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2nd April 2015, 09:58 PM
That would be great. Im ready to spoil my relationship with him if he is able to understamd what a fan thinks about him even 1 percent. Great trade off I would say.

2nd April 2015, 10:53 PM
அவர் தொன்மையான பழமைக்கும் புதுமைக்கும் இடைப்பட்ட சங்கிலித் தொடரின் கடைசி முடிச்சி. அப்படிப்பட்டவர்களால் இப்போது நடக்கும் எல்லாவற்றுக்குமே ஆதிகால நிகழ்வுகளையும் இணைத்துதான் எதையுமே பேசமுடியும். அது தவிர்க்க இயலாதது. சினிமா பற்றி எந்த விஷயம் என்றாலும் கமல் தனது ஆரம்ப கால, அல்லது அவருக்கு முந்தின கால நிகழ்வுகளையும் மறக்காமல் குறிப்பிட்டு பேசுவதை பலமுறை பார்த்திருக்கிறோம்.

நல்லா கேட்டுக்குங்க சார் - கமல் என்கிற கலைஞரின்/அறிவாளியின்/கடும் உழைப்பாளியின்/சமூக சிந்தனையாளரின் மேல் எனக்கு அபார நம்பிக்கை மற்றும் அபிமானம் உள்ளது - அவருடைய சிந்தனைகளை மனமார ரசிக்கிறேன்.

அவரோட 'ஹே ராம்' படத்தை - அந்த படம் ஓடின ரெண்டு வாரத்துல, மூன்று தடவை காசு குடுத்து படம் பார்த்தவர்களில் நானும் ஒருவன் - என்பதையும் இங்கு பதிவு செய்கிறேன்.

However, coming to his response to a question on the documentary 'nirbhaya' on the program in the Telugu Channel:

'nirbhaya' என்கிற ஒரு குறும் படம் எவ்வாறெல்லாம் Indian Penal Code - Section 228Aவை அவமதித்து எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு படம் என்பதை அவர் அறிவாரா?

சட்டத்தில் அந்த section இருப்பதே பாதிக்கப்பட்ட நபரின் dignity மற்றும் sanctity/privacy இரண்டையும் மதிப்பதற்கும்/பாதுகாப்பதற்கும் தான் - read "where the victim is dead or minor or of unsound mind, by, or with the authorisation in writing of, the next of kin of the victim: Provided that no such authorisation shall be given by the next of kin to anybody other than the chairman or the secretary, by whatever name called, of any recognised welfare institution or organisation. Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section, “recognised welfare institution or organisation” means a social welfare institution or organisation recognised in this behalf by the Central or State Government. "

Neither the docu-film maker Leslee Udwin nor the BBC that released the film were representing any social welfare groups and thus had no authority/legal right to make such a film.

Furthermore, பலாத்காரம் செய்யப்பட்ட அந்த பெண்ணை குரூரமான முறையில் பிறப்புறுப்பின் வழியாக குடலை உருவி கொலை செய்த நபர் ஒரு minor - அது மட்டுமில்லாமல் அந்த minor ஒரு சிறுபான்மை சமூகத்தை சேர்ந்த குடும்பத்தை சார்ந்தவர் என்பதை the entire media as well as political leadership very conveniently and deliberately swept under the carpet -அந்த குறும் படம் எடுத்த Leslee Udwin, very cleverly omitted the identity of the minor and instead focused on the victim without any decency/respect for her or her family's sentiments.

நமது சமூகம் (உலகத்தில் உள்ள பெரும்பான்மை சமூகங்களை போலவே) Misogyny/ஆணாதிக்கம் நிறைந்த, மற்றும், ஊறிப்போன ஒரு சமூகம் என்பது Udwin என்பவர் நமக்கு சொல்லித்தான் தெரியணுமா? அதுவும் பாலியல் வன்முறையினால் இறந்த ஒரு பெண்ணின் நினைவை இப்படி வக்கிரமாக மிதித்து, நசுக்கி எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு குறும் படம் மூலமாகத்தான் நமக்கு தெரியணுமா?

ஆனால் மிகவும் சாமர்த்தியமாக, அந்த குறும் படம் மூலமாக, ஏதோ இந்தியாவில் உள்ள ஒவ்வொரு குடிமகனும் தன்னுடைய சமாசாரத்தை கையில் வைத்துக்கொண்டு, அதை எந்த பொந்திற்குள் விடலாம் என்று அலைவது போல் Udwin சித்தரித்திருக்கிறார்!

இதெல்லாம் கமலுக்கு தெரிஞ்சிருக்க வாய்ப்பே இல்லை - ஏனென்றால் அப்படி ஒரு வேல தெரிஞ்சிருந்தா, அந்த மாதிரி பேசிருக்க மாட்டார் - அங்க தான் பிரச்சனையே! தன்னை ஒரு பகுத்தறிவாளர் என்று ஒரு புறம் சொல்லிக் கொண்டு, இது போன்ற ஒரு சம்பவத்தை/விஷயத்தை அறையும் குறையுமாக தெரிந்து/புரிந்து கொண்டு, அவர் உளரும் போது, அவருடைய அறிவின்/பகுத்தறிவின் மீது பெரும் சந்தேகம் ஏற்படுகிறது.

'மகாநதி' போன்ற ஒரு உன்னதமான படைப்பின் மூலம் எவ்வாறு பாலியல் வன்முறை விஷயம் விபசார தொழிலுடனும் பேராசை என்கிற பேயுடனும் ஒன்று சேர்ந்து, ஒரு சாதாரண நடுத்தர வர்க்க குடும்பத்தை சீரழிக்கக்கூடும் என்று உணர்வுபூர்வமாகவும் பாரதியின் கவிதைகளையும் பின்னி பிணைத்து, நமக்கு சொல்லிய கமல் என்கிற சிந்தனையாளர் + கலைஞர் - இதை போன்ற insensitive/sweeping statements கொடுப்பது - looks more than just odd!

At the least he could have simply diplomatically evaded answering questions on such issues - given that his understanding of the issues appears to be rather poor.

And instead, why cant he focus on releasing his films on time?

கேட்டா 'படத்தை முடிச்சிட்டேன் - தயாரிப்பாளர் கையில தான் எல்லாமே இருக்கு - நான் ஒன்னும் சொல்றதுக்கில்ல' அப்படீங்கறாரு - 50 வருட அனுபவம் இருந்தும் கூட படம் releaseக்கு ஏன் இப்படி ஒரு நிலைமை?

3rd April 2015, 03:55 PM
இரண்டாம் இடத்தில் உத்தமவில்லனின் பாடல் ஒன்று இடம்பெற்று இருக்கிறது என சந்தோஷப் படுவதா? இல்லை இளைஞர்களின் விருப்பம் இப்படியிருக்க, இதில் எங்கே காதலாம் கடவுள்முன், இரணியன் நாடகம், சாகாவரம் போன்றவைகள் கவரப் போகிறது? படம் வந்த பிறகா?

3rd April 2015, 05:47 PM
இரண்டாம் இடத்தில் உத்தமவில்லனின் பாடல் ஒன்று இடம்பெற்று இருக்கிறது என சந்தோஷப் படுவதா? இல்லை இளைஞர்களின் விருப்பம் இப்படியிருக்க, இதில் எங்கே காதலாம் கடவுள்முன், இரணியன் நாடகம், சாகாவரம் போன்றவைகள் கவரப் போகிறது? படம் வந்த பிறகா?

படம் வெளியானால் கட்டாயமாக வெற்றி பெரும் - ரசிகர்களின் மீது கமல் வைத்திருக்கும் நம்பிக்கை வீண் போகாது - நல்ல/சுவாரஸ்யமாக சொன்ன கதை என்றும் தோல்வி அடைந்தது இல்லை - ர.சுந்தர்ராஜனின் தொடர் வெற்றி (அவர் இப்போது முன்னை போல் தொடர்ந்து படம் எடுப்பதில்லை என்று இருந்தால் கூட) இதற்க்கு உதாரணம் - தமிழில் இல்லாவிட்டாலும் தெலுங்கு/மலையாளம் மொழிகளில் வரவேற்ப்பு இருக்கும் - இது என்னுடைய கணிப்பு.

அனால் இதெல்லாம் நடப்பதற்கு முதலில் படம் வெளியாக வேண்டும்!

3rd April 2015, 06:14 PM
இரண்டாம் இடத்தில் உத்தமவில்லனின் பாடல் ஒன்று இடம்பெற்று இருக்கிறது என சந்தோஷப் படுவதா? இல்லை இளைஞர்களின் விருப்பம் இப்படியிருக்க, இதில் எங்கே காதலாம் கடவுள்முன், இரணியன் நாடகம், சாகாவரம் போன்றவைகள் கவரப் போகிறது? படம் வந்த பிறகா?

this is very normal and cant blame the audience..the kind of songs in UV will not top the charts even its intriguing..we cant play Iraniyan naadagam,kaadhalaam,saagavaram songs for kids,functions,in open public for enjoyment..
these songs were feel good songs which is nether romantic nor catchy and needed repeated listening to understand the meaning..it will be hit after movie release & seeing the visuals..

Avadi to America
3rd April 2015, 07:35 PM
Only plus of that website is when ever you refresh you find a fresh news...

8 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பின் மீண்டும் இணையும் மம்முட்டி-கமல்

intha mathiri thalipa vachittu... ulla poi partha athu... malayalthula irukura kamalaam...kodumai da sami...

4th April 2015, 10:25 PM
Kamal Haasan's Uttama Villain Release Delayed Due to VFX Work

Kamal Haasan has requested VFX supervisor Madhusudanan not to rush as he doesn't want to compromise on the output.

Actor Kamal Haasan's upcoming Tamil drama film Uttama Villain, which was originally slated to release on April 10, is likely to be pushed ahead by about two weeks due to the delay in completion of visual effects (VFX) work.

"Nearly 25 VFX shots are yet to be completed. It was supposed to be completed by March 27, but it got delayed due to various reasons. Now the film will not release on April 10, and instead the makers are planning to release on April 24 or May 1," a source from the film's unit told IANS. (Also Read: In Uttama Villain Trailer, Kamal Haasan Plays an Ageing Superstar)

VFX supervisor Madhusudanan, who has earlier worked on Mr Haasan's films such as Alavandhan and Thenali, is busy overseeing the pending work.

"Kamal sir has requested Madhu not to rush. He said he doesn't mind waiting for two more weeks but doesn't want to compromise on the output," the source said.

Directed by Ramesh Aravind, Uttama Villain is the story of a theatre artist in the 8th century and a modern day superstar. (Also Read: How Kamal Haasan Convinced K Balachander for Uttama Villain)

The film also features late actor K Balachander, K Vishwanath, Pooja Kumar, Andrea Jeremiah, Jayaram, Urvashi and MS Bhaskar in important roles.


We may have a reason now .... Hopefully its for the good.

4th April 2015, 10:29 PM
The movie has gone to june

4th April 2015, 10:33 PM
Only possible in KH movies.

4th April 2015, 10:50 PM
The movie has gone to june

அப்புறம் எந்த புண்ணாக்கு காரணத்துக்கு - அதுவும் Mauritius தீவுல குந்திகினு 'அப்பாடா படம் ஒரு வழியா ரிலீஸ் ஏப்ரல் மாசம் முதல் வாரம்' அப்படீன்னு அல்வா குடுத்தாரு?

4th April 2015, 10:52 PM
why cant he release papanasam ahead of UV? taking us for granted :banghead:

4th April 2015, 11:00 PM
Very nice. Ellarum yen katchikku vareenga methuvaa.
Papanasam ? That remake film ? Athu vanthaa enaa ? Varaatti enna ?

