Kanchi Vs. The Real Four

Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Sat Aug 10 11:21:53 .
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Kanchi Vs The Real Four

"It is not disputed that the religious reformer Shankar about the eighth century A.D. established four mutts or monasteries for sanyasis and ascetics in the north, south, east and west of India namely the Jyotir Mutt in Badrinath in the Himalayas, the Sringeri Mutt in south India, the Sharada Mutt, Dwaraka in Gujarat and the Goverdana Mutt at Puri in Cuttack."

- High Court, Mumbai - 33 Bombay 278.

"The scriptures which govern the fundamental doctrines and orgin of four mutts are known as matamnaya"

- High Court, Patna - 1936

"Sankara established four maths as seats of religion at four ends of India. the Sringeri mutt on the Sringeri hills in the south; the Sharada mutt on the Dwaraka in the west; the Badrinath mutt at Badrinath in the North and the Goverdana mutt at Puri in the East ...Each of the mutts has a sanyasi as its head who bears the title of Sankaracharya in general. Sankara is said to have four principal disciples who were all brahmins. The orthodox Hindu recognises no other sanysis."

-Supreme Court - 1972

Dear friends,

It is very clear that Kanchi Mutt was not established by the original Sankaracharya. Yet, today the Kanchi Sankaracharya is coming around with a lot of publicity while the other real Sankaracharyas are nowhere seen or heard.
How is it that a Sankaracharya who does not derive real authority from the Adi Sankara has become so politically powerful while the real Sankaracharyas remain simple puppets?


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