
it could be a part of the police plan to let Victor run free, to catch his gang leader ..

16th February 2015, 03:07 PM
it could be a part of the police plan to let Victor run free, to catch his gang leader ..

But won't that raise suspicion? This is a group who is already infiltrated by police. Some guy mentions it and even they are initially very apprehensive to let Sathya in. Yet no on wonders why there is no police following.. may be there were scenes got trimmed.. but leaves a hole IMHO..

16th February 2015, 03:42 PM
http://behindwoods.com/images/spacer.gif (http://behindwoods.com/tamil-movies/anegan/anegan-box-office-feb-15.html) Next
Movie (http://behindwoods.com/tamil-movies/anegan/anegan-box-office-feb-15.html)

Ranking based on Chennai Box Office Collections from Feb 09th 2015 to Feb 15th 2015
Week : 2
Total collections in Chennai : Rs. 4,90,50,920
Chennai city verdict: Grand Opening No. Shows in Chennai (Weekend): 249
Collection in Chennai (Weekend): Rs. 86,73,528
No. Shows in Chennai (Weekdays): 464
Collection in Chennai (Weekdays): Rs. 1,11,21,630

Yennai Arindhaal holds on well despite the release of Anegan. The film has lost out on some big screen shows though

16th February 2015, 04:50 PM

I usually don't reply to articles or reveiws posted from other sources. But as you are part of the community now, and wish to look into these 8 points specified, I will try to elaborate them.

1/ Satyadev escorting Thenmozhi from USA
Victor's Plan was to kidnap her during the transit at Middle East. This, Satya learns while eavesdropping at the clinic before saving Niranjana. So he wished to do an end-to-end protection. Now, the initial 10 mins makes sense right - all the drooling around transit area !

2/ Undercover
The author has missed to note the timeline.

3/ Victor Wedding
"The Next Day" => How sure is the author ? Anyway, its an op led by Satya and he makes the calls. He even says openly that he has a mike where it should be, rest is how well the author has understood that line.

4/ Audi
Victor is at the end of the chain. The kidnaps are done by contractors, except random ones by Parvathy Nair for having a reserve (also its a introduction with a cliché dialogue). So it depends. And is there a hard and fast rule that you do a kidnap only with an Omni or an Auto ? Plus in this case its just an exchange. Another possibility is to have a status. When Satya escapes Niranjana, he calls a number from the kidnappers phone. The one who replies is Victor. And the conversation you hear is the expansion of the word "status".

5/ XUV with AP Registration
Well, its a decoy to the soceity.

6/ Hemanika Marriage
Its a nuclear marriage. In contrast to the opening scene. Welcome to mordernity.

7/ Victor Knowledge on Aisha
Victor can't monitor Satya's house. But he was waiting outside the circle. The decesion of going to school or not was made by Satya, but for Victor she is coming to school. So he waited, found the jeep was escorted, prepared his men, bought time by speaking with Satya so that Satya does not call in for an update ... etc. etc.

8/ Where did he come from ?
If you find out who is the corrupt cop, you will find out this gangster in question. Else, Satya says that he helped him with Rs. 10000 for his kids care, and now the gangster is repaying him. Maybe it will be elaborated in the extended version or may be not !

16th February 2015, 07:21 PM
I didn't get why Satya would send his daughter to the school knowing very well that she will be in danger. And she was. I thought that was really stupid.

16th February 2015, 08:14 PM
I didn't get why Satya would send his daughter to the school knowing very well that she will be in danger. And she was. I thought that was really stupid.

Nee Adam Pidithaalum Adangi Pøgindren
Un Madi Methai Mel Madangikølgindren

Hope it answers :)

16th February 2015, 08:25 PM
Nee Adam Pidithaalum Adangi Pøgindren
Un Madi Methai Mel Madangikølgindren

Hope it answers :)

Super Ji ...Superb answer :-D

16th February 2015, 11:15 PM
Nee Adam Pidithaalum Adangi Pøgindren
Un Madi Methai Mel Madangikølgindren

Hope it answers :)

I don't buy it. It was a life or death situation. I don't believe any smart person would send their child to school just because she wanted to. The kid also seemed pretty smart and mature; she would have understood if he explained it to her. But the climax has to happen somehow.

16th February 2015, 11:25 PM
:) Ok so much of logic issue.....what to do...
Ok....Will keep a watch on Tamil movies without any logic mistakes and inform you. :D

16th February 2015, 11:40 PM
I just wrote down what threw me off in the movie. I agree there are many illogical scenes in movies but it doesn't mean we should just ignore them.

16th February 2015, 11:54 PM
Yeah I agree......Only few films will make us ask questions on logics or meaning and only for very few we'll get the answer back....I'm happy Yennai Arindhaal made you ask questions and I/someone could answer that. If you don't agree with answers then can't help more :)

17th February 2015, 02:24 AM
Yeah I agree......Only few films will make us ask questions on logics or meaning and only for very few we'll get the answer back....I'm happy Yennai Arindhaal made you ask questions and I/someone could answer that. If you don't agree with answers then can't help more :)

Of course. Only a good movie can make you talk about its content and logics.

17th February 2015, 02:24 AM

I usually don't reply to articles or reveiws posted from other sources. But as you are part of the community now, and wish to look into these 8 points specified, I will try to elaborate them.

1/ Satyadev escorting Thenmozhi from USA
Victor's Plan was to kidnap her during the transit at Middle East. This, Satya learns while eavesdropping at the clinic before saving Niranjana. So he wished to do an end-to-end protection. Now, the initial 10 mins makes sense right - all the drooling around transit area !

There is another one from the samee camp tried very hard and come up with one illogical scene

நாலு நாள் எக்ஸ்ட்ராவா அனுஷகாவ அமெரிக்கால தங்க சொல்லிட்டா படமே இல்லைன்றேன்

mappi already mentioned about the kidnapping plan from the transit location, sathya said the same to richard that "it's just a precaution", another thing sathyadev indeed want thenmozhi to arrive chennai, he knows and wants that victor to come for her..

