Merrry Christmas to Tamil Christians

Topic started by Periyar Arivar (@ on Tue Dec 23 01:15:21 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I, an ardent Saivite wish my fellow Tamils a Merry Christmas. The festival of Christmas is nothing but our Tamil Pongal (harvest festival). All Tamil Saivites like me celeberate Pongal and Christmas.

Thai-Pongal aka Makara Sankaranthi festival was called as Saturnalia by the Romans. Saturn is the son of Sun as per the Tamil-Dravida traditions. Thus, we Tamils praise the Father by celeberating a Festival for Sun in Thai 1st, the Romans celeberated the 'son of Sun', the son of the Father by celeberating Christmas.

"Saturnalia is one of the best known ancient celebrations of the Winter Solstice. The name comes from the Roman God Saturn, who ruled over agriculture. He was the main God honoured at this time, after the fall crops had been sown. Saturnalia lasted for several days (typically 7, but various officials changed the length of the festival on a few occassions). Saturnlia was the greatest festival of the Roman year, and was marked with great feasting, gift-giving, dancing, playing, and relaxing. Homes were decorated, work was suspended, and there was general merry-making done by all."

So, let us wish our fellow Christians enjoy their Christmas remembering that it is a plagiarised Saivite Festival and remember the true Lord on this wonderful day.


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