Topic started by Maya Varma (@ on Mon Apr 8 01:02:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


Raw mangoes 500 gms
Fenugreek seeds 3 tbsp
Fennel seeds 4 tbsp
Red chili powder 2 tbsp
Turmeric powder 2 tsp
Mustard seeds 3 tbsp
Gingely oil 350 mls
Salt As per taste


Cut raw mangoes into half, remove seed and then cut ūth inch sized pieces.

Apply salt, rub nicely and then keep it for half an hour. Drain out excess moisture.

Grind fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds and mustard seeds to a coarse powder.

Heat gingely oil until smoking point, remove and let it cool.

Mix fenugreek seeds, fennel and mustard powder with red chili powder. Add half of the gingely oil to this mixture and rub this spice and oil mixture to the mango pieces. Mix thoroughly.

Put this into an earthenware jar and pour the remaining gingely oil. Cover the jar with a muslin cloth and keep it in the sun for 5-6 days.

Make sure you stir the contents of the jar for the first two weeks at least once a day. This is to ensure that the mango pieces are always in contact with the oil.


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