I didn't get why Satya would send his daughter to the school knowing very well that she will be in danger. And she was. I thought that was really stupid.

.. and he knows that his next target will be Eesha, that tracker watch was an another precaution, he wants victor to come for them, that's the way he wants, because he knows and likes only one thing, that is "ஆபத்தோடு விளையாடுறது"

17th February 2015, 05:30 AM

GVM interview

17th February 2015, 05:31 AM

arun vijay

17th February 2015, 05:52 AM

17th February 2015, 05:58 AM

nice song

17th February 2015, 08:52 AM
I don't buy it. It was a life or death situation. I don't believe any smart person would send their child to school just because she wanted to. The kid also seemed pretty smart and mature; she would have understood if he explained it to her. But the climax has to happen somehow.

Yes an army man can do that but not a police man.

17th February 2015, 09:47 AM
YA India total collection - 65.25C

Anyone knows how much overseas collection is?

17th February 2015, 11:03 AM

17th February 2015, 11:07 AM
YA India total collection - 65.25C

Anyone knows how much overseas collection is?

Overseas nearly 24C.

17th February 2015, 11:34 AM
Yennai Arindhaal: Been There, Done That


This one scene tells you a lot about this movie.

That’s Gautam Vasudev Menon’s lead character for you – a shrewd cop who wears his emotions on his sleeves. One who is willing to take risks and is also brave enough to accept his follies and regrets. He loves his work but not more than his family, so much that does not mind leaving the coveted job to spend time with them. He does not think twice before falling in love and is not commitment phobic. It is perhaps this characteristic that differentiates Yennai Arindhaal’s Satyadev IPS (Ajith Kumar) from Kaakha Kaakha’s Anbuselvan or even Vettaiyaadu Vilayadu’s Raghavan – the human face behind the tough act.

The biggest challenge was to make a film that caters to the larger-than-life image of Thala aka Ajith and still keep the movie grounded. You have to commend both the director and the actor for maintaining the balance. The sensitivity with which Satyadev’s journey from a young braveheart cop to a seasoned police officer is captured tells you why Menon is an ace at this game. The maturity goes much beyond the salt and pepper hair, it reflects in the character’s dialogues, his expressions and reaction to situations. It is transition from being his father’s son to being his daughter’s father. And Ajith waltz through the role like a dream. He brings Satyadev to life with his high energy yet poised performance. His bond with his daughter Isha (Baby Anika) is heart rendering and depicts a relationship which hasn’t been explored much in our films. Though Harris Jayaraj’s music for the film otherwise brings a sense of déjà vu but his “Unnakku Enna Vennum Sollu” provides the perfect melody to bring out the father-daughter love.

The director uses the same rose-tinted glasses to show you the subtle romance between Satyadev and Hemanika (Trisha looking drop-dead gorgeous as the charming and talented Bharatanatyam exponent). He falls for her, pursues her and even proposes marriage, in scenes that looked right out of a fairy tale book. The scene where he requests Hemanika’s daughter Isha to convince her mom to marry him surely would garner many heavy sighs. Trisha does justice to her short yet substantial role. She owes a lot to the director for giving her a much-needed image change, be it as Jessi (Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya) or as Hemanika.

Gautam Menon has a knack for creating individualistic personas for his heroine and manages to gives them an equal footing. It is no different in this film either. Though Anushka’s role as Thenmozhi is pretty much about playing the victim, and be protected and rescued, she gets the strongest introduction than anyone else in the film. The first half an hour of the film pretty much belongs to her.

If there is anyone else whose performance deserves a special mention, it is Arun Vijay. He is definitely the find of the film, or a re-discovery rather. He gives a fitting competition to Satyadev as Victor. He is fit as a fiddle and his physique stands out especially, given that fitness is not Ajith’s plus point. He brings in the required dramatics to the role, though his reasons for seeking revenge are not too convincing. His telephone conversation with Satyadev in the end is a class act.

In the end, it is the storyline that leaves you asking for more. Be it the cunning, loud villain playing mind games, falling for a divorced woman with a kid, the personal tragedy or the race in the end to save the loved one, it is the same old beaten track. May be the director lacked new ideas or, perhaps, it was intentional, but the film takes you back to his previous cop hits in way too many instances. But there was something in his earlier films that completely lacks in this one – the suspense factor. You are pretty much able to gauge where the scene is headed to, leaving nothing to anticipation.

What makes the film watchable despite a weak story is Ajith (who has given his best performance in recent times) and his romance with Trisha, and all that little emotional moments that Gautam Menon manages to pack into this three-hour long trench.

Three and half stars

Review by Mangala Ramamoorthy


17th February 2015, 11:36 AM

17th February 2015, 11:54 AM
25th day.....?

17th February 2015, 12:19 PM
@Arragesh @mappi..

I do not deny that there could be explanations. I completely buy all your explanations except for the "Esha going to school" problem. I believe that the scene could have been handled differently because it throws a bad light on Sathya's parenting instincts. Sending Esha to school is just bad parenting. Period. He can be bad parent i am not denying that. But the film tries to make him a great father.

Anyway, regarding the other points, as i said earlier i agree that they are kind of nitpicking and there can be explanations. But when i saw the film these things bothered me and all i am saying that at-least some hint should be there. The problem with GVM always is he has trouble maintaining consistency across scenes. Some scenes are very explicit. For example, In YA he keeps on telling you how old Esha is in various scenes even though it is clear that the girl is growing up. GVM underlines that for you. But some scenes are just vague like the whole Ajith getting into gang sequence. it has a lots of unanswered questions. I found that very distracting.

17th February 2015, 02:44 PM
YA India total collection - 65.25C

Anyone knows how much overseas collection is?

As soon as I saw the film firsst time.realized this will goes in the category of Mugavari,KandukondeinKandukondein..remembered for its quality rather than BO numbers....

17th February 2015, 05:00 PM
what are you talking about? it's a blockbuster hit. it's still going strong..it will enter 100 crores club definitely.

17th February 2015, 05:03 PM
what are you talking about? it's a blockbuster hit. it's still going strong..it will enter 100 crores club definitely.

