Pollution in Chennai

Topic started by Sankar (@ on Thu Nov 22 04:57:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello , I am at a loss to understand what are the measures taken by the Government to arrest the pollution levels at Chennai - be it noise pollution or air pollution etc..

Every Day, when I drive to my office, my ear drums are getting ruptured with the splitting noise from the tampered silencers of autorickshaws.. the more speed they go, the more the noise is... Who is going to do something to stop this.

The water we drink ( despite all possible filtering and boiling) is impure and unsafe...

The exhaust pipes of many vehicles , especially Government buses, autorichshaws and two Wheelers is emitting deadly fumes which makes us feel sick when u stand in a traffic signal..I pity the policemen on duty at these places...I do not find any enforcement action on the controls introduced by Government on Emission test for vehicles every six months..

For any political party or festival or marriages, the Loudspeakers go in full volume without any time limit or decibal levels..

Timing for firing Crackers is ok but what about political parties bursting crackers in the midnight welcoming their leaders to dias for a speech ?

Why nothing is done about these issues..

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