What is happening to our society? :((

Topic started by Raghu (@ on Thu Feb 5 06:58:17 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear all,

What the hell is happening to our Society (SL & Indian)??, Our culture, life style, religion is all fading away rapidly, the whole society seems to deeply involved in western style. Take language for example.

Speaking English (Tanglish) has become a fashion, ppl think, speaking a word or two in English makes them Intellectuals, how sad, y don't these ppl have respect for their culture & language.

y r they blindly following the English??, what is so great about the British?, after all , decades ago, they were thick & useless Vi kings, living like pigs in tunnels. sorry guys, I am at no cost degrading the british, but they were like that b4, until the civilisation era!

Why do our ppl, avoid speaking in tamil, my blood boils when ever I hear ppl speak in bloody Tanglish/ English. What i don't understand is I have been in UK for the last 15 years, came here as a child, every day out side of house, I need to speak in English with Non - Tamilians, yet, I am very much fluent in Tamil, speaking and writing , (Ok, except the La & Zha bit :)) ).

But ppl from TN whose mother tongue is tamil, speaks in bloody Tanglish, they think that they are cool, infact, they look like idiots, when they do so.

Look at the extensive use of English in Tamil films today!, every damn song has an english word in it!, y ????

It has been more 55 years, since the british left us, but y are we still in English 'Moham' ???

really disgusting indeed!


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