Topic started by sdeepak (@ on Sun May 26 08:24:06 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Can someone give me recipie/recipies for a dish using tofu ?
- From: Chitra (@
on: Sun May 26 10:41:22
Spinach with tofu:
Tofu ˝ packet
Spinach leaves 1 bunch
Garlic 4 cloves
Green chilly pepper 1 or 2
Turmeric a pinch
Cooking oil
Open and remove the tofu from the packet. You may need only half the amount of tofu to make this dish. So slice it into half. Place the unused portion in a container with a lid and pour cold water to cover the tofu and store it in the refrigerator for later use. Sprinkle some salt on either side of the tofu that you are planning to use now. Take a non stick pan and heat it up. Pour a tablespoon of cooking oil into the pan and place the tofu in it as a big piece and fry it to a golden brown color on both sides. Now remove the tofu from the pan and slice it into small pieces in whichever way you like it. I find this method of frying and then cutting the tofu easier than cutting it into small pieces before frying it. You can do it either way. Keep the fried tofu aside.
Wash well the spinach leaves to get rid of the sand and the soil from the leaves. Cut them into fairly big pieces. Keep aside.
Slice the garlic and the chilly pepper into thin slices.
Heat up a pan and when it is hot pour about a tablespoon of Peanut or any oil of your choice. To this add garlic and sauté for a minute or so. Now add the sliced green chillies and sauté. When it is cooked for a minute add a pinch of turmeric and then the chopped spinach. Sprinkle some salt to taste, mix well and cover the pan. Open the lid and stir the contents occasionally until the spinach is cooked. It takes only a few minutes to prepare this dish. To the cooked spinach add the fried tofu and mix well. You can serve this dish with rice or chappathies.
- From: sdeepak (@
on: Sun May 26 13:00:13
Thank you chitra. Sounds like a good and easy dish to make. I will be trying this soon.
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