4th April 2015, 11:05 PM
avar moonje marandudum polarukke..its been what 2 nd half yr since VR? ive never ever felt this much frustrated since VR release fiasco

4th April 2015, 11:33 PM
any delay for genuine reason is unavoidable ..

even otherwise....every dog has its day...we will get a time - when these assholes who hv this personal vengeance against him..simply die off

it would be great if reliance or some big corporate start monopolizing film distribution n even theater chains.

4th April 2015, 11:36 PM
This has nothing to do with personal vengence. The delay is due to vfx ....... there is only one person to blame for all non sense inefficient planning and ridiculous communication. ..... Mr Mohandas Karamchand Kamalhaasan

5th April 2015, 12:00 AM
the delay due to Vfx I guess it's used as an excuse than revealing something which is actually delaying the release. Because it's been 2 months Vfx work happened and Kamal also went to US. After that they were only saying the month/week/day of the movie release. If VFX work is pending, why they did not say anything about it in the audio release speeches and media interviews? No transparency.

5th April 2015, 12:10 AM
This has nothing to do with personal vengence. The delay is due to vfx ....... there is only one person to blame for all non sense inefficient planning and ridiculous communication. ..... Mr Mohandas Karamchand Kamalhaasan

until now, I was taking this jovially - but this is insipidly silly - இதுக்கே இப்படின்னா at this rate, marudhanayagam = marandhanayagam.

isn't VFX part of production planning even before the film goes to the floors?

how come Craig Mann worked on the sound and mixing for the film's background score matching visuals if the VFX had not been completed?

I don't get it

5th April 2015, 12:12 AM
the delay due to Vfx I guess it's used as an excuse than revealing something which is actually delaying the release. Because it's been 2 months Vfx work happened and Kamal also went to US. After that they were only saying the month/week/day of the movie release. If VFX work is pending, why they did not say anything about it in the audio release speeches and media interviews? No transparency.

exactly my point
but again it is not abt transparency sir..it is kind off clear - how can the makers come and say we are having issues finalizing the deal with the distributors

5th April 2015, 01:12 PM
exactly my point
but again it is not abt transparency sir..it is kind off clear - how can the makers come and say we are having issues finalizing the deal with the distributors
VFX not completed is fake news..the movie is 100% done..
If VFX not completed how cum they have finished the deal with distributors in ramanathaapuram,coimbatore and Chennai..the issue with distributors and theater owners is still on and that's the reason deal in NSC,trichy & salem area,etc is not yet done..

6th April 2015, 07:56 AM
VFX not completed is fake news..the movie is 100% done..
If VFX not completed how cum they have finished the deal with distributors in ramanathaapuram,coimbatore and Chennai..the issue with distributors and theater owners is still on and that's the reason deal in NSC,trichy & salem area,etc is not yet done..

All movies in "BOX", Nammavar can be now called as the real "BOX" office King.
He should realize that he no more holds super stardom and must compromise on distribution market.
If he still expects the kind of deals a Ajith / Vijay / Surya / Vikram / Simbu movie can fetch, he will never get distributors.
Make movies of budget in the Siva Karthikeyan range and I am sure he will get reasonably good deals from distributors.

6th April 2015, 08:33 AM
hope they change advertisement statement to "not from April"

6th April 2015, 08:58 AM
All movies in "BOX", Nammavar can be now called as the real "BOX" office King.
He should realize that he no more holds super stardom and must compromise on distribution market.
If he still expects the kind of deals a Ajith / Vijay / Surya / Vikram / Simbu movie can fetch, he will never get distributors.
Make movies of budget in the Siva Karthikeyan range and I am sure he will get reasonably good deals from distributors.

First of all its not the MG issue with distributors/theater owners..Its CCI-Viswaroopam issue and Eros-Lingaa issue.

6th April 2015, 09:51 AM
it is not that nammavar doesnt hv a value nu.. he does..

but the market has changed...theatres do not worry which movie fetches money for them..there are atleast 4 films coming every week... it has become more like a rental house where ..there is a steady income ..movies do not have chances to make a comeback 1 week la response illaina..gone

and max 4 weeks and take that movie out coz a new film wil bring more crowd than that..

direct to home - CTH is the way forward or monopolization of theaters like in US - AMC,regal,ikon etc liek that

what matters now is amicable relationship ..and be a puppet to these jokers ..and act like these guys are devudu , (which is what all the other stars are doing currently - athu thaan viyabara thanthiramam ippo) - i wud rather not want him to release his movies than to bend for these assholes

6th April 2015, 01:31 PM
A Hindu organisation filed complaint seeking to stop the release of #KamalHaasan's #UttamaVillain. Alleges Hindu Gods demeaned in a song!

6th April 2015, 01:33 PM
Hiranyan shoulf not have sung .... vetkam kettu pandriyum thaan thaan endravanaa kadavul ?

6th April 2015, 01:35 PM
He should have sung like his ........ thannai pandri endru sollikonda sarva ghanam porunthiya, mathippukum mariyaathaikkum uriya uyarthiru shri shri shriman Narayana swamy avargaley

6th April 2015, 01:40 PM
A Hindu organisation filed complaint seeking to stop the release of #KamalHaasan's #UttamaVillain. Alleges Hindu Gods demeaned in a song!

add on reason for delay...

6th April 2015, 02:27 PM
VFX is the reason for Delay !! :lol:

6th April 2015, 05:26 PM
A Hindu organisation filed complaint seeking to stop the release of #KamalHaasan's #UttamaVillain. Alleges Hindu Gods demeaned in a song!

Gr8 news..Many ppl including Dr felt marketing is very bad..now this will create necessary hype and freecost heavy marketing..
i excpected this long back after hearing those lines mentioned by dr

6th April 2015, 05:40 PM
All movies in "BOX", Nammavar can be now called as the real "BOX" office King.
He should realize that he no more holds super stardom and must compromise on distribution market.
If he still expects the kind of deals a Ajith / Vijay / Surya / Vikram / Simbu movie can fetch, he will never get distributors.
Make movies of budget in the Siva Karthikeyan range and I am sure he will get reasonably good deals from distributors.

Welcome back! Nothing happened while you were gone. Still waiting :)

6th April 2015, 05:44 PM
First of all its not the MG issue with distributors/theater owners..Its CCI-Viswaroopam issue and Eros-Lingaa issue.

But, how do you know? I don't think anyone (besides the inner circle) knows for sure.

6th April 2015, 06:00 PM
Welcome back! Nothing happened while you were gone. Still waiting :)

BOX office King was a comment from a frustrated fanatic.
But any delay associated with it will be attributed to Kamal. With his 55 years experience, if he cannot plan VFX or XYZ work; or if he cannot forsee issues for lyrics like what Dr quoted or "Sambalaminri nadanam aadum ambala nataraja" etc, it is a shame on him.

6th April 2015, 06:39 PM
Prachanai vandhacha? Jooper.

But runtime 2hr 52min ah? Apparam nairya per review poduvar (over indulgence, etc.)

6th April 2015, 06:41 PM
There is no updation on cbfc site

6th April 2015, 06:43 PM
Prachanai vandhacha? Jooper.

But runtime 2hr 52min ah? Apparam nairya per review poduvar (over indulgence, etc.)

Dont worry - after all the cuts to please stupid people, it will reduce and we dont have to worry about flow then :-)

6th April 2015, 06:48 PM
Ig nu 2.52 hrs pottar. But athu unmaiyaa, nejamma enakku theriyathu. Took grain of uppu.

6th April 2015, 07:16 PM
Uppu moottai venum

6th April 2015, 08:58 PM
இந்த மாதிரி சகட்டு மேனிக்கி படத்தை ரிலீஸ் பண்ணாம வச்சுருந்தா இன்னும் நிறைய கொசுறு NEWS வரும் :

படம் shooting spotla என்ன சாப்புட்டாங்கோ, இட்லிக்கு கெட்டி சட்னியா இல்ல சின்ன வெங்காய சாம்பாரா, shooting நடந்த நாட்களில் Gamal Gaasar Colgate toothpaste இல்ல Closeup இல்ல கோபால் பல் போடி use பண்ணாரா?

நடுவுல வேற எதாவது டிவி சானல்ல ஹாசருடைய கருத்து சிதறல்களையும் கேட்டு மகிழ்ந்து விமோசனம் அடையலாம்.

பொறுமை சக்ரவர்த்திங்கோ கமல் fans.

6th April 2015, 09:00 PM
Yen katchila neraya peru seruraanga

6th April 2015, 09:05 PM
Yen katchila neraya peru seruraanga

Sorry doctor. The frustrations had been peaked a few years ago (atleast among Mallu fans) and many left fan clubs. It is now clearly visible in the initial collection Nammavar is receiving the last decade.
Only useless souls like me are still hanging on....

6th April 2015, 09:09 PM
@pushpak sir, have we spoken before ?? during dasa times ?

6th April 2015, 09:12 PM
Pushpak and Anban. Rendum original peru kidayaathu. Gounder in chinna kounder ......... ennada pannurathu ? Rendu elumbu koodu kku naduvula vanthu maattikittom.

Arvind Srinivasan
6th April 2015, 10:11 PM

Not sure if it's true or not. But just to keep our hopes up.

6th April 2015, 10:13 PM
Ramana padathila dialogue maadhri, "tn makkal are sentimental idiots."

But namma situation vadivelu thaan, "Varuuum aaaana vaarathu.

Arvind Srinivasan
6th April 2015, 10:18 PM
And I also heard that Vishwa Hindu Parishad has called in for a ban on the movie since it seemingly maligns hindu beliefs and gods. I was never in doubt that this would happen. Right from the time the audio released, I got the feeling that Iraniya naadagam's got the potential of being that one small mole hill that these lunatics could use to turn it to a mountain.

6th April 2015, 11:20 PM
And I also heard that Vishwa Hindu Parishad has called in for a ban on the movie since it seemingly maligns hindu beliefs and gods. I was never in doubt that this would happen. Right from the time the audio released, I got the feeling that Iraniya naadagam's got the potential of being that one small mole hill that these lunatics could use to turn it to a mountain.

I doubt it - particularly after Kamal being chosen for the 'swachh bharat' activity

Arvind Srinivasan
6th April 2015, 11:49 PM
^ Athlayum theva illaaama- "agnostic of any political, religious views" appidi ippidinnu kuttaya kozhapinaarae namba aalu...I for one believe that both these incidents are mutually exclusive. Anyways here's the source. Again questionable, but will not be surprised at all if these maniacs start protesting...


7th April 2015, 04:36 PM
May 1 official

7th April 2015, 04:59 PM
Finally !

7th April 2015, 05:38 PM
May 1 official

Thanks Doctor :)

7th April 2015, 05:43 PM
May 1 official

Hope it happens !
Any big star's movie planned for same time or one week this side or that side? That can again force theatres to not take our movie which will again result in further delay :-(

7th April 2015, 05:48 PM
Heard U certificate pola. First time in 7 years Kamal film getting U cert. Dasa was last to get U cert.

7th April 2015, 05:52 PM
Hope it happens !
Any big star's movie planned for same time or one week this side or that side? That can again force theatres to not take our movie which will again result in further delay :-(
Lingu bhai and his Thirupathi sisters on twitter have posted new paper Ad with May 1st date. He and pillaivaal have posted U cert news.

As of now, Purampokku was targeted for 1st, but UV announced just now, so for now, looks like all clear (release wise.) But UV will find it tough getting screens in US as Avengers 2 releases same day (India gets this a week in advance.)

