indian men and black women in the caribbean

Topic started by Vashti (@ on Thu Mar 21 00:20:34 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

hi im from the caribbean, and in the caribbean commuinity we have a great mixture of people. An their is an great influx of east indians. The men and women are mostly teachers or in the medical field. But it is quite obvious that many of the Indian men seem to date and marry black women here in the caribbean. With the prescence of Indian women and indian decent caribbean women they seem to ingore them and head strait for the black girls. What i want to know is that if the stereotyped so stubborn indian man so set in his ways really is more flexible when it comes down to relationships in relation to black women. They all seem to be in love and have no problems about race. It appears to me that over a vast period of time indian men are more attracted to black women than their indian counterparts


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