Tattoos in rural India

Topic started by SANGEETA MEHER (@ on Sun Sep 7 00:26:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Tattoos have always been popular in rural Orissa,particularly in the districts of Bolangir and Sonepur which are on the border of Madhya pradesh.You can see elaborate tattoos on the arms and legs pof school and college going girls.Tattooing is a common custom here.But I had no tattoos and never intended to get any.But just after my marriage my mother_in_law forced me to get tattoos.My hubby,other in_laws,even my mum and two elder sisters{both graduates, but having elaborate tattoos on their arms and legs}supported her.I resisted in the beginning, but ultimately I had to I have large sized tattoos on both my arms and legs.It hurt very much while the tattooing was done,particularly on the ankles.
Later my hubby forced me to get his and my name tattooed on my arms.Both the names are tattooed on my left arm in Hindi and on my right arm in Englisg.
But I have accepted it as part of our tradition.I have started liking my tattoos .I do not try to hide them while going out or visiting friends.I expect others who have tattoos to share their stories with me.


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