Topic started by Keya (@ on Tue Jun 24 16:19:55 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hello Chitra,
By reading the posts on this forum I understand that you have lot of knowledge and experience about curry leaves plant. I have a curry leaves plant which is about 6 years old and 6 ft tall. It has got many shoots. One day I notice some black coloured bug / eggs on it so used 'Bugs-B-Gone' and since then all new and beatifully grown matured leaves are falling down. It ia a pain to see it ( specially when it happens by your mistake). My questions is
1. What to do I do to avoid such kind of things in future? Which pesticide can I use
2. where the leaves are fallen, will there be any new growth?
3. How often Do I need to fertilize the plant?
Thank You very much in advance for your time and advice.