Parallel Lover - Part 2

Topic started by Sweetie (@ on Sun Dec 8 11:35:41 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


"Hi Naveen!"
"Hi Neha!"
Neha stood uncertainly at the door.
"Come in," said Naveen.
"Oh God, it's so good to see you again Naveen. How's life?"
"Fine, where's uncle and aunty?"
"Downstairs with your parents as usual, chatting away."
She wondered listlessly around the room.
"Neha, come sit here. I need to ask your advice on something," dropping his voice confidentially,"It's about Priya."

Priya. He had met her two years ago on the train. Slowly he had started to fall in love with her but she kept on rejecting him. She just wanted to be friends. Besides he was a year younger than her.

Neha watched him with his head bowed. She hated seeing him like this. She loved him. In what way, she didn't know. They had known each other since they were babies. He was her cousin but also like the brother she had never had.

She tried to reach out, to tell him it was ok. But she couln't. Something was holding her back.

He broke the silence. "Neha, if you were Priya, what would I have to do to impress you?"

She thought for a moment.
" I'm not Priya, Naveen. It's her you love, not me."
Naveen stared at her, then,
"Yes, you're right."

They sat there in silence.


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