Shifting forward ==>

Topic started by *rak* (@ on Sat Jul 12 08:24:18 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The transition from school to college... how is it going to be.
Like a bird which stays in a cage yearning for freedom, then when the cage door is opened, the self doubt, uncertainity... something that pulls it back from flying away, its not just the safety of the cage... so familiar to it. From moving from the safety of home, parents to a dingy hostel The difference will it be there, will it be just similar??
From laughing to death on seeing Tom n Jerry to a more sophisticated one... when cartoons look childish(this one however doesnt apply 4 me.. I luv cartoons). From the time when how the egg came inside the hen was a big mystery to a time when life is a bigger mystery.
From the time when you just didnt wanna even look at a girl to the time when you secretly hope that "that" girl would atleast notice you.;)
So this vacations after 12th is gonna end and my college starts 17th. Looking forward to a wonderful time.
Please post happenings from ur life n guide...


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