Cool..I meant film will speak for itself more than its commercial prospects.

18th February 2015, 07:27 AM
Yennai Arindhaal HD available soon in Tentkotta.com(as per FB source).. probably next weekend..

18th February 2015, 08:04 AM
Ajith impressed Puri Jagannath

Indhumathi Vasudevan | Tuesday, February17 , 2015, 07:17 [IST]

Ajith impressed Puri Jagannath

Thala Ajith's Yennai Arindhaal is rocking the screens in all theatres with houseful board. The movie has been going a great phase in box office and there are tremendous reports coming up from everywhere about the movie.

At this celebratory moment, a famous director Puri Jagannath is adding an extra merriment to the team by appreciating all the cast and crews, who are behind in this massive success. He praised our Sathayadev, Victor and Hemanika, especially. He said that, he was admired by all these characters, which are made by the majestic director Gautham Menon.

It is said that, Puri Jagannath wants to join hands with our Thala. Puri said that, he talked to Ajith about this. If Ajith will agree to do, he will ready to go to script, says Puri Jagannath. Ajith Kumar will start working on his next "Thala56" with Siruthai Siva from March and the film will hit screens for this Diwali.

- See more at: http://www.mediatimez.com/index.php?_route_=entertainment/tamil/cine-news-5/news_list/ajith-impressed-puri-jagannath#sthash.ssKWVVzU.dpuf

18th February 2015, 09:48 AM
GVM, Box office puli AR muruga, Puri jeganath are all waiting for Thala's approval. They know having a good actor makes their lives easier.

By the way YA crossed 100C in 11 days. But people associated with the film cba to tweet. men makkal men makkal thaan

18th February 2015, 01:32 PM
I don't buy it. It was a life or death situation. I don't believe any smart person would send their child to school just because she wanted to. The kid also seemed pretty smart and mature; she would have understood if he explained it to her. But the climax has to happen somehow.

he says no first and then Isha says she must go as she has presentation or something so he sends her with 4 guys. He wasn't being careless.

18th February 2015, 01:33 PM

18th February 2015, 01:41 PM
‘I am dying to work with Ajith again’

Filmmaker Gautham Vasudev Menon on the success of his latest outing Yennai Arindhaal, plans on its sequel and his desire to make a woman-centric flick

It has been nearly two weeks since Yennai Arindhaal released. Are you happy with the response?

Absolutely. But when I was making the film, we didn't think about all this. Ajith was very helpful right till the end and if at all there was pressure, he took it off me. He'd encourage me to do the kind of cinema I'm known for and not let me indulge even slightly to satisfy his screen image. I didn't treat Ajith like a superstar and that's what he wanted. I treated him like an actor. Having said that, I really wish we had little more time in the post-production, but I'm glad the film got released and is doing well. I usually switch off post the release of my film. I didn't read the reviews, but I kept getting feedback from my producer Rathnam, and he's very happy. The thing with my films is, the industry doesn't say nice things. My films take a while till they are accepted as good and I think Yennai Arindhaal too will go through that phase.

Why do you think the industry doesn't warm up to your films?

I could talk to you for 15 hours about that. Here, the appreciation comes rarely and trying to put down someone's film is what always happens. I don't conform to these kinds of things. For instance, Anegan released on Feb 13 and our film released a week earlier, which meant that we could get most of the theatres only till 13. Now, I never wished or conformed to the idea that Anegan shouldn't do well because Dhanush is someone I like and I'm hoping his film does well too. I don't know why other people don't wish the same for my film.

Now that Yennai Arindhaal has been adjudged a hit, what are your plans on the sequel?

I think right from the word go, there was always a plan that in case the film does really well and people like Ajith's character, we could get into a sequel and take this journey forward. Satyadev is no longer a police officer, so the story can be devoid of all the police activities. I would like to take up this story and I'm sure Ajith will also be interested if I convince him with a good screenplay.

Do you feel the film would've been equally successful or even more with a different actor?

I think so. The problem here is the mass image of Ajith, if at all you consider it one. The initial response was that the film didn't have all the quintessential commercial elements, though I consider it as my most commercial venture. The film would've done really well with somebody without an image but it's just a hypothetical situation because I knew Ajith was going to be my hero and I always try to keep the image of an actor out of my screenplay.

But going by the response to the film, despite the mixed reviews, you admit stars still control the box-office?

If Ajith sir wasn't part of the film, I don't know if the film would've collected so much. You need stars to create the buzz and bring audiences to the cinemas. I know we've pulled off a big film like Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa sans the commercial elements, but it worked due to the combination of Rahman and Simbu. The three of us made it work. And the film became a hit through word-of-mouth. But when you have a superstar on-board, everything is automatically taken care of.

Few present women like the way you do in your films. Have you thought about making a full-length woman-centric film?

I don't consider it a big deal. When I portray them respectfully in stronger roles, the reason it gets highlighted is because women are not shown in good light and they're merely used as objects of glamour and somebody's lust in majority of our films. I don't think you have to pull out a director and say you've portrayed women in your film very well. It's the only way I like to portray heroines in my films. Even if they were to essay a negative character, I'd show them in a certain way people would still appreciate. With woman as a central character, I'd love to do a film and I also have a few ideas.

Not many directors would dare to put their film on hold and start a new project. You did with Simbu's project to start Yennai Arindhaal. What gave you the confidence?

I think the fact that Simbu being a good friend said that I need to go ahead and do this big project. Things were not good when Suriya project (Dhruva Natchathiram) got shelved and which is why we started Simbu's film and even shot for about 30 days. Moreover, I didn't want to let go of an opportunity to work with Ajith because I've always wished to team up with him and you might not know, but it could also lead to so many other things. So there was a motive and a plan but strangely, it ended up being a good friendship with someone I really admire.

Any plans of reviving Dhruva Natchathiram with Suriya?

I don't know. Right now, it looks very unlikely because he's also busy doing multiple projects and I'm going to resume work on Simbu's film and probably work on another film, which will be soon announced. I don't think it'll ever happen

Are you and Suriya on talking terms?
No, we're not.

