Kitchen Cleanliness

Topic started by Kamakshi Subbiah (@ on Tue Nov 25 15:19:01 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello friends,
I need some help on how to keep the kitchen tidy AT ALL TIMES. By the time I finish cooking a meal, the sink is full of vessels to be washed. Once that's done, the next lot of dishes (after the meal) is ready to be washed & my sink seems always full! I'm stuck in the kitchen for most of the day & still can't get everything done. A couple of my friends too are struggling to manage their time between cooking & cleaning. We have also been to some homes where the kitchen is very very neat--- in spite of the lady being in the midst of her cooking!!
I am really desperate to improve my efficiency in the kitchen . Hope you can give some useful tips & helpful advice on how to maintain order & neatness. Please help with your suggestions.


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