Madurai Veeran and Vedic Science

Topic started by Karthik (@ on Mon Oct 29 12:54:34 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Often our friend Madurai Veeran is very abusive of vedic science. He will pour vitriol on them in any thread, though they have nothing to do wth vedic science. I would like him to come up with his ideas on why he considers them rubbish.

Madurai Veeran:

Let me take up a couple of your favourite hate themes:

You often mention about "mercury ion propelled vimanas". Do you know the name of the treatise in Sanskrit which talks of that? And do you know in which year it was written? And do you know what it says of vimanas? And the author?

You also keep talking of "sulba sutra". Do you know who authored it and when? And the name of the book? And what it deals with? And why you consider sulba sutra a rubbish?

I am expecting pointed answers from you if you ever possess some knowledge on these 2 topics which you often raise.

Once he comes up with his answers, I will take the discussion further from there, throwing light on what the ancient treatises actually say and deal with.


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