Arvind Srinivasan
7th April 2015, 05:55 PM
^ MMA was U certificated. The others since the time Dasavathaaaram released were all certified U/A

7th April 2015, 05:57 PM
Hope it happens !
Any big star's movie planned for same time or one week this side or that side? That can again force theatres to not take our movie which will again result in further delay :-(

Don't know why so negative. KH is a big star for sure and UV will most likely be a solo release. Mass, Vaalu etc. will give way. Any delay from now on (as before) will most likely be self inflicted and not caused by others or external events.

If you notice they announced the release date right after the censors. But why did they take so long to get the censor certification? lot of speculation but no one knows for sure.

7th April 2015, 05:58 PM
Lingu bhai and his Thirupathi sisters on twitter have posted new paper Ad with May 1st date. He and pillaivaal have posted U cert news.

As of now, Purampokku was targeted for 1st, but UV announced just now, so for now, looks like all clear (release wise.) But UV will find it tough getting screens in US as Avengers 2 releases same day (India gets this a week in advance.)

So unless the stupid religious fanatics (any religion for that matter) create an issue, we can expect it on 1st May.
Need to change my vacation plan now !

7th April 2015, 06:00 PM
May 1st is perfect. further delays to following weeks will impact the collection as IPL 2015 would be in full swing. So the first 2 weeks of May is the key.

7th April 2015, 06:05 PM
Don't know why so negative. KH is a big star for sure and UV will most likely be a solo release. Mass, Vaalu etc. will give way. Any delay from now on (as before) will most likely be self inflicted and not caused by others or external events.

If you notice they announced the release date right after the censors. But why did they take so long to get the censor certification? lot of speculation but no one knows for sure.

It can be termed as Negativity or Realization of reality :-(
Highly subjective.

7th April 2015, 06:58 PM


7th April 2015, 07:42 PM
Don't know why so negative. KH is a big star for sure and UV will most likely be a solo release. Mass, Vaalu etc. will give way. Any delay from now on (as before) will most likely be self inflicted and not caused by others or external events.

If you notice they announced the release date right after the censors. But why did they take so long to get the censor certification? lot of speculation but no one knows for sure.

What happened to VFX delay news? how come censor happened before VFX is completed?
VFX complete aagala,padam boni aagala kadhai laan chumma..
Whether its correct or adamant/ego the issue is all because of Kamalhaasan with Theater owners/distributors..already its known that CCI issue will be compromised,may be that would have happened now..

7th April 2015, 07:57 PM
Dr. May 1st date ungalukku eppadi? vasathiya? Will you be back from your Europe / UK trip by then?

7th April 2015, 08:03 PM
Is this another frustrated Kamal fan who wrote this in Indiaglitz :
in all probability it could be ‘Uttama Villain’ versus ‘Purampokku Engira Podhuvudamai’ at the box office on May Day.

Tevar Makan vs Pandyan
Vikram vs Maveeran
Mumbai Express vs Chandramukhi
Uttama Villain vs Purampokku Engira Podhuvudamai

7th April 2015, 08:08 PM
Yes Pamrang. Back on 20th. Then 10 days of bloody preparation for deiva darshanam

7th April 2015, 08:21 PM
Awesome Dr! Glad it worked out so well for you...

7th April 2015, 08:35 PM
எந்த பொரம்போக்கு அப்படி எழுதிச்சு..nonsence

7th April 2015, 08:37 PM
Interview with Ramesh:


Excerpts : (nothing much new)
# People ask "when the tiger is coming". The movie will create the feeling that swami ayyappan coming on a group of tigers.
# Half of Kamal's own life is reflected in the story.. Especially his scenes with KB
# Kamal plays 4 stages of an artists life
# Usual hypes like Harry Potter kind of technical stuff etc
# I asked Kamal whether IPL will affect the collection - Kamal replied We are also IPL - Indian Perfection League :-)
# Praising mallu artists and audience (obvious - as it is a interview for a mallu media)

7th April 2015, 08:38 PM
எந்த பொரம்போக்கு அப்படி எழுதிச்சு..nonsence

Indiaglitz - journalism at its crappy best :-)

7th April 2015, 09:07 PM
Is this another frustrated Kamal fan who wrote this in Indiaglitz :
in all probability it could be ‘Uttama Villain’ versus ‘Purampokku Engira Podhuvudamai’ at the box office on May Day.

Tevar Makan vs Pandyan
Vikram vs Maveeran
Mumbai Express vs Chandramukhi
Uttama Villain vs Purampokku Engira Podhuvudamai
all it means is that, rajini is out of business :lol:

7th April 2015, 10:24 PM
all it means is that, rajini is out of business :lol:

Only you can think this creative :-)
Nice one :-)

8th April 2015, 02:50 AM

8th April 2015, 08:37 AM
Don't know why so negative. KH is a big star for sure and UV will most likely be a solo release. Mass, Vaalu etc. will give way. Any delay from now on (as before) will most likely be self inflicted and not caused by others or external events.

If you notice they announced the release date right after the censors. But why did they take so long to get the censor certification? lot of speculation but no one knows for sure.

- Well yea.. he is 60, still steady in field(just imagine if Vishwaroopam crisis happen to someone else, sure gone) .. am sure he has more pressure then us.. but the way he handle it.. with such positive manner..
- To be honest, he is completed! what ever we getting now is a BONUS.. so the right thing we can do for now is, keep calm and enjoy whenever his movie release..

8th April 2015, 09:12 AM
- Well yea.. he is 60, still steady in field(just imagine if Vishwaroopam crisis happen to someone else, sure gone) .. am sure he has more pressure then us.. but the way he handle it.. with such positive manner..
- To be honest, he is completed! what ever we getting now is a BONUS.. so the right thing we can do for now is, keep calm and enjoy whenever his movie release..

Sorry I completely disagree. He is probably no more a star what he was. But he can give damn good movies as a creator. Only thing is that he has to understand the commercial value of such movies and keep an eye on the budget.

8th April 2015, 11:16 AM
Yes Pamrang. Back on 20th. Then 10 days of bloody preparation for deiva darshanam

Would like to join your gang if possible in Hyd / Chennai / bangalore.

8th April 2015, 11:24 AM
Where do you live ?

8th April 2015, 01:24 PM

itha parkum pothu thaan theriuthu...the mental strength and toughness thalaivar has...

Dr K - simple ah potta oru bittukey Gnanavel in tears and the entire crew pammitu iruku..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgtPgktD66k end digg//

8th April 2015, 01:27 PM
Sorry I completely disagree. He is probably no more a star what he was. But he can give damn good movies as a creator. Only thing is that he has to understand the commercial value of such movies and keep an eye on the budget.

yes i agree with you..anyone who crosses 60 is very difficult to maintain star status..may be kamalhaasan has another 2 years for being a star but definitely his star value has dropped now like rajni..less than age 20 were fans of current generation actors like vijay,ajith,surya..
But definitely Kamalhaasan can give good movies with reasonable budget..Iraniyan song is one example how good he is..but will he accept the fact that his star value has dropped and make movies accordingly..thats a big question..
He must stop using extensive VFX,graphics with high budgets anymore..

8th April 2015, 03:04 PM

ரொம்ப அருமையான பேட்டி பல இடத்தில கண்ணு கலங்கிடுத்து :idontgetit:

8th April 2015, 04:30 PM
Where do you live ?


8th April 2015, 04:32 PM
You can join us in Hyderabad on May 1

8th April 2015, 04:35 PM
I can arrange stay

8th April 2015, 05:00 PM
I can arrange stay

Kalakkunga Ji..

8th April 2015, 06:20 PM

ரொம்ப அருமையான பேட்டி பல இடத்தில கண்ணு கலங்கிடுத்து :idontgetit:

Link not working

8th April 2015, 06:20 PM

Are you in touch with Bala,sakala ??

Missing all the old timers here.

8th April 2015, 06:21 PM
Yes. We are all in a whatsapp group for UV.

8th April 2015, 07:30 PM

Are you in touch with Bala,sakala ??

Missing all the old timers here. yes yes ofcourse .. anybody who wants to join the group, please PM me or radiochandra

8th April 2015, 07:32 PM
But we can let in only familiar names from here. Becos most times .... the group bashes kamal with all sorts of bad words. Its a tight knit group with only hyperintense fans where blind praising of KH will be dealt with severely.

8th April 2015, 07:48 PM
But we can let in only familiar names from here. Becos most times .... the group bashes kamal with all sorts of bad words. Its a tight knit group with only hyperintense fans where blind praising of KH will be dealt with severely. itha public-aa solli maanatha vaanganumaa ?? lets just delete this overtly negative thread in this hub ..

8th April 2015, 07:56 PM
Aamam ...... itha paathu thaan inemey intha ooru opinion form panna poguthaa ....... poinpozhappa paaaraunga ....

8th April 2015, 08:44 PM
But we can let in only familiar names from here. Becos most times .... the group bashes kamal with all sorts of bad words. Its a tight knit group with only hyperintense fans where blind praising of KH will be dealt with severely.

Doctor, Anban and others who are in this group, ungaloda fanaticism paarthu romba pull arikkuthu. Seriously, most people who call themselves fans will blindly praise and defend their idols but, its very rare to see people who are critics and fans at the same time.

Naan UV release aana udane FDFS paaka mudiyuma nu theriyalai (will try my best though to watch it that weekend) but, I definitely look forward to your opinions.

8th April 2015, 11:02 PM
Doctor, Anban and others who are in this group, ungaloda fanaticism paarthu romba pull arikkuthu. Seriously, most people who call themselves fans will blindly praise and defend their idols but, its very rare to see people who are critics and fans at the same time.

Naan UV release aana udane FDFS paaka mudiyuma nu theriyalai (will try my best though to watch it that weekend) but, I definitely look forward to your opinions.

I'm sure thalaivar himself wouldn't want any blind supporters. After all we are being rational.

8th April 2015, 11:21 PM
Vetkam ketta pandri ........ avan peyar S Ve Sekhar.

8th April 2015, 11:38 PM
Vetkam ketta pandri ........ avan peyar S Ve Sekhar.

What happened Dr?

8th April 2015, 11:40 PM
Programme in Thanthi tv today. He says .... yes censor gave u certificate. But still film can be protested against.

8th April 2015, 11:40 PM
was S V Sekhar part of the brigade which gave the complaint to the commissioner ?

8th April 2015, 11:41 PM
No. He is censor board guy.

8th April 2015, 11:50 PM
Why would he undermine the authority of the Censor board being a member himself? Doesn't make any sense

8th April 2015, 11:56 PM
I don't think he is undermining. Nothing wrong with protests. Democracy. Maybe just like MMA, he'll drop those lines from the song

9th April 2015, 12:21 AM
My expectations about UV are very low after seeing the promos. I think it will be good food without salt or spice. At the most average hit.

9th April 2015, 12:24 AM
I don't think he is undermining. Nothing wrong with protests. Democracy. Maybe just like MMA, he'll drop those lines from the song

We have seen an entire government protesting him in V1- Whatever happens UV will come on May 1st. I hope andavar should release all the three movies within this year.. seriously expecting V1.. UV, papanasam are bonuses..

9th April 2015, 12:26 AM
My expectations about UV are very low after seeing the promos. I think it will be good food without salt or spice. At the most average hit.

Could be Dr.. But, we desperately wanted to see him on the silver screen after a long gap...

9th April 2015, 01:08 AM
Anyone around NJ, any info related to premium screening, please pass it on the details here. Will make it as I went for VR.


9th April 2015, 09:09 AM

Arvind Srinivasan
9th April 2015, 09:28 AM
Avlo periya prachana ethuvum ezhuntha maariyae theriyala athukulla debateaa...Vuttaa ivanungale prachanaya undaagituvaanunga polarukkae..Better not give into the rants of such maniacs....

