Unemployment : what is the real problem ?

Topic started by DifferentSound (@ on Wed Aug 22 11:51:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Unemployment : The real villain

What is the real cause for unemployment today ?
I think the following are the reasons :

1. Some jobs are viewed as mean while others are considered as prestigeous.

2. Employment is nothing but REALISING ONE'S OWN LIFE'S MISSION AND COMPLETING IT. IT IS NOTHING BUT OCCUPYING A SPACE FOR THE SELF IN THIS WORLD.... TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD WHAT ONE IS CAPABLE OF CONTRIBUTING. The main reason for unemployment is not realising this. People are frantically after jobs....white collar jobs....not realing what can be done by himself...of his own. No one wants to live on the edge...to take some risk...to take his own destiny in his hands. I believe the problem is in the way we think....it is a cancerous pattern of thinking. People fear to be creative, to be enterprising and bold. Everyone wants the salary packet....just that, assured. Young people are languishing without any work all the day and cursing their fate and the rulers... this needs to be changed. One should be responsible for one's own plight, destiny or success. We should start thinking differently.

3. Manual work and trades are shunned by the youth. Everyone wants a swinging chair in an AC Room with a peronal computer and secretary.... If possible a HiTech job in the States...or a Doctor...or an engineer or lawyer atleast. Are these the only jobs? The Governments promote this unhealthy thought patterns by opening as many profesional colleges as possible. Only who are so academic need to go for such jobs. There are other jobs as well which is equally supportive. Every job should be treated with respect. That will be the end of the problem.

Please share your views...


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