Those who think the Yogurt is vegetarian..

Topic started by Ram (@ on Wed May 1 14:05:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Here is a mail that I received from Yoplait Consumer Services.

Dear R***** R*******:

Thank you for contacting Yoplait-Colombo. We appreciate your interest in the kosher status of Yoplait Yogurt. Whenever feasible, General Mills complies with manufacturing requirements for kosher certification. The gelatin would come from a beef source.

Rabbi Leonard Bronstein has certified our yogurt products as K-Dairy. If you would like further information regarding the kosher status of the yogurt, please contact:

Rabbi Leonard Bronstein
625 Gramatan Ave 3P
Fleetwood, NY 10528

We hope this information is helpful and that you will continue to use and enjoy our products.


Vanessa Penns
Consumer Services

>Original Message From:
>Hi, I have a clarification. Are your yoghurt products 100% vegetarian ?I read that, "The gelatin used in our yogurt is derived from select beef hide trimmings."Does this mean the manufacture of Yoghurt involves killing cows ?Please clarify.Much Thanks,RR.

Question - Is Yogurt sold in US a vegetarian item ?
Answer - NO.

How is it ?


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