9th April 2015, 09:29 AM
I have a strong suspicion this is done by thanthi tv.

Arvind Srinivasan
9th April 2015, 09:37 AM
Eera pennakki penna perumaal aakitrukaanga....Hopefully sense prevails...

9th April 2015, 09:42 AM
I have a strong suspicion this is done by thanthi tv.

பலர் ஆட்டிவைக்கும் ஒரு பொம்மை பாண்டே . இதுல சேகர் நேரத்திற்கு கட்சி தாவும் பச்சோந்தி. இவர்கள் எல்லாம் கமலின் கால் தூசிக்குக் கூட சமம் ஆகமாட்டார்கள். நீண்ட நாள் நெடிய நண்பர் என நாசர் இருந்தும் அவராலும் பகுத்தறிவோடு ஒரு கலைஞன் சார்பில் முழுமையாக பேச முடியாத நிலைமை. கூத்துதான்.

9th April 2015, 09:53 AM
I can arrange stay

Thanks Doctor. Will confirm the visit around 25th...

9th April 2015, 09:59 AM
விவாதம் உத்தமவில்லன் பற்றியது. இதில் இதுதான் வாய்ப்பு என மன்மதன் அம்பு பாடல் வரிகளை வாசிக்கிறார் பாண்டே. நல்லாவே தெரியுது அவரின் நோக்கம். கடவுள் மறுப்பு/மூடப்பழக்க எதிர்ப்பு கருத்துக்கள் வரவேக் கூடாதுன்னு பிளிறது அவர்களின் பலகீன மனதினையே காட்டுது. அப்படிப்பட்ட கருத்துக்கள் எங்கே தனது அஸ்திவாரத்தையே ஆட்டம் காணவைத்து தங்கள் நம்பிக்கையையே ஒரு கேலிப்பொருளாக ஆகிவிடப் போகிறதோ என்ற அச்சத்தில்/மடமையில் பொங்குவதே இச்செயல்கள்.

9th April 2015, 10:02 AM
Pushpak and Anban. Rendum original peru kidayaathu. Gounder in chinna kounder ......... ennada pannurathu ? Rendu elumbu koodu kku naduvula vanthu maattikittom.

In fact during Vishwaroopam release time most of our hubbers were in touch over phone. I could remember Pushpak, Sakalakala vallavar(where he is?) together went for the first day show.. Pushpak called in the last minute for the show with the tickets, but I could not make it.. Myself and other hubber Nachiketa, were all in touch. Looks like our hub network will again be in touch and joining for Uttama Villain I think... Let us see.

9th April 2015, 10:09 AM
Avlo periya prachana ethuvum ezhuntha maariyae theriyala athukulla debateaa...Vuttaa ivanungale prachanaya undaagituvaanunga polarukkae..Better not give into the rants of such maniacs....

Nowadays, these 24 hr news channels want to sensationalize some or the other issue to be in limelight. chinna vishayatthai kooda oodhi perusaakkiduvaanunga... Need to be careful.

9th April 2015, 10:16 AM
விவாதம் உத்தமவில்லன் பற்றியது. இதில் இதுதான் வாய்ப்பு என மன்மதன் அம்பு பாடல் வரிகளை வாசிக்கிறார் பாண்டே. நல்லாவே தெரியுது அவரின் நோக்கம். கடவுள் மறுப்பு/மூடப்பழக்க எதிர்ப்பு கருத்துக்கள் வரவேக் கூடாதுன்னு பிளிறது அவர்களின் பலகீன மனதினையே காட்டுது. அப்படிப்பட்ட கருத்துக்கள் எங்கே தனது அஸ்திவாரத்தையே ஆட்டம் காணவைத்து தங்கள் நம்பிக்கையையே ஒரு கேலிப்பொருளாக ஆகிவிடப் போகிறதோ என்ற அச்சத்தில்/மடமையில் பொங்குவதே இச்செயல்கள்.

ஒரு சினிமா பாடலினால் பெரிய பாதிப்பு வரப்போவது இல்லை. எதிர்ப்பவர்கள் எல்லாம் ஒரு விளம்பரத்துக்காக இதை செய்கிறார்களே தவிர வேறு ஒரு புடலங்காயும் இல்லை..

9th April 2015, 11:52 AM
ஒரு சினிமா பாடலினால் பெரிய பாதிப்பு வரப்போவது இல்லை. எதிர்ப்பவர்கள் எல்லாம் ஒரு விளம்பரத்துக்காக இதை செய்கிறார்களே தவிர வேறு ஒரு புடலங்காயும் இல்லை..

I saw Many Iranyan Koothu Nadagam in villatge festival which had the worse lyrics than UV. Iraniyan character supposed to say bad about VIshnu.

I dont understand what these gangs feel wrong about in Iraniyan Song lyrics

9th April 2015, 12:14 PM
I saw Many Iranyan Koothu Nadagam in villatge festival which had the worse lyrics than UV. Iraniyan character supposed to say bad about VIshnu.

I dont understand what these gangs feel wrong about in Iraniyan Song lyrics

Srimannaryanane sollittar. thappilai.. padatha release pannugo

9th April 2015, 12:14 PM
Anban,Doc-- Have sent a PM with my number.

BTW,don't worry,I might not use bad language against him but am no blind fan :)

wrt to the quality of the film,will wait for release.We will know if his creativity wrt to writing and acting skills have ebbed

As for the controversy,with multiple 24 * 7 news channels,all of which are agenda driven,it would be a surprise if there is no controversy when it comes to popular,public figures.

MOS V.K.Singh has rightly called the media guys 'Press*&*#%&s

9th April 2015, 12:16 PM
yes yes ofcourse .. anybody who wants to join the group, please PM me or radiochandra


Sent a pm. Please add me in UV whatsapp group.

9th April 2015, 12:18 PM
பலர் ஆட்டிவைக்கும் ஒரு பொம்மை பாண்டே . இதுல சேகர் நேரத்திற்கு கட்சி தாவும் பச்சோந்தி. இவர்கள் எல்லாம் கமலின் கால் தூசிக்குக் கூட சமம் ஆகமாட்டார்கள். நீண்ட நாள் நெடிய நண்பர் என நாசர் இருந்தும் அவராலும் பகுத்தறிவோடு ஒரு கலைஞன் சார்பில் முழுமையாக பேச முடியாத நிலைமை. கூத்துதான்.

How will SV sekar support Kamalhaasan..SV sekar and crazy mohan were competitors in drama troupe but kamalhaasan always provide chances/support to Crazy..
SV'ku poraamai irukka thaana seiyum..
coming to issue--at most "vekkam kettu panriyum thaan thaan endraan" word will be muted..nothing more..

9th April 2015, 12:25 PM
vekkamketta kadavule seri

perfect timing ...20 more days of repeated / free publicity ..collection allum..

9th April 2015, 12:30 PM
vekkamketta kadavule seri

perfect timing ...20 more days of repeated / free publicity ..collection allum..

True..dont solve this issue until 29th march..issue will get peak day by day and its free marketing for UV..

9th April 2015, 02:16 PM

Sent a pm. Please add me in UV whatsapp group.

me too..

9th April 2015, 02:25 PM
Srimannaryanane sollittar. thappilai.. padatha release pannugo

Good one MSR :)

9th April 2015, 04:19 PM
I saw Many Iranyan Koothu Nadagam in villatge festival which had the worse lyrics than UV. Iraniyan character supposed to say bad about VIshnu.

I dont understand what these gangs feel wrong about in Iraniyan Song lyrics

'என்னடா விழிக்கிறாய், மதுவுண்ட மந்தி போல' - இது பழைய கருப்புவெள்ளை மகாபாரதம் படத்தில் சிசுபாலன் கண்ணனைப் பார்த்துக் கேட்கும் கேள்வி. எம்.ஆர்.ராதா!
காலம் மாறித்தான் போச்சு, நாசமா!

9th April 2015, 06:18 PM
some one with mighty sword (or rather Kalashnikov) should ban worshiping all Hindu Gods and banish all Hindus to Andaman Islands.

Allahu Akbar

9th April 2015, 06:59 PM
some one with mighty sword (or rather Kalashnikov) should ban worshiping all Hindu Gods and banish all Hindus to Andaman Islands.

Allahu Akbar

What happened Unmai ?

9th April 2015, 07:13 PM
my age old grievance..he loves insulting hindu belief and sentiments. now all hubbers seems to have become acclimatized to that banishing, so i too joined the party

9th April 2015, 08:09 PM
My expectations about UV are very low after seeing the promos. I think it will be good food without salt or spice. At the most average hit.

Enna Doctor ippadi solliteenga? You have been really excited about UV - athukkaaga Europe trip laam change panra alavu poitu ippadi solreengale!

9th April 2015, 08:33 PM
Koncham leaked info irukku. Thayavu seidhu expectations low veinga.

9th April 2015, 08:39 PM
Koncham leaked info irukku. Thayavu seidhu expectations low veinga.
சஸ்பென்ஸ் வைக்கிறிங்களெ! கொஞ்சம் எங்களுக்கும் லீக்கி விடுங்கள் சாரே. முடிந்தால் தனி மடலில். நன்றி.

9th April 2015, 08:42 PM
Yes Doctor, if you don't mind, enakkum PM le leak pannunga please......

9th April 2015, 08:47 PM
some one with mighty sword (or rather Kalashnikov) should ban worshiping all Hindu Gods and banish all Hindus to Andaman Islands.

Allahu Akbar

What do you ascribe by 'allahu akbar'?
Let's not play victim hearing Sisubalan abuse Krishnan. After all, the movie's next scene was beheading Sisubalan, not with sword but with 'dharma'chakra.

9th April 2015, 08:50 PM
Koncham leaked info irukku. Thayavu seidhu expectations low veinga.
Dr...So kamal/RA sothappitara? doesn't sound promising!!! eagerly waiting for the movie...

9th April 2015, 09:00 PM
எனது யூகம். கதை வெளியுறவுத் துறை சம்பந்தமாக இருக்கும். பொதுசனங்களை பரவலாக இது எப்படி கவரப் போகிறது என்ற ஐயம் டாக்டருக்கு ஏற்பட்டிருக்கலாம்.

9th April 2015, 09:01 PM
What do you ascribe by 'allahu akbar'?
Let's not play victim hearing Sisubalan abuse Krishnan. After all, the movie's next scene was beheading Sisubalan, not with sword but with 'dharma'chakra.

sir..i understand the sequence! but his choice of wording is very insulting to one who adores Vishnu. but unfortunately in a country with about 80% hindus, insulting them is appreciated with open hands and claiming to be a hindu is a shame.

9th April 2015, 09:03 PM
கதை வெளியுறவுத் துறை சம்பந்தமாக இருக்கும்... from where this came? uv is about how accidentally two periods meet

9th April 2015, 09:10 PM
UV, Hiranyan or Sisupalan story appadi thaane....so, ithule offend aaga enna irukku nu enakku puriyalai seriously.

But, I understand its really a bad state of affairs - that people are ashamed to openly acknowledge their religion - but, they may actually be practicing it at home!

Arvind Srinivasan
9th April 2015, 09:38 PM
my age old grievance..he loves insulting hindu belief and sentiments. now all hubbers seems to have become acclimatized to that banishing, so i too joined the party

The best way to judge would be to look at the context. Making a retired army major spew poetry with sarcasm ridden rants on religion would be just an attempt at inviting trouble. Though I enjoyed it, I found it to be very obtrusive . It should have been done away with right at the drawing board. But in Uttama Villain, it's about Hiranyakasipu. Ithuve Bhaktha Prahladanla Ranga Rao " Venkkam Getta Pandriyum Thaan thaan endravanaa Kadavul" soliruntha, applause kuduthirupom. I am a Vaishnavite myself but that doesn't stop me from objectively looking at things. As a matter of fact, the iraniya naadagam is one of the few versions that spells out the tale from Hiranyan's perspective.

