Food for the hair
Topic started by t (@ on Fri Aug 6 10:42:20 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
What are the good food to be taken for healthy hair?
What are good things to apply on hair?
Is applying hair oil once a week good for hair?
Is it OK to wash your hair everyday.
How to prevent hair loss?
Will swimming regularly have a bad effect on hair?
Are there any preventions swimmers need to take to protect their hair?
Is applying shikekai/kadala mavu or shampoo better for hair?
- From: anjana (@
on: Fri Aug 6 22:26:26 EDT 2004
1) Every Tuesday and friday apply warm oil (gingelly) to your hair. Keep it for a couple of hours or a min 1 hr. Wash it off with shikkakai.
Next day wash with shampoo.
2) You can soak henna overnight (add amla powder, coffee powder, lemon juice, sugar - all optional) in a iron kadhai. Apply to each parting of the hair from roots -> tips.
3) Each a lot of greens (containing high iron content)
4) Be Stress free
5) Washing hair with hard water everyday is not good. Once or twice a week is good.
6) Most of the pools have a high chlorine content, so cover your hair with a wrap (available at most swminning stores) if you want to swim everyday.
HOPE all this helps.
- From: John (@
on: Sun Aug 8 01:38:26 EDT 2004
Millet is said to be good for hair and nails.
- From: Miami (@
on: Sun Aug 8 14:13:34 EDT 2004
Millet = Kambu (in Tamil)?
- From: Kamakshi (@
on: Sun Aug 8 17:45:31 EDT 2004
Cucumber juice promotes hair growth due to its high silicon content. It is more beneficial if taken daily, in combination with juices of carrot, spinach, lettuce etc. Even regularly eating cucumbers is good but NEVER peel them; max. nutrients are in the skin & just beneath it. Include more of curry leaves, coriander leaves in your daily diet.
- From: Rema Sriram (@
on: Tue Aug 10 06:44:10 EDT 2004
Eating a spoonfull of dried mixed furits and nuts daily helps its growth.
Heat a cup of gingely oil, add some grains of rice(any), pepper seeds and cumin seeds and apply an hr before bath and then wash. This helps solve dandruff to a certain extent.
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