Millenium Worst Woman of South India ( JAYALALITHA )

Topic started by Tamilan (@ on Tue Mar 16 05:24:25 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

One of the member listed attributes to Jayalalitha and can be matched those attributes to the qualifing points.

religious: Conduct yagna to escape corruption cases.

kind: Dismiss 2 lakh people overnight.

peace-loving: Has no terms with any opposition leader.

truly secular: send people for Kar Seva.

hard working: Half the year in Hyderabad grape gardens.

workaholic: No one can meet her as she is always busy.

stubborn: Revenge on all those that criticize.

forward-thinking: Preach Periyar and Practice RSS.

revolutionist: Change IAS/IPS officers every week.

loving: Her caste by calling herself Pappaththi.

lovable: Yes, bright and beautiful unlike KK.

reformist: Reform Dravidian party as RSS subsidiary.

humane: Ganja case on all opponents. Or pota,tada.

determined: To wipe out Dravidian ideologies.

wise: By resolving Kaveri issue for example.

intelligent: Caught Veerappan!.

clever : as long as people vote for her complexian.

Yes, Indeed!!. She deserves to be the leader of a country !!!


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