its happened again!
Topic started by Jenin (@ on Sun May 18 06:28:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Last evening, it poted a request for "Bread Pudding". It disappeared. so, this morning I re-posted the request & also made sure that it has appeared as a new thread. Now its almost 1pm here. My 2nd post has also done the vanishing trick. Any clue what's happening?
- From: jenin (@
on: Sun May 18 06:37:42 EDT 2003
oops sorry! I just found my 2nd post but not the original one. Besides I'm sure the 2nd was not here when I started this thread.
- From: Miami (@
on: Sun May 18 22:25:51 EDT 2003
Bread Pudding disappeared? Somebody must have eaten it!
- From: Idiappam (@
on: Mon May 19 03:40:11 EDT 2003
Perhaps, jenin, apple pudding might stay!
- From: Jenin (@
on: Tue May 20 07:52:18 EDT 2003
I'm laughing out loud. Nice ones Miami & Idiappam. Strange I found all 3 posts now. But does anyone have the recipe for Bread Pudding? Come on mum's with kids at least u should know. Its a very healthy treat for kids!
- From: Miami (@
on: Tue May 20 23:32:11 EDT 2003
>>Come on mum's with kids at least u should know.
Idiappam and Miami are mums with kids? hahaha.....
Certainly I am not one. And I don't think a mum with kid will post under a name called Idiappam either!!
OK Jenin, I never made a bread pudding in my life. But here are some recipe sites which can you get started with not just one, but plenty of pudding recipes. So prepare a pudding and send some to Miami and Idiappam!
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