9th April 2015, 09:46 PM
The best way to judge would be to look at the context. Making a retired army major spew poetry with sarcasm ridden rants on religion would be just an attempt at inviting trouble. Though I enjoyed it, I found it to be very obtrusive . It should have been done away with right at the drawing board. But in Uttama Villain, it's about Hiranyakasipu. Ithuve Bhaktha Prahladanla Ranga Rao " Venkkam Getta Pandriyum Thaan thaan endravanaa Kadavul" soliruntha, applause kuduthirupom. I am a Vaishnavite myself but that doesn't stop me from objectively looking at things. As a matter of fact, the iraniya naadagam is one of the few versions that spells out the tale from Hiranyan's perspective.என்ன தர்க்கமோ! அப்போ ஒய்வு பெற்ற ராணுவ அதிகாரி கடவுளை கும்பிட்டு மூட நம்பிக்கைகள் நிறைந்த கருத்துக்களை கவிதையாக வாசிக்கிறார் என வைத்துக் கொள்வோம்! அது துருத்திக் கொண்டதாக தோன்றாது இந்த பாரத நாட்டில். மன்மதன் அம்புவில் பாடியதாக பாண்டே படித்துக் காட்டிய வரிகள் ஒவ்வொன்றுமே பொன்னெழுத்துக்களால் பொறிக்கப் படக் கூடியவை.

9th April 2015, 09:53 PM
கதை வெளியுறவுத் துறை சம்பந்தமாக இருக்கும்... from where this came? uv is about how accidentally two periods meetசபைல ரகசியம் பேசினா இப்படித்தான் பேசணும். அதனால நேரடியா எந்த வார்த்தைக்கும் பொருள் கொள்ளக் கூடாது! :)

Arvind Srinivasan
9th April 2015, 10:09 PM
என்ன தர்க்கமோ! அப்போ ஒய்வு பெற்ற ராணுவ அதிகாரி கடவுளை கும்பிட்டு மூட நம்பிக்கைகள் நிறைந்த கருத்துக்களை கவிதையாக வாசிக்கிறார் என வைத்துக் கொள்வோம்! அது துருத்திக் கொண்டதாக தோன்றாது இந்த பாரத நாட்டில். மன்மதன் அம்புவில் பாடியதாக பாண்டே படித்துக் காட்டிய வரிகள் ஒவ்வொன்றுமே பொன்னெழுத்துக்களால் பொறிக்கப் படக் கூடியவை.

Again it depends on the context. Like I had mentioned, I had nothing against the poem. I enjoyed it and it invariably brings a smile across my face whenever I listen to it (Trisha's attempts at speaking Tamizh does put me off at times). But the point that needs to be looked at is the line that separates Kamal the actor and Major Raja Mannar the character. The lines separating both were never more blurry than at this point. It looked more like a concerted effort from Kamal to stuff in his ideology when it was not required at all. The song still shouldn't have been scrapped from the movie since the film got certificated with it.

9th April 2015, 10:21 PM
Koncham leaked info irukku. Thayavu seidhu expectations low veinga.

me kooda PM please! thanx in advance

9th April 2015, 10:28 PM
பலர் ஆட்டிவைக்கும் ஒரு பொம்மை பாண்டே . இதுல சேகர் நேரத்திற்கு கட்சி தாவும் பச்சோந்தி. இவர்கள் எல்லாம் கமலின் கால் தூசிக்குக் கூட சமம் ஆகமாட்டார்கள். நீண்ட நாள் நெடிய நண்பர் என நாசர் இருந்தும் அவராலும் பகுத்தறிவோடு ஒரு கலைஞன் சார்பில் முழுமையாக பேச முடியாத நிலைமை. கூத்துதான்.

While I am no big fan of many of Kamal's comments/opinions in interviews regarding certain things - pls read my earlier posting abt his comments on 'Nirbhaya' documentary - this debate is a total waste of time and bandwidth - after all a movie - EKSI

9th April 2015, 10:33 PM
விவாதம் உத்தமவில்லன் பற்றியது. இதில் இதுதான் வாய்ப்பு என மன்மதன் அம்பு பாடல் வரிகளை வாசிக்கிறார் பாண்டே. நல்லாவே தெரியுது அவரின் நோக்கம். கடவுள் மறுப்பு/மூடப்பழக்க எதிர்ப்பு கருத்துக்கள் வரவேக் கூடாதுன்னு பிளிறது அவர்களின் பலகீன மனதினையே காட்டுது. அப்படிப்பட்ட கருத்துக்கள் எங்கே தனது அஸ்திவாரத்தையே ஆட்டம் காணவைத்து தங்கள் நம்பிக்கையையே ஒரு கேலிப்பொருளாக ஆகிவிடப் போகிறதோ என்ற அச்சத்தில்/மடமையில் பொங்குவதே இச்செயல்கள்.

thats only part of the concern - their complaint is 'why doesn't Kamal say the same things about other religions and selectively pokes at what they believe in' - it might be a legitimate question, if directed at Kamal's interview comments - but to debate this even before a film is released is nonsense!

9th April 2015, 10:51 PM
The best way to judge would be to look at the context. Making a retired army major spew poetry with sarcasm ridden rants on religion would be just an attempt at inviting trouble. Though I enjoyed it, I found it to be very obtrusive . It should have been done away with right at the drawing board. But in Uttama Villain, it's about Hiranyakasipu. Ithuve Bhaktha Prahladanla Ranga Rao " Venkkam Getta Pandriyum Thaan thaan endravanaa Kadavul" soliruntha, applause kuduthirupom. I am a Vaishnavite myself but that doesn't stop me from objectively looking at things. As a matter of fact, the iraniya naadagam is one of the few versions that spells out the tale from Hiranyan's perspective.

vaishnavaro, shaivaro, aathigaro, islamiyaro, christhuvaro, buddhara vazhipadravaro, naathigaro - these things offend one or the other, because we are attached emotionally to a certain identity - sadly, the identity is our ego - beyond this, it becomes sitthar paadal philosophy material.

9th April 2015, 10:59 PM
Very good. Ipdi thaan zero expectations oda irukkanum. Keep digressing ...... avoid discussion about the movie doing well or not till 30th April.

Arvind Srinivasan
9th April 2015, 11:02 PM
vaishnavaro, shaivaro, aathigaro, islamiyaro, christhuvaro, buddhara vazhipadravaro, naathigaro - these things offend one or the other, because we are attached emotionally to a certain identity - sadly, the identity is our ego - beyond this, it becomes sitthar paadal philosophy material.

^ I agree. I have been a bare witness to all these chasms in my own family. I am actually curious to hear as to what my folks have to say about the song. They would have something to crib about I am sure.

9th April 2015, 11:20 PM
Koncham leaked info irukku. Thayavu seidhu expectations low veinga.
Ennakku oru paarcel please ?

10th April 2015, 02:07 AM
Very good. Ipdi thaan zero expectations oda irukkanum. Keep digressing ...... avoid discussion about the movie doing well or not till 30th April.

Is it possible to send to my PM, keeping fingers crossed.

10th April 2015, 02:48 AM
That Arnaab interview with Nammavar was painful to watch except for that last punch. Yes he admitted that VR cuts were done forcefully, but saar did not answer the question whether he would do it, would he be considered a hypocrite. Long winded answers kept me from flinching.

10th April 2015, 11:27 AM
Enakku ennamo anban,dr sernthu drama panraanganu thonuthu..padam classa irukka pothu..
classa glassa'nu padam paathathukku apram thaan theriyum..

10th April 2015, 11:57 AM
This is where i feel papanasam is going to be saving grace for Kamalhaasan..
With UttamaVillain going to hit or miss and VR2 release still in doubt Papanasam will help him..papanasam is decent movie and will be liked by family audience who doesnt care about remake,etc..
erkanavae sollirukkan -Compare to mokkai films like MMA remakes are far better...last KH movie loved by family audience is VRMBBS..

10th April 2015, 12:13 PM
Dramaa vaa ? Ayya ...... 45000 selavu panni tickets mathinen intha padathukkaga. First day kalakkanum. No doubt. But the reality is gonna be even fans booing loud in 2nd half drag. Be prepared comrades.

10th April 2015, 12:14 PM
Ya nickraman ........ horrible interview. Had it been someone else ..... arnab would have cornered and slaughtered. Thalaivar reputation must have saved him.

10th April 2015, 12:16 PM
That Arnaab interview with Nammavar was painful to watch except for that last punch. Yes he admitted that VR cuts were done forcefully, but saar did not answer the question whether he would do it, would he be considered a hypocrite. Long winded answers kept me from flinching.

Arnab could not understand Nammavar's explanation that the song was taken from Kamban & Kalamegam's poems. He was asking only one thing that whether he will cut the objectionable lines... KH was non committal and try to be diplomatic...

10th April 2015, 12:18 PM
Ya nickraman ........ horrible interview. Had it been someone else ..... arnab would have cornered and slaughtered. Thalaivar reputation must have saved him.

Even during Vishwaroop time program Arnab was talking with lot of respect...

10th April 2015, 12:24 PM
Even during Vishwaroop time program Arnab was talking with lot of respect...

Vishwaroop interview with Arnab is super..Kamal answered brilliantly in that interview but sday interview is horrible..KH is going in totally different direction,very pathetic..true arnab dont want to corner him and ended interview quickly

10th April 2015, 12:26 PM
Dramaa vaa ? Ayya ...... 45000 selavu panni tickets mathinen intha padathukkaga. First day kalakkanum. No doubt. But the reality is gonna be even fans booing loud in 2nd half drag. Be prepared comrades.
Better for me to watch the movie 1st and let non-kamal close college friends know to watch it or not..
if its boring like MMA i will ask them to stay away from movie...
MMA padathukku avunga kooda poi paathu naan patta paadu..

10th April 2015, 12:27 PM
Dramaa vaa ? Ayya ...... 45000 selavu panni tickets mathinen intha padathukkaga. First day kalakkanum. No doubt. But the reality is gonna be even fans booing loud in 2nd half drag. Be prepared comrades.

Movie is 3 hour long. Some fans get the fear that "General audience may get confused when it is switching between 8th century and the current time". My gut feeling says that it would be well received since some portions of the film is related to Kamal's real life with KB...

10th April 2015, 12:28 PM
The times now interview adds fuel to my raging doubt ......... mokka film being promoted by all means.

10th April 2015, 12:31 PM
The times now interview adds fuel to my raging doubt ......... mokka film being promoted by all means.

I loved UV album which runs for 1 hr..so hopefully out of 172 mins i can enjoi for 60 mins..

10th April 2015, 12:33 PM
Ha ha ha ... heights of positive thinking. Appo Vikram had songs like vanithamani, yen jodi manjakuruvi, meendum meendum vaa , naan vetri petravan, ....... 30 mts out of 2 hours 20 mts

10th April 2015, 12:37 PM
Ha ha ha ... heights of positive thinking. Appo Vikram had songs like vanithamani, yen jodi manjakuruvi, meendum meendum vaa , naan vetri petravan, ....... 30 mts out of 2 hours 20 mts

boss that time we r not sure whether movie will be good or bad..adding to that those days he gave lot of commercial hits so expected Vikram to be gr8 entertainer so disaapointed..now we know how KH movie will be + with this leaked info expectation is very low..
so now decided to enjoi only songs in theaters,,rest all bonus..

