start a movement to make india a developed country by 2020

Topic started by r.ganesh (@ on Thu Dec 18 12:57:32 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

shri.A.P.J.KALAM,wants our India to be a developed country by the year 2020.The vision can come true by following the undermentioned things.
1)start a movement by keeping aside of all the differences and it shall be as good as a freedom movement during the 1940 -47.
2)All the political parties shall adhere/adapt some basic common programmes /points of shri apj.k ,as their point.
3)project him to the children as next to jawaharlal nehru.
4)all corporates /companies give an advt in media for the ideogies of shri apj.kalam,with a logo of him and generate a brand of "vision 2020".
5)all indian citizens shall commit to the common noble cause.
i hope all of us shall not loose the golden opportunity and enhance the pride of president


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