After Dhruva Natchathiram got shelved, you went through a tough phase. You almost hit rock bottom of your career before starting Yennai Arindhaal. Any learning from this whole experience?

At that point, I didn't have the financial stability and I ended up working with the wrong people who turned against me and filed all these crazy cases. And somebody whom I thought was a friend, Suriya, who completely recognised that I'd be able to pull off something with the script, didn't actually come forward and give his nod to the script I wanted him to be in. It (the script) would've been something very new-age and different. Those were the only rock-bottom points and there was never anything else. Even when the Simbu project was being planned, something had come up with Vijay Sethupathi. But I picked Simbu because I knew I'd be really comfortable with him. Through Yennai Arindhaal, I discovered a commercial side to me and realised that I can venture into these areas as well. What was really nice about this whole experience was Ajith believing in me and encouraging me to do the kind of films I've been doing.

As a producer, you've been producing some small and offbeat films. Do you do that because you can't afford to make such films with non-stars?

We did want to get into the bigger league, but people don't easily come forward and offer you films. If you approach a big actor and show interest in producing his next film with some other director, they're not so forthcoming with the idea. No big director would like to work with a production company that has another big director at the helm of affairs. I produce these small films because I liked the narrations when I heard them and I thought as a viewer, I'd like to see this film in a theatre. Both Thanga Meengal and Tamilselvanum Thaniyaar Anjalum happened like that.

When do you resume work on Simbu's project?

We've already started working on the music with Rahman sir. We resume shooting from Feb 21. It was initially titled Sattendru Maraathu Vaanilai, but we had some issues with it as somebody had already registered it. I want to see if I can take the title from them but they're really not interested and also it's not right to take away the title from someone who has already censored their film. Currently, it's not yet titled.

In the past, you had expressed interest to work with Mohanlal and Mahesh Babu. Any plans of teaming up?

I always think of working with Lal sir, but somehow it has never materialised. I've even met him with a story, but I don't think he liked what I narrated. Hopefully, something should happen in the future. The same applies for Mahesh as well.

Any other actors you would like to work with?

My wishlist still has something with Amitabh Bachchan. I'd also like to work with Kamal sir (already worked once) and Rajinikanth sir. And after having worked with Ajith now, I'm dying to work with him again.


18th February 2015, 01:43 PM
gr8 interview by GVM

18th February 2015, 01:44 PM
3rd week in France, Mauritius....



18th February 2015, 01:50 PM
3rd week in Dubai

http://s17.postimg.org/c8ps378m3/Uae_vox.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/c8ps378m3/)

18th February 2015, 05:36 PM
சேலம்: அஜித் நடித்து சமீபத்தில்
வெளியான 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படம்
கோயில் திருவிழாவில்
திரைகட்டி திரையிடப்பட்ட சம்பவம்
சினிமா வட்டாரத்தையே
அதிர்ச்சியடைய வைத்துள்ளது.
கெளதம் வாசுதேவ் மேனன்
இயக்கத்தில் நடிகர் அஜீத் நடித்துள்ள
படம் 'என்னை அறிந்தால்'. இந்த
படத்தில் த்ரிஷா, அனுஷ்கா மற்றும்
அருண் விஜய் உள்ளிட்ட பலர்
நடித்துள்ளனர். இந்த படத்தின்
திருட்டு விடிசிக்களை
காவல்துறையினர் ஒருபக்கம்
கைப்பற்றி வந்தாலும், மறுபக்கம்
திருட்டு விடிசிக்கள்
விற்பனை கனஜோராக
நடைபெற்றுதான் வருகிறது.
அதற்கு ஒரு படி மேலே போய்,
கோயில் திருவிழாவில் திரைகட்டி,
'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படம்
திரையிடப்பட்டுள்ள சம்பவம்
சினிமா வட்டாரத்தை அதிர்ச்சியடைய
சேலம் மாவட்டம்,
ஜாகீர்ரெட்டிப்பட்டியில் மாரியம்மன்
கோயில் உள்ளது. இந்த கோயிலில்
தற்போது திருவிழா நடந்து வருகிறது.
விழாவிற்காக இரவு 11
மணிக்கு மினி திரையில் புரஜெக்டர்
மூலம் அஜித் நடித்து சமீபத்தில்
வெளிவந்த “என்னை அறிந்தால்” படம்
திருட்டு விசிடி மூலம்

18th February 2015, 11:30 PM
Yennai Arindhaal Show count for weekend in Sathyam cinemas:

Feb 20 ( Fri ) - 19 Shows
Feb 21 ( Sat ) - 24 Shows
Feb 22 ( Sun ) - 24 Shows

Padam Floppu da .... according to some online critics who post mindless reviews on youtube:)

19th February 2015, 05:49 AM

“சிம்புவுக்கு அடுத்து மீண்டும் அஜித்துடன் இணையும் கெளதம்?”

Views: 1014
அஜித்-கெளதம் மேனன் கூட்டணியில் வெளியான 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' படம் வெற்றி நடை போட்டு வருகிறது. மேலும் வசூல் ரீதியாகவும் சாதனைகளை படைத்து வருகிறது. தற்போது கெளதம் மேனன் என்னை அறிந்தால் படத்தையடுத்து சிம்புவை வைத்து ஏற்கனவே தொடங்கப்பட்ட படத்தின் படப்பிடிப்பை நடத்தி வருகிறார். இந்த படத்தையடுத்து கெளதம் நடிகர் விக்ரமுடன் இணைந்து ஒரு படம் டைரக்ட் செய்வார் என்று தகவல்கள் வெளியாகியிருந்தது. அதே சமயம் மீண்டும் அஜித்துடன் இணைந்து ஒரு படம் எடுக்கப்போவதாகவும் செய்திகள் வெளியாகியிருந்தது.