10th April 2015, 12:38 PM
No one except the team of UV would have watched the movie. not even very close friends. but i cant understand the -vitiy created here. do they mean to say they were shown spl preview show? if not..pl pl dont spoil the excitement of two years waiting. (neighboring hubbers are also reading)

10th April 2015, 12:38 PM
True. Uttaman intro song is the best for me.

10th April 2015, 12:40 PM
i hope for a block buster

Arvind Srinivasan
10th April 2015, 12:41 PM
Just finished viewing half of the Times Now interview ( I thought you guys were talking about the VR interview that he gave three years back. Never knew he gave one yesterday) and man, I think this one's easily the worst interview he's ever given. I remember enjoying all of his interviews. But this one was terrible. It was almost as bad as the ones given by the representatives of the Muslim organisation or the person representing VHP in Thanthi TV yesterday.

10th April 2015, 12:43 PM
No one except the team of UV would have watched the movie. not even very close friends. but i cant understand the -vitiy created here. do they mean to say they were shown spl preview show? if not..pl pl dont spoil the excitement of two years waiting. (neighboring hubbers are also reading)

Boss in Vijay TV they telecasted special program about KB after his death..in that program crazy told he watched UV and told lot of +ves because he cant say its boring with public watching...

Arvind Srinivasan
10th April 2015, 12:52 PM
I guess the best way to enjoy the flick is to go there with no preconceived notions. While it's true that the songs, being of such good quality have played a part in increasing the expectations , it would be better if they're kept in check. But Dr solra alavukku beedhilan aaaga vendaan nenakiraen. Just my 2 cents.

10th April 2015, 01:09 PM
dr..can you pm me the details

10th April 2015, 01:11 PM
kamal en dheivam

10th April 2015, 01:19 PM
:banghead: தக்காளி..இதுக்கு தான் ரெண்டு வர்ஷம் வெயிட் பண்ணோமா

10th April 2015, 01:20 PM
Kamal Haasan Fans retweeted
TIMES NOW @TimesNow · 15h 15 hours ago
My intention is not to hurt Hindus. Kamal Haasan

thalaivaa just walk the talk, we are with you

10th April 2015, 01:21 PM
Kamal Haasan Fans retweeted
Thirrupathi Brothers @ThirrupathiBros · 2h 2 hours ago
How many of you watching #UttamaVillain FDFS on 1st May? :) RT & Show some excitement.
@Ramesh_aravind @itisbose @dirlingusamy

10th April 2015, 01:30 PM
Dramaa vaa ? Ayya ...... 45000 selavu panni tickets mathinen intha padathukkaga. First day kalakkanum. No doubt. But the reality is gonna be even fans booing loud in 2nd half drag. Be prepared comrades.

as long as thalaivar's cliched antics (govind from dasa and major mannar from mma )that keep the crowd away are avoided i think the movie can hold up just for the 8th century portion that too if it carries through out the movie and does not end in the 1st half itself like in dasa. but i guess manoranjan is going to do just that - ie the cliched antics :(

10th April 2015, 01:39 PM
ok so porambokku is going to hv a better run than UV

gibraan nilaimai thaan konjam pavama iruku..i hope the music atleast gets unanimous recognition ..ithu nala thaan thirupathi sisters underplaying all this while ah..makes sense

10th April 2015, 01:50 PM
ok so porambokku is going to hv a better run than UV

gibraan nilaimai thaan konjam pavama iruku..i hope the music atleast gets unanimous recognition ..ithu nala thaan thirupathi sisters underplaying all this while ah..makes sense

Yes hope ghibran gets good recognition..Thirrupathi bros already under trouble after anjaan debacle...

10th April 2015, 02:08 PM
oh no.. 2 years of hard work.. :(

10th April 2015, 02:19 PM
oh no.. 2 years of hard work.. :(

edhukku ivalavu kasta padanum..already for VR he faced lot of issues besides hectic schedule including direction,etc then why again..
Jolly'a murugadas,GVM or even KSR kitta avunga original scriptla nadichuttu polaam..If he has done that many ppl would have come forward to produce/buy his movies without any issues..

10th April 2015, 02:25 PM
edhukku ivalavu kasta padanum..already for VR he faced lot of issues besides hectic schedule including direction,etc then why again..
Jolly'a murugadas,GVM or even KSR kitta avunga original scriptla nadichuttu polaam..If he has done that many ppl would have come forward to produce/buy his movies without any issues..

totally agree with this..

10th April 2015, 02:33 PM
atleast intha crazy ...payyanta soldrathuku bathil...kamal kitta direct ah soliruntha atleast konjam tinkering panirukalamey.

10th April 2015, 02:45 PM
atleast intha crazy ...payyanta soldrathuku bathil...kamal kitta direct ah soliruntha atleast konjam tinkering panirukalamey.
correct..but yaarukkum kamal kitta solla dhairyam illai..apdi sonnaalum adhukkum nyayam karpippaar namma aalu..thats the problem..

10th April 2015, 02:45 PM
Lets not worry about UV fate as of now and enjoi Kamal kavidhai below for time bieng..

Kamal tries to point out the non exist in the preaching and believes of people so far about GOD.

(Not complete)
கிரகனாதி கிரகனங்கட்கப் பாலுமேயொரு ஹசஹாய சத்தி உண்டாம்
"Kirakanathi kirakanagatkappalume oru asagaya sakthi undam"
There is a super power (GOD) beyond so many planets. (Kamal say as he informed by people).

ஆளுக்கு ஆளொரு பொழிப்புரை கிறுக்கியுமா ருக்கும் விளங்காததாம்
"Alukku aaloru pozhippurai kirukkiyum aarukkum vilangaathatham"
everybody tried to explain it on their own wards. But still (GOD) it is unclear to all.

அதைப் பயர்ந்ததையு ணர்ந்ததை துதிப்பதுவன்றி பெரிதேதும் வழியில்லையாம்
"Athai payanthu, athai unarnthu athai thuthippathu anri pirithethum vali illayam"
You only can sense it (GOD) and pray it of fear. You don't have any other options.

நாம்செய்த வினையெலா முன்செய்த தென்றது விதியொன்று செய்வித்ததாம்
அதைவெல்ல முனைவோரை சதிகூட செய்தது அன்போடு ஊழ் சேர்க்குமாம்
"Naam seytha vinay ellam mun seythathenru vithi ondru seyviththatham.
Athai vella munaivorai sathi kooda seythathu anbodu ool serkumam"
It claims the impact of current people mistakes as previous birth sins and created account of FATE. If someone try to win the FATE it will teach them a strong lesson.

குருடாக செவிடாக மலடாக முடமாக கருசேர்க்கும் திருமூலமாம்
"Kurudaga Sevidaga Maladaga Mudamaga Karu serkum thirumoolamam"
It create species blind, deaf, impotent and handicapped.

குஷ்டகுஹ்யம் புற்றுசூளை மூலம் என்ற க்ருரங்களதன் சித்தமாம்
"Kusta kuhyam, putru, soolai , moolam enum guroorangal athan sithamam"
Even the most hard diseases like leprosy, cancer, piles are god's plans.

புண்ணில் வாழும் புழுபுண்ணியம் செய்திடின் புதுஜென்மம் தந்தருள்மாம்
"Punnil vaazhum puzhu punniyam seythidin puthu genmam thantharulumam."
God will give new better birth to species even like bacteria living in wounds of fleshes, if they do good things in their lives.
Read more Show less

கோடிக்கு ஈஸ்வரர்கள் பெரிதாக வருந்தாமல் சோதித்து கதிசேர்க்குமாம்
ஏழைக்கு வருதுயரை வேடிக்கை பார்பததன் வாடிக்கை விளையாடலாம்
"Kodikku easwarargal perithaga varunthamal sothithu kathi serkumam.
Eazhaikku varu thuyarai vedikkai parpathathan vaadikkai vilaiyadalam."

God will provided millions of wealth to milliners again and again after testing them simply. But he will simply watch the pain of the poor without any concern for them.Read more Show less

நேர்கின்ற நேர்வெலாம் நேர்விக்கும் நாயகம் போர்கூட அதனின்செயலாம்
பரணிகள் போற்றிடும் உயிர்கொல்லி மன்னர்க்கு தரணிதந்தது காக்குமாம்

"Nerkinra nervellam nervikkum naayagam poar kooda athan sithamam.
Paranikal potridum uyir kolli mnnarku tharani thandu athu kaakumam"

Everything happens in the universe is only God's plans. So wars are his plans too. The poet's will sing for the killer kings. God will save and praise these kings with countries to rule.Read more Show less

நானூறு லட்சத்தில் ஒருவிந்தை உயிர்தேற்றி அல்குலின் சினைசேர்க்குமாம்
அசுரரை பிளந்தபோல் அணுவையும் பிளந்தது அணுகுண்டு ஸ்தெய்வித்ததும்
பரதேசம் வாழ்கின்ற அப்பாவி மனிதரை பலகாரம் செய்துண்டதும்
பிள்ளையின் கறியுண்டு நம்பினார் கருளிடும் பரிவான பரபிரம்மமே

"Naanooru latchathil oru vinthai uyir thetri alkulin sinai serkumam. Asurarai pilantha pol anuvaiyum pilanthathu anugundu seyviththathum, parathesam valkinra appavi manitharaii palakaram seythundathum, pillayin kariyundu nambinaarku arulidum parivaana para brammame"

God qualifies only one sperm among 400 lacks of them for birth. He exploded the atoms to create nuclear bombs like he exploded demons. He consumed the innocent sanyasis as his food. He gave boons to devotees after eating the flesh of their children. To that extend GOD has mercy in his heart.

10th April 2015, 04:04 PM
only hope is 8th century portion as rightly pointed out by nasc. if it is as gripping as dasa and spreads out throughout the movie (which im sure it will), then the movie will be hit if not superhit.

10th April 2015, 04:10 PM
anyone around NCR to join me for FDFS?

10th April 2015, 04:17 PM
Anmbe Sivam's "slowness" killed its BO. Seeing some similarities between the two.
- The Koothu song vs Theyyam songs. When released itself most of my friends did not find these interesting.
- Both were initially promoted as comedy movies. (AS was supped to be done by Priyadarshan originally)
Somehow expectations were raising, though I had doubts on commercial aspects of the music. I hope we get atleast an Anbe Sivam.
Cannot imagine a failure in both BO as well as Art.

10th April 2015, 04:58 PM
If what Dr is saying is true, then it's another big blow to Eros and Lingusamy. In the coming days post release, I suspect another Lingaa debacle happening then. Chaa..:(

10th April 2015, 05:02 PM
If what Dr is saying is true, then it's another big blow to Eros and Lingusamy. In the coming days post release, I suspect another Lingaa debacle happening then. Chaa..:(

Who cares about Lingu / Linga / Eros.
But a movie after 2 years of waiting must satisfy either the Kamal fan in me or the movie fan in me.

10th April 2015, 05:38 PM
Anmbe Sivam's "slowness" killed its BO. Seeing some similarities between the two.
- The Koothu song vs Theyyam songs. When released itself most of my friends did not find these interesting.
- Both were initially promoted as comedy movies. (AS was supped to be done by Priyadarshan originally)
Somehow expectations were raising, though I had doubts on commercial aspects of the music. I hope we get atleast an Anbe Sivam.
Cannot imagine a failure in both BO as well as Art.

Although I appreciated the songs and the theme on the second hearing, I was sort of certain it will not enthuse the audience much. It may succeed 'Art' wise but just Kamal fans even watching multiple times cannot make it a hit. At best we can expect an average grosser. Hope I'm proved wrong ..

I've mentally moved on to Papanasam. I think that may have a better grip on reality and box office.

