five yr old kid fell into a 40' pit in Chennai

Topic started by (@ on Sat Sep 1 17:18:22 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

In Chennai, Thamizh Mani, a five yr old kid fell into a 40' pit . even after 50 hrs, he could not have been rescued.
The following links give some information on it.

If me memory serves well, years back there were three similar situations.
1. in Midland, Texas (this was taken as a movie too)
2. in Italy (a failed attempt), and
3. in one of the South American country (Peru/Chile/Argentena)

Is ther anyway, people can utilze the previous experiences for rescuing the child.

I have given the some links related to the previous rescues/attempted rescues.

I wish the people, who involve in the current rescue mission of Thamizh Mani would also study the previous incidents to enhance their professional experience.

similar incidents

Texas Girl's rescue page (with not much details)
[there is a documentary from TLC]


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