இந்நிலைலயில் கெளதம் பிரபல ஆங்கில பத்திரிகை ஒன்றிற்கு பேட்டி அளித்துள்ளார். அதில், என்னை அறிந்தால் படத்திற்கு கலவையான விமர்சனங்கள் வந்தாலும் நல்ல வசூல் செய்து வருகிறது. இதற்கு காரணம் அஜித் தான். நான் மீண்டும் அஜித்தை வைத்து ஒரு படம் இயக்க திட்டமிட்டுள்ளேன். இப்படத்தின் கிளைமேக்ஸில் அஜித் போலீசாக வரவில்லை. எனவே இதை மைய்யமாக வைத்து இன்னொரு திரைக்கதையை தயார் செய்யும் வேலையை ஆரம்பித்துள்ளேன். இந்த கதையை அஜித் நிச்சயமாக ஏற்றுக் கொள்வார் என்று எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன், என்று கெளதம் கூறியுள்ளார்.

19th February 2015, 05:53 AM
Gautham to team up with Ajith again?
IndiaGlitz [Wednesday, February 18, 2015] 0 Comments

The rousing success of ‘Yennai Arindhaal’ made many heads turn all over the industry, and if the sources are true, a popular production house is showing keen interest in signing Gautham and Ajith once again for an urbanized movie. But, till this moment, both the camps are refusing to throw some light on this, because they say it is too early to discuss anything related to the possible reunion.

Meanwhile, Gautham is all set to complete the STR starter with Pallavi and Ajith will start his second outing with ‘Siruthai’ Siva from March 15th. Both of them are expected to complete their respective project by the end of Septmeber and we will be having a clear picture in the next few weeks.

19th February 2015, 06:26 AM
Ajith's 'Thala 56' to be a sleek city flick
IndiaGlitz [Wednesday, February 18, 2015] 0 Comments

With 'Yennai Arindhaal' turning out to be massive blockbuster at the Box Office, news has now started to come out regarding Ajith's next with director Siva of 'Siruthai' and 'Veeram' fame. The film is titled for now as 'Thala 56' and the spirit in the camp is upbeat right now.

That being said, director Siva's search is up next for the film's heroine. As of now, the director has set his sights on either Vidya Balan, Hansika Motwani, Samantha Ruth Prabhu or Shruti Haasan.

When asked, the director responded saying that the heroine hasn't been finalized yet and news will be let out within the week's time.

In addition, the director also revealed that 'Thala 56' will be more city-centric in its roots when compared to his previous 'Veeram' which was under a village milieu.

The director was later posed with the question whether Ajith will once again be donning the 'salt and pepper' look once again in the upcoming film to which he responded saying, "Ajith will be seen in a completely new avatar'.

As per sources, it has been let known that more details regarding the 'Thala 56' project will be out by the end of this month.

/massive blockbuster. ../

19th February 2015, 09:34 AM
Let's celebrate the real blockbuster. Nirai kudam thalambaathu ;)

19th February 2015, 09:41 AM
Why doesn't sri50 tweet about YA collection? He was very quite last year too during Pongal and he gave equal ratings for both films and by the end of the year, singled out Veeram as one of the satisfying movie of the year while leaving out the other. So why not be fair and give the films rating that they deserved and also the real collection. Avar yaarunnu namakku
theriyum but matravangalukkum puriyanum le ;)

19th February 2015, 11:08 AM
YennaiArindhaal collects AED 1.8 M [Rs.3.06 crs] for the opening weekend in UAE.



19th February 2015, 11:08 AM

19th February 2015, 11:42 AM
3rd week in SriLanka YennaiArindhaal continued at 10 locations


19th February 2015, 12:46 PM
Thala Ajith's Yennai Arindhaal Box Office: Enters The List Of Top 10 Highest Grossers Overseas!

Thala Ajith's Yennai Arindhaal has a new feather in its cap. Yes, according to sources the film has entered the prestigious list of top 10 highest grossing Tamil movies ever when it comes to the overseas box office collections.

Latest reports on the overseas box office collections of Yennai Arindhaal suggests that the movie has already amassed more than a whopping 25 crores which has put the Ajith starrer in the elite list of top 10 highest grosser ever in foreign countries. It's just been two weeks since the film made it to the big screens and considering the fact that the movie was released on a non-festival day, it is indeed a tremendous achievement from Yennai Arindhaal. Despite the movie lacking some of the commercial elements, according to some movie mongers, the film's success suggests a thing or two about Ajith's star value. Ajith's next film, which will be directed by Siva of Veeram fame is touted to be an action entertainer with a city as its backdrop. Siva being a commercial director is expected to dish out a movie that will be loved by all movie mongers especially Ajith fans. Tentatively titled as Thala 56, the movie is expected to go on floors from next month and it is also being said that Shruti Haasan and Bindu Madhavi might be roped in to play the female lead opposite Ajith. It is also speculated that Ajith might play a dual role in the movie which might end up being a treat to all his fans. Stay tuned for further updates on the project and much more.


19th February 2015, 12:48 PM
'Yennai Arindhaal' Box Office Collection: Ajith Starrer Enters All-Time Top 10 Tamil Grossers Overseas

Yennai Arindhaal" is all set to get the coveted tag of the biggest Tamil grosser overseas. Latest box office collection reports indicate the Ajith movie has already cruised its way to the list of top 10 Tamil grossers in the international market.
In Australia, after two weeks, "Yennai Arindhaal" has been declared superhit, earning AUD 185,000 and ending up at all-time number five for Tamil movies.
In the UAE, the movie has collected AED1.6 million, or approximately ₹3.06 crore for the opening weekend, which means the movie is positioned third after Vikram's "I" and Rajinikanth's "Lingaa".

The movie has grossed over US $4 million, or about ₹26 crore in overseas box offices till date; this puts the movie among the top 10 Tamil movie grossers in the international market.


19th February 2015, 06:46 PM
its still running in malaysia in 20 theaters despite of new release and Chinese movies due to Chinese new year ...

19th February 2015, 07:38 PM
”தேங்க்ஸ் விக்டர்!”
'தடையறத் தாக்க’ படத்தில் கோட்டுக்கு அந்தப் பக்கம் ஹீரோவாக அசத்திய அருண் விஜய், 'என்னை அறிந்தால்...’ படத்தின் மூலம் இந்தப் பக்கம் வில்லனாகவும் உதார் பண்ணிவிட்டார்.

