Murasoli Maran's Medical Expenses - Why Should We ?

Topic started by TamilNadu Interest Group (@ on Sat Mar 29 10:41:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why is Murasoli Maran still clinging to the post of a minister ? I mean, agreed we want him to recover soon and all that.

His current health situation doesn't permit him to discharge his duties as a minister. In such a case, why don't he resign ? If he is unconscious to do so, why not the people who run his party do so on his behalf ?

What I think is that, Karunanidhi won't do it because, if Maran wasn't a (namesake) minister, Karunanidhi would have to pay the medical bill for Maran's treatment in Houston; but now the (Ilichavai) people/government are footing his bill.

All this, while thousands of poor people suffer in ill-managed Govt. Hospitals. I've seen it first hand day after day.

What's your take on this ?


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