Topic started by venkatkrishnan,k (@ akash6.roltanet.com) on Sun May 4 02:23:30 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

FRIENDS i'VE WRITTEN THIS LETTER TO A NOBLE PERSONALITY,Dr Rafiq Zakaria, who's fought for more than 6 decades for Hindu-Muslim unity.
Please read and respond @venkatkrishnank@rediffmail.com

I've read your great work of literature "Jinnah- the man who partitioned India" and I feel that the Hindu-Muslim "Problem " started then.
I have an E-Mail friend from Pakistan ,who is more like a sister to me.Her name is Fiza Zaki.We've discussed many problems between India and Pakistan and also between Hindus and Muslims.
Like wise I sent some letters to Mr.Ayaz Amir the editor of "Dawn" the leading English daily of pakistan.
Some of the findings between Fiza and myself were:-

1. HINDUTVA AND ISLAMIC "JIHAAD" should come to an end by mutual dialogue.
2.Kashmir seperating from India will only strengthen the hands of Hindu fanatics who want to make India into a "Hindu state" Like wise it will force other parts of India (Or the world) to seek seperation by use of force.Also it will encourage Islamic fanaticism with Kashmir as its new base.
3.The best option is to form a FEDERATION of S.Asia, especially of India -Pakistan and Bangladesh Or Convert the Loc into a permanent border.
4.Hindus and muslims should live in India on the principle of "Panchsheel" as epoused by prime minister Nehru.
5.The Babri masjid as all of us know WAS NOT BUILT by demolishing a Ram temple.Had it been so then Hindus since that time onwards would have fought the muslims for rectification of the wrong doing or even for the eviction of Islam from India.The issue is of a recent one mainly built to create hatred between hindus and muslims ,along with gaining political milage.
The disputed land with appropriate compensation SHOULD BE HANDED OVER BACK TO THE MUSLIMS WITH A NOTE OF APPOLOGY,BY HINDUS.
Sir, I'll be grateful if your noble self can ponder of these "Solutions" to Indo-Pak and Hindu-Muslim problems and let me know your enlightened opinion.
Thanking you,
Your's faith fully,


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