''இந்த நிமிஷம் இந்த உலகத்துலயே சந்தோஷமான ஆள் நான்தான். 1995-ல் சினிமாவில் அறிமுகமாகி 20 வருஷங்களா போராடினதுக்குக் கிடைச்ச பலன்தான் 'என்னை அறிந்தால்...’ வெற்றி. நடுவுல 'பாண்டவர் பூமி’, 'தடையறத் தாக்க’னு ரொம்ப அரிதா 'வெரி குட்’ வாங்கிட்டு இருந்தேன். இப்போ எங்கே போனாலும் 'விக்டர்... விக்டர்...’னு கொண்டாடுறாங்க.

என் முதல் படம் 'முறைமாப்பிள்ளை’னு ரெக்கார்டுல இருக்கு. அதுக்கும் முன்னாடி 'லவ் ஸ்டோரி’னு ஒரு படம் நடிக்க கமிட் ஆகியிருந்தேன்.

ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மான் சார் மியூசிக். மூணு பாடல்கள்கூட போட்டுக் கொடுத்தார். ஆனா, படம் ஷூட்டிங்கே போகலை. முதல் படமே அடி. அப்புறம் ஏதாவது பண்ணிடலாம்னு ஒவ்வொரு படத்திலும் முயற்சி பண்ணிட்டே இருந்தேன். படங்கள் சரியாப் போகலை. எவ்வளவு யோசிச்சாலும் காரணமே தெரியலை. ரொம்பப் போராட்டத்துக்குப் பிறகு ஒரு படம் ஜெயிக்க என்ன பண்ணணும், அதோட அலைவரிசை என்னன்னு தெளிவு வந்து சொந்தமா எடுத்ததுதான் 'மலை மலை’. அது கமர்ஷியல் ஹிட். அப்புறம் மகிழ் திருமேனி மூலமா 'தடையறத் தாக்க’ படத்தில் நல்ல வெளிச்சம் கிடைச்சது. சினிமாவில் இதுதான் பண்ணணும்னு தெரிஞ்சுக்கவே எனக்கு இவ்வளவு படங்கள் பண்ணவேண்டியதா இருந்தது. சரி... விழுந்துதானே எந்திரிக்க முடியும்.''

''நீங்களே சொன்ன மாதிரி அத்தனை வருஷங்களுக்குப் பிறகு 'தடையறத் தாக்க’ படத்தில் ஆக்ஷன் ஹீரோவா நல்ல அடையாளம் கிடைச்சது. ஆனா, அடுத்து உடனே வில்லன் கேரக்டர் பண்ண எப்படிச் சம்மதிச்சீங்க?''

''கௌதம் சார் கதை சொன்னப்ப, விக்டர் கேரக்டர் அந்த அளவுக்கு நம்பிக்கை கொடுத்துச்சு. இன்னொரு நல்ல விஷயம் அஜித் சார். அவரை மாதிரி ஒரு மாஸ் ஹீரோவுடன் சேர்ந்து நடிக்கும்போதுதான், ஒரு நடிகன் தன் பெஸ்ட்டைக் கொண்டுவர முடியும். சொல்லப்போனா, என்னை முதன்முதலா வில்லனா நடிக்கச் சொன்னதே அவர்தான். ஆறு வருஷங்களுக்கு முன்னாடி ஏதோ ஒரு விழாவில் அவரை எதேச்சையா சந்திச்சப்ப, 'நீ வில்லனா நடியேன். 'வாலி’யில் ஒரு நெகட்டிவ் ரோல் பண்ணப்போதான் என் திறமை முழுசா வெளியே வந்தது. நீயும் முயற்சி பண்ணு. கண்டிப்பா வொர்க்-அவுட் ஆகும்’னு சொன்னார். ஆனா, அவர் படத்தில் அவருக்கே வில்லனா நடிப்பேன்னு எதிர்பார்க்கலை!''

''தொடர் தோல்விகளுக்கு நடுவுல உங்க காத்திருப்புக்கு அடிப்படை நம்பிக்கையா எது இருந்தது?''

''எல்லாருமே, 'என்ன அருண்... உனக்கு நடிப்பு, டான்ஸ்னு எல்லாமே நல்லா வருது. ஆனா, ஏன் படங்கள் சரியா அமையல?’னு விசாரிச்சுட்டே இருந்தது, ஒருகட்டத்துக்கு மேல என் மேலயே எனக்கு ஆத்திரத்தை உண்டாக்குச்சு. அந்தக் கோபத்தை, 'அடுத்த படத்துல இன்னும் நல்லா பண்ணணும்’கிற வெறியா மாத்திக்கிட்டேன். இன்னும் நிறைய உழைக்கிறது, கோபம் தீர்றவரை வொர்க்-அவுட் பண்றதுனு என்னைப் பரபரப்பாவே வெச்சுட்டு இருந்தேன். எனக்காக இல்லைன்னாலும் என் வீட்ல இருக்கிறவங்களுக்காகவாவது ஜெயிச்சே ஆகணும். ஏன்னா, என்னைப் பத்தி அவங்ககிட்டதான் அந்தக் கேள்வியை நிறையப் பேர் கேட்பாங்க. 'முடியலை’னு கையைத் தூக்கிட்டா இவ்வளவு நாள் உழைச்சது வீணாப் போயிடும். அதனாலயே ஓடிட்டே இருந்தேன். 'என்னை அறிந்தால்...’ படத்துல ஒரு வசனம் வரும். 'இவ்ளோ நாள் நீ ஓடிட்டு இருக்கேன்னா, இதுதான் உனக்கான டைம். போட்டுத் தாக்கு’னு. அப்படி இது எனக்கான டைம்!''

''குடும்பம் பத்திச் சொல்லுங்க?''

