Advice please..on things that works in india and things that don't

Topic started by thara (@ on Mon Jul 23 02:07:55 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

i need soem advice. if i was to buy some land near the madras airport, would it be dumb? it is 9.5 acres and they are asking for 180 lakhs. i think it is a pretty good deal. the area seems nice. decent people around there. all two or three story houses, well maintained. my plans are to build around 15 houses on it. its going to be like a small colony. its going to have automatic gates with codes so that only the people that live there can enter it. have four guards on the four gates. houses will be two story with a basement. they won't have a 50 cents of back yard but a small backyard with balcony like how it is in america or uk. the houses will be foregn style. very elegant. the colony is to be well landscaped with trees and flower garden on the streets. really pretty. i have several plans for the houses but before we get started i am going to advertise it all over hte place in madras. and people are free to come in and talk to the archtect and choose their plans and add a few details to it. then i am going to sell each house for 80n lakhs each. and there goes my profit. what do you say? i want this to get a lot of attention around there. i am going to name the colony after my family name. see i have all this planned out but so far i just have the land. the escrow is done on saturday think it is going to sell here? i do this back home and it is very common there but this is my first time doing it here so i am not sure about it. i am trying to get some opinions on it so pls help me out. if the odds are tought i am going to sell it soon. this is delaying my trip so i need to decide it fast. so please help me out. some advice realy really soon.


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