10th April 2015, 05:45 PM
Remake mela nambikka vekkara nilamaikku nammala thallittaru ivaru

10th April 2015, 05:55 PM
Appidi illanga ... He does not depend on remakes but if something touches him personally, he goes for it. That said, remakes like Kuruthi Punal shined better than the original. Originals like VR or Dasa or future VR-2 sure shot block busters. If only Aascar can take it more seriously.

Sometimes avaru makkaloda rasanaia purinchika maataengraru.

10th April 2015, 05:56 PM
Remake mela nambikka vekkara nilamaikku nammala thallittaru ivaru

I think he meant from a commercial point of view.
Recently after watching a few low budget movies in other languages, I seriously think Kamal must focus on his brain (screen play, direction etc) than technology (VFX, blah blah).
Then we can get so many gems from him and he can make money as well to make more gems.

10th April 2015, 06:00 PM
தனக்கு வசன வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்கலன்ற காழ்புணற்ச்சில கிரேசி அப்படி சொல்லிருப்பாரோ?

10th April 2015, 06:02 PM
Nammavar crossed 60. Not seeing anybody who possess similar talent. And this guy is wasting his time doing a remake which takes thrice the time it took for the original :-(

10th April 2015, 06:03 PM
தனக்கு வசன வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்கலன்ற காழ்புணற்ச்சில கிரேசி அப்படி சொல்லிருப்பாரோ?

Good point. Let us hope so.

10th April 2015, 06:03 PM
i hate remakes, cant avoid comparison with original. can i see another AS, AS, MMKR, TM in my life time :roll:

10th April 2015, 06:18 PM
That Arnab interview - Kamal சம்பந்தமே இல்லாம 'not just my daughter, all daughters are like mine' rangela ஏதோ குழப்பினார் - Arnab பொறுமைசாலி.

Inayatullah and co, must be laughing their rear ends away.

இன்னும் ஒண்ணு தான் பாக்கி - Kamal "அடுத்த தீவாளிக்கு , VHP ஓட சேர்ந்து ஜாங்கிரி, புளியோதரை, ஜிலேபி எல்லாம் சாப்புடறேன் , தயவு செஞ்சு படம் release ஆகட்டும் " - அப்டீன்னு சொலிட்டா , உடனே Inayatullah and co "அதெப்படி ஜாங்கிரி முக்கியமா , பிரியாணி முக்கியமா "ன்னு கேட்கட்டும் - அதுக்கு oru Times NOW interview நடக்கட்டும் - அதுல Kamal 'பிரியாணி or jilebi, food is food, for me everything is ok' rangeல சொல்லட்டும் .

படம் வருதோ இல்லையோ, these behind the scenes happenings are every entertaining!

இதெல்லாமே வச்சு 'Monty Python' styla ஒரு comedy செஞ்சா நல்லாருக்கும்

10th April 2015, 06:27 PM
my half cent..in his waning days, shivaji started overacting than required and directors were dumbstruck how to control him. kh was the only one with guts to keep him within the limits in TM which won him first national award. now history repeats..kh is overdoing things and who is going to contain him? small world..

10th April 2015, 06:56 PM
my half cent..in his waning days, shivaji started overacting than required and directors were dumbstruck how to control him. kh was the only one with guts to keep him within the limits in TM which won him first national award. now history repeats..kh is overdoing things and who is going to contain him? small world.. you could say that Sivaji hadn't got good plot for his abundant of acting talent in the last stage of his acting career. Muthal Mariya athai and Devar Magan are the only two films been considered as evergreen classics in that period. Instead attributing only to Kamal doesnt seem to correct.

10th April 2015, 07:36 PM
I think the stress of release has gotten to him near rel time. Hes composed externally, but i think that stress may have let it slip after going through the pains in VR.

10th April 2015, 07:40 PM
தனக்கு வசன வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்கலன்ற காழ்புணற்ச்சில கிரேசி அப்படி சொல்லிருப்பாரோ?

Good point. Let us hope so. என்னே ஒரு சப்பைக்கட்டு! இது கடைந்தெடுத்த பச்சோந்தி அரசியல் நிலைப்பாடு உடைய ஒரு மதசார்புள்ள மனிதரிடம் மீதுகாட்டும் கரிசனமாக எடுத்துக் கொள்கிறேன்.

10th April 2015, 08:03 PM
That Arnab interview - Kamal சம்பந்தமே இல்லாம 'not just my daughter, all daughters are like mine' rangela ஏதோ குழப்பினார் - Arnab பொறுமைசாலி.

Inayatullah and co, must be laughing their rear ends away.

இன்னும் ஒண்ணு தான் பாக்கி - Kamal "அடுத்த தீவாளிக்கு , VHP ஓட சேர்ந்து ஜாங்கிரி, புளியோதரை, ஜிலேபி எல்லாம் சாப்புடறேன் , தயவு செஞ்சு படம் release ஆகட்டும் " - அப்டீன்னு சொலிட்டா , உடனே Inayatullah and co "அதெப்படி ஜாங்கிரி முக்கியமா , பிரியாணி முக்கியமா "ன்னு கேட்கட்டும் - அதுக்கு oru Times NOW interview நடக்கட்டும் - அதுல Kamal 'பிரியாணி or jilebi, food is food, for me everything is ok' rangeல சொல்லட்டும் .

படம் வருதோ இல்லையோ, these behind the scenes happenings are every entertaining!

இதெல்லாமே வச்சு 'Monty Python' styla ஒரு comedy செஞ்சா நல்லாருக்கும்

Not very impressive interview.

Most of his answers were 'Naan enna ketten, Nee enna solra' type

10th April 2015, 08:13 PM
edhukku ivalavu kasta padanum..already for VR he faced lot of issues besides hectic schedule including direction,etc then why again..
Jolly'a murugadas,GVM or even KSR kitta avunga original scriptla nadichuttu polaam..If he has done that many ppl would have come forward to produce/buy his movies without any issues..

Exactly, not sure why this stubbornness to do everything, if comedies can be done better with someone like crazy then why not use him. 2 years just gone wasted...damn

10th April 2015, 08:34 PM
என்னே ஒரு சப்பைக்கட்டு! இது கடைந்தெடுத்த பச்சோந்தி அரசியல் நிலைப்பாடு உடைய ஒரு மதசார்புள்ள மனிதரிடம் மீதுகாட்டும் கரிசனமாக எடுத்துக் கொள்கிறேன்.

என்ன சொல்ல வறீங்கன்ணு புரியல

10th April 2015, 08:35 PM
Totally agree - why can't he use crazy?All of his collaborations with Crazy have been hits....

And, how come crazy will say that about a Kamal movie - doesn't he know that word gets around? What if Kamal realizes Crazy said that?

Also UV, there is a bit about Sivaji over-acting and Bharathan rejecting that and Kamal politely saying to Sivaji that "neenga pannathu chinna tevar mathiri irukku, periya tevar varanum" or something to that effect; and that is how we got that gem of a scene - it is in one of Kamal's interviews - probably the one with Ramesh Arvind.

10th April 2015, 08:36 PM
Things are going out of proportion .. padam varalaingra kaduppula, people are posting nonsense.. that crazy mohan review is nothing but a big rumour, which can be totally false.. even, if he said that, that could be out of frustration .. the guy who is crazy's son's friend is a big Rajini fan, hence this can be some imagination too .. hence please stop the pessimism here.. the forum hub is already dying, I am going to stop visiting here..

10th April 2015, 08:41 PM

இதுக்கு மேல அர்னாபின் கேள்விகளுக்கு சிறப்பாக பதிலளிக்கவே முடியாது! வெல்டன் கமல். கம்பரை, காளமேகப் புலவரை எடுத்துக் காட்டியதற்கு! இந்து மத, சமய வரலாறு என வருகையில்.. கமலின் ஞானம்/ஆளுமை மிகவும் பெரியது. எவ்வளவு தீர்க்கமா இந்த விஷயத்தை அணுகுகிறார். சபாஷ்!

10th April 2015, 08:44 PM
Anban killing the child and aatting the thottil.

10th April 2015, 08:50 PM
என்ன சொல்ல வறீங்கன்ணு புரியல

மன்னிக்கவும். என் வாசிப்பில் நடுவில் சில பக்கங்களைக் காணோம். அதனால் வந்த குழப்பம். எனது அந்த பதில் கிரேசி பொறாமை கொண்டதாக வந்த உங்களின் பதிவிற்கு அல்ல. இதற்குத்தான். குழப்பத்திற்கு மன்னிக்கவும்.

பலர் ஆட்டிவைக்கும் ஒரு பொம்மை பாண்டே . இதுல சேகர் நேரத்திற்கு கட்சி தாவும் பச்சோந்தி. இவர்கள் எல்லாம் கமலின் கால் தூசிக்குக் கூட சமம் ஆகமாட்டார்கள். நீண்ட நாள் நெடிய நண்பர் என நாசர் இருந்தும் அவராலும் பகுத்தறிவோடு ஒரு கலைஞன் சார்பில் முழுமையாக பேச முடியாத நிலைமை. கூத்துதான்.
How will sv sekar support kamalhaasan..sv sekar and crazy mohan were competitors in drama troupe but kamalhaasan always provide chances/support to crazy..
Sv'ku poraamai irukka thaana seiyum..
Coming to issue--at most "vekkam kettu panriyum thaan thaan endraan" word will be muted..nothing more..

10th April 2015, 08:55 PM
Padam varattum,paakurom apram nallarukka nallalaiyaanu discuss pannuvom..no assumptions,crying,sleepless nights before..

10th April 2015, 08:55 PM
Totally agree - why can't he use crazy?All of his collaborations with Crazy have been hits....

And, how come crazy will say that about a Kamal movie - doesn't he know that word gets around? What if Kamal realizes Crazy said that?

Also UV, there is a bit about Sivaji over-acting and Bharathan rejecting that and Kamal politely saying to Sivaji that "neenga pannathu chinna tevar mathiri irukku, periya tevar varanum" or something to that effect; and that is how we got that gem of a scene - it is in one of Kamal's interviews - probably the one with Ramesh Arvind.

Good point, if crazy has said about the movie and KH knows about it, future collaborations if any , it will be the end of KH-Crazy.

10th April 2015, 08:57 PM
Crazy Mohan in the interview of vijay TV with DD told that the movie was fantastic and what is this non sense.

Arvind Srinivasan
10th April 2015, 09:02 PM

The extent to which these guys go just to block the release of a movie.....This seriously rakes the question of as to how Vishwaroopam II will be released. Oru sarchayum illlaatha Uttama Villainkkae intha gathi.....They never learn....

10th April 2015, 09:14 PM
indha naaigala modhalla arrest pannanum. imho kh should remove the word "vetkankettu" by himself.

the bottom line is successive blockbuster for kh.

10th April 2015, 09:15 PM
Totally agree - why can't he use crazy?
கிரேசி இடம்பெறாத தசாவதாரம், அன்பே சிவம், விஸ்வரூபம், இந்தியன், ஹேராம் போன்ற படங்களில் வசனத்தைப் பொருத்தவரை ஒரு குறைச்சலும் இல்லை!

10th April 2015, 09:23 PM

The extent to which these guys go just to block the release of a movie.....This seriously rakes the question of as to how Vishwaroopam II will be released. Oru sarchayum illlaatha Uttama Villainkkae intha gathi.....They never learn....

பினாத்தலின் உச்சகட்டம் - I mean these guys rambling on!