''மனைவி ஆர்த்திக்கு சினிமா நல்லா தெரியும். நல்ல ரசிகை. பூர்வி, ஆர்ணவ்னு ரெண்டு குழந்தைங்க. அவங்க பிறந்த பின்னாடிதான் என் வாழ்க்கையில் நிறைய மாற்றங்கள். 'மலை மலை’ பட வெற்றியா இருக்கட்டும், 'தடையறத் தாக்க’ படத்தில் கிடைச்ச பேரா இருக்கட்டும். எல்லா நல்லதும் இவங்க வந்த பின்னாடிதான் கிடைச்சது. பூர்விக்கு அஞ்சு வயசு. அமைதியான பொண்ணு. ஆர்ணவ் எல்.கே.ஜி படிக்கிறார். 'என்னடா படிக்கிற?’னு கேட்டா, ஸ்கூல் பேர் ஆரம்பிச்சு தனக்கு அஞ்சு கேர்ள் ஃப்ரெண்ட்ஸ்ங்கிற உண்மை வரைக்கும் சொல்வார். வீட்ல இருக்கும்போது அவ்வளவு சந்தோஷமா இருக்கேன்னா, இவங்கதான் காரணம்!''

19th February 2015, 07:55 PM
4 out of the last 5 movies are blockbuster. Giving blockbuster with struggling directors is a great achievement.

19th February 2015, 08:14 PM
:shock: is this for real? thala...I underestimated you....a genuine blockbuster.....

parani...why 4 out of 5...which movie is not in the list....

English Vinglish (guest role)
Yennai Arindhaal

19th February 2015, 08:21 PM
UAE Box office Yennai Arindhaal at #1, continues its third week in 2 screens.


UAE becoming another good market for Tamil films, I remember that couple of years back Tamil films releasing only in 3-4 screens, but nowadays biggies get minimum 25+ screens. :clap:

19th February 2015, 08:22 PM
UAE box-office - where does it stand all time? #1?

19th February 2015, 08:27 PM
No, for the last 3 weeks box office, iMovie collected more than 1M$.. YA 0.5M$ in the first 4 days.

19th February 2015, 08:33 PM
500,000$ in only 4 days is not only a big achievement but tremendous because it was released on a non-festival non-holiday weekend and not too many commercial masala for we thala fans....it was out and out ajith class with GVM

19th February 2015, 08:44 PM
UAE Box office Yennai Arindhaal at #1, continues its third week in 2 screens.


UAE becoming another good market for Tamil films, I remember that couple of years back Tamil films releasing only in 3-4 screens, but nowadays biggies get minimum 25+ screens. :clap:
Just 2 Screen in 3rd weekend how it is possible to top ahead of Holly films... Sumaal doubt

19th February 2015, 08:46 PM
Just 2 Screen in 3rd weekend how it is possible to top ahead of Holly films... Sumaal doubt

I guess it is total BO collection in UAE...

19th February 2015, 08:51 PM
:shock: is this for real? thala...I underestimated you....a genuine blockbuster.....

parani...why 4 out of 5...which movie is not in the list....

English Vinglish (guest role)
Yennai Arindhaal

Billa 2 which was average

19th February 2015, 08:54 PM
Billa 2 which was average

we will never get to know the reality...but Billa-2 was a low-budget movie....if it was average collections as per our calculations...then it is indeed hit/super hit if not for blockbuster....to me Billa-2 was hit/super hit if not blockbuster :)

19th February 2015, 09:04 PM
there is no problem calling it a superhit because Thala films are bigger hits than they are projected to be by the setup media and setup media has called some average films of others as 100C-movie so there is nothing wrong.

19th February 2015, 09:04 PM
Just 2 Screen in 3rd weekend how it is possible to top ahead of Holly films... Sumaal doubt
2 screens from today onwards, the rating was given by cine royal cinemas, they have many screens across the country, may be that Top10 is from their screens.

19th February 2015, 09:05 PM
we will never get to know the reality...but Billa-2 was a low-budget movie....if it was average collections as per our calculations...then it is indeed hit/super hit if not for blockbuster....to me Billa-2 was hit/super hit if not blockbuster :)

Billa2 tax 30% made it below avg....again it isno t low budget B2 is moderate budget

19th February 2015, 09:12 PM
Billa2 tax 30% made it below avg....again it isnt low budget moderate

sumore U/A rating for this movie too..

19th February 2015, 09:13 PM
2 screens from today onwards, the rating was given by cine royal cinemas, they have many screens across the country, may be that Top10 is from their screens.

oh fine then its a superb going there...

19th February 2015, 10:17 PM
Billa 2 is not UA.... Its A....

20th February 2015, 12:35 AM
Anyone who calls Billa-2 as average venture should be living in their own lala land.

C'mon guys don't make vadai, the responsibility belongs to someone else :)

20th February 2015, 12:36 AM
500,000$ in only 4 days is not only a big achievement but tremendous because it was released on a non-festival non-holiday weekend and not too many commercial masala for we thala fans....it was out and out ajith class with GVM

What do you mean by non-festival or non-holiday in US? Can you clarify? Even Diwali is considered non-holiday in US.

20th February 2015, 04:50 AM

but i'm not sure it's true or not...

20th February 2015, 05:04 AM
among recent ajith movies after mangatha, YA is my favourite. i don't know what it is...may be ajith's acting or the way he speaks english or saying bad words..or the fight scenes..i don't know

and then i think all the credits should go to GVM
altough ajith looked fat, GVm made him look so handsome

20th February 2015, 05:08 AM
What do you mean by non-festival or non-holiday in US? Can you clarify? Even Diwali is considered non-holiday in US.


Agreed. But when do you feel like taking your Whole family for a movie? Diwali and Pongal are the ones. All winter releases suffer this in east coast. Anegan is not even screened for more than a show in Boston. Had it got released at a different time, I think it would have made a difference.

