Topic started by HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP (@ on Tue Dec 25 22:51:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Can anyone give me the recipe for Bangalore "RAVA KITCHADI" Please?
- From: Hemant (@
on: Sun Dec 30 05:19:39
I will be posting Rava Khichadi in Hemant's corner tonight
- From: Rajagopala i yer (@
on: Wed Feb 27 10:08:44
well its very simple.Th ingradients would consist of following:
Rava 2 cups
samia 1/2 cup(optional)
water 2 glases(or to the consistency desired)
mustard 1 spoon
chana dal 1 spoon
asfoteda(to taste)
cashew nut 2 spoons(may be 4 numbers)
salt 2 tea spoons
turmeric half tea spoon
groundnut oil 1/2 cup
ghee (optiona) ( as perconvnence)
totmatoes 1 number
onion 2numbers
green chillis 3 numbers
coriander leaves(few as per needs)
a pan , and a heater or a stove (by default)
method of prperation:
1)take ghee in pan (2 spoons), heat it, fry the rava and samia in ghee till rava turns in very pale brown. transfer it to another vessel.
2)heat 1/2 cup oil, put the mutsard and channa dal.cut the chilli ,onions and tomatoes finely(prior to preperation)
3)now add asfoteda to heated oil+mustard + ahanna dal
4) add pieces of green chillis+ onion
5) once onion gets fried add salt and turmeric powder
6) add tomatoes and fry
7) pour water and mix the ingradients and allow it to boil.
8) pour samia and rava...slowly along with constant steering during pouring to avaoid formation of lumps,
9)once conssitency is plastic remove it from stove and trasfer it to another vessel
10)decorate with liitle ghee, coriander leaves and cashenuts(fried ones prefferable)
thats a tasy rava kitchadi
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