Part 1: Kamal makes VR -> screens it to Muslim groups (allegedly at the behest of Jaya Madam) -> Kamal offers to eat biriyani with them during Ramzan and other related BS -> despite biriyani eating offer, Muslim group leaders consciously choose to get offended (likely at the behest of Jaya Madam) by VR -> ஆச்சா போச்சா shouting and cribbing follows -> சட்டம் ஒழுங்கு Lord Labakkudos matter அது இதுன்னு ஏதோ சொல்லி VR gets a temporary ban -> Kamal is annoyed and is interviewed by all national channels -> film gets released after muting and deleting 'objectionable' scenes.

Part 2: Kamal makes UV -> releases audio -> no biriyani no showing to Hindu groups etc -> one song allegedly is abusive of Hindu God -> Hindu group leaders say 'அவிங்க feelings ஐ offend பண்ணும்போது மட்டும் சாஷ்டாங்க நமஸ்காரம் செஞ்சியே, இப்ப எங்களுக்கும் செஞ்சிறு' -> film will get released after muting that line as a சாஷ்டாங்க நமஸ்காரம் gesture.

possible Part 3 - fill up the blanks..

மட சாம்ப்ராணி மக்காஸ் - போயி புள்ளங்கள படிக்க வையுங்கடா

10th April 2015, 09:48 PM
பினாத்தலின் உச்சகட்டம் - I mean these guys rambling on!

நாசர் இதைத்தான் கோடிட்டுக் காட்டினார் தந்தி தொலைக்காட்சி -பாண்டேவுடனான உரையாடலில். அதாவது மற்ற மதங்களும் இணைந்து குரல் கொடுக்கணும் என! சபாஷ்! அதைப் போலவே சேர்ந்துவிட்டார்கள் மத அடிப்படை வாதிகள் ஓர் முனையில். இதுதான் கமலும், கமலின் நெடியகால நண்பர் எனச் சொல்லப்படும் மற்றவர்களின் புரிதல்களும்.

10th April 2015, 10:03 PM
Nasser sollumpothey .... i told my wife. Stupid ideas he is givingm all theists will gang up now ... same hapend

11th April 2015, 12:52 AM
confirmed that it is a rumour.... Lost too much sleep over this stupid rumour spread by some Rajini fan through Anban.

C Kalyan does not touch anything without commercial value... He must have seen the movie.
I am still hopeful.... I do not want a flop at any cost... I hope it wont be...

11th April 2015, 01:03 AM
Nalla velai rumor! Lets hope for the best, Doctor.

11th April 2015, 01:07 AM
Om Naraaya naaya ......om Naaraaya naaya. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh .........

11th April 2015, 01:33 AM
Happada. Oorupadiya padam paakalam eppudiyo!

11th April 2015, 04:41 AM
confirmed that it is a rumour.... Lost too much sleep over this stupid rumour spread by some Rajini fan through Anban.

C Kalyan does not touch anything without commercial value... He must have seen the movie.
I am still hopeful.... I do not want a flop at any cost... I hope it wont be...

I lost few hours thinking about it. Was feeling quite bad till this moment after reading that comment.

Btw, who is C Kalyan? Eros head or any distributor?

11th April 2015, 07:25 AM
There r 2 "songs" which are more than 8 minutes each. I hope those will be gripping enough.

11th April 2015, 07:28 AM
I lost few hours thinking about it. Was feeling quite bad till this moment after reading that comment.

Btw, who is C Kalyan? Eros head or any distributor?
C kalyan is telugu producer.he produced GVM neethaane in telugu (and it ran better there compared to tamil plus shorter length ; anout 2hrs vs tamils 2.5.)

11th April 2015, 06:31 PM
Nammavar has achieved something big by sacrificing himself ... he has united the VHP(Hindu body) and INL (a Muslim body). A feat indeed!

Personally think there's nothing objectionable with it (Hiranya naadagam). Obviously demons and devils will abuse gods and eventually get terminated. Summa vidungappa.

The Indian National League (INL), a Muslim organisation, has joined the fight along side the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) against the release of Kamal Haasan-starrer "Uttama Villain", claiming the film will hurt religious sentiments.

In its petition, INL said that Haasan's film Vishwaroopam hurt the sentiments of the Muslims. Now, his new film Uttama Villain is playing with the sentiments of Hindus.

"It's not nice on Kamal Haasan's part to offend the sentiments of different communities with his films. If he's creating controversies for publicity, it's really cheap on his part. We demand strict action against him," M. Nazeer Ahammad, secretary of INL, told the police.

On April 8, the VHP had sought a ban on the film claiming it would offend the religious sensibilities of Hindus. They were upset with the lyrics of a song 'Iraniyan Nadagam' in the film, saying it will upset the followers of Lord Vishnu.

According to the VHP, the song belittles the conversation between mythological figures Prahalad and Hiranyakashipu.

Directed by Ramesh Aravind, the film, which is slated for release on May 1, is said to be the story of an 8th century theatre artist and a modern day superstar.


Arvind Srinivasan
11th April 2015, 06:49 PM
https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11061718_846088765438759_8156231583454842265_n.jpg ?oh=99d42bbf69105e804a4db73805325d72&oe=559D1435

New poster.

11th April 2015, 06:57 PM
Best one till now

Arvind Srinivasan
11th April 2015, 07:13 PM
^ Looks majestic. But photoshop pannirukarudhu nalla theriyudhu, the eyes especially...A tad artificial in my honest opinion.....

11th April 2015, 10:22 PM
https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11061718_846088765438759_8156231583454842265_n.jpg ?oh=99d42bbf69105e804a4db73805325d72&oe=559D1435

New poster.

அதாகப்பட்டது ஏற்கனவே NT ராமராவ் காரு செஞ்சு வச்சுட்டு போன பொன்னான வேடத்தை கமல் செஞ்சு கோதாவரி மாவட்டத்து ராமராவ் காரு பக்தர்கள் கூட்டம் அவர்களோட sentiments பனால் ஆகிவிட்ட நிலையில், இந்த போஸ்டரையும் அதற்கு சொந்தமான கமலையும் இந்தியாவில் நடமாட தடை விதிக்க வேண்டும் என்று கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளனர்...

12th April 2015, 04:13 AM
https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11061718_846088765438759_8156231583454842265_n.jpg ?oh=99d42bbf69105e804a4db73805325d72&oe=559D1435

New poster.The costume and personality reminds me of MGR in a song sequence in USV

12th April 2015, 08:22 AM
The VHP branch that filed a compliant will be a non-issue. Perhaps may even help the movie with some publicity. Not sure why everyone is so worked up. This is not the same as the issue with VR.

12th April 2015, 08:31 AM
The VHP branch that filed a compliant will be a non-issue. Perhaps may even help the movie with some publicity. Not sure why everyone is so worked up. This is not the same as the issue with VR.
I can see why Kamal is not even trying to answer to these silly controversies. Movie has U certification. Period.

I think the regret from screening VR to muslims groups before earning the temp ban was a mistake and hence he put zero efforts in answering Qs in times now arnab interview. He knows feeding more answers will trigger more unwanted followups.

C kalyan is still going ahead with release without screening to these publishitty mannans. Let us follow the same. If it goes the VR way come 3 weeks, we'll see. Hopefully not.

12th April 2015, 09:27 AM
Have been a silent spectator in this group for a long while.

Yesterday, saw the trailer in Devi, Chennai. The audio effect was not upto the mark in the trailer, and the audience were silent through out the duration - 2:36.

12th April 2015, 02:32 PM
Reason for delay


12th April 2015, 02:52 PM
News getting from bad to worse

12th April 2015, 04:01 PM
Just Like VR. We kept thinking it is just a noise. But matter became serious.
Here it is worse :-(

12th April 2015, 07:11 PM

என்ன கொடுமை பாருங்கள்... வழக்குப் போட்டவர் கமல். ஆனால் அவரிடம் நேரடியாகக் கேட்க இவர்களுக்கு தைரியமில்லை. கமலை வைத்து படம் தயாரித்த தயாரிப்பாளரின் கழுத்தை நெறிப்பது எந்த வகை தொழில் நியாயம்?


13th April 2015, 07:34 AM

என்ன கொடுமை பாருங்கள்... வழக்குப் போட்டவர் கமல். ஆனால் அவரிடம் நேரடியாகக் கேட்க இவர்களுக்கு தைரியமில்லை. கமலை வைத்து படம் தயாரித்த தயாரிப்பாளரின் கழுத்தை நெறிப்பது எந்த வகை தொழில் நியாயம்?


finally the news has come out. this is exactly what i have been saying. this is the real issue..the theater hooligans shud die off ...now even if the movie gets released ...DCR will be tampered and the movie stopped from showing much before its due...

in this situation which producer with nerves of steel will come to produce his movie going forward

13th April 2015, 11:27 AM
I keep on saying this is the issue and not the VFX,blah,blah..
But compare to before this issue is much settled now,so no need to worry..Before many people including big shots like abirami ramanathan were causing the issue and now it came down to one man pannnnnnnnneeeeeeer..
Abirami ramanathan and others were waiting for kamalhaasan own production movies which they will issue "red" if KH didn't pay the money they demanded..long way to go..
If KH is not compromising with all problems created by perichaalis which I feel is right then its better he acts under his home production..he knows how to handle it

13th April 2015, 02:21 PM
As per some other rumours, that the climax of the movie is changed using VFX and only very few people know about the same, doubt that even Crazy Mohan has seen that. Need not worry about movie's quality, it will be a fine balance between Class and mass. The problem is about what kind of pre-release dramas which are going to happen.

13th April 2015, 02:28 PM
Konarga Crazy Mohanai
Kettu theligiren

Vaada crazy vaa , yen aapeesil ukkanthu slaadai nagaichuvai pesa ..... vaada crazy vaa.

Nee padam kadi endru solvathu blasphemy allavaa crazy.
Nee solla vendiyathu .... aaha oho fantastic.

Aahaan ..... sol.
Saar ..... padam kadi, sema kadi


13th April 2015, 03:29 PM

13th April 2015, 05:46 PM
looks like issue resolve

Nikkil Murugan @onlynikil · 39m 39 minutes ago
#UttamaVillain we had some issues with uv release for which a solution has been reached amicably says dir Lingusamy

Nikkil Murugan @onlynikil · 29m 29 minutes ago
#UttamaVillain ulaganayagan ready to withdraw the petition filed. An action has been taken frm his end - excerpt frm meet

13th April 2015, 05:47 PM
மே 1-ம் தேதி ரிலீஸ் என்று அறிவிக்கப்பட்டிருந்த ‘உத்தம வில்லன்’ திரைப்படம் மேலும் தாமதமாகும் என்று தெரிகிறது.
விபரங்கள் விரைவில்...

Though it's a tweet from a anti-Kamal fan.. Still.. Hearing the delay for even May 1 release.. Sigh.

13th April 2015, 05:49 PM
This should end the speculation

#UttamaVillain now the film release by may 1 says dir lingu confirmed by theat assn pres mr ramanathan as well

13th April 2015, 05:57 PM
This should end the speculation

#UttamaVillain now the film release by may 1 says dir lingu confirmed by theat assn pres mr ramanathan as well

yes.. :)

13th April 2015, 05:57 PM
If 1st May, I may end up watching it from Kerala.
Will try to contact old comrades and see whether something can be planned.

13th April 2015, 06:11 PM
If 1st May, I may end up watching it from Kerala.
Will try to contact old comrades and see whether something can be planned.

that's the motivation.. have fun sir :)

13th April 2015, 06:13 PM
London Kannan swamy a very staunch and veteran Kamal fan will pick me up from Heathrow airport tomoro.

13th April 2015, 06:38 PM

doctor annan, innuma itha paakkala..

13th April 2015, 06:39 PM
Sangu thaan di. 172 minutes ..... Ooooooooooooooo

13th April 2015, 06:43 PM
CBFC knows how to spoil a meta commentary song.