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20th February 2015, 05:09 AM
And this applicable for west. Not for TN

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20th February 2015, 05:33 AM
ஜீத்தின் மெல்லிசான கோட்டில் அர்ஜுன்
IndiaGlitz [Thursday, February 19, 2015] 0 Comments

'Oru Mellisana Kodu' Movie Launch GalleryClick here for 'Oru Mellisana Kodu' Movie Launch Gallery
சமீபத்தில் ரிலீஸான அஜீத் நடித்த 'என்னை அறிந்தால்' திரைப்படத்தில் இடம்பெற்ற 'ஒரு மெல்லிசான கோடு' என்ற வசனம் இணையதளங்களிலும், சமூக வலைத்தளங்களிலும் மிகவும் பிரபலமானது என்பது அனைவரும் அறிந்ததே. இந்நிலையில் இந்த வசனத்தையே ஒரு படத்தின் தலைப்பாக தற்போது வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

'ஒரு மெல்லிசான கோடு' என்ற படத்தில் மங்காத்தா படத்தில் அஜீத்துடன் நடித்த அர்ஜூன் முக்கிய வேடத்தில் நடிக்கவுள்ளார். இன்னொரு ஹீரோவாக ஷாம் நடிக்கின்றார். அக்சா பட் மற்றும் மனிஷா கொய்ராலா ஆகிய இரண்டு ஹீரோயின்கள் இந்த படத்தில் நடிக்கவுள்ளதாக கூறப்படுகிறது.

இந்த படத்தின் பூஜை இன்று சென்னையில் வெகு சிறப்பாக நடைபெற்றது. ஏ.எம்.ஆர்.ரமேஷ் தயாரிக்கும் இந்த படத்திற்கு இசைஞானி இளையராஜா இசையமைக்கின்றார். இன்று நடைபெற்ற பூஜையில் அர்ஜுன், ஷாம், இளையராஜா, விஜய் சேதுபதி, பரத் உள்பட பலர் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.

20th February 2015, 05:37 AM
Home > More Tamil News'Mottai' Rajendran also inspired by THALA ...
'Mottai' Rajendran also inspired by THALA
Feb 19, 2015
From a stunt double in Pithamagan to a father of an underachiever in Boss to a Managing director in Raja Rani to a cross-dresser villain in Thirudan Police to the recent Ghost Gopal Varma, 'Mottai' Rajendran has come a long way.

His flawless physique, the ever-tonsured head and the golden voice has been massively loved and accepted. Mottai Rajendran is one of the busiest stars in tinsel town right now. The actor is taking up back to back projects, like playing the role of a comedian to a mainstream villain.

His "Ivanukku Thannila Gandam", a comedy-thriller had its teaser released recently. The director of the team has spoofed the Mellisaana Kodu format in the cut and Mottai Rajendran is seen as a high-tech contract killer voicing some famous dialogues of Thala. The teaser has clocked more than 1.6 lakh hits so far.

One actor who evokes laughter and cheers from the audience, every time when seen on screen. Way to go Rajendran sir.

20th February 2015, 07:19 AM

Agreed. But when do you feel like taking your Whole family for a movie? Diwali and Pongal are the ones. All winter releases suffer this in east coast. Anegan is not even screened for more than a show in Boston. Had it got released at a different time, I think it would have made a difference.

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My take is this...... YA could have collected much more in US if not for Piracy. I atleast know of 7 close friends who sat and watched YA HQ print at home on the Friday the movie got released. I think movie was released on Wednesday and pirated HQ print was available online on Friday itself. I have not seen happen that for any recent movie and YA still managed to cross 500K. That's remarkable IMO. Obviously there are some elements who really want to bring down Ajith's movie and are afraid of his success!

none of my friends wanted to shell out $45 for 3 tickets when good quality was available for free. It kind of hurts, but you gotta suck it up!

Everyone of my friend's comment: "nalla iruku, oru thadava paakalaam . Ajith saved the movie"

20th February 2015, 07:42 AM
My take is this...... YA could have collected much more in US if not for Piracy. I atleast know of 7 close friends who sat and watched YA HQ print at home on the Friday the movie got released. I think movie was released on Wednesday and pirated HQ print was available online on Friday itself. I have not seen happen that for any recent movie and YA still managed to cross 500K. That's remarkable IMO. Obviously there are some elements who really want to bring down Ajith's movie and are afraid of his success!

none of my friends wanted to shell out $45 for 3 tickets when good quality was available for free. It kind of hurts, but you gotta suck it up!

Everyone of my friend's comment: "nalla iruku, oru thadava paakalaam . Ajith saved the movie"

Agree with you. All I wanted to say was the factors behind movie outing here. Not sure about long time residents though.

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20th February 2015, 08:09 AM

Box office report : Ajith starrer Yennai Arindhaal declared box office hit

Posted by Kanchana Devi
Chennai, Feb 19 (TruthDive): Ajith starrer Yennai Arindhaal is making good collections at the ticket windows and has become the biggest box office hit movie for the actor. Having received excellent positive responses in the country as well as in the overseas circuits, the movie is now making its success ride in its second week also.

The collections for the movie are expected to have touched a high. Even though the producer of Yennai Arindhaal, A.M. Rathnam, has not issued any statement on the box office collections of the film, reliable reports from trade circles say that the movie has collected over Rs.60 crore so far and has become a super-duper hit movie at the box office.

In the overseas markets too, the film has been doing well from the day it was released. Especially, in the US, Ajith starrer Yennai Arindhaal received a overwhelming response and has been declared as a box office hit by the country’s film distributors. The romantic thriller had beaten all box office collection records of Ajith movies released till date in the US.

In US alone, the collections on the first week stand at 400,000 dollars that is an excellent figure. In the second week, Yennai Arindhaal had reached the 500,000 dollars and with this, the Ajith starrer had entered the half-million dollar club of Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Vijay and Vikram.

After collecting a whooping Rs.60 crore, overall the movie is going great still and is expected to cross the 100 crore mark and enter the Rs.100-crore club very soon.

Ajith starrer Yennai Arindhaal, directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon is the third film of him in the police franchise after Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu and Kaakha Kaakha. Ajith had played the character of Satyadev in the film. Having been declared as a hit, Gautham has plans of making a sequel to Yennai Arindhaal.

February 19, 2015