Topic started by R (@ pcp729214pcs.arlngt01.va.comcast.net) on Sun Oct 6 11:56:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
We got a vegetable called Pipian here in US. What is its Indian equivalent ?
Anyone have any idea about how we can cook it for Indian taste ?
- From: Chitra (@ sdn-ap-021txhousp0185.dialsprint.net)
on: Sun Oct 13 20:14:08
Hello R,
This vegetable Pipian, is it a tuber like Taro root? I did a Google search, and there is a 'nut and seed based sauce' called Pipian, in Mexican cuisine. Can you please give us a description of this vegetable, so that someone may be able to help you.
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